
Dec 28, 2017
Obsidian's creative director, Leonard Boyarsky has said the studio doesn't want to create a "politically-charged" game with The Outer Worlds. The game is set in a future world where megacorporations have begun colonizing and terraforming alien planets. As such, its plot heavily references the 'dark side' of capitalism. However, co-director Boyarsky said the studio has been "very careful" not to "lecture" players with the themes featured in the game, telling VGC it's "the last thing we want to do."

"I like money: I'm not against capitalism and in a lot of ways I'm happy with our society. But of course there are a lot of ways in which it could be improved. We started development in April 2016 and a couple of things happened [in world politics] between then and now that nobody expected. We weren't expecting that.

Boyarsky said The Outer Worlds' story is less a critique of modern capitalism and more about "power and how power is used against people who don't have it. "It can be insidious; the way which people control the stories you tell about the world. If you let other people control that narrative, then they can control you to a certain degree. That can be any form of government: if it wasn't capitalism it could be something else."

"I don't want people to think this is a really hard, politically-charged game: it's supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be humorous"

"There are people in this game who have philosophies that I don't agree with and I take pains to make those people very likeable, very sensible and very believable. Then there are people in the game who say things I agree with, who are perhaps not very nice to hang out with. So we don't want to set up strawman or anything and say, 'look how horrible this is!' It's really about looking at all aspects of issues. The last thing we want to do is make a game that people feel is lecturing them."

The Outer World team's stance echoes that of Ubisoft, which recently moved to explain why its teams balance apolitical views in games informed by highly politicised real-world events. Ubisoft wants its games to educate players so they can "formulate their own ideas", it said.
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Oct 25, 2017
They're really trying to claim a game about megacorps exploiting workers and income inequality isn't political? OK


Dec 28, 2017
The notion that politically charged media can't be fun or humorous is super reductive, and a story about "power and how power is used against people who don't have it" sounds pretty damn political.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Sure yeah it's probably not going to be as politically charged as something like WDL


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Just like totally apolitical game Fallout New Vegas, gotcha.


Oct 25, 2017
I certainly did not expect this from the creators of Fallout.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the quote used for the title of the article, and thus the thread title, doesn't really capture the spirit of what he is talking about.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Damn dude is bothsiding so hard it's folding space.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Sure Jan.

It is a game about exploitative megacorps for crying out loud.


Oct 25, 2017
"We don't want a politically charged game."

*The game is set in a future world where megacorporations have begun colonizing and terraforming alien planets. As such, its plot heavily references the 'dark side' of capitalism.*

But I don't think they need to worry, no one's going to be playing this game and forming political viewpoints from it I don't think.

The Gold Hawk

Jan 30, 2019
Another company bullshitting about their product being apolitical. Yay.

Are the Alt-Reichers these companies seem to be worried about upsetting really that scar...oh.


Yup, fair enough.


Oct 26, 2017
Boyarsky said The Outer Worlds' story is less a critique of modern capitalism and more about "power and how power is used against people who don't have it.

The Outer Worlds' story is less a critique of modern capitalism and more about "power and how power is used against people who don't have it.

less a critique of modern capitalism, more how power is used against people who don't have it.



Oct 27, 2017
FFS stop appealing to gamergate scumbags.

Edit: OK, it's not as bad as the title make it out to be.
Oct 25, 2017
"We don't want a politically charged game."

*The game is set in a future world where megacorporations have begun colonizing and terraforming alien planets. As such, its plot heavily references the 'dark side' of capitalism.*

But I don't think they need to worry, no one's going to be playing this game and forming political viewpoints from it I don't think.

Thing is, he didn't say that. I mean, the person who watched the interview could be dumb as fuck and interpreted it that way, but it's not what he said.

Uhm.. I dont know about.
You cant make PoE2 and claim that TOW is not politically charged lol

Boyarski didn't make POE2. Sawyer was the director on that. This is not "obsidian as a whole". It's an awful article.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
The worse thing is the gaslighting. The straight pissing in people's faces and telling you it's raining. If you are scared of the Alt Right just say you scared and move on.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm starting* to get the feeling that when people say "it's apolitical" they refer to some wishy-washy centrism bordering on both sides-ism. Something like Boogie.

*: not really, it's an old trick here in Chile. People say "nah, I'm apolitical, neither left nor right" and yet they constantly spout right-wing ideas, replicate right-wing talking points and celebrate right-wing figures. So... yeah.

EDIT: Yes, the actual Boyarsky quote is different. That changes the context, but my point still stands despite not being particularly relevant to what LB said, so... I'll add something different too: I disagree with him about the current state of our world (and he's obviously entitled to his opinion), but at least I appreciate that he's not going full "apolitical" when the setting and themes are obviously very political at its core. The tone might be humorous, but there's a critique in there.
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Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
damn that's quite a spin and interpretation from what he said
Yeah reading the article the guy doesn't say the game is apolitical. He says it's not "politically-charged" which reads to me that it's politics isn't front and center. They have themes they wanna get across, but they don't want those to get too much in the way of the tone, nor are they wanting to tell the player "this is bad and this is good".

Bad headline on the article writer.


Nov 11, 2017
Oh no, politics in my games, I'm a fragile man child, I can't handle them!

I get what he's saying but at the same time if you are writing a story and worried how people will feel about it... fuck that.


Oct 26, 2017
The full quote is completely consistent with what the devs have been saying about the game since it was announced. A short quote gives the wrong impression.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, it's probably not political in the way most gamers think games are political. Because this game has actual politics in it.
Oct 26, 2017
Thing is, he didn't say that. I mean, the person who watched the interview could be dumb as fuck and interpreted it that way, but it's not what he said.

Boyarski didn't make POE2. Sawyer was the director on that. This is not "obsidian as a whole". It's an awful article.

Im aware of that, but Meghan Starks worked on both games as a writer and she is the senior writer for TOW.


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
I lose a lot of respect for companies when they say stuff like this.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Right wing people are really that scary?

Im like confused; I didn't know nazi money was that prevalent, LOL. What's scary is some of these 'non-political' game's politics are often themes and ideas that even traditional conservatives wouldn't find offensive, but I guess since we in the era where nazi gamers are a thing we can't lose those sales?


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
I'm starting* to get the feeling that when people say "it's apolitical" they refer to some wishy-washy centrism bordering on both sides-ism. Something like Boogie.

*: not really, it's an old trick here in Chile. People say "nah, I'm apolitical, neither left nor right" and yet they constantly spout right-wing ideas, replicate right-wing talking points and celebrate right-wing figures. So... yeah.
It's pretty much always something like: "Look I don't care about politics I just think that Hitler was unfairly treated and maybe wasn't that wrong"


Oct 26, 2017
hahaha why even say anything? you're literally admitting you have extremely political themes by bothering to comment like this.

edit: his entire statement is just as bad as the pull quote. its just literally this tweet.
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Nov 1, 2017
They are terrified of the right wing outrage machine that exists in the gaming community. They don't want to lose sales by being Battlefield V'd.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
So from the full quotes, he's trying to say that the game will not be preachy in its politics. Which is totally fine.

But when he actually says "I don't want people to think this is a really hard, politically-charged game: it's supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be humorous", well.... this is just a really bad way to summarize what you mean my dude.

damn that's quite a spin and interpretation from what he said
It's literally his own quote.

I feel like the quote used for the title of the article, and thus the thread title, doesn't really capture the spirit of what he is talking about.
I can see why you'd think that (see my comment above), but unfortunately, it is a direct quote, and not exactly out of context either. He just expressed himself quite poorly.