Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
Thanks again Americans for electing a Russian stooge and making basically every western democracy less safe than it used to be.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the most distressing piece of news I have heard from the Trump admin that legitimately makes me fearful.

Will the Turtle stay in his shell for this?


Oct 10, 2018
Considering how unreliable the US and the Western Europe have been, maybe It'll be more safe and more reliable just for Eastern Europe to develop nuclear weapons to keep them safe from the Russians. it worked for North Korea and Iran. Ukraine had their nukes taken away and nobody protected them when they were invaded....

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Considering how unreliable the US and the Western Europe have been, maybe It'll be more safe and more reliable just for Eastern Europe to develop nuclear weapons to keep them safe from the Russians. it worked for North Korea and Iran. Ukraine had their nukes taken away and nobody protected them when they were invaded....

Well, yeah, in hindsight Ukraine probably should have kept some nukes. Honestly you make a pretty good point, but I don't know that more nukes is a great solution vs strong alliances. Crimea probably should have been met with NATO boots on the border and threats of airstrikes on strategic Russian positions if they didn't pack up their shit and leave. Call the bluff so to speak, but if the Russians don't back down... Nukes don't really solve the problem honestly. Ukraine really going to nuke Russia over crimea and get completely wiped off the planet? Probably not. And Iran and NK aren't really analogous honestly. There's a lot more going on than just that they have nukes. Even without them it's not worth the non-radioactive fallout of actually trying to pull off regime change or pointless territory incursion.


The Wise Ones
Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
Looks like the American public has been successfully ground down to a state of apathy. You would expect mobs to be tearing the walls to the whitehouse down in protest by now, but nope. Too tired. Too numb. Too bombarded with Trump's bullshit.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Considering how unreliable the US and the Western Europe have been, maybe It'll be more safe and more reliable just for Eastern Europe to develop nuclear weapons to keep them safe from the Russians. it worked for North Korea and Iran. Ukraine had their nukes taken away and nobody protected them when they were invaded....

I imagine a country like Poland is way ahead of you there. I'd be more surprised if they weren't working to develop nuclear weapons. That will be one of the most immediate consequences if NATO falls, nuclear proliferation will take off.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Looks like the American public has been successfully ground down to a state of apathy. You would expect mobs to be tearing the walls to the whitehouse down in protest by now, but nope. Too tired. Too numb. Too bombarded with Trump's bullshit.
I keep hoping that surely after a month of the shutdown, federal employees would be doing that, and everyone else to follow suit, and even moreso because of a possible NATO withdrawal.

This. Is. Not. Normal. That can never be said enough though his whole presidency.

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
Yep, Poland is fucked.
isnt poland very pro putin now?
I keep hoping that surely after a month of the shutdown, federal employees would be doing that, and everyone else to follow suit, and even moreso because of a possible NATO withdrawal.

This. Is. Not. Normal. That can never be said enough though his whole presidency.
it hasnt been normal for years now. at this point trump could nuke allies and people would just shrug.
Oct 27, 2017
60+ million people in this country believe this man holds the best interest for this country.

Their Racism/Bigotry has made them blind.

The union should have gone all the way and treated the south as the traitors they were and erased it.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
if trump triggers wwiii do you think he will be shocked, sad or thrilled


Oct 10, 2018
I imagine a country like Poland is way ahead of you there. I'd be more surprised if they weren't working to develop nuclear weapons. That will be one of the most immediate consequences if NATO falls, nuclear proliferation will take off.

Maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing, if NK and Pakistan can scrap together nukes, Eastern Europe can to! It doesn't need to be fancy shit like ICBM, maybe a small dirty bomb on dumbass invading Russians troops...


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Even just threatening it damages the alliance. Right now it's uncertain if Trump would even honour NATO's guarantees in case of emergency.

Trump's reign has made clear that no ally can depend on the United States when the whims of its electorate can rip treaties without due process or rational thought.


Dec 26, 2018
I don't think history has been kind to him. It's just that Trump is a complete and corrupt lunatic.

You'd be surprised, he's barely mentioned anywhere anymore by people on both sides of the political aisle. People forgot about his admin completely during both elections. The biggest spotlight in the media he got last year was during his father's funeral and no-one was going to say shit about his legacy in that circumstance.

Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
You'd be surprised, he's barely mentioned anywhere anymore by people on both sides of the political aisle. People forgot about his admin completely during both elections. The biggest spotlight in the media he got last year was during his father's funeral and no-one was going to say shit about his legacy in that circumstance.

I think it might have to do with today's media cycle compared to 2000 - 2008, along with the insanity of what's going on today. Nothing is really shocking anymore. Nazis on the streets, kids locked in cages, the blatant corruption right in front of our eyes, Russians influencing the's one thing after another. I guess it's easy to just not think W much these days, especially when Obama fixed his mess.


Circumventing ban with an alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Not a popular opinion around here but as a European, please go ahead. At least that may finally force a true European defense alliance, one that does not need to bend to the US' geopolitical and economic interests


Oct 29, 2017
Not a popular opinion around here but as a European, please go ahead. At least that may finally force a true European defense alliance, one that does not need to bend to the US' geopolitical and economic interests
Simultaneously, various right-wing parties in the EU receive funding and background support from Russia to stoke anti-EU sentiment and politics, assuring that such an alliance would have a very hard time to be formed.

Deleted member 9305

Oct 26, 2017
Putin is probably already sick of all the winning.