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Deleted member 176

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Oct 25, 2017
I am starting to believe that bernie supporters will only vote for him. They will stay at home if Bernie isnt the nominee and that would mean 4 more years of Trump

So Bernie has to win the nomination, otherwise there is only defeat as an option. Those busters will be the difference between winning and losing the general. Do you really want to risk it?
I'm not usually one for pragmatism, but this is an interesting point.


Dec 23, 2018
Is this a real post?

Campaigns gets phone numbers and basic information from public government databases.

You can tell them to not text again and they're legally required to remove from the list.
I did previously and got another text today. How do I report this? I mean, this far it's not as bad as Beto's campaign.
Oct 31, 2017

This quote from the article succinctly hits at the core of many of my concerns regarding Sanders and his intentions:
With more than 10 million followers on Twitter, Mr. Sanders has a larger audience on the platform than Ms. Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Senator Amy Klobuchar combined. A sizable number could be automated bots or fictitious accounts. Federal prosecutors have detailed coordinated efforts by Russian nationals to interfere in the 2016 election, with an emphasis on two candidates — Donald J. Trump and Mr. Sanders — whom the Russians hoped to bolster while denigrating their opponents.

Why were the Russians so interested? To me, it's because they know he's effective in damaging, rather than uniting, the left.


Oct 30, 2017
Can you imagine anyone saying this about any of the other candidates this cycle?

I'll vote for whoever gets the nomination but this is a pretty scary post imo.

I'm obliged to point out, at the risk of ruining the fun for others, that this is a longstanding left-wing twitter meme from matt bruenig

(it's meant to parallel the common refrain that we must nominate a centrist, otherwise the centrists will vote for the republican and we'll lose)


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes I read the discourse and I wonder if we're really picking our candidates based on their policies.

Or are we really just doing it for the schadenfreude of sticking it to whichever online base we dislike the most?

It's hard not to come to the second conclusion when you see people saying "well I love Bernie and his policies but I can't stand his supporters, so I'm voting for X instead".


Oct 25, 2017
Brasília Brazil
Can you imagine anyone saying this about any of the other candidates this cycle?

I'll vote for whoever gets the nomination but this is a pretty scary post imo.

Maybe it´s a nuanced way of saying that he brings in people that usually don´t participate in the process?

This election will be all about turnout.

If turnout is low, Trump wins
If turnout is high, Democrat wins

It´s pretty simple. Bernie gets a bunch of people who regularly give two shits about the Democratic party to vote, this is a huge plus and should be praised considering the number of people not voting. Sometimes it has nothing to do with being angry online, a part of his base despises both Republicans and Democrats, but will show up to vote for him.


Oct 25, 2017
I am starting to believe that bernie supporters will only vote for him. They will stay at home if Bernie isnt the nominee and that would mean 4 more years of Trump

So Bernie has to win the nomination, otherwise there is only defeat as an option. Those busters will be the difference between winning and losing the general. Do you really want to risk it?

this is very offensive to bernie supporters and I want to ask the mods why it is allowable for people to constantly suggest that bernie supporters, many of whom post on this board, including me, will support trump in preference to biden or whoever

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not usually one for pragmatism, but this is an interesting point.
I mean the argument kind of boils down to "we're being held hostage so give the perps everything what they want" doesn't it?

Seems not a great tactic or precedent to set, especially for a party that has a big tent.

I'm obliged to point out, at the risk of ruining the fun for others, that this is a longstanding left-wing twitter meme from matt bruenig

(it's meant to parallel the common refrain that we must nominate a centrist, otherwise the centrists will vote for the republican and we'll lose)

It's telling that this meme has been read straight both in this thread and in others (and some Sanders supporters have made straightforward arguments supporting it!) :O


Oct 29, 2017
Sometimes I read the discourse and I wonder if we're really picking our candidates based on their policies.

Or are we really just doing it for the schadenfreude of sticking it to whichever online base we dislike the most?

It's hard not to come to the second conclusion when you see people saying "well I love Bernie and his policies but I can't stand his supporters, so I'm voting for X instead".
I think those people are being less than honest


Dec 26, 2017
LOL fuck the NYT what a fucking garbage paper. Hey the world is burning and the supreme court just legalized racism against immigrants but yeah some bernie supporters were being mean.
Oct 25, 2017
Do Bernie bro's actually exist or are they an internet illusion?

Not really. That's not to say that there aren't racists, or sexists, or transphobes or bigotry of any other stripe in the ranks of Bernie supporters. That exists everywhere you look.

But Bernie Bros is a specific tag designed to erase every minority and woman who supports Bernie Sanders so these galaxy brain centrists can pretend they care about POC and women while they paint mild democratic socialism as the new Gamergate.

Can you imagine anyone saying this about any of the other candidates this cycle?

I'll vote for whoever gets the nomination but this is a pretty scary post imo.

Remember when a greater percentage of Hillary supporters refused to vote for Obama than 'Bernie Bros' who didn't vote for Hillary?

But yes it's literally only Bernie who has some cult-like members amongst his support.


Oct 25, 2017
Now in 2020, I increasingly view Sanders and his real intentions with a skeptical eye. Conspiratorially, I am seeing him more and more as a deliberate spoiler candidate, who is in it to leverage his followers passion to drive a wedge in the Democratic coalition in order to splinter left unity and coalesce right unity. I'm seriously afraid that Sanders and his group of passionate acolytes are going to wind up hurting the Democrats and reinforcing the GOP.

And the tactics mentioned in this article are very similar to the stochastic terrorism DJT has deployed effectively. "People who like me do things that aren't very good, but hey, don't blame me!"
This first bit is borderline conspiratorial.

The difference between Sanders and Trump is that Trump has actively encouraged harassment of his opponents and critics while Sanders has not.
Oct 31, 2017
From the U.S. Governments analysis into 2016 Election Interference:

43. By 2016, Defendants and their co-conspirators used their fictitious online personas to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. They engaged in operations primarily intended to communicate derogatory information about Hillary Clinton, to denigrate other candidates such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and to support Bernie Sanders and then-candidate Donald Trump.

a. On or about February 10, 2016, Defendants and their co-conspirators internally circulated an outline of themes for future content to be posted to ORGANIZATION-controlled social media accounts. Specialists were instructed to post content that focused on "politics in the USA" and to "use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump—we support them)."

This first bit is borderline conspiratorial.

The difference between Sanders and Trump is that Trump has actively encouraged harassment of his opponents and critics while Sanders has not.

Oh I know it sounds conspiratorial. There's nothing to verify it, it's just smoke and mirrors (except for the US Gov concluding that Russia was indeed seeking to bolster both Bernie and Trump while weakening all others in '16). But still, I can't help but feel skeptical. And most of my thoughts come from a place of knowing people personally on both sides of the political spectrum and the things they've said/done.


Oct 25, 2017
That's the 2020 version of, boys will be boys.

I caught a ban for saying this a few months ago so I will try and say it more tactful this time...Bernie and his supporters seem to use very similar tactics that Trump and his supporters use, which is why I will never vote a Sanders ticket in the primaries. He is carrying a tradition in politics that needs to be eradicated

Lol yeah I ain't even gonna bother

Why were the Russians so interested? To me, it's because they know he's effective in damaging, rather than uniting, the left.

Because he was running against Clinton, it's not rocket science. Russia didnt want Clinton, so they bolstered her opponents. You think Russia will be interfering to help Bernie in 2020 against Trump?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rochester, New York
Sometimes I read the discourse and I wonder if we're really picking our candidates based on their policies.

Or are we really just doing it for the schadenfreude of sticking it to whichever online base we dislike the most?

It's hard not to come to the second conclusion when you see people saying "well I love Bernie and his policies but I can't stand his supporters, so I'm voting for X instead".
People support politicians for various reasons outside of policy that have nothing to do with who bugs who online


Oct 25, 2017
He was a good egg who didn't deserve the shit he got.

as somebody who remembers all of brainchild's posting history, and I mean all of it, this is not true and I won't say any more than that.

as far as I know he was never banned so he should come right back to poliera if he wants to

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, here I am an immigrant to the United States. I know other minorities that are Bernie supporters. And for 2 elections now we've been watching people erase our identities and assume we're all white bros because of this actually toxic "Berniebro" slander. Where's the NYT article for us?


Oct 25, 2017
as somebody who remembers all of brainchild's posting history, and I mean all of it, this is not true and I won't say any more than that.

as far as I know he was never banned so he should come right back to poliera if he wants to
He was a good egg who didn't deserve the shit he got.

You, on the other hand, get a lot of deserved shit for playing so many different sides of the table that it's impossible to know where you stand or what you truly value.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
This quote from the article succinctly hits at the core of many of my concerns regarding Sanders and his intentions:

Why were the Russians so interested? To me, it's because they know he's effective in damaging, rather than uniting, the left.
It's smart on their part if true. Trump is kompromized and owned, while on the left any Leftist movements will rightfully take money back from the rich elite, who are the direct competition of the Russian rich elite.

LOL if Russian oligarchs foot the bill on reparations and funnelled billions into the US Black community, it would effectively be a speedrun into ending the US.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
if anything, more lol

you could always just ask if you actually wanted to know

in poliera though, please, very off topic for this thread
I haven't needed to, I've seen your thready and wacky trajectory play out in real time! I'm more prone to seeing where you're at in a decade.


Oct 25, 2017
Not really. That's not to say that there aren't racists, or sexists, or transphobes or bigotry of any other stripe in the ranks of Bernie supporters. That exists everywhere you look.

But Bernie Bros is a specific tag designed to erase every minority and woman who supports Bernie Sanders so these galaxy brain centrists can pretend they care about POC and women while they paint mild democratic socialism as the new Gamergate.

Remember when a greater percentage of Hillary supporters refused to vote for Obama than 'Bernie Bros' who didn't vote for Hillary?

But yes it's literally only Bernie who has some cult-like members amongst his support.
Yup exactly this. It's been really amazing how many people who keep spewing bs don't even know this fact.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Locking this thread while we review reports and consider next steps.
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