
Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Had an amazing game just now. 5th with 6 kills. Everything just fell into place.

Dropped in a small complex with one other guy who took a couple of shot at me then ran away. I assume he saw the UMP in my hands,....what he didn't know is that I didn't have any bullets so I was able to loot the rest of the houses un-interrupted.

The circle took me at the end as I miss judged how much health it would take but I had loads of ammo and managed to kill 3 people that were driving circles in the small area at the end. There's something really rewarding about watching a vehicle explode when the driver is doing nothing but try to run people over.

Can't wait for teams tonight. I'm ready.

Just had a double ko with someone and I didn't get a kill counted?

I'm having alot of problems with stats. I have 3 chicken dinners and I've killed 9 people in one game, but the stats show my chicken dinners as 1 and a max of 4 kills.


Oct 29, 2017
Redmond, WA
I'm having alot of problems with stats. I have 3 chicken dinners and I've killed 9 people in one game, but the stats show my chicken dinners as 1 and a max of 4 kills.
I think the stats are slow to update through the system. My stats are usually updated the morning after a late night play session. Sometimes it's immediate, so who knows. Hopefully it's not completely broken, but my stats suck now anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
This game. Whew.

I managed to squeeze in a viewing of Die Hard and Christmas Vacation, but all other free time over the holiday was spent in PUBG. It is ridiculous how much draw this game has.. have a good round, get Top 10 or close.. and you want to play again since you came so close. Have a bad game? Get off'd right away? Well not much time wasted, play again!

Lag and drops are definitely still a thing. My friend with an OG XB1 seems to drop at least once a game, usually if we're in a vehicle. Thankfully, most times I can just drive around till he loads in again.

Got my first Duo win last night..

We'd dropped in and parachuted to the very edge we could reach, and made our way directly away from the drop zones to the Hospital. Geared up, didn't see a soul. Found a jeep and proceeded to hug the very outer edge of the circle, looting along the way. Spent as much time next to the blue circle as we could, only moving in when we absolutely had to. Eventually it was down to around 20 people. and the circle had gotten decently small, encompassing a couple outcroppings of buildings, a large stretch of open area, and a hill with trees. We finally decided we needed to move in. We raced around but didn't see anyone. We *did* see a number of vehicles each parked outside of different buildings. I came up with the dick idea of driving around and shooting out all their tires. We got to the 3rd one before the occupants inside started firing back at us. We had to leave quickly before we could shoot out the tires on the buggy. I gunned it and made a close escape, but got wounded pretty bad. At the same time, my partner got dropped from the game.. so I'm racing away from gunfire, while almost dead, with a useless passenger! I head into the trees to see if I can bandage up, but come under fire again. I decide to head to the edge of the blue in the open field and try my best. No one fires. I heal up and thankfully my partner finally rejoins. The circle closes in again, this time focusing on the tree covered hill. Lots of firing, and the numbers drop to 10. Our jeep is smoking now, and at less than half health. We find on of those little one-room hunter shacks at the edge of the new circle and quickly get inside. The player count drops to 8. The next circle puts us in the blue zone, so we got to move again. We decide to crawl up the hill and try to outlast them. As we crawl out, we find a buggy stashed behind the shack, the same buggy we didn't manage to shoot the tires out of before! At the same time the player count drops to 5. I admit that I am a terrible shot in the game, so I offer to take the buggy and draw fire so my partner can take them out.

Then.. well here is what happened next:

I raced up the hill and didn't see anyone. My partner made his way behind a tree. No one was firing at me. I just started driving around looking for people, and accidentally hit (without killing) someone, but it bumps them into the blue, and they get killed by the Playzone. 4 left. Now I spot someone, but its too late to hit him, as I turn around to look for him, he's gone, but I spot someone else, and hit them. 3 left. The last remaining guy is tossing grenades at me, but still not shooting. He finally opens up at my partner, and I managed to run him over, ending the match.

Was a lot of fun. I normally try to stay away from using vehicles at the end because 10/10 times I end up getting shot before I can do anything useful. Worked this time though, so no complaints. Really surprised no one tried shooting at me though, I was completely out of health stuff too.

The stories this game is generating is amazing. So much random awesomeness. I can't get enough!


Oct 25, 2017
Game is a broken mess today. Nothing but errors, crashes and no loot anywhere. On top of that the gas was jumping as far as possible and it was everybody running like idiots just to make it.


Oct 29, 2017
Redmond, WA
Game is a broken mess today. Nothing but errors, crashes and no loot anywhere. On top of that the gas was jumping as far as possible and it was everybody running like idiots just to make it.
Yikes. What system? I'd say crashes and errors constitute the descriptor "broken mess." I had my first crashes on the X last night. Happened pretty frequently in duos. My brother who was sitting next to me on an X, on the same network, had no issues.

The rest sounds like you aren't happy with how your games played out. This is a helpful link that shows where on the map you are likely to find better loot, vehicles and boats. There's still a random element to it. You'll always have people running late into the circles. It's a good idea to constantly check behind you after the circle has closed. Longer for the first few as they don't do much damage, and shorter for the last few circles as they do a lot of damage.
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Oct 28, 2017
Game crashed and booted me back to home. Now it keeps saying not authorized over and over again. Grrr


Oct 29, 2017
Redmond, WA
I wish I would have recorded that last kill. Guy hit me once...i did however fall through the ground once hit... So I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it.
lol, I literally just had a guy run out of a building and stop with a LVL 3 helmet on, and I happen to have the Kar98. Gonna review and double check the two headshots.


Oct 27, 2017
I picked this up yesterday and to be honest it's unplayable. The FPS is just unacceptable and the UI elements feel slow and clunky. I ve put in 125 hours on PC and love the game but 4 games on Xbox and I'm not going back until it gets updated.


Oct 29, 2017
Redmond, WA
I wish I would have recorded that last kill. Guy hit me once...i did however fall through the ground once hit... So I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it.

lol, I literally just had a guy run out of a building and stop with a LVL 3 helmet on, and I happen to have the Kar98. Gonna review and double check the two headshots.

Ok, here you go.
Please excuse the first miss! I always get freaked using the Kar98 up close. No idea how this guy didn't see me, or why he didn't react.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Ok, here you go.
Please excuse the first miss! I always get freaked using the Kar98 up close. No idea how this guy didn't see me, or why he didn't react.

This game is as fun as hell but the hit ratio with weapons it a load of bollocks. Complete garbage.

Someone can one shot me... But i can pump 5 sniper bullets into their chest and not put them down? Or 7 pistol bullets without putting them down? Sometimes I feel like I'm playing the division. I half expect a number to pop up above their heads when I shoot them.


Oct 28, 2017
Game crashes on me driving away from people shooting at me. Hurry up and boot the game back up. Get in unscathed. Drive the morotcycle up a hill, some guy starts shooting at me. Drive towards. Jump off, Start pulling off chest shots and games crashes.


Oct 29, 2017
Redmond, WA
This game is as fun as hell but the hit ratio with weapons it a load of bollocks. Complete garbage.

Someone can one shot me... But i can pump 5 sniper bullets into their chest and not put them down? Or 7 pistol bullets without putting them down? Sometimes I feel like I'm playing the division. I half expect a number to pop up above their heads when I shoot them.

I think they need to get the replay feature\ completed, and they need to show you where you were hit and with what weapon. This will help alleviate some of that anger when you get dropped. I've resorted to recording every kill and death so that I can analyze and take some learnings from each one. *Don't forget the network lag too, which may be showing you something that doesn't align with the server.*

They really put the emphasis on headshots with this game. It's great when you are getting kills, and incredibly frustrating when you don't.
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Oct 25, 2017
Finally got my chicken dinner. Ended dead centre polyana.

Down to the final 4. I spotted a guy in the opposite building but don't think he spotted me. Knowing the blue was moving in soon I waited for him to make the first move then followed him out. Shot him down.

Then it was just a waiting game. Could hear the other two lads shooting away at each other in a building I had full site on. They made the first move out. I pinged off a few shots (missed with most) then the blue started to move in. I just got lucky that I'd stocked up on the health drinks and managed to just get inside the blue zone before it murdered him.

One thing I've learned from this game and the past few. I can't hit shit at a distance. Absolute slay in close quarters but far away fuck that I'm wasting bullets and time ha


Oct 28, 2017
Egyptian residing in Denmark
Yeha, the DVR thing was a placebo effect, just turn it back on. OG xbox here.

I got my second solo dinner! What a mess! First, a guy rushes me from behind, I kill him. I then advance to a tower where a guy hides. I shoot 20 bullets, 2 hits him and the other 18 either hits his pan in the back or the wall. I advance on him, not knowing if there was someone behind me. I kill him, advanced to his position and finally scout for the last dude. Heres a 5min video for anyone to watch! Bobby Darin/video/41495249

Deleted member 1238

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
When the game crashes three times in a single match you know the universe is telling you "that's enough PUBG for tonight."


Oct 25, 2017
Why does my Xbox crash every time I try and relaunch the game after it crashes? Really annoying. Far worse than just a game crash.


Oct 27, 2017
Been okay the last little bit. Wonder if they were doing something or just Christmas rush?


Oct 28, 2017
Finally got my hands on Pubg for Xbox s. Here are my thoughts.....

Technical issues ppl were complaining about are definitely real. I mean messed up textures, constant pop in, glitchyness, etc all prominent during the game. Game isn't a looker at all.

With that said it didn't make the game unplayable for me and I enjoyed it for what it is. A game in early preview that has a lot of promise and I'm sure will only get better.


The game plays and feels ok. The jank definitely is there though. Coming from the smoothness of Fort Nite to PUBG the change is definitely jarring at times. I definitely prefer Fort Nite controls b.s. gameplay. Again I'm sure when it's all said and done it'll be refined and much better.


Due to its Hunger games narrative and the dynamic nature of these type of games, I'll never get tired of playing them lol. I mean my first game some idiot was driving in circles on a road and I just laid on my belly, crawled through the grass and tried to snipe him in the car. I hit him once, he jumped out, I unleashed killing him. I love shit like that!!!! I can see myself playing this a lot. Thank God it's that much different that I can switch between Fort Nite and not feel like I'm playing the same game.

I think it's a good place to start overall and I look forward to its progression. I got it for my son on Christmas and he is enjoying it as well.

*Oh got froze out of a game few times and somehow game restarted and picked up where i supposedly left off, however it put me in a different place, middle of town and in front of enemies line of sight. Smfh I was so pissed off lol haha but it happens.


Oct 27, 2017
Sometimes it keeps you moving if you were moving when you dropped.. I've had it get me into the circle while I was lagged out haha.


Oct 31, 2017
Here is the last couple of minutes of me and a friend picking up a lovely dinner in Duo's last night - we played the final couple of circles perfectly, drawing out the final player into shooting me so my partner could take him out from a flank position. I very nearly wasted my grenade trying to pull a guy out of cover behind a hut at the start of the clip, but thought better of it and saved it - fortunately, because it came in handy when I spotted a guy in a bush... But what I didn't realise is the bush I threw the grenade at was killed by a car, the guy driving the car jumped out at the last second and flattened the guy who was in the bush, at the same split second my grenade went off and killed the dude who had been driving the car :)
Oct 25, 2017
Yeha, the DVR thing was a placebo effect, just turn it back on. OG xbox here.

I got my second solo dinner! What a mess! First, a guy rushes me from behind, I kill him. I then advance to a tower where a guy hides. I shoot 20 bullets, 2 hits him and the other 18 either hits his pan in the back or the wall. I advance on him, not knowing if there was someone behind me. I kill him, advanced to his position and finally scout for the last dude. Heres a 5min video for anyone to watch! Bobby Darin/video/41495249

I could watch these videos all day when I can't sit down and play the game myself. Good job man.

Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Don't know about the S model but I've been playing with two friends on the OG model and they regularly run into a loading issue where it takes a few seconds for buildings and furniture to load at the start of a game.
I've found landing near a house (about 50ft away) and running to it gives the game enough time to load everything in so you don't hit these problems as much. Not exactly the optimal solution but it helps cut down on the frustration at the start when you really need stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I think they need to get the replay feature\ completed, and they need to show you where you were hit and with what weapon. This will help alleviate some of that anger when you get dropped. I've resorted to recording every kill and death so that I can analyze and take some learnings from each one. *Don't forget the network lag too, which may be showing you something that doesn't align with the server.*

They really put the emphasis on headshots with this game. It's great when you are getting kills, and incredibly frustrating when you don't.
Yeah. I've started analysing clips too.

This is the last one of last night that pissed me off.i have a level 3 vest and level 2 helmet. And I hit the guy in the upper body at least 5 times with 2 different weapons.
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Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
I've found landing near a house (about 50ft away) and running to it gives the game enough time to load everything in so you don't hit these problems as much. Not exactly the optimal solution but it helps cut down on the frustration at the start when you really need stuff.

I hope they get it sorted out. Never ran into those issues on the 1X. Most I see are some blurry textures that take a few seconds to load in.