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Oct 25, 2017
The Internet

Tbh i'm not excited at all for evil chimp...



Oct 25, 2017
Hammond might not even be evil. Some lore evidence from the updated Horizon map makes it look like Winston helped free him. So who knows.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
are they teasing a new map too? could just be made up for this teaser

this teasing and confirmation of Sombra changes soon and Symm still isn't here rip

data west

Oct 25, 2017
i dont see how people cant be excited about monkey when you literally can't do any worse than this default design


Oct 27, 2017
We've all come across good Ana players, that doesn't stop her from being a sub-optimal pick 99% of the time.

She's the least forgiving support on the roster, the amount of work you have to put in with Ana is nowhere near other supports and yet you barely match the healing output to someone like Mercy/Moira. I say all this but Ana is probably in a good spot, other supports have better utility for the team.

A universal healing nerf is needed, the TTK (time to kill) is getting ridiculous, if they didn't buff Hanzo (where's the hanzo nerf blizzard) the TTK would be just as bad as the darkest days when OP Mercy Valk was a thing (w/ the double rez, no cast time and long duration on valk). Those were not fun times, team fights lasted well over a minute...
Sorry I missed your post earlier. Agree with everything. Despite all that, I've been giving her a lot more play time compared to other support heroes. I don't mind having to triple my efforts and find it less boring and very rewarding to come out with a win in the end.

data west

Oct 25, 2017
She has a strong silhouette with distinctive shapes. Outside from Mei, Ana, and Zarya, Moira's design stands strong for not reusing the standard for female designs.

I get that her design may not be appealing TO YOU, but it's far from bad.
It's not just the silhouette. It's things like the fact that she has the mask/piece on the left side of her face along with the two metal pieces above her eyebrows while also having two separate eye colors and the piece wrappin around the back of her head. One or the other is fine. It's too much all at once and it just looks tacky.

Like I said, the Blackwatch skin uses the exact same silhouette and it looks far better.


Oct 26, 2017
are they teasing a new map too? could just be made up for this teaser

this teasing and confirmation of Sombra changes soon and Symm still isn't here rip
lucio poster is in king's row iirc, I'm guessing that's where this pic was taken.

(also the no bots propaganda and that omnic papers that were from there too iirc)


Oct 26, 2017
I know that Lucio had promotional posters across Numbani (before the Doomfist/Orisa update), but I can't think of what other maps have his poster promoting his world tour.
Hollywood got one afterwards, they are rotating from time to time, I think KR had some lucio ones but it was so long ago they faded a bit(or could be his next location as well) I'm sure I saw these omnic ones though

edit: here

Edit2: I was in doubt it could be in Castillo, but the posters there are in spanish so take this with a grain of salt as they seem to be a worldwide thing
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Nov 4, 2017
Blackwatch Moira ftw. I'll never switch off it, until they release another great skin obv. Bikini Moira for Summer event y/y

Sir Guts

Use of alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Moira's design is solid. What I actually hate is her golden weapons. It's hidden...

Deleted member 5545

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
what exactly is the logic of flaming over previous-season ranks

i've been getting a lot of this lately in losing matches (probably because my 66% soldier winrate across 75~ games has them scrambling to find another stat to flame me over jajaja)


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Finally finished my placements. Game decided to punish me for my 3 wins yesterday with 3 losses today.

I went 6-4 in placements and got 2255. Still a new career high, but still not happy about today's games. The two last games were control and weren't close at all.

I'm done for the season though, but I might do placements on my alt account.

Though, I mean the real reason I'm not actually climbing is because both this season and last season I've only done my 10 placement games and that's it. I really should play comp more.

I also made the mistake of flexing for the team. I went 6-4 and only went up by 37 SR from where I ended the previous season. Last season in placements I went 5-5 but went up by 127 SR over the previous season.



Oct 25, 2017
I think the LFG system is just too little, too late. I've lost almost all interest in the game at this point. The community, or what's left of it after Fortnite and PUBG ate half the players, is worse than ever.


Oct 25, 2017
what exactly is the logic of flaming over previous-season ranks

i've been getting a lot of this lately in losing matches (probably because my 66% soldier winrate across 75~ games has them scrambling to find another stat to flame me over jajaja)

About the same logic of "That's why you'll never get out of gold" from people who have never been out of gold.


Oct 25, 2017
Once again found myself in a game with a person who hasn't placed in comp in over a year. I have no idea why the game considers a person to be at the same level of skill when they haven't played the fucking game in a year.

I'm so done with this shit. Everyone else have fun. Fuck Blizzard.


Oct 25, 2017
Did they mess up the Avoid as teammate option with the newest update on PS4? Now I can't see the people I have already avoided in the Recent Players section anymore to swap in tonight's assholes.


Oct 25, 2017
Did they mess up the Avoid as teammate option with the newest update on PS4? Now I can't see the people I have already avoided in the Recent Players section anymore to swap in tonight's assholes.
is there a way to scroll/resize? on pc when using mouse wheel it brought it up (before the update)


Oct 27, 2017
Alot of people have been looking at this picture closely coming up with a wide set of "what ifs." My favorite so far (besides the space dog) is the one that says this is a teaser for a Junkertown Mech because on the right side, you see the poster showing "The Scrapyard" with the Junkertown Queen (or someone looking like a junker) there. You just can't see it because part of it is covered and the light isn't focused on it.

Either way, I wouldn't be shocked if they put in all that extra stuff to throw fans off and later say, "You should have known it was Hammond. It was literally right in front of you."


Oct 25, 2017
Why are there leaver penalties for Quick Play, especially if you leave before the game actually starts?
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