Oct 25, 2017
I think there is a lot of confusion going on here.

I pointed out that she too promoted him/is friends with him as a negative. It is a bad thing.

No one before you replied to me because they had a problem with me making that sweeping statement.

Linking directly to his Twitter and promoting it is condoning his views. One single click of his profile shows you how vile he is.

Yeah, I was confused by the intent of your first post and what we consider "condoning views".

I was under the impression Jessica was retweeting or promoting some of his tweets.

Her crediting his artwork for a cosplay she did feels like a formality.


Oct 25, 2017
No? I get the yellowface when it comes to her photos and makeup, but pointing to the nick too is just ridiculous
It's pointing to the fact that despite others brushing off her clear desire to look Japanese, she also changed her name to complete the whole thing. No one is claiming that changing your name to an internet alias based on your interests in Japanese culture alone is evidence of appropriation. But the thread is about her pedophilia so imma dip! Peace.


Oct 27, 2017
And I hear you, I definitely could've framed this all way better. Guess I'm just not the person for the job, I just wanted to continue where we all left off in the other thread so as to not take away from that thread. But I also feel it would've been disingenuous to act like I'm NOT aware of the Mike Z accusations if that makes sense.

And that's the problem because it did take aroudn from that other thread. The other thread is getting buried and this one is at the top. Despite your best intentions, it's now coming off as a "whataboutism" thread.
Ain't no way around this shit when you look at otaku/weebery culture. Even in games that people on this site love such as persona (persona 3 portable female route in particular) got shit like this in it. It's why people stay shitting on anime and anime adjacent things, rightfully so imo.


Aug 1, 2019
If you have to pretend you didn't see the Nazi connection so you can attempt to defend a pedo you have to know you're on the wrong side of this.

Deleted member 32679

User requested account closure
Nov 12, 2017
Oof. Well this is a minefield of a topic, and I know nothing about the people involved, but here's my two cents.

On one hand, yeah sexualizing depicted minors is creepy taken at face value. But I think there's some truth to the fact that these aren't real people. You can draw a person and say they're 12 or 20, the intention really doesn't matter, it all comes down to depiction and interpretation. It's fine if that makes you uncomfortable, that's everyone's call to make, but does that make you a pedo or pedo-adjacent? That seems pretty harsh imo, and kind of oblivious to the reality of the situation. Let's not forget that they're fictitious depictions of imaginary people. Bottom line for me is if it's not leading you to sexualize real children, or see children in a sexual light, it shouldn't be seen as a problem. And of course with everything that's within reasonable limits.

And on another note, am I crazy for feeling heartwarmed by the notion of women sexualizing shotas? Men have been getting off to lolis for decades, time for some sexual equality in this fandom!


Jun 15, 2018
Oof. Well this is a minefield of a topic, and I know nothing about the people involved, but here's my two cents.

On one hand, yeah sexualizing depicted minors is creepy taken at face value. But I think there's some truth to the fact that these aren't real people. You can draw a person and say they're 12 or 20, the intention really doesn't matter, it all comes down to depiction and interpretation. It's fine if that makes you uncomfortable, that's everyone's call to make, but does that make you a pedo or pedo-adjacent? That seems pretty harsh imo, and kind of oblivious to the reality of the situation. Let's not forget that they're fictitious depictions of imaginary people. Bottom line for me is if it's not leading you to sexualize real children, or see children in a sexual light, it shouldn't be seen as a problem. And of course with everything that's within reasonable limits.

And on another note, am I crazy for feeling heartwarmed by the notion of women sexualizing shotas? Men have been getting off to lolis for decades, time for some sexual equality in this fandom!

what the fuck


bork bork
Oct 25, 2017
Apologies, we seen to have forgotten to reopen this thread after handling reports. Thread has been reopened.


Mar 4, 2019

Seriously the fuck is up with people, sometimes i forget that lolicons/shotacons are a thing that unironically exists.

Unrelated to the discussion (Really) but i disagree

How old would you say this characters are? (Using official anime art) Think carefully before opening the spoiler

The older one, Ikki, in the back, is 15 yo, the one in front and main character, Seiya, is 13

This forum has this strange lack of imagination that makes people not being able to understand art styles, like, i have read a lot of people here saying that the villager in Animal Crossing is a kid

When he/she is actually a functioning adult

When i saw the thread it made me think about this, actually. It's too convenient
We're not talking about stuff like Saint Seiya, JoJo where characters basically look and act like adults, no one's gonna call anyone a pedo for stuff like that

Like was mentioned characters who are said to be underage and look underage is the big problem in stuff like LoveLive


Oct 28, 2017
So, going by the logic employed by both Bunny and and people in this thread; that drawings of humans cannot be underage because (being figments of someone's imagination) they cannot actually be any specific age...

I wonder what these people would say about someone whose entire artistic output was drawings of humans killing and degrading other humans, only the people being killed were all depicted as the stereotypical, dehumanising caricatures of say, jewish, black, or asian people? And plastered across these drawings in bold letters was "Kill all the vermin".

I mean, logically this would be unproblematic and definitely not hate speech, because fictional depictions of humans cannot have an ethnicity, any more than they can be a certain age.
Jun 2, 2019

We're not talking about stuff like Saint Seiya, JoJo where characters basically look and act like adults, no one's gonna call anyone a pedo for stuff like that

Like was mentioned characters who are said to be underage and look underage is the big problem in stuff like LoveLive

In the post you quoted i specify that my reply is unrelated to the issue at hand. And i already stressed that.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
So, going by the logic employed by both Bunny and and people in this thread; that drawings of humans cannot be underage because (being figments of someone's imagination) they cannot actually be any specific age...

I wonder what these people would say about someone whose entire artistic output was drawings of humans killing and degrading other humans, only the people being killed were all depicted as the stereotypical, dehumanising caricatures of say, jewish, black, or asian people? And plastered across these drawings in bold letters was "Kill all the vermin".

I mean, logically this would be unproblematic and definitely not hate speech, because fictional depictions of humans cannot have an ethnicity, any more than they can be a certain age.

I think the bigger question is, what does it mean when there is an entire industry that not only supports those depictions, but nurtures them and says that it's okay.

You don't have to go far to find very popular romance manga about older women and very young boys. Shit, on this very thread, we have people talking about their monogatari journey, a series that REVELS, absolutely ADORES it's sexual depictions of underaged kids. And they're not being malicious or gross, they're just talking about watchin' an anime.

That's the big problem here. That this is so normalized, that its in everything, that its so prevalent that people can legit go their whole lives thinking "It's just another trope". I'm not even factoring in the echo chamber or celeb status that BunnyAyu has from her streaming and adult career because i've seen, personally, with my own eyes, how easy it can be for regular people to not be able to see the problem.


Oct 27, 2017
Can someone tell me what's "lewding" in those tweets? Masturbating to? Or what?


Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Inappropriate commentary surrounding sexualization of miniors.
I fully admit that I'm only vaguely familiar with the entire issue at hand, but why is this thread allowed? From my understanding this is someone who accused someone else of sexual harassment. And so is this really the right moment to open a thread on how she's a pedophile? As disgusting as you may find that, if she hasn't acted on it and she hasn't sought any real CP, the only real victims here are still those who suffered said sexual harassment. Drawing attention away from that fact *right now* seems very suspect to me.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a (large?) section of anime culture that normalizes and defends stuff like this unfortunately.
Yeah, it's hard to say how large it is, but it was always at least tolerated and not really considered problematic. I haven't really paid attention to anime for nearly a decade, but it sure doesn't seem like that attitude has improved over the years.
"Drawings dont have ages."

This gotta be the dumbest crap I read today.
Drawing don't have ages, except when the content is sexually explicit, in which case all characters depicted are 18+, even though they're wearing junior high/high school uniforms.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Drawing don't have ages, except when the content is sexually explicit, in which case all characters depicted are 18+, even though they're wearing junior high/high school uniforms.

Or they have a little backstory that says they're actually 1000, even when they have the body of a prepubescent girl.


Mar 4, 2019
Hearing Jessica Nigri in this thread is a shame. I met her once at a con and she seemed cool but this is yikes
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Deleted member 4452

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I fully admit that I'm only vaguely familiar with the entire issue at hand, but why is this thread allowed? From my understanding this is someone who accused someone else of sexual harassment. And so is this really the right moment to open a thread on how she's a pedophile? As disgusting as you may find that, if she hasn't acted on it and she hasn't sought any real CP, the only real victims here are still those who suffered said sexual harassment. Drawing attention away from that fact *right now* seems very suspect to me.
On the contrary, apparently it was a mod request to make a new thread about it to not take away from the other thread's main topic https://www.resetera.com/threads/ns...edophile-adjacent.238381/page-4#post-38479642


Nov 17, 2017
I can't even get my head round being attracted to cartoon characters, never mind child characters.
WTF is wrong with people.

Deleted member 9479

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Before I make this post I want to say up front the whole professing sexual attraction for illustrated children is fifty shades of fucked up, full stop. Please don't get the wrong idea.

In this case, basically making sexy versions of cosplay of underaged characters or doing lewd poses or risque photoshoots as an underaged character.

wait hang on so the discussion is not about lewd illustrations of under age characters but about ADULTS doing cosplay?


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Inflammatory Point of Comparison
It feels really really weird to have this suddenly be a thing for this specific person, when they're accusing MikeZ. Like, yeah it's gross, b ut it's also gross in the way that basically anyone with an anime avatar anywhere is equally gross.

There's a big issue to me when it comes up BECAUSE of the accusations, and feels like an attack on a victim specifically, rather than "Hey, Anime fans are hella pervy about childlike characters" which we have discussed plenty before.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (3 Months): Dismissing concerns around sexualised imagery of minors and inflammatory accusations over multiple posts
Before I make this post I want to say up front the whole professing sexual attraction for illustrated children is fifty shades of fucked up, full stop. Please don't get the wrong idea.

wait hang on so the discussion is not about lewd illustrations of under age characters but about ADULTS doing cosplay?

It's both. IMO this whole thing is still people trying to assassinate BunnyAyu's character for making an off color joke about why the majority of female characters, regardless of age, especially when underaged, are allowed to be sex symbols but male characters in the same situation aren't. Did she word it poorly, absolutely. Was it flippant and ignores the fact that anime has a MEAN streak of pedophilia running through it a lot of the time? Yes. Is she actually FACTUALLY wrong? Yes. She's trying to make a point but, eesh...

As the conversation continued, it shifted into the conversation of her and other cosplayers who do adult photoshoots adding to pedophilia behavior by doing lewd cosplays of characters who are underaged. Personally I think that's ridiculous and unless you're about to go after party city for selling sexy pikachu costumes (which do exist), the act of shaming that is just lashing out against sex workers in general.
Oct 25, 2017
Considering how much anime tends to treat characters as grown people past the age of like 15, and considering how normalized liking ambigiously aged characters are in the anime (or really, any) space, I'm suprised people are throwing around "pedophile" so liberally

Are you wrong for using the word? I...guess not? The idea of someone one legit equating a large swath of anime fans, including friends/reviewers/cosplayers/artists/etc, with people that get off to little kids is a lot for me to take in, I'll just say that..

I say all that thinking the anime/manga/(insert whatever space this applies to) industry should avoid sexualizing underage characters (esp. children, pre-teens), and should dissuade folks from thinking age gaps are ok (e.g. 16 year old dating 27 year old busniessman). Regardless of my hesitation to use "pedophile" at dudes that ran/run around here with cutesy anime shit, I do think that it is very good to examine and critique the way mass media sexualises children and think its okay because "they don't look like kids, so its fine!"


Oct 25, 2017
I am Asian and not sure what I am supposed to be offended of?
She is some crazy weabo that is wearing make up, so what?

It's not like she is doing some caricature to make fun of Asians.

I'm also Asian. There is nothing wrong with a woman who styles herself being a weabo or influenced by anime character.
But on the subject of Shotas/Loli and sexualizing underage cartoon = Disgusting.

Deleted member 4452

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
'It's no pedophilia, it's ephebophilia' is a real thing some people say to defend their attraction to underage children.


Dec 13, 2017
Yeah, it's hard to say how large it is, but it was always at least tolerated and not really considered problematic. I haven't really paid attention to anime for nearly a decade, but it sure doesn't seem like that attitude has improved over the years.

Drawing don't have ages, except when the content is sexually explicit, in which case all characters depicted are 18+, even though they're wearing junior high/high school uniforms.

It's also something that the FGC is now dealing with in a very direct way (and not just people sexualizing drawings of minors but reports of adults in their 20s actually living out those fantasies and having taken advantage of real life minors).

Seeing so many immediately dismiss it is disappointing.


Feb 17, 2019
Kimetsu no Yaiba brought out a lot of that stuff. It's the opposite of moe girls.
Oct 25, 2017
If you think this is worst, wait until you read Puppeh's twitlonger about Cinnipeh a few days ago and it was repulsive. I feel sorry for the victims they went through.
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Deleted member 203

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think the bigger question is, what does it mean when there is an entire industry that not only supports those depictions, but nurtures them and says that it's okay.

You don't have to go far to find very popular romance manga about older women and very young boys. Shit, on this very thread, we have people talking about their monogatari journey, a series that REVELS, absolutely ADORES it's sexual depictions of underaged kids. And they're not being malicious or gross, they're just talking about watchin' an anime.

That's the big problem here. That this is so normalized, that its in everything, that its so prevalent that people can legit go their whole lives thinking "It's just another trope". I'm not even factoring in the echo chamber or celeb status that BunnyAyu has from her streaming and adult career because i've seen, personally, with my own eyes, how easy it can be for regular people to not be able to see the problem.
This. I think talking about the culture that normalizes these depictions is a lot more fruitful (and less of a minefield - accusing someone of being an actual pedophile is not something one should do lightly) than going after individuals for having problematic tastes in media. I can personally be grossed out by these kinds of depictions and the way anime sexualizes young (looking) characters in general, but the problem isn't one person, it's literally the entire culture cultivated by this medium.
I fully admit that I'm only vaguely familiar with the entire issue at hand, but why is this thread allowed? From my understanding this is someone who accused someone else of sexual harassment. And so is this really the right moment to open a thread on how she's a pedophile? As disgusting as you may find that, if she hasn't acted on it and she hasn't sought any real CP, the only real victims here are still those who suffered said sexual harassment. Drawing attention away from that fact *right now* seems very suspect to me.
This weirds me out too. Why are people digging up shit on her *now*? To make her an acceptable target? The same thing happened here with the woman who accused the Bungie employee of grooming her. It's suuuuuper sus. It's not like she's committed any crimes or done anything to make us question her accusations so what is this thread other than a witch hunt?


Oct 25, 2017
... I'm aware.

I agree with you.

Why are you replying to me like I was arguing against that?

Sorry for the huge delay in this but yeah I got mixed up. Sorry to have confused you.

Nigri shouldn't be promoting that bastards work regardless of what she like from it. Silence is free as hell.


Oct 27, 2017
I know everyone's quoted it to hell and back, but I can't get over that one post. One of the most absurd things I've ever seen anyone write.