Oct 27, 2017
Horizon require more work than just a uncapped fr patch as we see going pass 30fps breaks a lot of thing on pc. It might get some sort of remaster like bundled with the sequal. But GoW should be simple, no game logic breaking issues as it already has a high fr mode. U4 mp is already 60fps, so that's another one that shouldn't take too much effort even if the keep the res at 1440p. Bloodborne require some work done or they can contact Lance to make his patch official. Koji Pro has also been quite about Death stranding, ps5 should be able to lock 60fps pc max setting but with the same checkerboard setup, adding dualsense support may be huge.

Uncharted works perfectly at framerates above 30fps. People with access to the debug menu in the game have unlocked framerate and seen 40-50fps with no issues.

Same should go for TLOU Pt II.
Instructions for Digital Version


Oct 25, 2017


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
That makes me think of how many digital only games are out there that maybe had a 60fps mode or were simply unlocked once until it got patched and which people can't easily test right now like with disc versions. 🤔


Oct 27, 2017

I'd have to trawl through loads of streams of footage from debug mode but I did happen to find this screenshot.



Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Anyone that has a digital version of TLG or is planning on buying a PS5 Digital Edition can head over to this thread for instructions on how to download version 1.00 of this game and others:

How to get The Last Guardian, AC Unity and Arkham City ready for 60fps on the PS5 Digital Edition

Jawbreaker you may want to threadmark this, lots of dismay from digital owners in this thread

Thanks to sns97 for bringing this to my attention
Hey so wasn't P.T. patched to not work on PS5? Could we do the same and download the unmatched version for it to work?


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Hey so wasn't P.T. patched to not work on PS5? Could we do the same and download the unmatched version for it to work?
While I don't understand it all, no, this isn't what happened with PT. PT basically had a box ticked on the store side saying it doesn't work on PS5 so it doesn't.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey so wasn't P.T. patched to not work on PS5? Could we do the same and download the unmatched version for it to work?

Unfortunately no, PT wasn't patched but instead it seems the PS5 checks either a local or server-side compatibility list to see if the game can launch. Unless Sony issues an updated firmware or compatibility list (or someone finds some kind of proxy method if the check is server side) there isn't a workaround for PT known at this time

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017

So the patchless disc version is uncapped confirmed?

Never thought I'd see the day where console gamers too would hate games with a capped framerate as I do on PC. Though on PS4 I guess it made sense since 30-59fps fluctuating causes tears and is a strain on the eyes. Hopefully it'll be easy to add uncapp framerates back to games as an option.


Jan 14, 2018
If I could reliably play this at 60fps, it'd be another title tempting me to buy a PS5 before I really need one.


Nov 3, 2017
Uncharted works perfectly at framerates above 30fps. People with access to the debug menu in the game have unlocked framerate and seen 40-50fps with no issues.

Same should go for TLOU Pt II.
We already know ND engine has no problem with high fr as I have stated. The U4 mp is full 60fps even on base ps4.


Oct 27, 2017

Pretty much my main complaint with the game was that I got a little nauseous from time to time with the frame rate issues + the camera, and the 60fps mitigates that feeling, even with an unpatched camera. (I remember having a little bit of nausea in the areas shown in both videos.) Wow. I really, really hope Sony does a patch that unlocks the framerate, because the framerate issues were an understandable barrier for a lot of people with not wanting to play the game.

I've got NA & JPN physical copies of the game, and maybe if I stare at my PS4 long enough, it'll turn into a PS5...


Lord Error

Oct 27, 2017
Oh man, so now I need a disc version of PS5. I hope they patch this in the game. This looks so damn good, especially with how inconsistent "30FPS" was in the game even on PS4 Pro, and how it didn't really have good camera motion blur.

Anyone that has a digital version of TLG or is planning on buying a PS5 Digital Edition can head over to this thread for instructions on how to download version 1.00 of this game and others:

How to get The Last Guardian, AC Unity and Arkham City ready for 60fps on the PS5 Digital Edition

Jawbreaker you may want to threadmark this, lots of dismay from digital owners in this thread

Thanks to sns97 for bringing this to my attention
Hmm, interesting - thank you!
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Oct 27, 2017
Saw the threadmark and trying to catch up: PS+ collection version won't work I guess? Hopefully they'll make it work at 60 FPS....


Oct 25, 2017
We already know ND engine has no problem with high fr as I have stated. The U4 mp is full 60fps even on base ps4.
I think I remember reading that they've made a ton of optimizations and turned off many graphical details to get it running on that base PS4 for MP,

I also recall that back when they were developing UC4, they were targeting 60 FPS. I don't know enough about game development to understand how much work it would take unlock FPS limitations and make any other adjustments to keep the game stable. Uncharted 4 + UC: LL + TLoU: Part II at 60 FPS / 1440P would be fantastic. The screenshot above from @SRK-UK gives me hope that this would easy to implement.

My hope that is we not only can get this, but get a patch for God of War to be able to play at 4K + 60 FPS.


Nov 3, 2017
I think I remember reading that they've made a ton of optimizations and turned off many graphical details to get it running on that base PS4 for MP,

I also recall that back when they were developing UC4, they were targeting 60 FPS. I don't know enough about game development to understand how much work it would take unlock FPS limitations and make any other adjustments to keep the game stable. Uncharted 4 + UC: LL + TLoU: Part II at 60 FPS / 1440P would be fantastic. The screenshot above from @SRK-UK gives me hope that this would easy to implement.

My hope that is we not only can get this, but get a patch for God of War to be able to play at 4K + 60 FPS.
Those optimization are to achieve 60fps in MP, nothing to do with game logic and physics breaking as I was talking about earlier with Horizon. Suprisingly killzone shadowfall uncapped mode can hit 60fps on ps5, because the MP was targeted 60fps even on base Ps4 so all game logic and physics have to run fine in 60fps. Horizon however is a different story with 30fps in mind. When it goes above the frame rate things starts breaking on pc. Koji Pro must have been tweaking Decima engine so it runs above 30fls for death stranding due to pc version. We know ND engine and GoW doesn't have these kind of problems unlike horizon.


Oct 26, 2017
First game I'll play on the PS5.

I've had it in my backlog for years but the complaints regarding performance put me off.


Oct 25, 2017
10 pages in and nobody has seemed to answer whether this applies to UK disc only or whether other regions' unpatched discs are uncapped as well. What's the deal?
Jun 13, 2020
Let's make sure Sony knows about this. It would be such a shame if they didn't patch it, since they don't need to do anything else than unlock the framerate.


Oct 27, 2017
The new footage from NX Gamer is incredible, my god. There are certain levels later in the game where the sense of scale is extraordinary, I can't wait to see what that looks like at 60fps.

10 pages in and nobody has seemed to answer whether this applies to UK disc only or whether other regions' unpatched discs are uncapped as well. What's the deal?

Thus far, everyone testing the PS5 + TLG physical copy seems to be in the EU, eg. NX Gamer and Next Gen Base. (I don't know that John Linneman/Digital Foundry has tried his, yet, but I'd say he'd be in the EU as well). Hopefully a reviewer with an early Playstation 5 from another region can check with a physical copy of the game, too.

ETA: Or that, lol! I would have been surprised if it was UK or PAL only.
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Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
Can't wait to play this. I think this might be one of the first games i'll be playing on my PS5 lmao

I'm assuming they will be patching it soon too. Considering its on the PS+ Collection list

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Imagine if Bloodborne had a rare physical copy that was a similar situation to this. Gold disks.


Oct 25, 2017
Thank god I own it on disc than. I was think about replaying it too!

Really interested if the ending retains 60 FPS though. That shit would be extra nuts to experience without feeling like the console is dying.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been wanting to play this for...forever, but always held off due to its performance. The NX Gamer video makes TLG look unbelievably polished and fun to play.

Man, I hope they patch this for all of those with a digital copy.


Oct 28, 2017
I really hope for a new patch, it looks amazing at stable 60fps.
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Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
Unpatched doesn't have HDR? Darn, I'll be sticking with 30fps then as HDR is that important to me. I've chosen console versions of games over PC versions before because the console versions have had HDR but not their PC counterparts. (Rise of the Tomb Raider, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)


Oct 25, 2017
So if you have the game patched, it only runs at 30?

I'm sure this made sense in some way when it was patched in, but surely they can get Team Ico to throw down another patch to give it's baby that sweet 60 fps.
Oct 25, 2017
So if you have the game patched, it only runs at 30?

I'm sure this made sense in some way when it was patched in, but surely they can get Team Ico to throw down another patch to give it's baby that sweet 60 fps.
Yeah, it was patched with a 30 cap because the original unlocked framerate was an issue in a lot of feedback, but the disc itself was not printed to include the patch. So playing using that specific disc unpatched allows you to get 60 fps.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I replayed TLG a few months back and the wack, all-over-the-place framerate really hurts the experience on base PS4. This is going to make the game so much better.

Frankly it was always weird to me how unstable the game's framerate was, since it mostly looks like a souped up PS3 game (which it is), with low-res textures and mostly blocky assets everywhere. And it's funny how much a simple resolution change improved things, since forcing 1080p on the Pro nets you a locked 30fps pretty much. Nothing to do with Trico's AI taxing the CPU or his feathery character model being too detailed, since the game still runs like ass on base PS4 when Trico is not on screen. It's all about GPU power. This game's engine must be some horrific spaghetti code hanging together at the seams, glued together with scotch tape. I wish they had decided to run the game at 900p instead, probably would have been locked 30 fps. :/

I also really wish Sony had worked on PS5 official patches for many or all of their major first party releases. Lawd knows Bloodborne desperately needs this.
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Oct 26, 2017
The next game from GenDesign is using Unreal. Hopefully we won't need to wait years to see it.


Oct 28, 2017
So, other than disconnecting entirely from internet, is there a simple way to keep games from updating?


Oct 26, 2017
So, other than disconnecting entirely from internet, is there a simple way to keep games from updating?
There is a OS option to not download game updates automatically [which is very useful for people with metered internet connection, they don't want to find out that console has started automatic download of a random 50GB patch].


Nov 20, 2017
Anyone that has a digital version of TLG or is planning on buying a PS5 Digital Edition can head over to this thread for instructions on how to download version 1.00 of this game and others:

How to get The Last Guardian, AC Unity and Arkham City ready for 60fps on the PS5 Digital Edition

Jawbreaker you may want to threadmark this, lots of dismay from digital owners in this thread

Thanks to sns97 for bringing this to my attention
Thanks a lot for that tutorial to download the 1.0 versions of digital games, Fisty!


Oct 29, 2017
I wonder if they can make PS5 only patches for a PS4 title like this one.

They can't just uncap the framerate overall since that would make the PS4/Pro version worse, at least they would need to add a option in-game I assume.

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I still find it near zero chance Sony is going to release a PS5 patch for this game