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Oct 26, 2017
They're really not helping themselves with this. Honestly, I'm not convinced there's anything particularly nefarious going on but the Royals always manage to make things look worse than they are in their aggressive efforts to be in total control of any narrative.
Oct 25, 2017
Every official photograph you've seen of anyone in the last 20 years has been photoshopped. It is usually better than this, however. You try to get three kids to pose perfectly in the same photo.
Dude, they're not toddlers lol. And they're royals, being photographed is like 80% of their purpose for existing, they're going to take the time to get it right. There's a reason no other photo with the kids has this much shitty photoshopping, and it's not because the children couldn't sit still or they could afford a better editor, lol. That's not to say the reason is nefarious or even noteworthy beyond royal gossip, but whatever the reason is, it's not rowdy kids or "oops, we though Phil Nextdoor could edit better".


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
no one has seen her in public in some time. so when edited pictures of her come out it makes it seem like she won't or can't take public photos. this has lead to specualtion that;

1) she's actually dead
2) something went wrong with her surgery (joke is she got a BBL)/she has health issues
3) she isn't co-operating with the Palace for some reason (speculated marital issues with William)

What makes the third one the most likely of the scenarios in question is that the Palace put the photo out claiming William himself took it.

It's probably a nothing burger ultimately. But it's another case of how out of touch and shrouded in secrecy the Royal family is. It inevitably will lead to this kind of speculation.


Oct 27, 2017
Is there a different Mother's Day that comes earlier than May or...?

Yes, uk is today, USA one is also different to my mother in laws who celebrates on the day Mexico does but that's also in May so not that different. The uk Mother's Day is based around the timing of Easter Sunday with it taking places 3 weeks before Easter Sunday every year and as Easter Sunday moves around each year it can be on a different date every year but it's always that specific Sunday in relation to Easter Sunday.


Oct 29, 2017
What makes the third one the most likely of the scenarios in question is that the Palace put the photo out claiming William himself took it.

It's probably a nothing burger ultimately. But it's another case of how out of touch and shrouded in secrecy the Royal family is. It inevitably will lead to this kind of speculation.

the third one is the one I look at and think is plausible yeah agreed

feline fury

Dec 8, 2017
Yes the UK one was today.

Yes, uk is today, USA one is also different to my mother in laws who celebrates on the day Mexico does but that's also in May so not that different. The uk Mother's Day is based around the timing of Easter Sunday with it taking places 3 weeks before Easter Sunday every year and as Easter Sunday moves around each year it can be on a different date every year but it's always that specific Sunday in relation to Easter Sunday.



Oct 30, 2017
Every official photograph you've seen of anyone in the last 20 years has been photoshopped. It is usually better than this, however. You try to get three kids to pose perfectly in the same photo.

Ehh, these are royal children. They'll have been training them for this shit since they could walk.

They add to where the upper legs meet the back to create what the rest of the world calls a "butt"

I feel personally attacked.


Dec 10, 2017
I don't know why this is worthy of being reported so much as it is. The royal family are photographed so damn much I think they a) wouldn't be at all surprised that there's fake photos of them out there and b) that one got used by any random company.


Nov 2, 2017
I don't know why this is worthy of being reported so much as it is. The royal family are photographed so damn much I think they a) wouldn't be at all surprised that there's fake photos of them out there and b) that one got used by any random company.

This is an official image from the palace.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
The conspiracies I'm seeing at work are that she died/was murdered cause she tried to get away/expose the illuminati and they currently working on her clone.

No I'm not kidding.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
I don't know why this is worthy of being reported so much as it is. The royal family are photographed so damn much I think they a) wouldn't be at all surprised that there's fake photos of them out there and b) that one got used by any random company.

The Palace themselves released it.

Edit: beaten

The conspiracies I'm seeing at work are that she died/was murdered cause she tried to get away/expose the illuminati and they currently working on her clone.

No I'm not kidding.

Yeah it's getting a little out of hand. Something is definitely up, but the amount of people who genuinely think she died is wild. I could see maybe a divorce or something.


Oct 29, 2017
I mean who cares if the image is photoshopped? Unless it is completely a fake photograph - which I haven't seen any indication of.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a different Mother's Day that comes earlier than May or...?

Mothering Sunday, fourth Sunday in Lent. It's actually originated around celebrating your 'mother church', hence it being tied to a religious festival, but has evolved into a secular Mother's Day independent of the international one.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
i don't know anything about the royal family, no idea who this kate person is so i have zero reason to care about this conspiracy…

that said this knob is driving me nuts. the reflection doesn't make sense, or is there a knob inside? that doesn't really make sense to me either. the knob is also on the crease of the window and frame? i've never seen a knob on the edge of the door?


edit: also look at the right hand of both the green and red shirt kid. they're both crossing their middle fingers in the same unnatural way. the left hand pinky of the green shirt kid is also grabbing the chair in a weird way

i hate this photo
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Jun 14, 2018
Look like ai badly touched up to correct the mist glaring mistakes. Feels extremely unnatural.


Jul 17, 2021
More than any nonsense about conspiracies, this honestly speaks to a weirdly pathetic insecurity. Not enough for them to have the ultimate privilege of birth, born rich and famous just for who they popped out of and who put them in there, instead of just letting people talk and letting things be they have to fuss so much about shit like this, doctoring photos and addressing every little rumour , assuring people that things are 100% fine 100% of the time and the family affairs are all dandy and perfect.

I can only hope and dream we see the end of monarchy in my lifetime. It's already insulting to me even just here in Canada to have a class of people explicitly deemed elevated/superior by birth alone, can't imagine how much so in the UK with all the extra attention and importance and tax-funded welfare they get.
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Sep 7, 2018

The 'dead' rumors are stupid.

Regrettably the simplest explanation I can think of here is there's something going on with her health, they are caught between her privacy and public persona, and instead we get this charade.

I'm no royalist, but being in the public eye must suck.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
It's weird how obsessive people are about other people they will never meet.


Oct 30, 2017
There was a photographer's opinion linked in the UK Era thread, and they seemed to think that Kate's photo has a different light source to the kids, so possibly not just a simple touch up issue.


Oct 26, 2017
Most interesting thing is how people are much more discerning when it comes to image manipulation.

It's quite funny that they apparently tried spinning that it was her husband that took the photo.


Oct 27, 2017
The Monarchy PR got so used to manufacturing bad PR for the royal couple they hated, they forgot how to handle a real PR crisis with the one they like.
I'm sure she's fine somewhere but it's so funny to watch them shoot themselves in the foot over and over trying to bat down all the conspiracies.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
i don't know anything about the royal family, no idea who this kate person is so i have zero reason to care about this conspiracy…

that said this knob is driving me nuts. the reflection doesn't make sense, or is there a knob inside? that doesn't really make sense to me either. the knob is also on the crease of the window and frame? i've never seen a knob on the edge of the door?


edit: also look at the right hand of both the green and red shirt kid. they're both crossing their middle fingers in the same unnatural way. the left hand pinky of the green shirt kid is also grabbing the chair in a weird way

i hate this photo
Nothing wrong with that reflection. The pure white in the back might be a lamp shade and is not a reflection but inside the room. The bottom circle is the doorknob. Above it probably leaves part of the bush.
Nov 4, 2017
Somebody typed "parasite with brood" into Midjourney.

Jokes aside, there's some real uncanny valley stuff going on in that photo. Lighting doesn't look right, hands seem a bit off. I'm sure it's just a bit of a heavy handed Photoshop job that went bad, I'm just surprised it got through whatever reviews or checks they must surely have.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I think what is getting me about this Kate situation is that if she is ill, why not just inform the public? She would certainly garner the affections of the people who give a fuck.

And if it is because she is separated from William or refuses to cooperate with the palace for whatever reason, then it would be better to be honest than let people run wild with the death theory.

And if she is dead (which I do not believe), then it is even more important to be honest because I'm sure people will be sympathetic.

Like, just be honest, period.


Oct 29, 2017
I think what is getting me about this Kate situation is that if she is ill, why not just inform the public? She would certainly garner the affections of the people who give a fuck.

And if it is because she is separated from William or refuses to cooperate with the palace for whatever reason, then it would be better to be honest than let people run wild with the death theory.

And if she is dead (which I do not believe), then it is even more important to be honest because I'm sure people will be sympathetic.

Like, just be honest, period.

if they're separated it gets tricky because then people are going to want to know why and there may be all sorts of complicated legal and dynastic issues to sort out, especially given Charles cancer and Harry being exiled.


Oct 27, 2017
Kate and Wills are just bad at photography. They've been adamant that they'd produce their own family photos since they were married and neither of them have the talent to pull it off. The sloppiness of this photo screams old dad using photoshop.

But I do find the conspiracy fun as it's driving the royalists mad.


May 16, 2020
I must be naive as I just expect every official photo now to be touched up or photoshopped anyway. The fact that this story has legs while Andrew's reintegration into public life goes unchallenged, blows my mind though.
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