Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
I'm scared to read the referenced thread.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Not knowing someone still doesn't excuse how people treated suicidal ideation as a big joke. Even after the point of attacking police and being taken into hospital more than once everyone was so certain it was a prank.
It doesn't excuse it at all and it's sad. That's just the way things are for a lot of people, it's a symptom of people that is hightened by the internet and social media and growing up in that environment.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I never followed Etika. I saw some of his reaction videos and they were funny. I was guilty of being dismissive of his mental health issues, never out loud or in a public forum (why would I ever go around putting people down like that?), but internally I was like, "eh, if he's in a bad spot people around them will help him". Even his last video, which I never saw, just read the descriptions of, (because, again, why would I ever watch the potential suicide note of someone I've never met?), i was dismissive internally.

I feel guilt for this. Even if there was nothing I could have done myself, one person that's never interacted with them, I think, what if I was slightly closer? What if more people that like me were indifferent suddenly weren't? What if it had been a friend of mine? What if it'd had been me there, on the other side of that youtube video?

i've had bouts of suicidal ideation not that long ago, near the end of last semestre. I fucked up a thing royally, disappointed myself and those around me. i pictured how I could kill myself, in a way that was most sure and least painful, (but not too least painful, I needed to punish myself eitherway!). I never went through with it. I feel that I never would have gone through with it. Its not in my nature, I said. I never told anyone but my psychologist, who made me see that suicidal ideation does not come from nowhere. That made me see that going through with it would be damaging to everyone involved at the least. I guess I was lucky. Very much so, having a support structure around me that dashed any potential of that happening. Im in a much better place right now, thank the gods.

But if I hadn't? If that youtube channel I tried to make when I was like 15 took off? If I my life was a public book, a spectacle? If I had gone public with this ideation and posted it online, maybe said some shitty things to get people to pay attention to me? If people had reacted not even in the way YT or FB would react with "kys"s and "attention seeking"s but even in the way some reacted here, in this relatively tolerant forum, with the "eh"s and "I don't believe you"s?

Etika-- Desmond, is a man failed by society. Me and you, person reading this message probably included. Failed by the US police and healthcare system. Failed by rabid "fans" that loved to see their "stars" implode. Failed by an algorithm based, click-bait machine that is social media and youtube. Failed by the games enthusiast community at large. And yes, failed by the ResetEra community.

I love this community and the positives it can bring and show and grow in the videogames enthusiast community at large. But we can always be better. We can aknowledge our mistakes and move to fix them. As individuals and as a community. We might not have been able to save Desmond, as far removed as he probably was from us. But we might have been able to be a positive change in our communities. And if that were the case more people might have been able to help him directly. And maybe, just maybe we still could not have saved him. But we could have helped others. As a community. And perhaps we already do, but wouldn't it be grand if we could help more? Ourselves? I think that's something to strive for...

Desmond Amofah was a passionate man, and that pure passion was perhaps twisted inwards by a fickle, uncaring public. His tragedy was perhaps an avoidable one. And his death was everyone's loss.

Rest in peace, man.

Kingpin Rogers

Oct 27, 2017
I don't know why but his death has just made me so sad. I never even met or spoke to him but the thought of him not being around anymore and all the cool stuff he's going to miss just makes incredibly sad. Even more so knowing how preventable it was.

Deleted member 5159

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
in the end this forum mess boils down to people not controlling themselves, and feeling the need to have a strong opinion about everything. Even about things they dont know much if anything at all about.

Hopefully the mods can start to crack the whip on some unjustified pseudo bullying/negative mob mentality, that happens in almost all subforums here.

That said, i hope lessons were learned from Etika's case, may he find some peace wherever he is now, rip


Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Good response, but saying you weren't 'vigilant' enough seems like an excuse when it is more likely the team simply didn't agree with the reports made in the thread. I hope threads surrounding mental health will be moderated with more care and empathy moving forward.


Oct 30, 2017
The sudden influx of low post count accounts coming into the thread apparently SUPER KNOWLEDGEABLE about Era is a really good indication of why a public discussion about moderation and the community is not possible. 👍

I mean what do you consider low post counts. Anecdotally speaking, I don't post much because I use Era as a news source, and I don't consistently post in OTs and community threads, nor do I shitpost very much. People post when they have something they want to say and equating their worth to the post count sort of comes off as gatekeeping. People who actively lurk can be just as cognizant of how Era generally composes itself compared to someone who actively posts too.

The fact that some people are paranoid that others posting are doing it on throwaway accounts or are looking for excuses to diss Era feels a little self aggrandizing. I'm sure it happens, but not every low post count user is going to be that.

Social media in general, this place being no exception, eats people for breakfast for every wrong move. This is especially the case for people who put themselves in front of a camera. I get it, messages need to be sent to people who do or say things that hurt marginalized groups and minorities. But as easy as shaming is, it's by no means the greatest way to really push for more progressive ideologies. The negativity honestly just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Schadenfreude is great and all, but too much of it I think narrows the discussion on the underlying issues.

Things like what happened to Etika or other people who are more susceptible to all the noise and negativity are all the more tragic.

It's something in general that I've been seeing over the past few years, and I don't know if it's just me growing up or the rise of populist opinions, but I feel like here and elsewhere Leftist thought and social activism has become less and less compassionate and empathetic when the reason I personally identify as progressive is because it props up and defends others. But we're all too eager to knock people down now.

I think moderation here definitely scares some people away from posting, especially when taking positions that aren't being echoed. But I also think the moderation is necessary to ensure that bigotry can't develop here. Gray areas are hard to moderate so I appreciate all the work they do both to warn and remind the community to post thoughtfully.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Fully agree with Liam and the other twitter user I've quoted here. RIP Etika. This thread should be looked back on as a massive L for Era, because the way people and the mods have acted hasn't been good enough. It was clear from the outset the dude had mental health problems, and yet everyone shat on him. Screw anyone who took part in this, because it was wholly unnecessary.

With this, I hope the community and grow on move on - hopefully.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.



Oct 27, 2017
RIP, etika was a very entertaining enigma, shame it had to end this way, totally bummed about it

that said, how did he not get thrown in jail last month when he literally went up and shoved a police officer in that one vid? is it possible he had an upcoming court date or something and didn't want to face the music? from that video i never understood how he didn't get arrested on the spot


Oct 29, 2017
I don't follow anyone on youtube and only know of him from a few threads on this site, but I'm sad it ended this way.

Rest in peace.


Jan 17, 2018
I feel like further punishing users for the way the moderation team handled the situation is a strange move. Hopefully the review of how the staff and mods here handled this situation goes far beyond this

I kind of agree, I don't exactly see how retroactively punishing users is going to be beneficial in this situation besides it just feeling nice I guess


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Thank you, my friend. Here's hoping we can make definite strides moving forward.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

And I'm sorry about my tone in the post with the callouts of people mocking Etika. I'm sorry about the personal attacks, to be more specific. Not about the callouts themselves, mind you. But I shouldn't have insulted anyone.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Here's to a brighter tomorrow. Thanks for this post.

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I mean what do you consider low post counts. Anecdotally speaking, I don't post much because I use Era as a news source, and I don't consistently post in OTs and community threads, nor do I shitpost very much. People post when they have something they want to say and equating their worth to the post count sort of comes off as gatekeeping. People who actively lurk can be just as cognizant of how Era generally composes itself compared to someone who actively posts too.

The fact that some people are paranoid that others posting are doing it on throwaway accounts or are looking for excuses to diss Era feels a little self aggrandizing. I'm sure it happens, but not every low post count user is going to be that.

Social media in general, this place being no exception, eats people for breakfast for every wrong move. This is especially the case for people who put themselves in front of a camera. I get it, messages need to be sent to people who do or say things that hurt marginalized groups and minorities. But as easy as shaming is, it's by no means the greatest way to really push for more progressive ideologies. The negativity honestly just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Schadenfreude is great and all, but too much of it I think narrows the discussion on the underlying issues.

Things like what happened to Etika or other people who are more susceptible to all the noise and negativity are all the more tragic.

It's something in general that I've been seeing over the past few years, and I don't know if it's just me growing up or the rise of populist opinions, but I feel like here and elsewhere Leftist thought and social activism has become less and less compassionate and empathetic when the reason I personally identify as progressive is because it props up and defends others. But we're all too eager to knock people down now.

I think moderation here definitely scares some people away from posting, especially when taking positions that aren't being echoed. But I also think the moderation is necessary to ensure that bigotry can't develop here. Gray areas are hard to moderate so I appreciate all the work they do both to warn and remind the community to post thoughtfully.
This right here is the greatest post in the history of Reset Era... by far. Very well said.

Reset Era was created from the very beginning from a mob-like outrage. And it's unfortunate to see that outrage forms the very bedrock of its discourse on all sensitive and political topics.


Oct 27, 2017
I am not seeing what is wrong with that statement. Everything that was going on there was making it real hard to feel for him. But just cause I wasn't feeling for him at that place in time doesn't mean I think he deserved to die. It doesn't mean I thought with absolute certainty he wasn't capable of doing it, he kept refusing help which is what made it harder to care.

His Ex-GF got him in the hospital twice and he told them to not help them both times. Imagine how she felt knowing she tried her hardest to save him but he kept denying it.

Every post is an indictment on how little you really understand.
Good response, but saying you weren't 'vigilant' enough seems like an excuse when it is more likely the team simply didn't agree with the reports made in the thread. I hope threads surrounding mental health will be moderated with more care and empathy moving forward.

Exactly. You're gonna tell me that no mod saw the responses littered on the first page alone? I mean, the thread was closed for a reason, so they were certainly seen by someone.

Action should have been taken as soon as the thread was closed. I don't buy the excuse for the lack of action as a failure in vigilance.


Oct 25, 2017
I kind of agree, I don't exactly see how retroactively punishing users is going to be beneficial in this situation besides it just feeling nice I guess
People in this thread are barking for blood. If put beef and a dozen others heads on a pike to parade around town calms them down, so be it. But it definitely doesn't change anything or help the mob mentality that's been on this website for the past decade. If anything this caving in with "don't worry, there will be blood!" Just set a new precedent that's gonna be refered back to for a long time.

But that's what being a mod on a huge forum like this. It's a lose lose game.
Oct 27, 2017
At least you openly admit not giving a shit. Wish people had your honesty Mr. "I don't see what's wrong with how people reacted in that thread."

I don't think your stance is wrong but to act willfully ignorant and imply people over invested is kind of shitty. Lots of terrible things were said in that thread.

Mind you I didn't read everything in that thread and some of those posts quoted here rubbed me the wrong way as well, but outside of those most of the people in that thread had the benefit of the doubt back then. Not anymore of course.


Oct 27, 2017
This also needs to be said

And you know what hurts even more is that some morons were still posting their stupid ass memes even after it was clear that something is not right with him and he needs help. Hell they are even continuing to post the memes under the NYPD tweet as we speak. The lack of empathy some people have is disgusting.


Jan 10, 2018
Absolutely devastated. I started watching Etika back in 2014 when he streamed the Smash 4 3DS leak. His genuine excitement for everything Nintendo brought my back into the fanbase after I'd fallen off during my time in High School which is something I'll always be grateful for. His Nintendo Direct reactions will stick with me for a long long time, particularly his reaction to Twintelle was absolutely amazing.



Oct 27, 2017
First and foremost... Rest in peace, Etika. And, my condolences to the family.

Now that we have that out of the way... You guys made me puke with that initial thread. We had a fucking suicide note and a lot people here just go "he's just an attention whore! He did this before and he'll do it again!". You guys are the f*ing worst. It was a suicide note from a mentally unstable individual. But, wait, mental health doesn't exist! Suicide thoughts aren't real! And he was a person of color to boot. I don't want to make a link between both but it's sure is tempting.

Here's a rule of thumb:
Every suicide note is to be taken seriously. GOT IT? No "nah he's not gonna" bullshit.
Every death threats is to be taken AS seriously.
ANYTHING that puts the life of an individual or a group of people in danger, regardless of background, is to be FUCKING TAKEN SERIOUSLY. Every inch of possibility that leads to the the loss of a life, no matter your fucking opinion on said person, even Donald Trump, is serious business.

Anybody who doubt Etika in the last few threads that Era had, you make me FUCKING puke.
MENTAL ILLNESS IS FUCKING REAL. Get that through your fucking skulls already.

I stopped following ReviewTechUSA awhile ago, but these are the words that everyone needs to hear. Respect to Rich for putting them out there.



Oct 25, 2017
Never heard of this guy or engaged with his content but this is sad news. It's been a bit of a wake up call for me to start taking my mental health more seriously. Made an appointment to speak with a professional later this week.


Nov 7, 2018
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
Thank you for re-evaluating the situation, and I honestly hope you know that, in most cases, the people critizizing the hardest are the ones who care the most.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I mean what do you consider low post counts.
Post from users who have low post counts and seem to have a history of becoming active to make a metacommentary about the website and it's community, with several periods of inactivity in between. That's when I mean when I point attention to that phenomena.

People post when they have something they want to say and equating their worth to the post count sort of comes off as gatekeeping. People who actively lurk can be just as cognizant of how Era generally composes itself compared to someone who actively posts too.
I never disagreed with this notion. Just picking up easily identifiable behavior patterns because this website literally has more a handful of communities dedicated to stalking it due to opinions on video games. Or rather, not even that, but just the fact that the site's mission statement is open inclusivity and zero tolerance for the usual bigotry of gaming communities including the casual "heated gaming moment" variety.


Dec 4, 2018
RIP, guy seemed like a really cool dude.

I've said this consistently in a numerous other discussion about people/personalities that have made mistakes, this community has a SERIOUS issue with wanting to completely and utterly "cancel" people with zero opportunity for allowing them to explain themselves or make amends. For a community that is always crying about how "toxic" other groups can be, it can be just as toxic if not more.

Last discussion I had about this that comes to mind was the Filip Miucin with his plagiarism controversy and him finally apologising. The overwhelming consensus in that thread was that he was already officially "cancelled" and that his sorry was worthless and A LOT of people were praying that he never had a career again. Like fuck. These are human beings. In a lot of languages the word for human has a root with words that mean "the forgetful" or "the one who makes mistakes", such is the intrinsic link with being human and fucking up. Learn to give people a 2nd chance, these aren't rapists or murders.


Oct 25, 2017
It's all just so disgusting. It'll happen again as well if we don't stay concious of ourselves, some other person will be told they're seeking attention or be rushed by an online cancel squad that actively and maliciously seeks to make their life worse for internet clout.
And then we'll all be surprised when they commit suicide.

Be better and be more aware of how your words affect others, even if someone is "" "" "" "faking" "" "" "" "" "" for attention, what's the point in shitting on them? Something that could exacerbate a bad situation. Maybe sometimes keep your bad shit to yourself and shut the fuck up.


Oct 28, 2017

Not knowing a lot about Etika's entire history but picking up pieces here and there, young man was basically let down by the minimum observation laws. It unfortunately speaks volumes to the state of mental health in our country, which from personal experience is better now then it has been my roughly 20 year struggle with mental illness, including government and university systems. We still have a very long road to travel, but it is a road, not a tunnel, and your not alone.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Hidamari Apartments
I honestly think there should be a dedicated thread for publicly addressing moderation concerns. A thread like this shouldn't be getting hijacked over moderation disagreements.
Yep. It's sad what this thread has become.

Glad to see the staff's response but this hasn't been a good look for Era.
Hopefully we can all learn from this moving forward.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
the saddest part of all this is that he probably used the youtube video to hold himself hostage to actually committing suicide. he has probably attempted/planned suicide before but always back out. due to the controversy his multiple periods of mental health outbursts - and subsequent denials and playing it off - i'm sure he posted the video in order to solidify his commitment to ending his own life. 'if i don't actually do this, everyone will be super angry at me again thinking i was joking and wanting attention, so i better do it'. i could not be right about it but i have read where people committing suicide start giving their stuff away or performing acts similar to 'making sure everything is settled'. for everyone saying the hospitals failed him, i agree and disagree. he had two trips to the psychiatric department of hospitals. both times, he left and - i assume - played off the whole thing. i am not saying this is his fault but one of the hardest aspects of mental health is getting help. the individual has to be willing to seek and receive help, which is not an easy thing to do.

Fucking hell. That is so fucked because you're right on the money. If Etika had turned up alive people would be relieved for a minute and then subsequently start tearing him apart for "yet another hoax." Fuck man, this hits a little too close to home for me.


Feb 2, 2019
For fuck's sake, man. How does this happen? This man very, very openly deteriorated, and we all saw it happen, and still no one did anything of worth to help him and prevent him from reaching this point.
I'm so fucking angry. He did not deserve any of this. How incompetent and cruel are we that we watched him "make a fool out of himself" and did not help him at all?
I know that people watching him live over the Internet cannot help directly. And maybe he shunned his friends and family. But that means the mental health ward was the last line of defense, and look how that shit went.

I'm not sad for his death. Our Lord is a just judge and will judge him knowing what the contents of his heart are. And besides, we will all end up in the same place as him, sooner or later, one way or the other. He was tormented by suffering, now he can finally take a break. I am, however, immensely pissed at us who are still alive. People thought Etika was laughable for acting like a buffoon and being incoherent, but in reality we are laughable for letting a suffering man die of his torments, instead of reaching out a hand to him.

edit: I misworded. I am immensely sad that he has died. But we are more to be pitied than him.


Oct 27, 2017
RIP Desmond.

I was hoping he'd be safe after coming across an reupload of his last video yesterday. Mental illness is nothing to joke around.


Oct 25, 2017

Fully agree with Liam and the other twitter user I've quoted here. RIP Etika. This thread should be looked back on as a massive L for Era, because the way people and the mods have acted hasn't been good enough. It was clear from the outset the dude had mental health problems, and yet everyone shat on him. Screw anyone who took part in this, because it was wholly unnecessary.

With this, I hope the community and grow on move on - hopefully.

You and the people whose tweets you quoted clearly aren't interested in the continual improvement of this site and its moderation and are just using this incident to take cheap shots. Pretty gross.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
You and the people whose tweets you quoted clearly aren't interested in the continual improvement of this site and its moderation and are just using this incident to take cheap shots. Pretty gross.

Pretty much. Using someone's death to push the anti-ERA agenda. Another win for the alt-right i see.

Gross shit.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Mind you I didn't read everything in that thread and some of those posts quoted here rubbed me the wrong way as well, but outside of those most of the people in that thread had the benefit of the doubt back then. Not anymore of course.

Understandable. It's all the past now.

I can only hope that collectively that this site and its members handle things better moving forward.
Oct 25, 2017
1) Fuck the mental health ward doctors. How the fuck did they let him go after 2-3 days every single time? How the fuck do you let someone end up in the mental ward several times within a few months and not recognize that they shouldn't be let go off so quickly?

2) Fuck the people who didn't take this seriously. I mean Etika "fans" who just shitposted about it, Era users who "cancelled" him because he said "forbidden words", and anyone who doesn't fucking take mental health issues seriously. I say this as someone with mental issues who has tried to commit suicide multiple times.

3) Fuck anyone who was within Etika's circle, could have helped him, and did not.

Yes I'm angry. I'm tired of this shit happening.
I understand what you're saying but honestly survivor's guilt is a real thing and I don't think piling it on helps anyone. Depression is incredibly complex and in some cases there just isn't any help anyone can reasonably provide barring massive societal changes overnight. Changes I think are way overdue, to be fair.