
One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand why it isn't there. I'd love to play on my phone like I do sometimes with Halo Infinite multiplayer.

Activision were against the cloud unless they were paid a small fortune. It probably will be there at somepoint with the same deal as Fortnite.


Oct 25, 2017
I forgot jade weapons were a thing until I finally saw a garish Doomfist yesterday rocking a garish green fist in the tuxedo skin, thus I of course decided that now would be a GREAT time to jump into end of season competitive
The placement matches were somehow rougher regarding team balance than quick play, maybe that was something to do with the reset, I don't know.
I think it mellowed out once I decided that upon being ranked at Gold 1 (take that predicted Gold 4!), I'd see if with actual ranking applied, the matchmaking would smoothen out and I could see if solo climb was indeed possible.
More out of curiosity than ambition, I've snuck into plat at any rate, whoopee
Still a far cry from my OW1 "master but probably diamond" days, and that really plays into the complete liquoirce allsorts of comp, should I be down here? looking at my healing stats probably not, like undercover smurf, except I can't truly turn any tides of battle in this new patch.

I'm noticing that this new seasons changes have really made it that DPS have to be the ones to gain the ground,so sometimes you could see how an entire game would go down from the first engagement.
What was really harrowing in the land of GOLD TANKS was that 90% of them only see red, the enemy team red, they are incapable of looking away, taking stock, following callouts/pings, it's truly something.

Decided to place comp just so I could get some jade weapon points. These matches are bizarroland at the end of the season!

As it should be
Basically yeah lol

Also yes to the second part


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

At least I get to break out my toxic positivity to someone who just whinges the entire match!



Oct 25, 2017
My S09 tier list:


I really dislike the lack of customization. My Top 6 are really close between them, I like them all. Junker Queen is there because there aren't really many other skins to choose for her, specially since store skins do not and will never exist for me. Tracer is so so, kinda sad about it because it's my favorite character to play and it has always been. Hanzo would be great if it wasn't just a Legendary skin without customization. Orisa is literal trash.

I agree with this list. The Tracer one would be S if they let you mix and match the head with the body.


Feb 7, 2018
I was hoping that they will say something about souvenirs and address the huge flop they are but it looks like they are staying in the BP, for whatever reason.

Tommy Showbiz

Jul 20, 2022
I will never understand why Microsoft Rewards discounts redeeming 200 coins at 1800 points, but doesn't discount the same percentage at higher reward tiers. 5000 points for 500 coins, 10000 for 1k, etc.


Sep 13, 2018
Jade-colored weapons are kind of a mixed bag for me, work for some heroes but look weird in others.

Anyway, fetched the Kiriko one this season (and the Kitsune becomes green in the ult, lol). Hope i can use
the legacy points to buy gold ones next season, with the rest of points i got.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They are not being used by anyone tho.
Also the fact that they are taking emote slots and can't be cancelled makes them even more useless.
They are really just there to ding a level. They could make the BP have less levels and make it take the same time to complete as it does now, but generally speaking, people just enjoy seeing that number go up a little more, so the pacing of rewards is important even if they aren't used.


Oct 28, 2017
At least I get to break out my toxic positivity to someone who just whinges the entire match!

Do this in SEA server and you'll get reported by the whole lobby and banned few days later. Typing in chat is basically stepping on a minefield here, the only safe way to communicate is using any non-english language and the only reason for that is Blizzard automated system doesn't recognize any other language. The mass report itself still happen though.
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Tommy Showbiz

Jul 20, 2022
Yeah I've been playing Blizzard games for like 20+ years and do not remember anyone ever being actioned for profanity alone. This has to be a new policy, and it is dumb as fuck.


Oct 28, 2017
I got banned after someone reported me saying "wtf", I know this was what got me banned because it was literally the only thing I typed in chat for the whole month and I never use voice chat like ever. Their system is a joke as it really ban people based on a frequency of reports, not what you do or typed. It only need one actionable phrase in chat or voice to auto-ban you.

So you can say n-word in one game and not get banned because only one person reported you in that game and never the following games.

But you will get banned when people mass reported you (usually troll move by groups) in one game and any of the following games you uttered a small curse phrase like "what the f?" and one guy reported that.

It's fucking bad here in southeast asia with trolls and Blizzard don't give a shit.
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Jun 9, 2023
Had a guy using N word with spaces and I was in a 4 stack. We told him enjoy your ban and he continued his slurs with him and his friend saying he never gets banned and mocking us. Sent the screenshots to a friend at Blizzard, enjoy your ban loser.

But yea, the reporting system is an absolute joke, getting banned for WTF, telling people to stop feeding, and other similar things are dumb bans. Blizzards system is a joke now. I refuse to participate in chat now because of this system in place.


May 3, 2022
What counts as profanity? I have said the word "cum" in all chat in the last 3 hours, am i already dead 😭

Pretty good night of games tonight. Played a few tank matches that were pretty competitive, bit rusty on tank since i've not played it in a minute. Feels good to do well on DVA and land a good bomb, or do something like eat an Illari ult.

Also it's so funny when there's occasional games where i'll say something in voice chat and someone immediately leaves voice chat. It's most likely because they didn't realize they joined voice chat, but the possibility that my voice is just that annoying is very funny to me.
Oct 25, 2017
The only time I ever got actioned by Blizzard was way back in OG vanilla WOW... so close to 20 years ago (insane)... for cussing. I think I was silenced for like a day or 2. So what they're saying about never allowing profanity probably has some truth to it.


Oct 25, 2017
This is incredibly confusing… Swearing is bannable, they have detection filters… but the filter doesn't take action when it detects anything?

View: https://x.com/allisinned/status/1779566829138272516?s=46&t=aDIYCU5sCQp2uuENMDnANA

It would be a poor system if it just immediately banned folks for it. Personally not really seeing the big deal. Have managed to play OW since launch without swearing like a sailor in chat. I'd like to think I'm not special for that but here we are.


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
Wow they nerfed Tracer's recall, never thought I'd see that

Man Mercy Mythic without buffs is going to make for a miserable time.

Patch Notes

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – April 16, 2024

Limited-Time Mode: Clash Trial

Clash is an upcoming core game mode in Overwatch 2. Teams must battle back and forth over 5 capture points, with each captured objective adding a point to the prevailing team's score. Teams can win in two ways: either by having control of all five objectives at once, or by scoring five points total before the other team. Clash will be available as a limited-time trial through April 29.

How Clash is played

  • Five total objectives placed in a linear pattern on a mirrored map.
  • Only one objective is active at a time.
  • Matches start with the center objective active.
  • Players capture an objective by standing on it and filling in a progress bar. Capture progress cannot be made if enemy players are contesting the objective.
  • When a team captures the current objective, they are awarded one point to their total score and a new objective moving forward from the scoring team's side is activated.
  • Objectives can be secured multiple times. If a team is pushed off an objective and the other team successfully captures it, the next active point will be in the opposite direction.

Win Conditions

Complete one of these conditions to win the match:

  • A team has successfully captured five objectives throughout the match to reach a total score of five.
  • Regardless of score, a team manages to take the final objective (A or E) on the opponents' side.
Hanaoka – New Map
Explore never-before-seen corners of Hanamura in the new map Hanaoka, inspired by the visual themes of the beloved Assault map. Explore the shops and restaurants around town or follow the scent of Sakura trees into the once-proud Shimada castle.

Mythic Hero Skin Updates

Mythic Hero Skins

  • Mythic Hero Skins are now unlocked in the new Mythic Shop in exchange for Mythic Prisms.
  • Mythic Hero Skins are unlocked for 50 Mythic Prisms with a starting set of customizations and then can be leveled up with 10 Mythic Prisms per level. You can unlock the skin and all available customizations for a Mythic Hero Skin for 80 Prisms.
Introducing Mythic Prisms

  • Mythic Prisms can be earned in the Premium Battle Pass and used in the Mythic Shop to purchase the current featured Mythic Hero Skin for the season and select previous Mythic hero skins. You can earn a total of 80 Mythic Prisms when you complete Premium Battle Pass.
  • Earning Mythic Prisms in the Premium Battle Pass is the easiest way to unlock a Mythic Hero Skin and all customizations each season. You can also purchase additional Mythic Prisms in game or in your platform's store marketplace.

General Updates


  • Completing Weekly Challenge milestones will now reward additional Battle Pass XP.
  • Overwatch Coins that were earned in the Weekly Challenges can now be earned in the Battle Pass for all players.
  • Reduced the number of Weekly Challenges.
Developer Comments: The number of Weekly Challenges has grown over time, and we are simplifying what players can aim to accomplish, while also making earning Battle Pass XP more straightforward.

Endorsement Changes

Players who are actioned for disruptive behavior and reduced to Endorsement Level 0 cannot use text or voice chat features until they return to Endorsement Level 1.

Developer Comments: Since we added the Endorsement system to Overwatch, players who have been actioned because of social reports (Inappropriate Communication, Gameplay Sabotage, etc) have had their Endorsement Level reduced to Level 0. That part of the system isn't changing, but going forward, Level 0 players will no longer be able to speak in voice channels or type in text chat in most modes.

Hide My Name

  • Updated option in Streamer Protect, found in your Social Options.
  • You are now able to hide your BattleTag from other players in your group and from your friends in the match as well.
  • When enabled, anywhere your BattleTag is displayed to players during a match now displays a random anonymized BattleTag, instead of only to the player with the "Hide My Name" setting visibly enabled.
Developer Comments: "The "Hide My Name" setting in the Social Options now displays a random anonymized Battle Tag to all players in a match, instead of only to the player with the "Hide My Name" setting enabled. New settings have been added to "Hide My Name From Friends" and "Hide My Name From Group." Of these two settings, "Hide My Name From Friends" takes priority when group members are also friends. A large list of hand-crafted BattleTags have been created to support this feature. Could it contain easter eggs or silly references?"


  • Added progression badges/sub-badges and rewards for Venture. Rewards can be found in Hero Challenges.

Leaver Penalties

Two new thresholds for Unranked Leave Penalties have been added:

  • Leaving two out of 20 games will result in a 5-minute suspension from queuing for most modes.
  • 10 or more out of 20 games will result in a 48-hour suspension from queuing for most modes.
  • All other threshold tiers are unchanged.
Developer Comments: Overwatch 2 is a competitive game even for Unranked game modes, and the match experience for all remaining players is negatively affected when a player leaves before it is completed. Remember a penalty only applies when you leave games and not when you complete games.

By introducing a lighter 5-minute penalty, we aim to discourage players from deliberately leaving games they don't want to play, while not impacting those who may have a technical issue or an urgent need to step away from the game which they can resolve by the time the queue suspension is finished. The larger 48-hour suspension aims to target a very small portion of players who are aggressively leaving games.

Leaving 10 games in Competitive Play will now result in a season ban regardless of the number of games completed.

  • Players can still get banned from Competitive Play in as few as 5 games if they leave very consistently and don't complete enough games to get back into good standing.
Games completed in Competitive Play now count toward the 20-game window of the Unranked Leaver Penalty.

Developer Comments: We already suspend players who leave a Competitive and increase penalties up to a season ban for leaving games frequently, but players can work their way back into good standing if they complete several matches. However, this new rule will stop players from gaming the system over time.

Competitive Updates

Competitive Role-Specific Titles

  • End-of-season titles for Competitive Role Queue now include the role the rank was achieved in.
  • Examples include Champion Tank, Champion Support, Champion Damage, and Open Queue Champion.

Competitive Progress

  • Each Role Rank Card now displays the associated Competitive Role-Specific title.
  • Role Rank Cards can now be selected to open the Match History for the selected role.
  • Match history will display the following: Map / Game Mode, Heroes / Role, Date, Score, Results of the match
  • Match History can now be selected to open the Game Report for a match.

Grouping Restrictions

  • All previous Competitive Grouping Restrictions have been removed.
  • All groups in Competitive Play are now classified as Narrow or Wide.
  • Players between Bronze and Diamond must be within five divisions of each other player in their group to be in a Narrow Group.
  • Players at Master must be within three divisions of each other player in their group to be in a Narrow Group.
  • Players at Grandmaster and Champion cannot be in Narrow groups, regardless of how close their ranks are. This restriction ensures that our highest-ranked players have the highest quality Narrow matches.
  • Narrow Groups will always be matched against other Narrow Groups or solo players. If a group has both Wide and Narrow configurations of players, the Narrow configuration will always be prioritized.
  • Any group that does not meet the criteria is considered a Wide Group.
  • Wide Groups of four players may not queue. This restriction exists so that solo players are never required to make a Wide match.
  • Wide Groups have increased queue times and reduced match quality because it's more difficult to find another group of players with the same ranks in the same roles to match against.
  • The amount a player's Rank Progress changes after each match is modified by the group's width.
  • The wider the group is, the less their ranks will change when winning or losing.
  • The higher the rank of the highest-ranked player in a Wide Group, the less the ranks of all players in the group will change when winning or losing.
  • Players will now be informed if the configuration of roles they have selected would result in a Wide Group.
  • The Tier Legend has been updated, and a new banner has been added to explain the rules described above.

Rank Information

  • New Modifier: "Wide"—this modifier reduces changes in Rank Progress when winning or losing matches. The wider your group, the less your Rank Progress will change with each win or loss.
  • The modifier "Volatile" has been renamed to "Demotion."
  • Arrows displayed under the modifiers have been changed to point from left to right instead of right to left.
  • New Modifier: Demotion Protection
  • This modifier appears on the Rank Progress bar to denote when you did not go down in Skill Division because of a loss. If you lose the next match after, then you are dropped down to the previous Skill Division.
  • Victory and Defeat have been added below the Rank Progress bar where modifiers are displayed.

Golden Weapons

  • Golden weapons can now be purchased with either Legacy Competitive Points or 2024 Competitive Points. You cannot purchase weapons with a combination of both currencies.

Hero Updates

New Hero: Venture

  • Venture has been added to the line-up.
  • Venture is immediately available to play in Competitive Play.
Developer Comments: This is a pretty major change from past heroes, but we've always wanted to allow new heroes into Competitive when a new season for Overwatch 2 launches. In the past, we wanted to make sure new heroes were free of any bugs or outstanding balance issues, as well as giving players enough time to unlock a hero from the Battle Pass. Because of the recent hero trial, we're confident Venture is ready to jump into the action right away…



Rocket Punch

  • The empowered punch is no longer consumed when the windup is canceled by using Seismic Slam or Power Block.
Developer Comments: This quality-of-life improvement streamlines the transition between charging up an empowered Rocket Punch and another ability by removing the requirement of pressing the cancel input first.

Junker Queen


  • Impact damage increased from 90 to 105.


  • Knockdown duration increased from 2.75 to 3 seconds.
  • Shockwave range increased from 20 to 25 meters.

Experimental Barrier

  • Movement speed increased from 16.5 to 20 meters per second.
Developer Comments: This change will improve Sigma's ability to protect allies that are further away from him.

Wrecking Ball

Grappling Claw

  • Hold the jump input while the Grappling Claw is attached to terrain to retract it, pulling yourself towards the anchor point. This action can be rebound in his hero settings.
  • Now has a one second cooldown if Wrecking Ball never reaches ramming speed before canceling the ability. Interrupting him with Hack, Hinder, and stuns will still trigger the full cooldown.
  • The maximum duration timer no longer triggers unless he reaches ramming speed.
Adaptive Shield

  • Can now be reactivated to redistribute up to 300 overhealth to nearby allies, capping at 75 per person.
  • Enemy and ally detection radius increased from 10 to 13 meters.

  • Health increased from 50 to 60.
Developer Comments: The general goals here are to add a direct way for Wrecking Ball to support his allies aside from purely enemy team disruption, make the hero more approachable while also adding more avenues for skill expression, and improve quality of life around the grapple.




Total damage over time decreased from 100 to 90.



  • Cooldown increased from 12 to 13 seconds.
Pulse Bomb

  • Base projectile size decreased from 0.2 to 0.1 meters. The total projectile size is now 0.25 meters.
Developer Comments: There is now more downtime before Tracer can safely reengage after driving her away and Pulse Bomb will require more precision.


Drill Dash

  • Impact damage decreased from 60 to 40.
  • Damage over time increased from 40 to 60.

  • Impact damage decreased from 40 to 30.
  • Damage over time increased from 30 to 40.
Tectonic Shock

  • Vertical knockback decreased by 30%.
Developer Comments: We are redistributing the damage on some of their abilities so that positioning relative to the enemy and tracking a target are more important for dealing maximum damage.



Solar Rifle

  • Primary fire recovery increased from 0.2 to 0.25 seconds.
  • Secondary fire heal-per-second increased from 105 to 115.

Sonic Amplifier

  • Damage per projectile decreased from 20 to 18.

  • Damage increased from 35 to 45.

Rejuvenating Dash

  • Heal increased from 50 to 60.
Tree of Life

  • Pulse healing increased from 75 to 90.

Biotic Grasp

  • Damage per second decreased from 65 to 60.

  • Self-heal per second increased from 50 to 55.

Bug Fixes


  • Hero Mastery Gauntlet - fixed a bug that could cause more AI teammates than intended.
  • Fixed a bug with Wall Climb that could allow Heroes with the passive to climb infinitely.
  • Fixed a bug with Diamond, Masters, and Grandmaster not playing any effects when entering the Top 500.
  • Fixed a bug with duplicate entries on the Leaderboard.
  • Fixed the missing flash notification on taskbar when joining a game as a backfill.


  • Fixed in a previous update - resolved an issue where jump pads could become deactivated.
Circuit Royal

  • Fixed an issue with the payload tires launching players unexpectedly.

  • Fixed an area near the second point where the payload dock could negatively impact Earth Shatter and Tectonic Shock's ability to hit larger heroes.



  • Fixed an issue with Duplicate that could prevent a death being counted if it was used as Echo falls off the map.

  • Fixed an interaction with Mei's Ice Wall that could allow you to get under the map.
  • Fixed a bug with Power Block sounds triggering even if it was not blocking damage.

  • Fixed an issue with Captive Sun affecting targets through floors and ceilings.

  • Fixed a bug with Riptire receiving the self-healing passive.

  • Fixed a bug where some un-targetable heroes could be healed by Tree of Life.

  • Fixed an interaction with Overrun and Brigitte's Shield Bash that resulted in Mauga being knocked down with Overrun active.

  • Fixed a bug with the Caduceus Staff not opening up with the Parasol emote and Pose.

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent Drill Dash from activating while underground if the input was pressed while falling through the air and Burrow was active.
  • Fixed a bug where Drill Dash could deal damage multiple times with the initial impact and instantly kill targets or knock them back exceedingly far.
  • Fixed a bug where certain heroes were still being pushed back even if they escaped from Drill Dash.
  • Fixed a bug where Venture would sometimes launch very far if using Drill Dash off a ledge while Burrowed.
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to emerge during Burrow near ledges would sometimes end the ability prematurely.
  • Fixed a bug where the third-person camera would snap back to first-person instantly if you were in the air when burrow ended.
  • Fixed a bug where UI prompts for emerging and Drill Dash were not visible during Burrow.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow players to prevent footfall audio from playing.


Drill Into the Competition in Overwatch 2 – Season 10

Dive into the latest season with the new Damage hero Venture and discover a world turned over in Mirrorwatch.
As we dig into Season 10 of Overwatch 2, we're thrilled to introduce our newest hero, Venture. We also have a first look at our new game mode, Clash, and updates to how you acquire new Heroes. So, get ready to embark on an epic excavation of greatness!

You Can't Spell Adventure without Venture

Break ground with the newest Damage hero, Venture, a spirited archaeologist who channels their passion for history into daring acts of heroism. Armed with a massive drill and an arsenal of seismic abilities, Venture brings a fresh dynamic to the battlefield (and underneath it). Outwit your adversaries and unearth victory as you dive, dig, drill, and deliver massive damage in the process.
Harnessing the power of their Smart Excavator, Venture primarily launches unstable seismic energy that explodes, and deals burst damage. With their Burrow ability, they can become invulnerable underground while gathering momentum for a calculated ambush upon re-emergence. Then use Drill Dash to dash forward to make some space as you knock opponents back. When you're ready to totally obliterate anyone foolish enough to be in your path, Venture can unleash a massive shockwave with their Tectonic Shock Ultimate. Whether you're traversing a covert subterranean path or bursting out to engage in close-quarter combat, Venture offers versatile gameplay that will wreak havoc on your adversaries.

Dig Into the Battle with Venture and All Overwatch Heroes Right Away

We want every player to be able to experience all the excitement that each hero has to offer. So, starting with Venture, all past, present, and future heroes will be unlocked immediately for everyone who has completed their new player experience. Also, since Venture got some fantastic field experience from their Hero Trial, we've made some adjustments to their kit, and we're thrilled to share that we'll be releasing Venture into Competitive right away when Season 10 begins tomorrow.
This is a pretty major change from past heroes, but we've always wanted to allow new heroes into Competitive when a new season for Overwatch 2 launches. In the past, we wanted to make sure new heroes were free of any bugs or outstanding balance issues, as well as giving players enough time to unlock a hero from the Battle Pass. Because of the recent hero trial, and now unlocking all heroes, we're confident Venture is ready to jump into the action right away. So, Venture forth and break some ground – all of it.

Allegiances Change in Mirrorwatch

Discover a world turned over in the reversed reality adventure, Mirrorwatch: a limited-time event set in a mirror universe where the virtuous have crumbled into villainy, and the wicked emerge as heroes. Swap alignments and experiment with reimagined Heroes and abilities like Strike Commander Doomfist's Power Block shield, Vengeance Mercy's Soul Burn detonation, and Agent Colomar Sombra's Anti-Virus Ultimate. Twist reality further, taking the fight into a redesigned Watchpoint Gibraltar, where Talon has taken over. Explore this unique mirror universe for a limited time from April 23 to May 13.

New Ways to Earn and Unlock Rewards

In response to your feedback, we're embarking on a journey to make it easier to earn rewards and give you more control over your Overwatch 2 experience. To that end, Coins are coming out of Weekly Challenges and going into the Battle Pass, making them easier to earn as you play. But that's not all – we're pumping up the number of Coins you can earn per season, with up to 600 Overwatch Coins now available through the Battle Pass.

Choose Your Mythic Path

In Season 10, we are introducing Mythic Prisms which will allow you to pick the Mythic hero skin of your choice. The best way to collect Mythic Prisms is by upgrading to the Premium Battle Pass. The Mythic Prisms you collect can be used to unlock and upgrade Mythic hero skins and upgrade them with unlockable customizations. Once you conquer the Premium Battle Pass, you will have 80 Prisms, which is enough to fully unlock one complete Mythic skin, making this the best way to get Mythic Prisms every season.
This season, our newest Mythic hero skin is none other than Vengeance Mercy! Taking up the name "Vengeance," Dr. Angela Ziegler leads Talon in a fight for a better world, where she wields full control over life and death. Mythic Vengeance Mercy will have three new color combinations and masks available, as well as two hair options and Caduceus Staff variations to unlock.


Not a Mercy Main? Not a problem. You can also choose to spend your Mythic Prisms to pick up select previous Mythic hero skins like Mythic Cyberdemon Genji, Amaterasu Kiriko, and Galactic Emperor Sigma, or you can save them for new Mythic cosmetics that may appear in the shop in the future. Stay tuned for a deeper dive into Mythic Prisms, unlocks, progression, and more when Season 10 officially launches tomorrow.

Blur the Lines Between Good and Evil in the Battle Pass

Evil is good and heroes have fallen: earn over 80 tiers of rewards when you pick up the Mirrorwatch-themed Season 10 Premium Battle Pass. Collect new Legendary skins including Agent Colomar Sombra, Junker Symmetra, Strike Commander Ogundimu Doomfist, Talon Brigitte, Captain Lacroix Widowmaker, and more. Step further into the mirror universe with the Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle, which is stacked with 2000 Overwatch Coins, 20 tier skips, plus the Fallen Knight Reinhardt and Arch-Commandant Amari Legendary skins.

Clash for the Win

Prepare for the adrenaline-pumping Clash game mode, a limited-time trial to start Season 10. This ultimate tug-of-war challenges teams to capture points along a linear path. With five capture points strategically placed on a mirrored map, teams must deftly maneuver to capture and defend points to clinch victory. Dynamic spawns and streamlined map routes expedite your return to the fight, maximizing time spent in the heat of battle.
The Clash trial will allow you to explore Hanaoka, a brand-new map spanning an area within the beloved Hanamura district, offering fresh battlegrounds to conquer with a familiar feel. Don't miss out on the Clash trial, now available in the Arcade, from April 16 to April 29.

Wreck and Roll with Hero Updates

Wrecking Ball is rolling onto the scene with a few new upgrades to his kit. Wrecking Ball can now protect his teammates as you dive into the enemy lines and use Adaptive Shield, providing the option to transfer some of the additional shield health to nearby allies. Grappling Claw gets a new upgrade for greater control as you swing: now you can press primary fire while the claw is attached to the map terrain and retract Wrecking Ball for additional mobility. Lastly, Grappling Claw's cooldown has been adjusted to be partially refunded if you don't reach fireball speeds.

We also have a variety of other balance changes coming this season. Sombra and Tracer have been powerful picks since we introduced our core gameplay updates last season, so we're toning down their kits. Sombra's virus will have less damage dealt over time to help compensate for the initial burst damage, and Tracer's Pulse bomb will now be more difficult to land on targets to level the field a bit when playing against her. Going into this season, many of our Tanks will receive small buffs to give heroes like Reinhardt more impact with abilities like Earthshatter. Finally, we're shifting the power between damage and healing for some of our support heroes, including Moira and Illari, along with providing some buffs for Lifeweaver to better tune his kit. Check out these changes in detail in our Patch Notes preview on the forums.

Updates to Competitive and More

We've got some major updates for Competitive Play - first up, you can now unlock any Golden Weapon with 2024 Competitive Points. Note you can't spend the balance of your Legacy Competitive Points with your 2024 Points when redeeming for any Golden Weapon Variant though.
We're making it easier for friends to play together in Competitive by removing grouping restrictions. Groups that have widely varied skill levels will be placed in a "Wide Group." These Wide Groups will only ever play against other Wide Groups, meaning your matches may be a little sillier, take longer to queue, and you will receive less gains and losses to your rank after games. Solo players will never encounter wide groups, as you can only make a Wide Group of up to three people.
Defense Matrix is getting an update, with new leaver penalty updates for both Unranked and Competitive modes. Finally, Streamer Protect now includes server-side features to hide your name from teammates and opponents in your games, instead of just covering your name in your own game client. Learn more about grouping restrictions, disruptive play mitigation, and other future updates in our recent Developer Update and our Defense Matrix blog.
Fair and fun competitive play is a priority for our team, and we will continue to upgrade our Defense Matrix to mitigate disruptive play.
Start your adventure and drill into the competition with this exciting new chapter in Overwatch 2. Log on tomorrow and unearth greatness in Season 10 firsthand. See you on (or underneath) the battlefield, heroes!



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Oct 25, 2017
The balance patch is smaller than I expected. Thank god they nerfed the size of pulse bomb lol. It was WAY too easy to hit
Edit: Okay Wrecking Ball's uptime might be insane this patch if I'm reading it right lol. If retracting to your anchor point is fast but doesn't put you in ramming speed the movement tech is going to get bonkers
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Oct 25, 2017
I really like majority of the new skins. Captain Lacroix being the highlight. Didn't think I'd change Widow from her Halloween bride one but here we are. Talon Ana also looks sick, may consider the bundle with it at some point.

Tracer nerfs, I'm okay with this. My reign of terror continues.

Junker Sym also looks sick.


Feb 7, 2018
Of course there is a Kiriko skin... That's definitely NOT a legendary skin tho. It's sad what they are doing really.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm gonna miss the tire launch bug.

i kind of like ball's changes. It feels like it'll be a little easy to play with a ball on your team (maybe). So often, if my tank is a ball, it just feels like the rest of us have to fend for ourselves.


Oct 25, 2017
I know Rein is kinda trapped in being perpetually booty in the grand scheme of things, but I always felt that hammer down was always his one strong point, so I'm surprised they buffed that further instead of, well, anything else.


Oct 25, 2017
I know Rein is kinda trapped in being perpetually booty in the grand scheme of things, but I always felt that hammer down was always his one strong point, so I'm surprised they buffed that further instead of, well, anything else.
Rein exists on a line where you can turn the knob slightly on any part of his kit and break him. This change I think is fine. The ult should be impactful. Giving it more distance imo lets Rein play more of the map than he already could. Granted, would have to try and it and see if I'm just full of it.


Oct 25, 2017
The lack of Venture skins is disappointing. Was worried when it happened with Mauga but I guess characters no longer drop with base legendaries