
Oct 27, 2017
i think 2 weeks is way too long as well. but maybe if it doesn't go well, maybe a week is fine. Altho I guess they got really good data from the trial to be this confident.

It's also probably just relatively safe even if Venture is somewhat OP. The game is much more sensitive to an overpowered tank than an overpowered damage IMO.


Feb 7, 2018
S10 launch twitch drops:



Nov 28, 2023
Was it in S10 where they were reducing Push matches to 8 minutes, as well as the robot pushing the barrier faster? I hope so.


Oct 27, 2017
Was it in S10 where they were reducing Push matches to 8 minutes, as well as the robot pushing the barrier faster? I hope so.

There's nothing in the patch notes to suggest that's happening today, sadly. I wish they were a little faster in making changes like that...

Just speculating, but I wonder if changes like that might all come together. Last year, with Season 6, we got Illari, Flashpoint, and the PvE simultaneously. Given Blizzard's allusions that they think yearly might be too slow for S9 style shakeups, S12 is well positioned -- could it be Space Ranger, Clash, and a whole heap more?

Uncle at Nintendo

▲ Legend ▲
Jan 3, 2018
They probably just don't really know what to do. Really low win rate in everything under GM, and even GM she's bottom 3. Wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to think up a rework because nerfing her even more when she's already near dumpster tier for most players isn't that great an idea.

Kiri is so strong on paper and annoying to play against. I am always shocked when I see her win rates are dogshit.


Apr 19, 2019
I mentioned the other day that I had 1000 OW coins stuck on an Xbox account and was hoping Blizz/MS would make it Cloud usable

Guess who just bought 1000 more they THOUGHT was going to be for their account because there was NO microsoft branding anywhere on the page

Guess what platform they ended up being for?

Microsoft please just this once for me

not even annoyed with Microsoft just annoyed at myself for not realizing beforehand


Oct 27, 2017
I was under the impression that you could get both the Mercy Mythic this season and a previous Mythic should you choose to apply your Prisms towards an older Mythic purchase. If you want to purchase the current season's Mythic plus any you missed out on it will take longer. Or I suppose you could split the customization Prism costs between different Mythics. It's a weird system.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I was under the impression that you could get both the Mercy Mythic this season and a previous Mythic should you choose to apply your Prisms towards an older Mythic purchase. If you want to purchase the current season's Mythic plus any you missed out on it will take longer. Or I suppose you could split the customization Prism costs between different Mythics. It's a weird system.

How they announced it on stage was that you would be able to get an old mythic instead of the current one if you wanted. But yeah, I like the system, since you can get the base at level 58, more like Tracer's.


Oct 25, 2017
I was under the impression that you could get both the Mercy Mythic this season and a previous Mythic should you choose to apply your Prisms towards an older Mythic purchase. If you want to purchase the current season's Mythic plus any you missed out on it will take longer. Or I suppose you could split the customization Prism costs between different Mythics. It's a weird system.
It's entirely for people in a season where they don't actually want the mythic or don't want all the customizations. Like the Orisa season(couldn't be me, one of the best mythics as it's just fun to play Orisa with all the effects and sounds of the skin but I digress), for Orisa haters they could have opted to just spend it elsewhere or...hang on to it? I haven't actually heard confirmation that you can just hold on to them for the future but given it's a new currency you can buy, I'm going with the assumption you can just hang on to them.


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
I haven't actually heard confirmation that you can just hold on to them for the future but given it's a new currency you can buy, I'm going with the assumption you can just hang on to them.

Yes, you can hold onto the prisms for future Mythics, So if there are skins in the BP that you like but not the mythic you can hold onto the prisms for another mythic.
You can also choose to spend your Mythic Prisms to pick up select previous Mythic hero skins like Mythic Cyberdemon Genji, Amaterasu Kiriko, and Galactic Emperor Sigma, or you can save them for new Mythic cosmetics that may appear in the shop in the future.

Drill Into the Competition in Overwatch 2 – Season 10

Dive into the latest season with the new Damage hero Venture and discover a world turned over in Mirrorwatch.

Yes, I believe first ever in OW history.

Yeah. The reason for the delay previously was to let free people grind them out. Now everyone gets them at launch anyway.

I think they meant ever since OW1 heroes you had to wait.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't really stop to think about it until now, but it's odd to me that they're en route to adding another game mode to the rotation (even if this season is just a temp preview) when flashpoint is still just two maps.
Granted, I get a lot out of those two maps, count me as someone who likes the mode a lot, really anything that leans towards me using my more brawl like characters and tends to de-emphasise snipers is my jam.
As such I'm curious as to how the new mode pans out, seems like another point brawl mode, with a layout that surely, surely ensures players don't get lost lol

I'm almost certainly underestimating the amount of work it takes to remix existing stages and assets from underplayed or dead modes of OW past to make new maps, yet I feel like the pace of these maps that leverage said assets is way slower than I'd like.

Kinda funny how all the Venture trailers are like "oh yeah, Petra....oh yeah, deathmatch even! that's like 6 or 7 never seen maps right there"

And my last ramble just off the top of my head from the above is pondering if deathmatch might be kinda fun to dick around in again since they did the tank rebalance thing a year ago, I never really went back after Doom got tank'd and Roadhog squatted in every game even moreso than in OW1


Prophet of Truth
Mar 13, 2019
I'm expecting Clash to be pretty ass considering how badly people played Push for so long and how badly they still play Flashpoint

Also pretty doomer-y on adding more modes when they already have too many modes but the maybe-possibly-happening-in-the-future potential "map voting" system would help I guess(ofc given their timelines that's probably not happening for 4+ seasons since it's still a hypothetical)


Oct 25, 2017
Venture would have the brain freeze emote.

I'm expecting Clash to be pretty ass considering how badly people played Push for so long and how badly they still play Flashpoint

Also pretty doomer-y on adding more modes when they already have too many modes but the maybe-possibly-happening-in-the-future potential "map voting" system would help I guess(ofc given their timelines that's probably not happening for 4+ seasons since it's still a hypothetical)

I have high hopes for Clash as, imo, its one of the simpler game modes. You're funneled from point to point in effectively a straight line, there's only so many ways that can go wrong. I'm sure players will find those ways, but I'm hopeful for now. Those hopes can be shattered by the end of the week after getting a feel for the mode, myself, and my teammates in it.

I welcome more modes personally. OW and its heroes are so dynamic that more modes, imo, offer more opportunities for other heroes to shine that simply won't/aren't on other maps. I don't think at this moment I'd play Ana at all outside of payload maps.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't been really following, what are the "meta" heroes gonna be this season?
Only significant change to it I'd expect anytime soon is Venture replacing Tracer for some players. Venture is the only hero they've added to the game imo that can take her place for what she does/offers.

Either way expect Venture to be up there, and for good reason they're an incredible hero.


Oct 28, 2017
Seems the whole blanket ban on profanity is getting traction social media. Hope it won't take them 4 seasons to do something about it.


Feb 7, 2018
Very little XP can be earned from weekly challenges now. Also to get 5 of them completed it forces you to finish the 30 competitive games or 20 games queued as all roles. Even if you get the streak of 5 weekly challenges finished it's only 5 BP tiers now. A terrible change.