
Alt account
Sep 25, 2023
Anyway yeah this is the best Persona spin off ever. It's not to the caliber of the mainline games, but damn is it amazing


Sep 19, 2023
How is the plot/story compared to the mainline games? I've been wanting to play this for awhile, but I've heard bad or mixed things about some of the related Persona content (ala the anime).


Oct 25, 2017
How is the plot/story compared to the mainline games? I've been wanting to play this for awhile, but I've heard bad or mixed things about some of the related Persona content (ala the anime).
It's been a few years but I remember the plot being pretty decent? It's a direct sequel to P5 Vanilla so none of the royal characters are in it but the new characters that are introduced are pretty good.


Jun 4, 2018
It's rare for a musou game to be good or satisfying if you're into action games, which is the biggest reason I haven't tried this.

I'll give it a shot if it comes to Game Pass at some point.


Oct 27, 2017
Personally, I was disappointed with the game, I didn't click with the combat at all.

Like, I think I would have enjoyed it more if it were a pure musou or a pure ARPG, but it ended up being something in between that made the bosses maddeningly long and the rest too short.

But the story and being with the kids again was great, so.


Oct 27, 2017
After 100+ hours spent in P5R on Series X in what felt like next to no time, I bounced off P5Strikers pretty hard. The aliased graphics and jagged edges on my base PS4 became too much… I was enjoying the story, the combat, just meh.


Nov 2, 2017
I had really low expectations on this going in because it was Omega Force doing it. I didn't look at any previews or trailers at all but got it at launch anyway because I am a mark.

As a huge fan of Persona who was wishing P5 was longer. This game surprisingly granted that wish. A scene in the opening hour made me tear up and then I knew this game was not gonna disappoint. As the game goes on, it didn't felt like a spinoff, its just Persona 5-2.

As for the gameplay, the general Musou gameplay is not really the most exciting for me. Not just the moment to moment action but how the overall structure is laid out.

I was pleasantly surprised that this game is not that. The structure of the levels is Persona 5, the battle system is Persona 5 in a more action setting. I'd say, this is barely a Musou, its more of an action RPG.

The japanese road trip setting is so much fun too.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
It's one of those instances from traditional turn-based combat into action that goes smoothly & functional & fun to play.

If it's not for the "action RPG" approach & Persona IP, I probably won't touch this ever, let alone a full Musou game.