
Oct 25, 2017
Sollefteå, Sweden
I've seen the Patterson Cut now and grinding it down to 2.5h really helped with the pacing (also it has Duel of the Fates during the end duel!). But at the same time it showed the lack of budget as some scenes made it look like a Hallmark Afternoon Special.
Oct 25, 2017
I dont get Reva's trajectory

she's mad about a dude trying to kill her as a kid so she joins the kid killer's club led by the same dude who almost killed her and spends years killing them kids with him, with the vague idea that maybe someday she'll kill that one dude too
she meets obi and he's like "hey you should kill that guy" and she's like....well yeah I guess I should stop putting that off
and then at the precisely wrong moment while that dude stands around, she very loudly telegraphs her attack and totally flops (instead of doing it while he was very much busy earlier, which is what Obi told her to do).
And then vader (known for his forgiving nature!) is like lol that was fun I guess ill let you live lets do that again sometime
and then she's like oh well guess ill go kill another kid instead (at which point she's finally I the asshole?)

After reading the earlier script idea / original intent for her, it makes so much more sense.
She didn't know Vader was Anakin. All she knew was that a Jedi attacked her, and no other Jedi helped her (obi even instructed everyone to stay away which left her abandoned) and then the new government shows up and declares the jedi enemies who are trying to pull some shit. Checks out from her perspective, so she joins their anti-jedi task force. During the course of the series she learns that Vader is Anakin, realizing she was deceived by the empire to fight with the wrong side, and tries to kill Vader. Vader (known for taking no shit) kills her instead.

why did they look at that earlier draft and think "I need to really fuck this all up"


Oct 25, 2017
Reva =
Oct 27, 2017
I dont get Reva's trajectory

she's mad about a dude trying to kill her as a kid so she joins the kid killer's club led by the same dude who almost killed her and spends years killing them kids with him, with the vague idea that maybe someday she'll kill that one dude too
she meets obi and he's like "hey you should kill that guy" and she's like....well yeah I guess I should stop putting that off
and then at the precisely wrong moment while that dude stands around, she very loudly telegraphs her attack and totally flops (instead of doing it while he was very much busy earlier, which is what Obi told her to do).
And then vader (known for his forgiving nature!) is like lol that was fun I guess ill let you live lets do that again sometime
and then she's like oh well guess ill go kill another kid instead (at which point she's finally I the asshole?)

After reading the earlier script idea / original intent for her, it makes so much more sense.
She didn't know Vader was Anakin. All she knew was that a Jedi attacked her, and no other Jedi helped her (obi even instructed everyone to stay away which left her abandoned) and then the new government shows up and declares the jedi enemies who are trying to pull some shit. Checks out from her perspective, so she joins their anti-jedi task force. During the course of the series she learns that Vader is Anakin, realizing she was deceived by the empire to fight with the wrong side, and tries to kill Vader. Vader (known for taking no shit) kills her instead.

why did they look at that earlier draft and think "I need to really fuck this all up"
This sounds sooo much better, mainly because it actually makes sense
Oct 25, 2017
Also why did they do that stupid second ship fake out and make reva look like an idiot for waiting until it was all over to attack

When they could have just had reva attack while he was holding the ship, both allowing the ship to escape and also making her look actually competent

Are they insane what is this directing


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure Reva isn't particularly meant to be ultra competent or anything. She's just full of resentment and rage.


Oct 26, 2017
It's called bad writing. The show was poorly written and poorly rewritten. I don't fault the actor at all. Reva makes very little sense, both in terms of motivation and actions.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I dont get Reva's trajectory

she's mad about a dude trying to kill her as a kid so she joins the kid killer's club led by the same dude who almost killed her and spends years killing them kids with him, with the vague idea that maybe someday she'll kill that one dude too
she meets obi and he's like "hey you should kill that guy" and she's like....well yeah I guess I should stop putting that off
and then at the precisely wrong moment while that dude stands around, she very loudly telegraphs her attack and totally flops (instead of doing it while he was very much busy earlier, which is what Obi told her to do).
And then vader (known for his forgiving nature!) is like lol that was fun I guess ill let you live lets do that again sometime
and then she's like oh well guess ill go kill another kid instead (at which point she's finally I the asshole?)

After reading the earlier script idea / original intent for her, it makes so much more sense.
She didn't know Vader was Anakin. All she knew was that a Jedi attacked her, and no other Jedi helped her (obi even instructed everyone to stay away which left her abandoned) and then the new government shows up and declares the jedi enemies who are trying to pull some shit. Checks out from her perspective, so she joins their anti-jedi task force. During the course of the series she learns that Vader is Anakin, realizing she was deceived by the empire to fight with the wrong side, and tries to kill Vader. Vader (known for taking no shit) kills her instead.

why did they look at that earlier draft and think "I need to really fuck this all up"
Jesus lol. Yeah I'm not sure where that first draft is from (where'd you get that), but it IS much better.


Oct 29, 2017
Reva's plot should have been: having despaired at how the jedi were unable to protect her/others and becoming an orphaned street urchin, she uses the force to survive, unknowingly falling to the dark side, eventually found and recruited by the inquisitors. She hunts down jedi out of hatred against their failure and having come to believe they had sought to overthrow the republic, until she meets Obi-Wan and realizes along with him that Vader is Anakin. Reva must figure which version of the events she should believe between Obi and the Inquisitors, and ultimately ends up in a position where Obi Wan's life hangs in the balance over that choice, and dies sacrificing herself to save him.

While Obi in AHN and ESB isn't pushing Luke to redeem Vader, Obi would know there is such a path thanks to the above, even if never spelled out in the OT.


Oct 25, 2017
Jesus lol. Yeah I'm not sure where that first draft is from (where'd you get that), but it IS much better.

The series has a lot of scrapped ideas:

Stuart Beattie (Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi writer) reveals fate of Reva in the original movie script Spoiler

Much more stuff at: Do what you must if old

Obi-Wan writer reveals he originally pitched the project as a "set of three movies"; show stretched first film (s2 hints too?) A lot of interesting details in this article from writer Stuart Beattie who pitched a solo Obi-Wan project all the way back in 2016 when it was supposed to be a film. He and Hossein Amini are credited for the...

Obi-Wan Kenobi Writer Reveals Commander Cody's and Deepfake Luke’s Scrapped Roles News

Some of this stuff is absolutely wild.
Oct 25, 2017
The series has a lot of scrapped ideas:

Stuart Beattie (Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi writer) reveals fate of Reva in the original movie script Spoiler

Much more stuff at: Do what you must if old

Obi-Wan writer reveals he originally pitched the project as a "set of three movies"; show stretched first film (s2 hints too?) A lot of interesting details in this article from writer Stuart Beattie who pitched a solo Obi-Wan project all the way back in 2016 when it was supposed to be a film. He and Hossein Amini are credited for the...

Obi-Wan Kenobi Writer Reveals Commander Cody's and Deepfake Luke’s Scrapped Roles News

Some of this stuff is absolutely wild.
That last one had some stuff I hadn't read yet. Damn that sounds cool, I wish we got the movie instead. The series seems watered down in every way.

The other inquisitors (who did jack shit in the show) weren't even going to be present, instead Reva was to be the only inquisitor involved and she was going to be cruising around with her own squad of special clone troopers! Like a clone squad of purge troopers? That sounds awesome!

I believe in killing characters and having them stay killed so… And of course, The Grand Inquisitor is not someone you can kill… I just didn't even bring him in, because I didn't want to have to have that going on. It was really just [Reva], she actually had a squad of Stormtrooper Marshals. Except that these guys were Clones. They were all Temuera Morrison, you know, speaking in his voice, and they were all veterans of the Clone Wars, they all knew Kenobi, they knew these Jedi they were hunting, and they were still with the biochips in them… and they did not miss when they shot, and they were absolutely ruthless. There were ten of them. And they were commanded by a guy named Commander Jet.

Obi was going to run into another religion and get a force vision of what would happen to Luke if he kept being overbearing and allowed his guilt to become oppressive. Obi-wan dueling Sith Luke on Mustafar!

Like the show, in mine, Obi-Wan falls in with refugees that are fleeing the Empire, and he's helping get the refugees out away from the Empire, and luring Vader away and all that kind of stuff. And the one thing that I love that I wish they'd kept in the show was the refugees had their own religion, right? And a goddess that they said controlled all life basically. And what you'd come to realize is, 'Oh, this is the Force.' It's just they don't call it the Force, they call it the goddess. The lead refugee woman, her name was Tao. She takes Obi-Wan to their sacred shrine, and says, 'Put your hands on here, and close your eyes, and concentrate, and let the goddess talk to you,' which is basically the Force. And so Obi-Wan does it. And when he opens his eyes, he's on Mustafar. And it's like, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa, how did I get here?'
And he sees a guy in a dark robe with a red lightsaber, and he's like, 'Anakin, Anakin, Anakin!' And as… the guy in the robe comes up, he lifts his lightsaber, you see, it's Luke. Mark Hamill, 19. And so, Luke attacks him. Obi-Wan and Luke had this lightsaber battle in mine, which was mirroring, of course, Empire Strikes Back… so it was that kind of a thing that ends with, you know, Luke, just almost killing Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan is snapping out of the, you know, the vision basically, but it's a vision of the future if Obi-Wan keeps training Luke and putting all his guilt on this kid, Luke's gonna turn to the Dark Side.
So… it's one of those moments that makes Obi-Wan realize, 'I've got to let this go, because this is the future I'm headed on right now. Luke is going to become a Sith and try to kill me on Mustafar at some point.
Jun 24, 2019
Caught up with Obi-Wan Kenobi and to my surprise...I enjoyed it.

It filled in lore and context for the series. Child Leia was awesome. That final showdown with Vader *chef kiss*

I find that watching the show as a 2 part giant movie works better than watching it weekly. It makes the best moments shine.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Finally caught up with the show and I thought it was surprisingly great and a good bit of fun.

Ewan was absolutely great. He was 100% the same Obi he was from the prequels, but you could see the pain and the guilt knowing he's part of the reason the Empire exists. It was just wonderful to see him again on the screen playing Obi. And it was also great to see Hayden play Anakin again. There was something cathartic about it for some reason. I hoped for more flashbacks as it did feel like a chance of redemption for him in a way. But it was great nonetheless.

I wasn't originally a fan of the idea of Obi facing off against Vader again. Felt unnecessary at first. But in the end I thought it was incredible to see them face off against each other. And I'm glad that's part of the canon now. It feels fitting.

I just wish Luke and Leia weren't a part of the story. Absolutely unnecessary and over the top if you ask me. Feels like a forced Disney decision in the same line as the origin of the 'Solo' name. I didn't always enjoy the performance of Leia either in all honesty. Didn't think they were both cast particularly great as well.

Bit mixed on Reva. She's a really cool character and there were some cool ideas surrounding here. But the execution was a bit hit and miss.

Also, was there just a big cock-up with Episode 5? Obi surrenders to Reva and a big fucking army of troopers, explains the plan to Reva that he is the bait. Vader shows up and Obi is back in the base? Like... how and why? First of, how does this help with the plan of baiting Vader with Obi? Second, how the f did he escape? Did Reva let him go and the troopers just didn't care? What on Earth? The following fake-out with the ship was just dumb and Reva striking when all the distractions were done was even dumber.


Oct 25, 2017
Gave it a shot.

Wasn't really feeling this one. Hard to nail down concretely but it just felt very derivative of better things without doing enough that was unique to the characters. The coolest stuff for me (the first two episodes where Obi-Wan is going more fisticuff/gunman, the last fight with Vader, Reva's character) really got their edges taken out when I thought back to what they were drawing from and how little they really kind of did beyond referencing those things (IMO)

Leia was mixed here. A lot of the time it feels like people's complaints of Solo where she's going through the motions to set her up for the stuff we know. Some of the time she's genuinely charming but I feel it's more the actress selling the hell out of this thin script.

Pretty similar vibes with Obi-wan and Anakin/Vader too. Although their heights are greater there's still a lot of meh in there for me.

Reva felt too similar to Trilla from Jedi Fallen Order for me to really get into. There was an attempt I guess but besides that feeling that I'd seen it before I just didn't really feel much for her after she does her reveal and then Vader obviously survives. Knowing the outcome of things that obviously have to go a certain way either undercuts some moments or just felt contradictory in some cases to me.

Thinking about it besides these characters which I didn't even really feel half the time I really can't think of much else to talk about. Everything else from shots to other characters to lore to story just felt like padding to me. I think there's maybe 3 episodes of worthwhile content for me even in this relatively short 7 episode series.


Oct 27, 2017
The North, England
Gave it a shot.

Wasn't really feeling this one. Hard to nail down concretely but it just felt very derivative of better things without doing enough that was unique to the characters. The coolest stuff for me (the first two episodes where Obi-Wan is going more fisticuff/gunman, the last fight with Vader, Reva's character) really got their edges taken out when I thought back to what they were drawing from and how little they really kind of did beyond referencing those things (IMO)

Leia was mixed here. A lot of the time it feels like people's complaints of Solo where she's going through the motions to set her up for the stuff we know. Some of the time she's genuinely charming but I feel it's more the actress selling the hell out of this thin script.

Pretty similar vibes with Obi-wan and Anakin/Vader too. Although their heights are greater there's still a lot of meh in there for me.

Reva felt too similar to Trilla from Jedi Fallen Order for me to really get into. There was an attempt I guess but besides that feeling that I'd seen it before I just didn't really feel much for her after she does her reveal and then Vader obviously survives. Knowing the outcome of things that obviously have to go a certain way either undercuts some moments or just felt contradictory in some cases to me.

Thinking about it besides these characters which I didn't even really feel half the time I really can't think of much else to talk about. Everything else from shots to other characters to lore to story just felt like padding to me. I think there's maybe 3 episodes of worthwhile content for me even in this relatively short 7 episode series.

There's a quite easy to find 3 hour fan cut of the show. It takes out a lot of the padding you speak of and has a more focused story.


Oct 27, 2017
With the exception of that infamous chase sequence, I liked this quite a lot. But it did feel like they could've cut one episode of runtime.

I have mixed feelings about Reva. I didn't like her acting and that detracted a lot from what was otherwise an interesting character.


Nov 1, 2017
It's weird because I mostly liked this show when I watched it, but I can barely remember any of it months later.

I still at least think about Boba Fett climbing out of a sarlac pit looking all disgusting, and learning the language of the Tusken raiders from Book of Boba Fett. LOL

Unfortunately, a lot of modern shows and movies feel disposable. Been feeling that way about Marvel stuff for more than a hot minute, too.
Oct 25, 2017
Just started watching this on the 2nd episode. Worst part about it is Reva, not sure who this actress is, but she's done a terrible job, every scene she's in takes me out of the show. Although this could be due to the script. I'm hoping it gets better as it goes, because so far it's been just okay, expected more I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Just started watching this on the 2nd episode. Worst part about it is Reva, not sure who this actress is, but she's done a terrible job, every scene she's in takes me out of the show. Although this could be due to the script. I'm hoping it gets better as it goes, because so far it's been just okay, expected more I guess.

It's definitely the script


Oct 25, 2017
I figured, I haven't seen her in anything else so I couldn't properly judge. Going to stick with the show though, hasn't improved much.

Stick with it because the last episode is really what carries the whole show and justifies its existence.

So much so that there's probably a very solid 2 hour movie that could have been made instead.


Oct 27, 2017
I figured, I haven't seen her in anything else so I couldn't properly judge. Going to stick with the show though, hasn't improved much.

The lows of the show outnumber the highs like 5:1 so don't expect any triumphant improvements by the end. There are good moments here and there, mostly in the last couple episodes. Just be sure to keep the faith in the end and watch Andor (if you haven't already).
Oct 25, 2017
Stick with it because the last episode is really what carries the whole show and justifies its existence.

So much so that there's probably a very solid 2 hour movie that could have been made instead.

Yeah it's enjoyable enough to stick with it, I just expected more I guess. Looking forward to that episode though.

The lows of the show outnumber the highs like 5:1 so don't expect any triumphant improvements by the end. There are good moments here and there, mostly in the last couple episodes. Just be sure to keep the faith in the end and watch Andor (if you haven't already).

Oh Andor is next on the docket, I heard great things. Then going to go back to Mandolorian since I never finished that, near the end of season 1.


Jun 25, 2018
Just started watching this on the 2nd episode. Worst part about it is Reva, not sure who this actress is, but she's done a terrible job, every scene she's in takes me out of the show. Although this could be due to the script. I'm hoping it gets better as it goes, because so far it's been just okay, expected more I guess.

The acting and writing is awful. I wish I could tell you it gets better, but it doesn't. Luckily, the rest of the series has some highlights which warrant continuing.


Oct 29, 2017
Just started watching this on the 2nd episode. Worst part about it is Reva, not sure who this actress is, but she's done a terrible job, every scene she's in takes me out of the show. Although this could be due to the script. I'm hoping it gets better as it goes, because so far it's been just okay, expected more I guess.
thanks for bumping to let us know a woman is the worst part of something star wars related. a fresh take.

Yoga Flame

Sep 8, 2022
I dropped this 4 episode in, I couldn't get over the disaster that was the Vader encounter. It was such an amateurish and clumsy set piece that frankly sucked all enthusiasm I had and gave me little confidence that the director and writers know what they're doing. Music was anticlimactic as well. What a waste of one of the best parts of the PT, which is Ewan's Obi Wan. The Lars/Ewan dynamic is the only bright spot. The shoddy chase scene with Leia is unfortunately representative of everything that comes after it, a haphazardly put together show with very little care for source material. Another Disney Starwars production.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
thanks for bumping to let us know a woman is the worst part of something star wars related. a fresh take.

Are you serious? I'm currently watching the show and wanted to comment on it, everyone else is having a normal conversation, why do you have to be like this?

You're probably not a pleasant person to be around, gain some perspective in life and then come back.
Oct 25, 2017
Just finished this, it's like they poured everything into that last episode, thought the finale was great, made the whole watch worth it for me honestly.