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Oct 25, 2017
Played a little weekend comp. So far..

Reinhardt complaining the game sucks because he can't land a charge throughout the entire match. Then his inability to do anything became my fault apparently.
Widow and Pharah throwing on our attack even though we held Volksaya down to 3 seconds left on defense.

Generally people losing their minds at the slightest hint of something going poorly.

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i was set to start SR decay in 12 hours so i queued for comp.

got 5 DPS mains who shit-talked each other the whole time. all of them sounded like they were 12 and kept saying retard and faggot. we lost.

why do i still play this game


Oct 26, 2017
Cambridge, UK
If I wanted to say you were shit, I would say you were shit, but clearly you have the "shooting at people until they die" part of D.Va down (you don't need me to tell you that, that's why you posted the picture in the first place), I was just giving advice how to get the most out of her kit possible.

I'm not disputing your advice. What I'm saying is that 3 people posting the exact same criticism one after another feels like getting dumped on.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't play in about three weeks. Only played Smash 4 and Clash Royale really. The break helped. I really enjoy playing D.Va right now since I feel I have a greater appreciation of positioning to harass and run. The juking in and out, baiting an over-extension, and/or punishing a bad position actually kinda reminds me of Smash. The DM tip about how you should be blocking about as much as you damage helps me out. Keeps me from over-extending myself by trying to be cognizant of what I can block.

Young Liar

Nov 30, 2017
Started this season on my main in gold after slowly degenerating from diamond across S7-9 with how much less I was playing and not keeping up with the meta.

So it's a nic feeling climbing all the way back up to diamond as the season winds down, knowing that if I dedicate time into the game I can still do alright.

Managed to do it without insta-picking DPS, too! Just swapped between Zarya, Orisa, Rein, and Winston for the tanks, and Mercy, Brigitte, and Zenyatta for the supports depending on the team comps and maps.

Of course I had to deal with my fair share of throwers, leavers, tricklers, one-tricks, and tilted players. Just had to keep myself from tilting and doing the best I could with bad situations.

The Avoid as Teammate option is a god send. Looking forward to the future social features!

Also, I have to say that following OWL has really helped improve my game sense. Who knew watching pros could actually be beneficial to enhancing your skills!
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I mean I'm not saying the advice was bad, just like for 3 people to post it one after the other felt like getting dumped on.

Anyway I know not to post that stuff any more so I won't.

But you've already shown that you've taken the advice and improving on it. Would you be using DM consciously if no one had said anything? It's not the first time you've posted Dva stats with low DM. If I posted Rein stats with no damage blocked I'd expect similar. We're trying to help. At least be less defensive about it. We're not being ice cold.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't see this posted. Sty interviewed Jeff about role queues and their plans for it. Some good insight into where they're going with this in the future.


Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
delete widow from the game, hanzo should be the longest range dps. a classic sniper does not fit OW and can never really be balanced.

they can nerf her so she's unpickable or they can make her viable which means she's absolutely necessary the majority of the time. and on ladder if they have a widow and your widow can't win duels you lose flat out.

fuck that hero.


Oct 27, 2017
I still dont understand why the other healer (if you are lucky enough to have two healers) dont try to heal more time and switch inmediately after one death to DPS


Oct 25, 2017
I still dont understand why the other healer (if you are lucky enough to have two healers) dont try to heal more time and switch inmediately after one death to DPS
Because a lot of people mistakenly assume Supports can't carry. But playing support well requires a different mindset than usual, so if they're not going to be good at support maybe they should just be on DPS.

Filling and being shit at the hero you're filling on isn't really doing your team any favors, anyway.

Getting a team without a support main or anyone who wants to flex to support is just one of those unlucky games that fall into the 33% of unwinnable matches.

Any DPS main worth his salt should easily flex to Zen, though.
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Oct 27, 2017
This season was filled with people refusing to be support more often than previous seasons, I pick mercy and no one tried to play their support main like Moira or Ana.


Oct 25, 2017
This season was filled with people refusing to be support more often than previous seasons, I pick mercy and no one tried to play their support main like Moira or Ana.
Which is funny, because supports have steadily become more and more powerful as the life of the game has gone on. Every season has been better to play support than the one before it (except maybe for the beginning of Season 9, when Sombra was extremely powerful).

Except for Ana mains. RIP


Oct 27, 2017
Eh, more like support being more into aggresive plays still people picks DPS despite I check their profiles and they are indded supports mains.

Going around 2000-2100 is getting tiresome as a Mercy pick


Nov 6, 2017
Man this Lucio chased me down when I was playing Widow. Shout out to the Winston who stayed on his ass to help me out.


Oct 25, 2017
This season was filled with people refusing to be support more often than previous seasons, I pick mercy and no one tried to play their support main like Moira or Ana.
Comp games 99% fills out all roles thankfully.
Just gotta pray for good matchmaking (non-smurf carries) honestly.

QP games for the past month (during anniversary anyway) was horribad.
You'd pick tank, no healers. You'd pick healer, no proper tanks.
Quickplay was bad before, but feels incredibly worse now.


Oct 25, 2017
This season was filled with people refusing to be support more often than previous seasons, I pick mercy and no one tried to play their support main like Moira or Ana.
refuse to play rein. no matter the comp. ive been locking hog and will play either zarya or orisa unless we need a change to either a dva or winston.

also i haven't used mic much. ive enjoyed watching watching the team realize what's wrong with the comp on their own lol


Oct 25, 2017
Speak for you. I've paid my dues. I've endured 130 hours of them sour abuse, I want my girl to shine, IMMA SEND BASTIONS AND REINHARDTS IN THE FACE OF THOSE BASTERDS AND THEY BETTER LIKE IT BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY ASKED FOR
this will the season where bastion comes back into the meta to melt her shield in 2 seconds.


Nov 4, 2017
Speak for you. I've paid my dues. I've endured 130 hours of them sour abuse, I want my girl to shine, IMMA SEND BASTIONS AND REINHARDTS IN THE FACE OF THOSE BASTERDS AND THEY BETTER LIKE IT BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY ASKED FOR

Dental Plan

Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I've put a hold on Sombra and started to use Solider 76. I can manage with everyone but I have trouble with Tracer. With Sombra I could just hack and kill her. With 76 its a guessing game.

I got to level 51 since I bought the game a month ago. I've also been using Winston. I like him a lot I just don't like his ultimate. Maybe I just need to get used to it.


Oct 26, 2017
Holy shit this thread is dead. Only few posts per day.
Any news on Symmetra release?
Probably goes live tomorrow

My love for the game is kinda low... i hope symm helps because i need her to be good, i did get a lot of dps trophies this week, one doomfist trophy(super bugged air stryke) and got a lovely zarya that combo-ed with my genji and gave me two play of the game worthy plays :')
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Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't played in like a week cuz of event grinding fatigue + E3

if Symm3tra arrives tomorrow I really hope her primary fire isn't as bad as people have been saying


Nov 22, 2017

The best Mercy picks and PotGs from the last week. Okay well the McCree PotG on Hanamura isn't my best, but he didn't see that shit comin' - felt badass!

I loved that I had the presence of mind to get that Pulse Bomb off the point in the final clip on Ilios, the 5K on Lijiang felt incredible (mystery heroes - we lost and half my team left, but the reds voted me an Epic card for my Tracer killstreak!), and the one on Route 66? Getting those last two picks at 19 HP? Awesome.

Also, the Mercy I one-clip on Eichenwald and whiff the Pulse Bomb on during the longer clip with the Zarya and Soldier? She popped her ult and came straight for me - and got me! I sent 'em a GG, told 'em I lol'd when they did it, and they said I was awesome and sent a friend request!

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