Oct 25, 2017
man fighting this horse not worth the massive amount of misses due to concealment for a side-upgrade 2 hander

also some load times improved a lot in 1.07 for me somehow


Oct 25, 2017
The Old Sycamore dungeon has been a pretty tough nut to crack so far... I've used up all my rations, a lot of the Cure Light potions I had, and am thinking of backing out and turning in my moon radishes.

Is there any disadvantage to heading back and coming back to things later? It feels weird to leave the rival quest unresolved for the travel time, but I don't think I have much of a choice. I unlocked the shortcut to the depths, so at least I won't have to click as much to get back. Have 4 party members at 3 and mercenaries at 2.

Current status questwise:
Killed the warg.
Cleared out the depths.
Declared war on both factions.
Mite Queen and her merry band have demolished me a few times... I might send one or two of my combatants straight past her to engage her seneschal and priest, since they seem to do the most damage with their hold person / channel negative.

Current party:
MC, Rogue 1 Sorceror 2 (only has Enlarge Person and Mage Armor; synergizes with monk & amiri pretty well. Cantrips with sneak damage otherwise)
Linzi, Bard 3 (mostly used as a healer/combat buffer)
Amiri, Barb 3, does barb things
Valeria, Tower Shielder 3, blocks things with a heavy shield for now
Merc Monk 2, kicks lots of butt
Merc Ranger 2, shoots lots of arrows

Carcosan Stag

Oct 25, 2017
So quick question, I just finished the tutorial area. Linzi didn't end up joining my party, but uh.. For some reason 'Linzi's Journal' is still a thing in my menu? And not only that, but some of the quest descriptions are written as though she is? Like she's clearly talking about Tartuccio as some other individual and not her own group's leader. It's really off-putting and jarring to put it mildly. Is this supposed to happen?


Oct 25, 2017
So quick question, I just finished the tutorial area. Linzi didn't end up joining my party, but uh.. For some reason 'Linzi's Journal' is still a thing in my menu? And not only that, but some of the quest descriptions are written as though she is? Like she's clearly talking about Tartuccio as some other individual and not her own group's leader. It's really off-putting and jarring to put it mildly. Is this supposed to happen?

She's the one writing your Journal so yes. I wasn't aware it was possible to not get her in the beginning though. The characters that didn't join you will join you later anyway so she'll be back.


Nov 2, 2017
The Old Sycamore dungeon has been a pretty tough nut to crack so far... I've used up all my rations, a lot of the Cure Light potions I had, and am thinking of backing out and turning in my moon radishes.

Is there any disadvantage to heading back and coming back to things later? It feels weird to leave the rival quest unresolved for the travel time, but I don't think I have much of a choice. I unlocked the shortcut to the depths, so at least I won't have to click as much to get back. Have 4 party members at 3 and mercenaries at 2.
There's no penalty for taking more time beyond missing a little reward for completing act I in a month that's not really worth it
it's a dueling sword +2 or something
Generally you want to head back to base when your inventory is full or you need items, otherwise just hunting for rations which usually makes your rest take a bit longer at low lore nature levels is the better option.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm so glad that they patched in a "No Game Over by kingdom management" option because said kingdom management makes the game unplayable. If continuing to get reoccurring negative, unpreventable events after you've finished the main quest in that chapter is a design decision and not a bug, it may have been the worst game design decision I've ever heard of.

The worst thing is that I'm actually really enjoying the adventuring gameplay. The kingdom management is just awful, and way too punitive.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm so glad that they patched in a "No Game Over by kingdom management" option because said kingdom management makes the game unplayable. If continuing to get reoccurring negative, unpreventable events after you've finished the main quest in that chapter is a design decision and not a bug, it may have been the worst game design decision I've ever heard of.

The worst thing is that I'm actually really enjoying the adventuring gameplay. The kingdom management is just awful, and way too punitive.


Dec 14, 2017
So quick question, I just finished the tutorial area. Linzi didn't end up joining my party, but uh.. For some reason 'Linzi's Journal' is still a thing in my menu? And not only that, but some of the quest descriptions are written as though she is? Like she's clearly talking about Tartuccio as some other individual and not her own group's leader. It's really off-putting and jarring to put it mildly. Is this supposed to happen?
She joins you later anyway, so think of this as if she is writing this later on not from first-hand experience. And she admits herself that she doesn't shy away from artistic freedom, so when she says in the book that she took part in some events it's not necessarily true. So it's not really immersion-breaking.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Another hotfix (1.08) just deployed.
Hello everyone!

Please, be aware that there are plot spoilers in the descriptions below (in the Quest, Areas and Kingdom sections)!

  • Bokken could die after his artisan's quest if players came to the "Oleg's Trading Post" area too late. Resolution: fixed, Bokken can't die any longer.
  • Tristian could become immortal after completing the "Betrayer's Flight" quest. Resolution: fixed.
  • Jubilost didn't appear in the tavern during the "Door to Nowhere" quest. Resolution: fixed.
  • The NPC Amalia didn't appear at the Capital Square after citizen revolt in the Season of Bloom chapter (Tristian's "Kingdom of the Cleansed" quest). Resolution: fixed.
  • The party couldn't leave "Oleg's Trading Post" area if players failed Nok-Nok's companion quest and the "Trouble with Goblins" quest. Resolution: fixed.

  • Dialogue with Akiros didn't work properly at the "Stag Lord Fort" area after the party got over the wall if the formation layout set party members too far from each other. Resolution: fixed.
  • The party couldn't leave the "Womb of Lamashtu" area if an animal companion got stuck at the separated area part. Resolution: fixed.
  • The vendor didn't sell goods at "Brineheart" area after resolving all of the problems in the area. Resolution: fixed.
  • The dialogue with Amiri at the end of events at "Flintlock Grasslands" area could be inconsistent if players choose chaotic dialogue option. Resolution: fixed.
  • The NPC Gwart didn't appear at the end of events in the "Flintlock Grasslands" area if players visited the area first and then came back after completing Tristian's quest. Resolution: fixed.
  • There were issues with navigation at "Mysterious Shrine" and "Gnawed Rocks" areas. Resolution: fixed.
  • Tristian repeated romance dialogue when the party entered the Capital Square. Resolution: fixed.
  • Ekundayo's dialogue didn't work properly at the "Ruined Watchtower" area if players discovered the "Troll Lair" area before talking to him. Resolution: fixed.

User Interfaces
  • Critical modifiers weren't visualized in tooltips. Resolution: fixed.

Classes & Mechanics
  • The Arcane Weapon - Shock enchantment would give a weapon the Brilliant Energy property instead. Resolution: Shocking Weapon Enchant gives Shock weapon property now.
  • Skeletons summoned by Jaethal's camping ability dropped loot and didn't disappear after death. Resolution: fixed.
  • Disintegrated units were invisible after resurrection. Resolution: fixed.

  • There was a mistake in the Fighter class description, leading to wrong expectations about class development. Resolution: fixed.
  • Epilogue ended after the Tiger Lords message. Resolution: the rest of epilogue should play normally now.
  • New pack of typos and localization fixes.

  • Some players complained that video cards might be running out of memory. Resolution: a couple of video memory leaks are fixed.
They also explained the artisan system in that post.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I would wait. They are patching like 2-3 times each week. With good reason. Might as well hold out for a few more weeks. I wish I had,
Got plenty of quests which failed. One of the companions never spawned. Etc.
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Oct 27, 2017
Huh, don't know why they released such a broken game. Should have delayed it and got better word of mouth if it was that broken. Steam reviews are Mixed now because of all the bugs.


Oct 25, 2017
The best way to describe the game for me is that it's a game with a massive amount of potential. There is a huge amount of content in the game but also a huge amount of depth. There is so much content that there is probably more stuff to do than in both Pillars of Eternity games combined. There is a lot of mechanics in there especially for the kingdom management aspect but also for characters builds. For instance I'm playing Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple and they actually coded all of the different colors of Dragon you can change into depending on your bloodlines with different abilities, bonuses and even appearances. You build your kingdom through a bunch of countries you conquer and even build the building you want on each territory choosing what to prioritize. Characters side quests are also multi parts adventures spread through the story unlike the embarrassing disappointment of Pillars 2.

The main problem is that it's obvious such a huge game needed much more time in the oven. A lot of the abilities and stat bonuses aren't working properly. Past the 4th act which wasn't tested by backers quests start to be broken and impossible to finish. I entered glitched areas where it was impossible to advance. The early game was impossible hard and unbalanced (might be patched now). The kingdom management is unfair and broken. If you get the Wild Hunt card and fail it it's probably the beginning of your end unless you turned the invincible kingdom hotfix on. The game has a lot of timers both invisible and visible on events and running at the same time which will lead to pretty impressive catastrophic failures. It runs poorly with huge loading time to do anything. They've launched without a manual and games like this require one asnothing is properly explained in the game. Their hotfix keep breaking more and more stuff. At one point I had 260 points in an ability instead of 28, I had 84 casting of positive energy channeling instead of 10, my spell casting failure rate for scroll was 50% for everyone no matter one which made healing level drain a huge pain in the ass. This is on top of empty dialog boxes, sound hitching, performance slowdown and NPCs that do nothing when you talk to them (the merchant in Brineheart : show me your goods and it does nothing). Some of my companions personal quests also never triggered.

So yeah in 6 + months it's going to be impressive but right now it's a mess.

wtf this dam mob did 8 negative levels by 30 seconds into the fight

Yeah always have people that can cast Priest Lvl 4 Death Ward on your tank to prevent this (or simply buy and hoard scrolls). In the beginning of the game in the first dungeon enemies would stat damage me so much some of my stat would fall to 1 and I had no mean to cure or prevent it. Later on level drain is annoying but you can prevent it.
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Dec 14, 2017
Is this game fixed enough to be worth jumping into now?

I'm 50ish hours in and haven't noticed anything hindering my progression. I've encountered some minor visual glitches, some typos but that's about it. I'd say go for it! It's a great game, probably even my GOTY.

I'm 60 hours in and haven't encountered any bugs apart from some visual glitches in the trading interface and some other minor visual glitches, and also the major bonus stacking bug which was there for only two days (fixed quite long ago). The only issue I'm having is with rather long loading times.

I'm having lots of fun with this game (playing on Normal with "Enemy difficulty" set to "Weak" and kingdom difficulty set to "Easy"; also I'm using Cheat Engine to get rid of encumbrance as I hate it in all games, and to speed up the game by a factor of 1.5 using "speedhack" as otherwise characters move too slow for my liking). Note that the game really opens up in Act 2.


Jan 21, 2018
The main problem is that it's obvious such a huge game needed much more time in the oven. A lot of the abilities and stat bonuses aren't working properly. Past the 4th act which wasn't tested by backers quests start to be broken and impossible to finish.

Guess that explains why I haven't encountered anything dramatic yet,, I think I am in act 3
just got the vanishing of varnholm quest[/spoilers]


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
In my experience, the cracks really started to show in the Twice Born Warlord act and the game fell apart after the War of the River Kings. But I've already seen patches in the last couple days fix issues I had run into such as the disintegrate bug, Jubilost not showing up in the tavern for his quest, areas of the map that didn't allow you to move properly, etc.


Apr 5, 2018
Seeing posts on her and Steam reviews are rather undecided whether the game is a good one, I think I'll just have to wait for a patched game in a couple months, it's quite similair to the Kingdom Come: Deliverance launch.


Jan 21, 2018
Seeing posts on her and Steam reviews are rather undecided whether the game is a good one, I think I'll just have to wait for a patched game in a couple months, it's quite similair to the Kingdom Come: Deliverance launch.

I think the consensus is that the game is good, even great, it's just that many players are experiencing frustrating bugs which hinder their enjoyment.


Dec 14, 2017
Seeing posts on her and Steam reviews are rather undecided whether the game is a good one, I think I'll just have to wait for a patched game in a couple months, it's quite similair to the Kingdom Come: Deliverance launch.

I think the consensus is that the game is good, even great, it's just that many players are experiencing frustrating bugs which hinder their enjoyment.

Yeah, this. It's definitely a great game, but apparently there are still some quite serious bugs in the later parts of it (which I haven't yet encountered being 60 hours in), which are getting steadily fixed.


Apr 5, 2018
Yeah, this. It's definitely a great game, but apparently there are still some quite serious bugs in the later parts of it (which I haven't yet encountered being 60 hours in), which are getting steadily fixed.

I am actually super-intrigued by the concept of the game, anyone remember when you could be king in Fable? This should be on a whole different level. Kinda baffled about the Steam Reviews then. Will jump in in a patched state for sure.


Jan 21, 2018
I am actually super-intrigued by the concept of the game, anyone remember when you could be king in Fable? This should be on a whole different level. Kinda baffled about the Steam Reviews then. Will jump in in a patched state for sure.

The kingdom management aspect is hit or miss. I really like it but I can definitely see how someone else might find it dull. Having said that, it's the best implementation of such a system ever - PoE1 or Dragon Age: Inquisition are a joke compared to it.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Hmm... not sure about Kingdom Management aspects but otherwise the game sounds like it will be good enough to get by Steam's November sale :).


Oct 27, 2017
This game is, in a sense, chaotic and I mean it as a compliment. Games have become too formulaic for me.

Many are comparing Kingmaker with Kingdom Come because they both saw bug ridden releases: while that's true I think what really sets them apart from the rest, see Witcher 3 for Kingdom Come and PoE for Pathfinder, is the freedom in narrative and gameplay design.

Focus is on big titles such as Fallout, PoE or Witche to name a few but banner of true resurgence for RPGs is being held by smaller teams (Larian and and now Owlcat Games for example).

I would like to invite everyone to jump in, don't worry for bugs have a taste: mechanics might not be well explained nor implemented. But there's this sense of freedom in design that all games once had had and now they seem to have lost.

Anything Avellone touches become gold bless his soul.


Oct 25, 2017
Amiri's quest is still bugged meaning unless they patch it you will lose her permanently. Even if you reforge her sword there is no prompt to give it to her. After some days pass she will complain and leave.

Game is still impossible to beat as the transition from Act V to Act VI is broken. Even the online official guide doesn't have ACT V complete.

Damn, save corruption now. I wonder how long until they simply stop doing a fix each day and work on a well tested patch instead. Steam rating is starting to go down again as people are getting far into the game and the problems are starting to appear.


Feb 5, 2018
I have been playing the game on hard and I really like it. Im still at chapter one and I was about to go to the elk temple BUT.. I encountered the technic league mages and now, my 4 man party is a 3 man party. Im not really sure what to do tbh. Any tips?

Edit. I like legit wipe at every encounter now. This is honestly pretty baffling design choice.
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Faith in Fate

Oct 27, 2017
I have been playing the game on hard and I really like it. Im still at chapter one and I was about to go to the elk temple BUT.. I encountered the technic league mages and now, my 4 man party is a 3 man party. Im not really sure what to do tbh. Any tips?

Edit. I like legit wipe at every encounter now. This is honestly pretty baffling design choice.

After that encounter you can track them back to their base and rescue your captive friend (and maybe find others)


Feb 5, 2018
After that encounter you can track them back to their base and rescue your captive friend (and maybe find others)
Yup did that, took me a couple of tries. I though that the whole gang would be there. That would have been impossible with only 3 chars.

So im not super into crpgs in the sense that I have only played BG2, Tyranny and both POE's but atm im thinking that hard diff is definately easier than POE 1 on similiar diff setting. Am I crazy?


Oct 26, 2017
Hmm... not sure about Kingdom Management aspects but otherwise the game sounds like it will be good enough to get by Steam's November sale :).
The Kingdom Management elements would make the game unplayable IMO... if not for the fact that they patched in an option to basically be prevented from failing by normal means.

The adventuring gameplay is seriously fun, if pretty difficult.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
The Kingdom Management elements would make the game unplayable IMO... if not for the fact that they patched in an option to basically be prevented from failing by normal means.

The adventuring gameplay is seriously fun, if pretty difficult.
Good. It's sometimes frustrating when devs decide to wedge in a completely different genre that may not be something that people who would buy their game for different aspects want.

At least if you do that, make it skippable/irrelevant. Good example of latter is Fallout 4 and it's construction kit. You have to do it once for a Quest and then you can ignore it completely.


Oct 30, 2017
I think I figured it out, it's not Baldur's Gate, it's Temple of Elemental Evil, it works almost perfectly. (just need crafting :()


Oct 25, 2017
Don't go in the Castle of Knives side area in Pitax lol. After the fight in the castle ruins on of my character is permanently polymorphed even if remove curse succeed, I lost permanently control of one character and enemies are now all invisible. Will reload a previous save.


Mar 9, 2018
How's the story? Looks incredible but can't play games like this without being invested in the story?


Dec 14, 2017
How's the story? Looks incredible but can't play games like this without being invested in the story?
I personally enjoy the story a lot. At first it seems pretty basic, but then it turns out that it has some nice twists etc. It's definitely not Planescape: Torment level, but it gives me good Baldur's Gate 2-level vibes.
Oct 25, 2017
i don't even understand this dam bug. it's a eternal mob it should always trigger the next scene. its even different from the old version of the game so they had to put it there extra on purpose b/c it's not the same fight as a walkthrough i was looking at to see if i was just messing up the quest instead

also invul barb + monk seems to make me go through things like water in the new game i started until next patch. just need to get a certain bow and i should go through the early game smooth as hell


Dec 14, 2017
i don't even understand this dam bug. it's a eternal mob it should always trigger the next scene. its even different from the old version of the game so they had to put it there extra on purpose b/c it's not the same fight as a walkthrough i was looking at to see if i was just messing up the quest instead
Which area/miniboss is that?