
Nov 2, 2017
The Left
UPI: Pelosi unveils moderate alternative to Green New Deal
March 27 (UPI) -- One day after the Senate stymied attempts by progressive Democrats to pass the Green New Deal, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi introduced more scaled-back legislation Wednesday to fight climate change.
The bill would recommit the United States to the 2016 Paris Agreement on climate change, which seeks to keep the rise of global temperature this century to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
The Climate Action Now Act also would stop the government from using federal money to push the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. In it's current state, the bill isn't as far reaching as the New Green Deal crafted by freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Edward Markey.
House Democrats also announced the formation of a bipartisan Select Committee on Climate Change, which plans to meet on the Climate Action Now Act on Thursday.

Vox: Nancy Pelosi is trying to force Trump to return the US to the Paris climate agreement
In a press conference, Pelosi announced that House Democrats were introducing HR 9, the Climate Action Now Act, which aims to keep the United States in the 2015 Paris climate agreement. It's one of the first 10 bills introduced by the new House majority and will likely come to a vote this year.
"Our caucus has made [climate change] a caucus-wide priority," Pelosi said. "This bill is only step one."
Republicans still hold the White House and the Senate and are unlikely to pass any climate legislation


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
No climate change legislation will pass, but Pelosi did the right thing here by giving the Progressive proposal its own time, waited for that to be blocked by the senate before bringing this one up (which she knows will also be blocked). Essentially it's the "We're willing to work" position.


Mar 21, 2019
No carbon tax. No cap-and-trade scheme. It's a step in the right direction I guess? This doesn't really seem like a moderate alternative to the GND, just something they'll do at a bare minimum if Democrats have unified control in 2020.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't really see the reason this being contrasted against the Green New Deal, but hey, this is yet another good thing that will never pass the Senate


Jan 25, 2018
Gotta introduce these things little by little, cuz Mitch McTurtle and the Republicans arent gonna take a vote for the whole GND package

Dude Abides

Oct 27, 2017
It got blocked by the senate which is republican dominated. This is politics to show Republicans won't negotiate.

Making the GND seem extreme isn't very good politics if you actually care about climate change.

I don't think it's really negotiating against the NGD... the NGD got dusted today and so will this.

It is. When you make an offer, the other side just says "no" and doesn't counter, then you come back with a weaker offer, that's negotiating against yourself.


Jan 22, 2019
This is basically nothing.

Yeah, if the moderate's idea of progress here is "let's go back to the Paris agreement that was already not nearly enough in the first place" then we truly are doomed. This is not really a climate proposal of any kind. It's just an Obama-era reset button.


Oct 25, 2017
Fiddler's Green
Yeah, if the moderate's idea of progress here is "let's go back to the Paris agreement that was already not nearly enough in the first place" then we truly are doomed. This is not really a climate proposal of any kind. It's just an Obama-era reset button.
That is exactly the moderate position, to do what we should have been doing in the 90's and feel good until they're dead and everyone else has to deal with it. Because modern American moderates are actually conservatives attempting to bring back the 90's, and "conservatives" are dangerous radicals trying to bring back the 50's.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, if the moderate's idea of progress here is "let's go back to the Paris agreement that was already not nearly enough in the first place" then we truly are doomed. This is not really a climate proposal of any kind. It's just an Obama-era reset button.


The Paris agreement is basically countries telling themselves "it's ok to destroy the planet just a little, not too much, but take your time, you have until 2030, might be too late by then, but also start doing something about it later if that's too soon, and help these other developing countries, if you want".
Oct 26, 2017
The Green New Deal is a powerful concept and has polled very well amongst many Democrats, for example support in Iowa for it was 94%. Now I don't know how possible reform of that magnitude would be to get through Congress, but it's a great idea to run and an issue Democrats are universally passionate about. Maybe we'll need to embrace something less radical when we get there, but for now this is one issue where it will only pay off to go all in. It's like our version of the wall, but not stupid and based on a fabricated crisis. Dems need something inspiring to get behind, it's what we were missing last election.


Oct 29, 2017
No climate change legislation will pass, but Pelosi did the right thing here by giving the Progressive proposal its own time, waited for that to be blocked by the senate before bringing this one up (which she knows will also be blocked). Essentially it's the "We're willing to work" position.

This is the reductio ad absurdum the R's aren't ever going to do anything for the environment no matter how simple.

It's a smart move politically and hopefully helps bring in more Dems to the Senate in 18 months and a Dem president. This is designed to give the Dems a hammer to wield in 18 months time that the Republicans will absolutely do nothing at all on climate change and try and force voters to push Dems into the Senate.

It's designed for attack ads against Rs that are vulnerable.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, if the moderate's idea of progress here is "let's go back to the Paris agreement that was already not nearly enough in the first place" then we truly are doomed. This is not really a climate proposal of any kind. It's just an Obama-era reset button.
What's funny is that the pissweak targets aren't even being met, the greedy will leave us all drowned and those who didn't publicly stand up to take a firm action, realising that a literal existential level crisis was occurring will be just as vilified as the ones who caused it.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I don't see what's wrong with this, it's all about positioning.

The Green New Deal was blocked. This more moderate proposal will also be blocked.

Until you actually have the power to pass anything, you force Republicans to lay their cards on the table and show that they have no intentions of negotiating on anything.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see what's wrong with this, it's all about positioning.

The Green New Deal was blocked. This more moderate proposal will also be blocked.

Until you actually have the power to pass anything, you force Republicans to lay their cards on the table and show that they have no intentions of negotiating on anything.
So when this gets blocked Dems move to an even more moderate position? This charade appeals to no one outside of liberals who don't actually want to make any progress.


Oct 25, 2017
Very cool. Negotiating against yourself always works out well.
I just don't understand how they literally are incapable of learning fucking anything from the last three years. It's baffling, it really is, and it saps my hope more and more every day that we actually will do anything to combat the oncoming fucking APOCALYPSE that is staring down all our faces.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, this is smart. In a sane world something like this would stand a good chance of passing, but it ain't and at the end of the day it'll show the GOP has no interest in doing anything but saying "no".

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
Yeah, this is smart. In a sane world something like this would stand a good chance of passing, but it ain't and at the end of the day it'll show the GOP has no interest in doing anything but saying "no".

It's smart because nothing is done but you already move the needle further right.

Very smart if you don't care about policy.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
So when this gets blocked Dems move to an even more moderate position? This charade appeals to no one outside of liberals who don't actually want to make any progress.

No, because if Pelosi tries to move further center than this she risks losing the unity of her caucus. Progressives have a bigger voice in the party now. That we even started with the GND at all should tell you that.

There's nothing inherently wrong with putting up a more moderate option you know Republicans are going to reject anyway. The Green New Deal was always the hail mary, and even progressives know that. It's main goal, more than anything, was moving the overton window on climate change to the left, which it has been wildly successful at.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
This is to show repubs are full of shit when they say the believe in climate change but think nothing can be done.. Nothing can be done because Republicans won't buckle to dems on any issue no matter what. They will burn the earth to own the libs.

Deleted member 28076

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
I don't see what's wrong with this, it's all about positioning.

The Green New Deal was blocked. This more moderate proposal will also be blocked.

Until you actually have the power to pass anything, you force Republicans to lay their cards on the table and show that they have no intentions of negotiating on anything.
Did the last two years not show that already, or


Oct 25, 2017
People already understand the GOP doesn't give a fuck about Climate change because the President tweets that every time it gets COLD outside.


Oct 25, 2017
I just don't understand how they literally are incapable of learning fucking anything from the last three years. It's baffling, it really is, and it saps my hope more and more every day that we actually will do anything to combat the oncoming fucking APOCALYPSE that is staring down all our faces.
The fact that this is their only tactic to combat the oncoming no exaggeration apocalypse shows how useless liberalism is when facing a crisis of this magnitude. Showing that evil incarnate won't negotiate when half of America doesn't care and would rather they not negotiate to further the death cult.


Oct 25, 2017
Can people explain to me what they actually want the Dems to be doing given that it's literally impossible for anything they propose on these issues to actually get through regardless? And has been for years at that? Like I'm wondering what "better position" or "more accomplishments" people actually think the dems could've pulled off if they went other avenues


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Cool. The Green New Deal is the way to go but it can't go anywhere until 2021 and using moderate proposals like this to demonstrate the GOP's hypocrisy is an effective way of attacking vulnerable incumbents in the next election, particularly as climate change is becoming a more important issue for voters. It's shitty we have to do this, but there's no way around it until we control the white house and/or senate.


Oct 29, 2017
Can people explain to me what they actually want the Dems to be doing given that it's literally impossible for anything they propose on these issues to actually get through regardless? And has been for years at that? Like I'm wondering what "better position" or "more accomplishments" people actually think the dems could've pulled off if they went other avenues

I feel like the progressive end of the party thinks dogging in with preferred positions and not negotiating keeps the focus on the preferred solution rather than a watered down alternative.

This wing of the party also tends to think voters are all just waiting on a more liberal candidate to crush the right with popular policy proposal that the moderates are afraid of running on.

I think they vastly underestimate how conservative large swaths of our country is and think these ideas only work inside an urban liberal bubble.

I think the Obamacare right is a perfect encapsulation of the issue. Obama couldn't even get a public option through. But he reset the framing of the argument and now a single payer system is a possibility.

I think the Paris accords set the ground for something like the Green New Deal. It's frustratingly slow but better than throwing yourself at a wall and getting nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the progressive end of the party thinks dogging in with preferred positions and not negotiating keeps the focus on the preferred solution rather than a watered down alternative.

This wing of the party also tends to think voters are all just waiting on a more liberal candidate to crush the right with popular policy proposal that the moderates are afraid of running on.

I think they vastly underestimate how conservative large swaths of our country is and think these ideas only work inside an urban liberal bubble.
I mean, I think a lot of these ideas aren't even as popular as they think within urban liberal bubbles as a whole, they're just popular among the specific communities they personally like to interact with


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the progressive end of the party thinks dogging in with preferred positions and not negotiating keeps the focus on the preferred solution rather than a watered down alternative.

This wing of the party also tends to think voters are all just waiting on a more liberal candidate to crush the right with popular policy proposal that the moderates are afraid of running on.

I think they vastly underestimate how conservative large swaths of our country is and think these ideas only work inside an urban liberal bubble.
I mean, I think a lot of these ideas aren't even as popular as they think within urban liberal bubbles as a whole, they're just popular among the specific communities they personally like to interact with
Do I have to constantly repeat myself? While you both snidely talk about how unrealistic any climate legislation is, I will tell you what is realistic, at best maybe tens of millions will die, at worst, literal billions. This is not an exaggeration. The fact that elected officials in the current most powerful country in the world seemingly won't make a real stand against the onslaught of endless misery to come, just feels shitty.


Oct 25, 2017
Do I have to constantly repeat myself? While you both snidely talk about how unrealistic any climate legislation is. I will be telling you what is realistic, at best maybe tens of millions will die, at worst, literal billions, this is not an exaggeration.
Ok, but what do you propose should actually be done in this situation? Nobody here is arguing the severity of climate change


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Do I have to constantly repeat myself? While you both snidely talk about how unrealistic any climate legislation is. I will be telling you what is realistic, at best maybe tens of millions will die, at worst, literal billions, this is not an exaggeration.

And if we don't start stemming the bleeding by enacting what we can get through, billions will definitely die.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, but what do you propose should actually be done in this situation? Nobody here is arguing the severity of climate change
Again, show that you have some spine and actually take a real stand against it,
I don't see young people like me being very impressed or being inspired by elected officials who seemingly don't give a single shit about the biggest mess they're going to leave for us.
There's a reason a lot of us now make jokes about suicide, we've seen the coming catastrophes and the lack of any response from the people who are meant to help us.
And if we don't start stemming the bleeding by enacting what we can get through, billions will definitely die.
But if you're constantly on the backfoot, negotiating with the fucking infinite death party, you're never going to get anywhere, it's also easy for you to say that while you have no personal stake in anything. I have family in the third world who have and already are affected by climate change, like many they'll likely be forced to seek out refuge or starve.


Oct 25, 2017
The fucking infinite death party has control of the senate, which any climate bill will have to go through.
You're also not going to get anywhere if you don't negotiate short of violent revolution.
Believe me when I say, the coming climate disasters that put the lives of every human being on this planet at stake will make sure the 21st century is no stranger to violent revolution.
And I am not inciting violence, I'm just stating the facts, people will get tired of the lack of any real response from elected officials, I don't think humanity won't go extinct at the whims of some old men in Washington.

Deleted member 17810

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure a ton of people are going to dump on Pelosi for this. If this manages to pass, it's one step, no matter how small, in a better direction.

People like AOC are smart enough to know how their role is different than Pelosi's. We need people like AOC to start moving the overton window, so people like Pelosi can make incremental progress that eventually gets us to the AOC super liberal bill.