
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I imagine some of the drop-off is just due to outside competition and not Necropolis-specific.

Last Epoch - Feb 22, 2024
No Rest for the Wicked - April 19, 2024
Hades II (EA) - May 7, 2024

Those are all games that I could see resulting in some Path of Exile players taking a break to try the new hotness. Like I'm starting to get bored of my current build and I'm tempted to play one of those new games rather than reroll a new character.

I'm also guessing I'm not the only Action/RPG player who has been replaying Elden Ring because of the DLC coming out soon.
I definitely think outside competition is a factor. There is just more churn in general for content creator and regular gamers.

I was also into Dragon's Dogma 2 while the PoE league was out.


Oct 25, 2017
I want an end-game lore expansion. I feel like I've been doing the same thing for the last 2 years.

My other problem with T17 is the fact that there are no lore attached to them


Oct 31, 2017
I want an end-game lore expansion. I feel like I've been doing the same thing for the last 2 years.

My other problem with T17 is the fact that there are no lore attached to them
Now that I think of it yea I agree. The Shaper/Elder questline with Zana was so fucking cool. Sirius was kind of ok. We need more of that kind of stuff.

Dog of Bork

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I dropped this league like a bad habit when the economy broke. All my strats and farming for nothing, could make it all in one map.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Fellow console warriors rejoice!!! Poe2 coming to PoE2 with cross progression, cross play and local coop!!!


Mar 7, 2023
Yooo what the hell is this???


Classic potion system a la diablo 2/ titan quest?? No utility flasks on the hud neither whaaaaaaaaat


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Great to see more footage of PoE2 and that EA is starting this year. I'm guessing it's just going to be for whales though and despite having played the game for like a decade, I've spent less than $100 on it in total.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a second account that my buddies and I speed power through the campaign with so we can have double quant while doing solo maps

Now it's just easier


Oct 25, 2017
since when did they say utility flasks are gone?

they said they're going to be reactionary flasks now, not just constantly keeping them up to kind of alter your character, but are only good for like taking a hit or whatever. so heavily reduced power and very focused function.

it was quicksilver they said was gone forever.

unless of course I missed some critical news somewhere.


Oct 31, 2017
since when did they say utility flasks are gone?

they said they're going to be reactionary flasks now, not just constantly keeping them up to kind of alter your character, but are only good for like taking a hit or whatever. so heavily reduced power and very focused function.

it was quicksilver they said was gone forever.

unless of course I missed some critical news somewhere.
That could be true. All I can say for sure is my brain thought they said utility flasks were out. It could have been I heard only quicksilver flasks were out and at some point my brain morphed that into all utility flasks. If Johnathan is posting on reddit again maybe I'll ask the question.

also the affliction MTX is now for sale


pilfering ring yay easiest purchase in forever
I also purchased the Pilfering Ring. First purchase in quite awhile.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
When are we thinking that Necropolis will end? I know it used to be a new league every 3 months, but I think they've tended to be longer gaps of late. Wondering if there's any point in rolling another character or if I should wait.


Oct 31, 2017
When are we thinking that Necropolis will end? I know it used to be a new league every 3 months, but I think they've tended to be longer gaps of late. Wondering if there's any point in rolling another character or if I should wait.
Honestly, my gut feeling is we'll be on 4 month leagues until the Path of Exile 2 Early Access launches, maybe even a 5 month league for the last stretch.


Feb 18, 2024
Is it worth trying to get into PoE now in order to better understand PoE2? While PoE2 looks amazing, I don't know how dense/alienating the systems are going to be.


Mar 7, 2023
Is it worth trying to get into PoE now in order to better understand PoE2? While PoE2 looks amazing, I don't know how dense/alienating the systems are going to be.
PoE 2 is looking to be radically different in many ways, and they are addressing unnecesary complexity, and giving better info about the systems inside the game itself. Also worth considering, a lot of the complexity of PoE 1 comes from there being 11 years worth of content which takes a long time to fully grasp, PoE 2 being a new game won't have that problem (although some systems will be translated to PoE 2).

So I wouldn't say it's worth it to play PoE 1 just to understand PoE 2 better, but it is a great game that is worth a try if you enjoy ARPGS!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Is it worth trying to get into PoE now in order to better understand PoE2? While PoE2 looks amazing, I don't know how dense/alienating the systems are going to be.
From the look of things, you will understand PoE2 better by simply playing PoE2.

A lot of fundamental systems are changing in PoE2 that it's not an exact comparison. The main similarity is that players equip Gems which act like your usable Skills and you Support them with support gems to make them stronger. And every Class starts on the same massive Passive skill tree and then Ascend into one of 3 Ascendancy sub classes.

Aside from those 2 key factors that are iconic to PoE, it's a very different game.

Vendors work differently due to Gold being in the game.
Gems don't go on your items, they go on your character which is a massive itemization change.
It's viable to do multiple "6 link" skill builds now.
Checkpoints, bossing and teleports work differently.
There's a proper dodge roll now and also Mounts.
Instant trade system.
Respecing is done with gold now so it's cheaper at start.
Crafting items is overhauled, far less spamming of currency. This also makes dropped items more powerful unlike PoE1.
Combat works different and there is WASD movement.
Flasks work very differently.
Game is overall just slower and more methodical than PoE1 which becomes quite fast and zoomy.
A lot of systems in PoE2 are more streamlined with better help within the game.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Is it worth trying to get into PoE now in order to better understand PoE2? While PoE2 looks amazing, I don't know how dense/alienating the systems are going to be.
From the look of things, you will understand PoE2 better by simply playing PoE2.

A lot of fundamental systems are changing in PoE2 that it's not an exact comparison. The main similarity is that players equip Gems which act like your usable Skills and you Support them with support gems to make them stronger. And every Class starts on the same massive Passive skill tree and then Ascend into one of 3 Ascendancy sub classes.

Aside from those 2 key factors that are iconic to PoE, it's a very different game.

Vendors work differently due to Gold being in the game.
Gems don't go on your items, they go on your character which is a massive itemization change.
It's viable to do multiple "6 link" skill builds now.
Checkpoints, bossing and teleports work differently.
There's a proper dodge roll now and also Mounts.
Instant trade system.
Respecing is done with gold now so it's cheaper at start.
Crafting items is overhauled, far less spamming of currency. This also makes dropped items more powerful unlike PoE1.
Combat works different and there is WASD movement.
Flasks work very differently.
Game is overall just slower and more methodical than PoE1 which becomes quite fast and zoomy.
A lot of systems in PoE2 are more streamlined with better help within the game.


Oct 25, 2017
It's funny PoE2 is putting gold into the game, as just last night I was chatting with the other half about how terrible gold is in Diablo 4.

All it does is make you hoover up gear you never need in order to sell it for gold. It's not something you specifically farm like certain crafting materials - it just makes everything have value so you end up picking everything up.

Have they ever posted in detailed why they are adding gold in?


Oct 31, 2017
It's funny PoE2 is putting gold into the game, as just last night I was chatting with the other half about how terrible gold is in Diablo 4.

All it does is make you hoover up gear you never need in order to sell it for gold. It's not something you specifically farm like certain crafting materials - it just makes everything have value so you end up picking everything up.

Have they ever posted in detailed why they are adding gold in?
Well they tested it out in a Ruthless with Gold temporary league in PoE 1 a little while ago. If memory serves a few of the reasons:

  • Gold will be used as a type of currency if you want to list items for trade. So basically you'll have to play the actual game a bit to list stuff (they said gold prices on currency listings will be much lower than what it cost to list gear.)
  • They are letting people respec with gold now instead of Regret Orbs and it will be cheap when you're low level, this is a huge QOL change for new players (I'm assuming Regret Orbs will be like Ascendant Regret Orbs now.)
  • Gold will be used at the shops in town to buy gear to fill in gaps while you go thru the campaign. Vendors are going to play a much larger part than they did in PoE 1.
  • They've talked about how they kind of messed up with general items dropping when they originally concepted Path of Exile 1. They compared it to Diablo 2 when keys, gold, and various potions could drop. They basically removed all miscellaneous drops from PoE 1 and they didn't like the result. They want to add a bit of that back in so having gold drop from monsters is a bit of progression towards respecs, listing items for trade and buying gear outright in the town shops.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I'm assuming the majority of gold will just come from monster drops. Not even sure if you can sell gear for gold in town in PoE 2. If they're smart gear will be almost valueless so your main gold source just comes from monsters.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's funny PoE2 is putting gold into the game, as just last night I was chatting with the other half about how terrible gold is in Diablo 4.

All it does is make you hoover up gear you never need in order to sell it for gold. It's not something you specifically farm like certain crafting materials - it just makes everything have value so you end up picking everything up.

Have they ever posted in detailed why they are adding gold in?
It's because in D4 Gold is used for so many different things and you need such large quantities of it even in endgame. From the sound of things, in PoE2 gold is mostly for the campaign, respeccing and as a trade tax fee. The actual currency orbs in PoE2 is what will allow you to do the best things in the game.

Also seems like selling items for gold gives very little gold back so I am assuming that in maps you won't be picking up items to sell for gold. Honestly you shouldn't be doing that in D4 either, you should be salvaging items (separate issue) and getting gold from Whispers.

Also I am going to guess that with the PoE2 showcase this week for thr console stuff, we are probably looking at another 4 month league with Necropolis. That would put next league into early August potentially and adding another 4 months to that would put PoE2 early access early December/late November.
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Mar 7, 2023
Wonder if there's a new class reveal to go with the console stuff? Would they fly people just to play on controller? It seems like most of the PoE influencers wouldn't care about that.