
Dec 4, 2018
Holy shit those boosted RR's. What is Bandai doing over there? Maybe I should just hold off and pull on TM Sugo's for point boosters.

Also use 30 gems on that Germa Ship too.

Wait you're not happy with Punk Hazard Caesar and Sabaody Capone? Think of the lore!

Seems like unless you're doing 10 there's no benefit to doing more than 4 on any part

Edit: done wasting stamina on the last Zoro stage. I hate random enemy cooldowns

Here's the Double Snakeman team I used for 20 stamina Zoro, found it on reddit. Maybe you can build it. It was fairly safe and easy, beat it first try. 20th anni Sanji is mostly there for poison removal and because he's boosted. Since I had INTvankov max support (on Snakeman), I just use legend V2 Sanji instead for more damage. People reporting they used Mansherry instead of 20th anni Sanji and it worked too. Also I ran Zou but some people picked Zunesha (won't boost Colo Magellan but doesn't matter) to make it safer. Here are the instructions I followed for that team :

Round 1: Use Luffy special and kill wolfs on the back. Stall a bit.

Round 2: Kill 3 girls in front . Stall a bit.

Round 3: You need to have your Sanji special preapered for psy guy poison. I have killed him first and 2 other fodders in my first turn and on next cleared.

Round 4: Kill fodders first then try get yellow orb . When i get yellow orb i was on maybe 20k hp and i used luffy special to kill brook on 1 turn.

Round 5: Kill fodders again and stall a bit . Prepare matching orbs on captains.

Round 6: Wait 1 turn, you can try kill 1 fodder but save orbs on captains. Use Magellan special on turn 2 and kill Chopper.

Round 7: Use corazon special, kill fodders on first turn and slowly kill nami. Watch your Magellan, Corazon special timer because you will need them on last stage (you can stall a bit before on stage 9).

Round 8: Kill fodders and stall 2 turns on Sanji (kill him before he will attack using 1 luffy special).

Round 9: Stall if you need . You can take 1 hit from dragon because he will change color orbs into rcv orbs.

Round 10: Use Luffy, Corazon, Magellan and Hody special then kill him easly.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I'll do a couple of discounted 30 gem pulls on various days, maybe 3-4 of those. The additional rewards for more than 1 pull on a day aren't impressive enough to entice me beyond that.


Dec 4, 2018
All done with 20th anniversary SH content on Global. The SH Adventure island was nice and easy to farm with auto-battle and the loot was good yeah, rainbowed and socketed my story SH finally. Also rainbowed invasion Garp, that went very smoothly too. No rest for the wicked though with the Germa 66 event AND Linlin landing tonight it seems. Will focus on Linlin first, especially if the ambush rate is is super low. Also didn't realise there was a ranking/blitz kind of event with victory points to collect and probably red tickets as prizes? So much to do in the next few days, almost overwhelming but not complaining though, bring it on! :)

Also on JP the 4th round of Kizuna started and they made tweaks again. Positive ones since the HP growth for the boss is slightly lower and we get more guaranteed boss tokens (means we can run it more). Also for the first time, they are boosting some OLDER legends instead of just the most recent ones. Carrot, Capone, V2 Jinbe, Barto/Cavendish, Warco. The mechanics aren't too bad either. Here are my captain pairings just to give a rough idea of what to expect in the future on Global :

PSY version : V2 Akainu + FC Capone. Capone just destroys this boss, since he gives an atk boost and prevents blowing away
STR version : V2G4 + FC Carrot, pretty much auto-win with FC Carrot. I'm only using V2G4 because I don't have any other rainbow QCK captain but ideally you want Luffy/Law + Carrot
QCK version : double 6+ Nami, not much to say, she's just amazing for this kind of content, just add TS Robin

Overall, it shouldn't be too hard to get all the LB mats this time, I'm happy that they've been tuning down the difficulty since that brutal 2nd round.

Also been farming the new Strawhat Festival FN, it's super easy and the new FN units are pretty decent. Noticed this FN is going to last 52 days so possibly a sign that FNs are going to last longer than a month from now on.

thank you thank you, worked first try like a charm.

I was 60 stamina deep trying to get an Enel team to work but kept getting screwed by cooldowns and was running the numbers on how much one gem and a universal book was really worth

Glad it worked. :)
Yeah I saw a couple Enel teams around but didn't seem very safe. He's great but he's a lot of hard work and vulnerable to random cooldowns and meat orb luck.


Oct 27, 2017
So.... What exactly do I do with this Shiki

I think I've literally never seen him in a team as a captain or sub
Oct 25, 2017
So.... What exactly do I do with this Shiki

I think I've literally never seen him in a team as a captain or sub
He's a good special nuke unit. His special can easily do over 1M damage on some teams.

Beat both 20 stamina 20th Anni islands with double Jack teams. Easiest 1.4M XP of my life. Now I have a double over-filled stamina bar to wait for Ambush Linlin.


Oct 27, 2017
Got Linlin to invade on the first try and beat her. With 4x skill up it should be no problem maxing her with books. Time to farm G66 skulls!

Chris Rysdyk

Feb 22, 2018
Sigh i wont be able to do invasion linlin this time has the units you need I have but their special cooldowns are too high, meaning I need to farm rob Lucci and buy TM big mom limit break :(


Oct 30, 2017
Free Germa unit was Niji, who kind of seems like he wants Ichiji around, so meh on that. I know Reiju is good for the TM, hopefully I'll manage to pull her at some point. I do like the "trial" quests better than the old sugo preview ones, it's nice to actually try out the units.

Did a few difficulties of Germa Counterattack and ended up with a Niji skull, so just four to go. Will try for Linlin invasions tomorrow.


Oct 25, 2017
I got Niji and after 5 runs, I got an encounter with Linlin. This team got her down easily, although it's pretty p2w heavy:
Stage breakdown: Stall until all units are ready. You will get special binded on stage 4, it'll go down naturally due to Warco.
Stage 5: take 2-3 hits and you should try to have either 1 Marco+WB+Shanks or double WB+ Shanks. Once you're under 50%, use Nami to get rid of special bind, switch to Mihawk and then use his special, then use the rest except 1 Warco. I'm not sure how important positioning is but she always blew away Luffy after using 1 Warco.

Nami might not be needed either. I actually had her on the bottom row so she couldn't activate her sailor ability. You could replace her with an affinity booster or just another strong int unit in that case but make sure Shiawk(?) Isn't on the bottom row.

Edit: a more f2p team if you have Warco. You will need to be under 10% hp for BB special.
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Oct 25, 2017
Gr, took too much damage stalling (unnessarily) during stage1 of Linlin and died, otherwise the time I have is fine. That was my first ambush after 2 runs, hopefully I can get it again.

Debating to try to farm her or not. 2x stamina is a gamble but might be worth it. Germa stuff is here until the 4th so it's more worthwhile to get Linlin now and just be done with her. Need what, 9 copies total?

Free pull was Reiju, which is nice I guess. Holding off on the mat stuff until I see how my droprate luck goes


Sweet Commander
Oct 25, 2017
I've had her appear once in 5 tries. Lost due to Streusens bullshit. CBA with this nonsense.

Free pull was Ichiji. Since I don't plan on pulling, I'm sure he'll sit useless in my box for months.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh cool, got her on my 3rd try. Only single try, so I might switch to double now to try to get those LB copies. no healing debuff is always great to have


Dec 4, 2018
Wooo my free Germa was Reiju again, chuffed about that! That's ambush Smoothie/Oven sorted out.

And the event website is up! There are both a community event (we need to reach 50M victory points for all the rewards) AND a lottery. We'll get a free red ticket for the co-op event and there's a sweet "pick your legend" reward at 40m for beginners with V1 Law, Enel and Corazon. Unfortunately I own them all but I'll pick Corazon to get a free support level and LB node.

The lottery prizes are amazing, that 2nd prize set with V2 Kata, Carrot and Snakeman probably is better than the 1K gems. There are even Carrot and Capone batches. Good luck to you guys!

About Invasion Linlin vs Germa skulls, haven't started farming yet but I'll probably focus on Linlin. Things might be different on Global but this could be the easiest time to farm her. She didn't come back that often on JP and she came back on pretty hard content (raids and colos). No one is going to farm her after Raid Big Mom or Capone. On the other hand, the Germa skull island is piss easy, you can buggy or TM enel it and it will probably become an unlockable island soon (2 weeks later?). I hope to rainbow her and get all the germa skulls before the event is over though.

Also if you still have 4* silver manuals, don't evolve your Linlin yet, in 2 days there will be 4x skillup, there's no better unit to use those manuals on. She's top 3 most used F2P units after her release I'd say. She'll already be useful for the next TM boss fight.


Nov 5, 2017
I got the invasion on my first run, i went blind so Streusen crushed my dreams in his 3rd turn :/


Oct 25, 2017
Okay, for me at least, rates are good for invasion. I'm at about 50% since doing all double runs now. I've got 7/9 copies with one gem spent. Won't spend again but should get lucky later today and be done with Linlin forever.


Oct 25, 2017
Totally forgot to look at the legends!

Oh, I have them all. Guess I'll get Corazon for a free support level?


Dec 4, 2018
"Something might happen" if we get 100 million points, like an extra roast turkey and some LB materials.

Got ambushed 5 times out of 16 runs (all double stamina) so it's not as lucky as some but it's much better than the JP rate. Messed up two ambushes too (second one was a terrible mistake) so I still need 3 copies after spending 2 gems. Probaby won't gem anymore because there are 3 days left.


Oct 30, 2017
Bleh, took eight runs of Carmel before I finally got an ambush. Got my copy though, hooray for Brook gimmick teams. Gotta love it when you can clear the most recent ambush boss with a team featuring Raid Mihawk and v1 Whitebeard. :P

Not sure if I'll try for more copies for LB, it's not totally necessary and I've got Germa skulls to farm. She'll be back with a 100% ambush chance eventually.

Totally forgot to look at the legends!

Oh, I have them all. Guess I'll get Corazon for a free support level?

Yeah, I have them all too. Probably also going for Cora for the support level, even though he's one of my most pulled legends already. But that support is too good, and I'm not sure if any of the other character supports are more necessary (Legend Zoro, much like Raid Zoro, has a great support, but I'm not sure how often you'll run a Slasher team that isn't already using another Zoro).


Oct 27, 2017
Pffft you guys can have your "actually useful support ability" that you'll "actually use and has the potential to help you clear content"

I'm taking my Pokedex entry


Oct 25, 2017
Pffft you guys can have your "actually useful support ability" that you'll "actually use and has the potential to help you clear content"

I'm taking my Pokedex entry

I'd go for dex entry too. Supports we have the items for, however rare, but units are units!

Even Kizaru


Dec 4, 2018
At least you are PICKING your Kizaru. Still having PTSD of doing 20 multis on JP 5th anni and only pulling Kizaru as my lone new legend.


Oct 25, 2017
Got my 9 copies of her, also got 3 yellow skulls, 1 green, and one purple. I now have 8 yellow skulls... Time to farm skillbooks/skulls for the new German kids

Chris Rysdyk

Feb 22, 2018
It will be a long time before I get invasion linlin, i have the right teams but my special cooldowns are to high at the moment on just two of my units which is pekcoms and lucci
Oct 25, 2017
Bandai, you owe me two copies of Invasion Linlin. I got hosed because I was using the "Retry" option which I thought they fixed. They didn't and the FC sockets don't count so I was going into the invasion with lvl 4 autoheal. Couldn't tank the last hit in needed from Linlin by something like 100 HP.

I'm actually kinda pissed.


Dec 4, 2018
Ohhh great news, the legend ticket from the Ray Shop will arrive tomorrow and it is guaranteed to be a character released within the last 2 years. That's much better than the first ticket released on JP! Here's the pool of available legends. I'm missing 14/37 so I'll probably get a dupe but heh will still bite.

Also Coliseum Katakuri is arriving very soon, as Lowblood (?) predicted. Shame they didn't go with Coliseum Pica, Katakuri won't be very useful for this TM but he's not very useful overall anyway. At least he's a powerhouse unit. He's also a pain to farm, even in Underground...

I wish Linlin invasion was on literally any other quest. There's like absolutely nothing I need from this one.

Yeah I'm just very grateful that Linlin got delayed and we can use the sell all feature after each run, getting so much junk, would have been a nightmare prior to this update.

Bandai, you owe me two copies of Invasion Linlin. I got hosed because I was using the "Retry" option which I thought they fixed. They didn't and the FC sockets don't count so I was going into the invasion with lvl 4 autoheal. Couldn't tank the last hit in needed from Linlin by something like 100 HP.

I'm actually kinda pissed.

Yeah that's brutal, think they said this was a bug and would be fixed in the upcoming patch tomorrow.

Also JP is getting a QoL update tomorrow too, 9.3 except they are not getting the stacking nor the retry button nor the sell feature, I'm baffled. They are getting auto battle (finally...........), new rookie chopperman missions, returning snails. And also "better" daily chopperman missions, the rewards are better depending on your pirate level. Downside is the missions are much harder to complete it seems, like spend 100 stamina instead of just doing 3 missions and bounce.


Oct 25, 2017
Ohhh great news, the legend ticket from the Ray Shop will arrive tomorrow and it is guaranteed to be a character released within the last 2 years. That's much better than the first ticket released on JP! Here's the pool of available legends. I'm missing 14/37 so I'll probably get a dupe but heh will still bite.

Missing 15 myself, 16 if you count BoaV2 needing one for a sidegrade. Odds are decent I'll get something new, but in reality it'll be another Fuji for me. Would really like LAce, BM or Brook. OR Akainu! I like him.

Going through the skull island with a buggy team. It's slow in the beginning but I'd duplicated skulls so it's worth it for now. I'm sure as I get down to needing only one kind I'll switch to some Neptune/Jack variation


Oct 25, 2017
Is the 40 stamina version the way to go here? I've only ran the 30 stamina once for completion and I got a skull + 2 skill books which might've been a lucky run.


Dec 4, 2018
Got 2 ambushes out of 3 FN runs today so got my 9 copies of Linlin at last.

Missing 15 myself, 16 if you count BoaV2 needing one for a sidegrade. Odds are decent I'll get something new, but in reality it'll be another Fuji for me. Would really like LAce, BM or Brook. OR Akainu! I like him.

Going through the skull island with a buggy team. It's slow in the beginning but I'd duplicated skulls so it's worth it for now. I'm sure as I get down to needing only one kind I'll switch to some Neptune/Jack variation

My top 5 most wanted would be in order : Jack, Inu/Neko, Capone, Carrot, Lace. Of course I prepared myself for yet another KFL. It's the hope that kills you.

Using a Buggy team too, it's faster than I thought it would be, hardly any stalling required. Having terrible luck with drops though, think I have like 12 Yonji skulls and just 1 Reiju and 0 Sanji/Judge. Buggy keeps duplicating forbidden tomes and cola, not even skill books....

Is the 40 stamina version the way to go here? I've only ran the 30 stamina once for completion and I got a skull + 2 skill books which might've been a lucky run.

Supposedly but it doesn't feel like the 40 stamina version is much better in terms of drops. I'm averaging 0-1 skull per run, I did get 3 skulls on 20 stamina and 2 on 30 stamina lol. On JP there wasn't much of a difference so I just farmed on 30 stamina and got my 25 skulls fine.


Oct 27, 2017
I just need 3 more Reiju and one more Niji, got my Ichiji evolved

Hope I don't have to gem. So glad for skull stacking


Oct 25, 2017
Using a Buggy team too, it's faster than I thought it would be, hardly any stalling required. Having terrible luck with drops though, think I have like 12 Yonji skulls and just 1 Reiju and 0 Sanji/Judge. Buggy keeps duplicating forbidden tomes and cola, not even skill books....

What's your low-stall buggy team? Mine is stalling out on the first stage for a while, though I probably do it more to be safe. But I agree it's not 40-stamina difficulty at all


Oct 27, 2017
What's your low-stall buggy team? Mine is stalling out on the first stage for a while, though I probably do it more to be safe. But I agree it's not 40-stamina difficulty at all
for 40 stamina Buggy/Buggy/TM Shanks/TM Enel/Colo Kid and Colo Niwatori is pretty fast, no real stalling needed except having Shanks ready by stage 3 (should be five turns).

Stage 3: Use Shanks
Stage 5: Enel
Stage 6: Niwatori and kill Sanji and Judge on either turn
Stage 7: make sure you have Sanji/Judge selected and Shanks>Enel>Kid>Niwatori pass a couple turns and wait for everything to die

I'd suggest putting Snakeman support on Shanks if you have him leveled up, it'll make stage 3 go smoother because you'll definitely kill both Reiju and Yonji in three hits each.


Dec 4, 2018
What's your low-stall buggy team? Mine is stalling out on the first stage for a while, though I probably do it more to be safe. But I agree it's not 40-stamina difficulty at all

Double Buggy, TM Shanks, TM Enel, Colo Kid and Colo Niwatori. You just need to stall 1-2 turns so that TM Shanks is ready for stage 3. Something like this :

1) Stall a couple turns
2) Kill
3) Activate TM Shanks, attack Reiju with Enel and Shanks (both not boosted but doesn't matter) and end with Niwatori, should be enough to kill her then Kidd and the two Buggys should kill Yonji
4) Kill
5) Activate Enel
6) Target Sanji and activate Niwatori, 5 taps should kill Sanji and last tap will get rid of a mob. Second turn, just target Judge and you should be able to kill in 6 taps (sometimes you can't if you have badly matching on Buggys but doesn't matter). Clear on turn 3 and use Hoe's special to heal up if necessary
7) Activate Shanks, Niwatori, Enel, Colo Kidd, everything will die in two turns.

I don't have ATK CC on Niwatori, if you do it's going to be even faster on stage 6 I reckon.

Edit : Curse you Kyou!!!!


Oct 27, 2017
oh whoops I read that as "Low stamina" not low stall and thought it'd be a different team


Dec 4, 2018
Oh boy, "just" missing 5 Sanji/Judge skulls now and I already gemmed once... At least I got Reiju evolved. Worst feeling is when you nuke the 4 kids and no loot show up but then Sanji/Judge drops a forbidden tome.


Dec 4, 2018

(there's no sanji/judge skull)

Holy shit hahaha I feel better/worse? Was thinking about V1 Germa island... I'm done then, just need to finish the Chopperman missions, will do that with natural stamina. Actually didn't need to gem at all for Linlin and Germa, finished up both within 2 days....


Oct 30, 2017
Just five skulls remaining (3 Reiju, 2 Ichi). I've been running 40stam and the rates are good (usually one skull per run, sometimes 2-3), but it sounds like 30 is just as viable. If nothing else I'll switch at some point for the 50 clears for Sora copies (though the other quests showing up soon count for those too).

I feel like the v1 Germa quest was a much more miserable experience. Harder quest with lower drop rates. At least they improved.

Also despite the "low rate" I've been getting more Sanji/Judge books than anyone else. Too bad I'll never pull them. :/


Dec 4, 2018
Just five skulls remaining (3 Reiju, 2 Ichi). I've been running 40stam and the rates are good (usually one skull per run, sometimes 2-3), but it sounds like 30 is just as viable. If nothing else I'll switch at some point for the 50 clears for Sora copies (though the other quests showing up soon count for those too).

I feel like the v1 Germa quest was a much more miserable experience. Harder quest with lower drop rates. At least they improved.

Also despite the "low rate" I've been getting more Sanji/Judge books than anyone else. Too bad I'll never pull them. :/

Yup they definitely made it easier and increased the drop rate compared to the first Germa skull island. I'll switch to 30 or 20 stamina to farm a few more skillbooks.

Good luck to everyone pulling tonight! Still debating going for a 30 gem multi or not. I want to get to the triple combo Luffy/Law, Koala/Sabo, Shira/Sherry with as many gems as possible since there won't be any time to restock.

Also good luck with the Ray Shop ticket! :)
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit, I pulled Sanji/Judge on the 11th of my 2nd multi.

I did the third multi fishing for the kids and got Ichiji and ANOTHER Sanji/Judge on the 11th...


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, Sanjudge actually has a pretty normal rate for new legends, not great but actually possible unlike Carrot. Plus the rates on some of the +1 bonuses like the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pulls are actually around 3%. The old Luffies on the 4th pull have around 10% each though. :P

I did one 30 gem multi and managed to get one red, which was v1 Katakuri. Pretty happy about that, the whole reason I decided to go for it was because Kata and v2 Jinbe had some of the highest rates and I wanted 'em both. Got a few useful support dupes too, but no Germa kids. There's always TM Sugo I guess...they'll probably be pretty rare after that.