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volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Instead of derailing the thread over the ban, just report it and explain why you think it's an error.


Oct 25, 2017
How many mods looked at that post and agreed it was downplaying racism?

Explain the reasoning.


Oct 27, 2017
That's a ridiculous ban. OP is right, Michael is an offensive, bad person and highlighting that via the reactions of other characters is the core pillar of the show's humor. It's not downplaying racism. If you lack the intelligence to discern between bad thing and thing that look like bad thing, you probably shouldn't be a moderator.


Oct 25, 2017
That's a ridiculous ban. OP is right, Michael is an offensive, bad person and highlighting that via the reactions of other characters is the core pillar of the show's humor. It's not downplaying racism. If you lack the intelligence to discern between bad thing and thing that look like bad thing, you probably shouldn't be a moderator.

Bans are done by more than one mod. We need to know which ones thought that was downplaying racism and give an explanation of how they reached that conclusion.


Oct 27, 2017
Bans are done by more than one mod. We need to know which ones thought that was downplaying racism and give an explanation of how they reached that conclusion.
That has changed as of today

To facilitate this effort, we are also cutting some red tape and giving moderators who have a personal understanding and perspective of the issues at stake more latitude to moderate threads of a sensitive nature.


May 31, 2019
Bans are done by more than one mod. We need to know which ones thought that was downplaying racism and give an explanation of how they reached that conclusion.
this is getting awfully off-topic, but we definitely don't need the former. as cool as accountability would be, privacy is way more important. longer ban explanations would be cool though.

anyway on-topic haha the office amirite everybody, wacky jim please don't ban me I have an OT to update


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
It would be an issue if Jim and Roy were best friends but they don't even like each other. Besides, no one stays engaged that long in a healthy relationship. The show goes out of its way to show that Pam and Roy aren't meant to be together.
100%, every time someone posts or has a thread where they say Jim is bad for kissing Pam or saying he has feeling for her I have to do a major eye roll.


Oct 25, 2017
it's always weird to me when people insist on reviewing an analyzing The Office through a realistic lens and apply real world moral and social expectations on the characters. They are fucking cartoons.


Nov 1, 2017
Can people really just not accept that Dwight, Jim, and Scott (and Andy) are all shitheads? Most of the cast are unsufferable and would be the worst person on any other show but since they are all lumped here together that makes it "good" somehow? I don't even dislike the show I just find it amusing people feel the need to defend these characters shitty actions and try to spin them as good because they like them. It's a tv show, you are allowed to like bad or flawed characters.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Are reports anonymous? I don't think I'm brave enough to do that otherwise.

Kind of silly unless you're abusive or actually defending racism in your report. Just saying "I think you made a mistake and here's why..." would be fine. It happens from time to time. Don't forget that at least one person probably reported the post which is how it ended up in front of mods in the first place.
Oct 25, 2017
Kind of silly unless you're abusive or actually defending racism in your report. Just saying "I think you made a mistake and here's why..." would be fine. It happens from time to time. Don't forget that at least one person probably reported the post which is how it ended up in front of mods in the first place.
With how easily you apparently get banned on here (like OP), I wouldn't want to have the spotlight on me lol


Oct 25, 2017
Kind of silly unless you're abusive or actually defending racism in your report. Just saying "I think you made a mistake and here's why..." would be fine. It happens from time to time. Don't forget that at least one person probably reported the post which is how it ended up in front of mods in the first place.

Considering they banned someone for apparently liking season 1 of the Office too hard, I can understand the apprehension.


Nov 24, 2017
Kind of silly unless you're abusive or actually defending racism in your report. Just saying "I think you made a mistake and here's why..." would be fine. It happens from time to time. Don't forget that at least one person probably reported the post which is how it ended up in front of mods in the first place.

If they actually read the OP and decided that defended racism, I don't have hopes in their ability to understand their own mistake.


alt account
Nov 13, 2019
Fuck people defending this ugly humor. None of you would be saying the same thing if the character had done blackface or some kind of minstrel shown nonsense. Seems to me like some of y'all only don't find it a big deal because he's making fun of Asians.

If they actually read the OP and decided that defended racism, I don't have hopes in their ability to understand their own mistake.

Maybe don't describe such a horrible scene as "golden" while displaying your white privilege to not give a fuck all in one post? Saying that it's OK because it's just a character and they're making him out to be a terrible person doesn't change a damn thing when they are trying to get laughs from the audience.
Oct 27, 2017
Michael is a cartoon in the diversity day episode. By season 2 most are well on their way to full cartoon. Dwight is an especially early cartoon. Taking away healthcare for the sake of the company is pretty funny in it's cartoonishness.
I guess I meant how flanderized/overblown characters' personalities become later in the show. Like Kevin and Stanley become cartoonish parodies of themselves. The earlier seasons are way more down to Earth in comparison
Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (3 Months): defending the use of blackface
Fuck people defending this ugly humor. None of you would be saying the same thing if the character had done blackface or some kind of minstrel shown nonsense. Seems to me like some of y'all only don't find it a big deal because he's making fun of Asians.
I dunno, I thought Robert Downey Jr.'s blackface character in tropic thunder was funny, and not because of the blackface itself. Again, context is very important.


Nov 14, 2019
Fuck people defending this ugly humor. None of you would be saying the same thing if the character had done blackface or some kind of minstrel shown nonsense. Seems to me like some of y'all only don't find it a big deal because he's making fun of Asians.

People tend to laugh at Michael, not with him. A large premise of the whole show is how terrible a person Michael is and everyone knows it, but he thinks everyone loves him.

Anyway, here's arguably the best Asian sketch

Oct 25, 2017
Fuck people defending this ugly humor. None of you would be saying the same thing if the character had done blackface or some kind of minstrel shown nonsense. Seems to me like some of y'all only don't find it a big deal because he's making fun of Asians.
When the joke is on the person doing it, yes they would. I mean, you're literally describing Tropic Thunder, which everyone was okay with because the joke was on RDJ's character.
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck people defending this ugly humor. None of you would be saying the same thing if the character had done blackface or some kind of minstrel shown nonsense. Seems to me like some of y'all only don't find it a big deal because he's making fun of Asians.

Maybe don't describe such a horrible scene as "golden" while displaying your white privilege to not give a fuck all in one post? Saying that it's OK because it's just a character and they're making him out to be a terrible person doesn't change a damn thing when they are trying to get laughs from the audience.
OP knows it's offensive, they even say so. We're literally talking about the most watched show on Netflix here...


alt account
Nov 13, 2019
OP knows it's offensive, they even say so. We're literally talking about the most watched show on Netflix here...

Right up there along with the transphobic and homophobic Friends show! What great company. What a great idea to look at the most popular shows with white people to determine what is and isn't a problem.
Oct 27, 2017
Saying that it's OK because it's just a character and they're making him out to be a terrible person doesn't change a damn thing when they are trying to get laughs from the audience.
But I think the "laughs" are coming from the fact that Michael has the awareness and cultural sensitivity of a middle schooler. The scene is putting Michael's idiocy on display, which is funny.
Oct 26, 2017
Why the hell was OP banned? For laughing at a show making fun of racists through cringy/awkward comedy? Great way to run a site


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck people defending this ugly humor. None of you would be saying the same thing if the character had done blackface or some kind of minstrel shown nonsense. Seems to me like some of y'all only don't find it a big deal because he's making fun of Asians.

Maybe don't describe such a horrible scene as "golden" while displaying your white privilege to not give a fuck all in one post? Saying that it's OK because it's just a character and they're making him out to be a terrible person doesn't change a damn thing when they are trying to get laughs from the audience.

It's clear you don't understand how the situation or situations in the show are framed or that type of dry humour. No one here or in general is defending Michael being a racist or oblivious that his shit is wrong, but that's the point. Characters in the show know Michael is an idiot or racist or whatever and we are laughing at him, not with him. The way you're framing your argument is shutting down discussion and looking at the situation in one way, which isn't healthy.
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