
Oct 25, 2017
I agree
Some just can't admit that something isn't for them.
There's nothing wrong with not enjoying something that is popular but some people just can't understand that.


Oct 25, 2017
United States
Although I don't agree with the usage of "overrated", I can see why certain people may be bothered by communities to the point of it ruining their experience of the media itself. It happens with many communities, especially when fringe circumstances come to light. On the other end, however, more people need to realize that just because a certain amount of people like something, or that certain people that like something cause an incident, doesn't mean that the content itself is bad (in most cases, depends on the context). If that were the case, I don't think we'd have games like Mortal Kombat, Night Trap, Doom, or much at all.


Oct 25, 2017
So if i simply say that a game is "bad" it's better?
You can replace "overrated" with "good", "bad" or whatever, no single word say anything about the game by itself, doing a crusade against a single word is meaningless. What you really want is people explaining their reasons.
Bad is at least putting the onus on the game itself. Overrated always comes across as X person basically saying "people like this game too much, they shouldn't", which just sounds douchey as fuck.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd have to agree, although i certainly used that expression myself in the past

Oh true, but whenever this pops up in my head I take the opportunity to think why I feel this way and try to revert the term overrated in things that are actually about the game.

So if i simply say that a game is "bad" it's better?
You can replace "overrated" with "good", "bad" or whatever, no single word say anything about the game by itself, doing a crusade against a single word is meaningless. What you really want is people explaining their reasons.

Well yeah basically I want people to express why they think something instead of drive-by. But then again I don't think saying a game is bad and overrated is the same. Bad is that you think there's things wrong with the game, while overrated means that you think that it's not as good as people think. I would like to say that's slightly different as one is complaining about the game and the other is complaining about things surrounding the game.


Oct 27, 2017
I get people use it to feel superior to the masses that like something popular but what words should I use to quickly communicate if a game has universial critical praise but I don't agree? Like if someone asked me if they should buy Okami because they heard all the critical praise for it? I can just say "overrated" to quickly describe I think that the praise for that is too high for that game.


Oct 28, 2017
What about underrated? I feel like that's s very valid criticism for a heap load of games.

I agree though, saying somthing is overrated is used too often for far too shallow reasons.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 29, 2017
I've stopped using it precisely because it's not good criticism and it accomplishes nothing in an actual discussion besides making fans of the game you're criticizing defensive. I hope it dies out like "epic" eventually did.

Not ashamed to say I still use "epic" at times, lol.
Overrated isn't something I use as a criticism though, it's more a term that I use to describe something that I feel is being showered with more praise and adoration than I feel is deserved. It can even apply to things that I see as awesome.
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Oct 25, 2017
Its certainly possible for something to be oversold, where peoples constant praising of something - especially aimed at you in specific as someone who would really like it, it was made for you etc - can factor into enjoyment either because it raises expectations to unfairly high levels or because people have the wrong read.

Overrated to me is when I don't understand how something was so well received, usually with a concrete score attached to it. Like I said, GTA IV is the obvious example. Its one of the highest reviewed games of all time and I always thought it looked terrible, ran poorly and had subpar PS2 era gameplay with a story not even close to as good as was claimed.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate cringy and cringe, but I suppose thats used nearly for everything instead of videogames/movies only.

But yeah, overrated is really badly used most of the time on internet forums.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh, I agree that the word can be overused but it also can work if someone explains the basis behind it.

To me, explaining why you think a game is not all that good is different than saying it is overrated, because I read overrated as "it's actually bad and everyone who likes it doesn't understand"

Like, using overrated is a criticism and negative statement towards how OTHER people feel about something, vs you not liking it.

even explaining why something is overrated is being defensive about other peoples opinions vs its actual quality, even if you try to elaborate on the overratedness by criticizing the quality


Oct 27, 2017
Much in the same way all words are meaningless without context.

It seems to be that you have your own definition of what overrated means, which may or may not line up with another individuals definition of the word. As long as the word gets across the meaning it is intended to than it is a perfectly valid word to use in communication. Even in the context of the person simply using it as a way to say that their opinion of a game should be valued higher than others, it is still a valid word to use, as long as it gets across that meaning in context.

Sound's like you're concerned about private unknowable definitions of words being different among individuals, causing issues in communication and clarity. Which is something that has no solution in our spoken/written language and method of communication.

Storm Chamber

Oct 27, 2017

Didn't even see this thread

Gamers are too predictable.

Deleted member 511

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There's nothing wrong with labeling something "overrated," "generic," "uninspired," "overhyped" or whatever, so long as you actually put some thought and explanation into why you think it is that label.

Exactly. Besides when people do properly explain themselves as to why they think said game is overrated people still won't listen to them. Take that Witcher 3 thread for instance, the OP wasn't good but I saw other members post perfectly valid critiques on the issues they had with the game but people resorted to telling them their opinion were bad or they were playing the game wrong. If you want people to explain their reasonings for not liking something then others need to also be willing to listen and not just dismiss what someone else is saying simply because it's directed to your favorite game of the generation.


Oct 30, 2017
Can't say I've seen many comments like this. But sure, you all must stop doing it, as it makes me absolutely froth and grind teeth.


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed, OP.

The term is meaningless when it comes to subjective qualitative judgments, such as whether or not a game is good. It's impossible for something like a game (or book, film, TV show, song etc) to be "overrated": people like things exactly as much as they like them.

The word "overrated" suggests that other people are somehow wrong or mistaken in subjectively liking something as much as they do, which is a nonsense.

The use of the word implies some sort of objective element - "this game should be liked less" - which simply doesn't exist in this context.

Deleted member 4609

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I get people use it to feel superior to the masses that like something popular but what words should I use to quickly communicate if a game has universial critical praise but I don't agree? Like if someone asked me if they should buy Okami because they heard all the critical praise for it? I can just say "overrated" to quickly describe I think that the praise for that is too high for that game.

How about "I didn't like it" followed by the reasons why?


Oct 29, 2017
Overrated/Underrated really just mean that you're an outlier. If the general population thinks X is a 9/10, but I think it's a 6/10, it just means that it didn't resonate with me. I would hesitate to use those terms, because most people usually conflate them with others being wrong for liking or disliking something.
If we take the literal meaning of "overrated"(=it took a too high review score) then there are many examples of overrated games, GTA4 immediately comes to mind:

I know there's people that loves gta4 and that doesn't believe in user scores, but 98?!?!?!?! C'mon.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Exactly. Besides when people do properly explain themselves as to why they think said game is overrated people still won't listen to them. Take that Witcher 3 thread for instance, the OP wasn't good but I saw other members post perfectly valid critiques on the issues they had with the game but people resorted to telling them their opinion were bad or they were playing the game wrong. If you want people to explain their reasonings for not liking something then others need to also be willing to listen and not just dismiss what someone else is saying simply because it's directed to your favorite game of the generation.
can you show me where people said that their opinion is wrong/bad?


Oct 28, 2017
I think if you can contextualise your criticisms in an effective manner you can use whatever words you like. The problem comes when people driveby single word analysis as if it holds any water.

Bashful Trey

Oct 27, 2017
Houston TX
I also dislike "pretentious" when people are describing any abstract or heavily thematic/symbolic. It might not be your cup of tea but you don't need to be dismissive of its value.

"I don't get it" is fine if you aren't interested, but it doesn't need to be your critical takedown. Maybe it's not approachable. Maybe it's even impenetrable. Maybe it's even heavy handed! I just think the term get used too loosely.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
There are many words that are overused without ever giving context.

I think the heart of the problem is drive-by posts and posts that don't back up opinions. Additionally, foregoing explaining and supporting an opinion in favor of making quick posts that don't take much thought and effort, thus using "easy to understand" terms like "overrated", "generic", and "overhyped". And charged words like these can get people defensive when it's someone who shows disdain for a certain piece of media people of that fandom like.

Outright banning the word? Nah. Picking and choosing better instances to use these words as to not cause anger? That would be proper.
Oct 27, 2017
People sure love to bitch about when people use words to describe their opinion on video games.

Honestly, who cares? Not everyone cares enough about a video game to write a damn essay talking about it. In fact, I prefer when someone just tells me "that game sucks" versus them taking the shit way too seriously.
Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't say anything about the game, it's not valid criticism
It's not criticism of the game. That is correct.

it only means that you can't stand that other people like something you don't.

This is an assumption on your part and probably not true in most cases, but definitely not all cases. I can think a game is overrated and still like the game.

It lacks context, anything can be overrated to anything,

So? Many opinions can lack context.


Example, couple people say X game is the game of all time. And I say I disagree and I think they're overrating the game because it doesn't even make my top 10 of games of all time. It's just an opinion. It doesn't mean I hate the game or that I hate that people have a higher opinion of it than me.


Oct 26, 2017
It's misused often, but I do think there are valid cases. There's a certain game from last year that averages around an 8, which I'll never understand. It has MMO-level side quests, awful writing that doesn't manage to explain anything, and gameplay that is only working good when you're overleveled and fighting out in the open. Next to subjective stuff like the atmosphere, the feel of the characters etc. there are just quite a few very objective and major flaws which make me think that the term "overrated" is certainly the case here.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, any word isn't saying much without some additional explanation. It's alright. It's pretty good. It's lacking. It's overrated. The word 'overrated' itself can certainly be used to make a point. Not sure I really understand the issue?

Deleted member 511

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
can you show me where people said that their opinion is wrong/bad?

Telling people their opinion is bad is more of an example from the old site. I was in a thread once in a LTTP thread where a Witcher fan straight up said people who didn't like the game had bad taste and they weren't joking.

This post is an example of telling someone they're playing the game wrong. Like I don't understand how you can tell someone they're playing the game 'wrong'. It an open world game shouldn't it up to the player what they want to do. I choose to ignore the sidequest and focus on the story in TW3 but I understand that others wouldn't want to do that. Neither of us is wrong in the way we play.


Oct 25, 2017
Worst buzzwords: overrated, generic, charm, uninspired, lifeless, personality, innovative
Edit: open world should fit in here, too.
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Oct 28, 2017
I used to use it all the time as a teenager, but now it's one of my most hated terms.

It really does boil down to being annoyed that something is popular a majority of the time.


Oct 27, 2017
No, immersion is the correct answer.

Overrated is just internet lingo for "I didn't like it, so neither should anybody else".
Oct 25, 2017
I think that The Last of Us is overrated personally, in that I feel that there are issues with the game that would prevent me from awarding it a 10/10, which it was frequently given. This opinion is no different from someone saying "Really? I find it to be the best game of the generation, I couldn't fathom giving it any less". Why is one suddenly an issue, or are people reading too much into a word when the issue is that any simple response lacks additional insight into why that person feels that way. "I think it's amazing!" is no different to "I think it's overrated" to anyone other than people not wishing to hear negative things about the game they like without justification, which I get but the gate swings both ways.

The only meaningful difference is going into a thread of people discussing what they enjoy about the game and just leaving that sentence on your way out, but that's not really an issue with the word either. They could have said "I think it's shit" and it would be equally as bad.


Oct 25, 2017
Overrated in itself just means you don't feel the game is deserving of the praise it gets. I think it's fine to use if you're fine with explaining why you feel something is overrated. I don't see any need for people to stop using the word unless certain individuals are overusing it I suppose.


Oct 28, 2017
Just replace "overrated" with "not for me" the next time you feel compelled to say it and all will be good.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The best thing to do is not to recognize or engage with any person who uses that word to describe anything. There's really no worthwhile or enlightening debate or conversation to be had there.
Oct 27, 2017
there are lots of shorthand words that are context sensitive and sometimes used as crutches.

If I'm on the same page as someone in a discussion, I don't mind the word. Random guy quoting on a forum and being like "lol that game you mentioned is so overrated" with no back up, then it's a dead end obviously
Oct 25, 2017
The best thing to do is not to recognize or engage with any person who uses that word to describe anything.

Just replace "overrated" with "not for me" the next time you feel compelled to say it and all will be good.
Are people this sensitive to discussion? I get that it's used a lot in shit posts, as are many other words, but feeling as though the game isn't for you and feeling the game is overrated are two different things.


Oct 26, 2017
I do agree that the word overrated is massively overused in gaming communities but if we cant use the word overrated we shouldn't use the word underrated which holds huge values in gaming forums.

Overlook the word if it means they just don't like it and focus on the points why. if they don't have points why, its probably not worth discussing with that user anyways.