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Spicy Noodles

May 29, 2018
User Warned - Trolling
Lots of copium in this Thread. Xbox is now going to be the home of all genres and Microsoft dropping 70b$ shows that Sony wasn't even a competition. Microsoft was just stalling until they decided to open up their wallets.


Mar 2, 2021
At least people finally admit that small studios aren't enough. There needs to be major consolidation if Sony wants to be competitive because if the only thing PS has going for it is the current FP, it straight up doesn't hold up to Bethesda/Activision/Microsoft
Oct 25, 2017
Time will tell. I will gladly eat crow on this one.

there was more of a chance of this happening during the PS3. Has Sony suddenly stopped selling consoles and games?

No one should be denying the impact this will have on user base and revenue, but anyone suggesting they'll be bowing out of consoles to be a third party publisher is not only premature it's ridiculous.


Oct 29, 2017
I think the more curious question is: If you are Sony do you let Gamepass onto your system? It solves some problems but obviously is letting the fox into the henhouse.

I mean, Sony really needs to figure out what they want their identity to be. Microsoft just bought a company half the size of Sony. There really isn't a "throw money around" solution for Sony. Buying Squeenix or Sega is possible but I don't think either of those acquisitions really changes the landscape much.

I think the "right move" for Sony is to continue to invest in first party and go for pure quality over quantity.

Either that or they are going to need to get really creative with financing and try and swallow Take Two or EA + a Sega/Ubi/Capcom/Squeenix which gets them in the neighborhood of the size of deals MS has pulled off. The problem being you are taking about Sony pulling in 50% additional market cap which likely means heavy debt financing which is extremely risky - and something that nearly took Sony down a decade ago.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm not sure how. MS alone has like 150B to spend. Sony likely doesn't even have half of that.
MS just spent half of that "today".

In fact, the money MS just spent on Acti is literally half of Sony's Market cap (141B, I think).
And Take Two just bought someone who made up like 2/3rd of their market cap. Not impossible.
Sony has plenty of cash, stock options, and they can get loans.


Jun 9, 2018
Sony will be fine. If anything, Japanese devs will unify behind them and drive the console.

With todays news, expect more heavy hitter quicker than previous years; from all console manufacturers.

Why would they do this? Patriotism?

If anything an Xbox that is back on top like the 360 will force more Japanese studios to support it. Unless you mean Sony will buy more Japanesr studios.


Apr 12, 2018
United Kingdom
If MS bought Square or Capcom it would literally be game over for Sony.

Honestly if MS buy any other big publishers like Take Two etc it's game over for Sony.

This is why Sony need to be proactive and start locking developers/publishers down.

If I were Sony I would be moving heaven and earth to merge with or buy Capcom and Square-Enix. I would be locking down all these independent developers they are making games with like Kojima productions, Haven, Deviation, Probably Monsters etc. I would be aggressively pursuing Larian considering Sony have sweet nothing to offer western RPG fans at the moment.

Sony need to do something, because if they don't MS are just going to suffocate them with money.

Exactly! Speaking as a shareholder of Sony it's deeply concerning to know that Microsoft are buying up everyone in the video game space. Sony could theoretically buy up a few smaller publishers Capcom, Square, Ubisoft, Sega and this will give them quite a lot of IP to work with.

I've said it before but if Sony lose Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider or even any of the Sega franchises (Yakuza, Persona) they're in deep trouble in terms of losing what I'd like to call the 'Casual Gamers' the ones who aren't really into Sony 1st Party but have the console for all the 3rd Party support.

My girlfriend for instance has a PS5, the only 1st Party game she's played is God of War. The rest are Valhalla, Far Cry 6, FIFA 21, Call of Duty, GTA. If any of them games were exclusive to Xbox she'd be forced to buy one.

Sony really need to knuckle down and be smart here otherwise they'll be left in the dust. People think we're over reacting but its true. if Microsoft keeps buying up all these publishers/developers PlayStation ultimately loses a lot of third party support.. without this support they WILL lose console sales. This will lead to there being less exclusives from studios like Marvel and so on.


Oct 30, 2017
Divest SPE and its ~7% ROIC and get the $30B or so from its sale to invest in TTWO or EA. The rest can be financed without an issue. Alternatively they can get it by increasing debt. Not ideal since they are not a telecom company or something with constant influx or capital coming in. I'd choose the former option.

What's stopping MS from just bidding higher?


Oct 29, 2017
Welp, look on the bright side...

- we'll be getting to the next OT at record pace!
- the next time I bring up Sony buying Capcom or Square no one will ever be able to say "gross" to me with a straight face
- some of these doom and gloom hot takes have me laughing my ass off, thanks for that.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm... Yeah I have a massive list of anticipated games and not a single one is from activision-blizzard.

I guess I don't care about this news because I don't play FPS, but I can understand some will go buy an xbox if their favorite shooter is no longer on playstation.

However, the doom and gloom shitposts will be even more obnoxious than usual in the next couple months.

The issue isnt about the games you or I or a niche enthusiast forum like us like. We aren't the massive number of people that buy CoD yearly. While it does not affect us now, it has long lasting effects on the industry but also on the playstation whether you like to admit it or not
Oct 25, 2017
I mean the hard truth is they will have significantly weaker 3rd party. Call of Duty IS the 3rd party. People will pick the platform where CoD and all the other 3rd party games are.

Im not denying that. There are also people that primarily play Fortnite and various other games as well. Many are acting like Sony has nothing to offer which isn't true at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Well all I can say is that I'm excited to see what he competition breeds, because it's going to have to do something. But also, I kind of like my insgle players from Sony and hope that it doesn't push them to a stronger MP focus(more so than they are heading), but I doubt it.
I mean the "competition" at this point is a race to see who can buy more studios.

Doesn't sound too exciting to me.


Oct 28, 2017
Well this is all very exciting. Can't wait to see how things turn out in the indusn by the end of this gen.

I think Sony will continue to focus on raising the value of their own IP, including brand new ones, and try to bring those to a point where they can compete with more established gaming IP.

The first big test will be if/when an Xbox exclusive CoD is released.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
Lots of copium in this Thread. Xbox is now going to be the home of all genres and Microsoft dropping 70b$ shows that Sony wasn't even a competition. Microsoft was just stalling until they decided to open up their wallets.

Wow, thanks for this enlightening post. You've really contributed to the conversation.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes but MS wants their anual COD game to feed GP. GTA V launched many years ago.
GTA online still makes a ton of money and has a ton of potential to become a massive game from GTA 6's launch

It's a social world/2nd life sim for its hardcore players. MS would be foolish to pass up on Take 2 and acquire GTA.

Sony should resurrect Warzone and Socom asap now Activision has been acquired by Microsoft.

Respectfully, Killzone sucks. There's zero mass market appeal for it. It's just never going to be a thing. Sony would be really dumb to try and make Killzone happen after failing to make it happen for 4 games now. Killzone 2 was their best shot and it is outdated af now.

SOCOM has great appeal. Games like Siege prove that fans want and love strategic slow paced shooters. SOCOM can work. Resistance can maybe work, but I think the monster design turns a lot of people off. They had a great co-op game but never capitalized on it.

MAG can work. But I think Sony will be stuck chasing the trends-- shitty hero shooters like Battlefield, massive big multiplayer games to sell "epicness" and "scale"...

What COD does well is the fast paced smaller scaled MP games where your individual action matters the most. but Warzone has really changed COD.

Im still hoping LOU MP turns out to be a massive hit.


Oct 26, 2017
Ain't that some shit.

If MS goes after T2, then the North American market is pretty much gone for PS, and the European ones on shaky ground.

Luckily, Japan still publishes all the big hitter on PS, despite Nintendo dominating there for years.

Still, this is grim, lol


Jul 7, 2021
Square would cause no to little impact at all.
Most of their games are not mass market sellers like Elder Scrolls or Call of Duty.
Even Playstations new IP's outsold the life time sales of a Final Fantasy Game (which is mulitplatform) in a single year

And most Fans of Square Enix Games are already locked on PlayStation.
Kingdom Hearts, Nier, Final Fantasy (expect DQ) have the majority of players already on PS.

Buying SE would be more to make sure someone else is not snatching them up, instead of really leaving a big impact on PlayStation.
You got it JuanLatino ! SE purchase is to plug a hole, not to counter MS. T2 is the counter play for GTA's as a Mutually Assured Destruction play.

Sony may have to be absorbed by Apple to stay competitive, unfortunately.
This is the hot takes I come to Era to hear! hehe...
Oct 25, 2017
HA! As a gamer, after this nuclear bomb news, I wish Sony would "buy"
Bandai Namco: 16.35B
Konami: 6.57B
Koei Tecmo: 6.31B
Square Enix: 6.26B
Capcom: 4.75B
Sega Sammy: 3.67B

However, I understand that this would be a "bad" corporate decision. The first group would be better for this crazy capitalism and their predators.
I don't know how it would work out with Konami's other less useful divisions but god Metal Gear and Castlevania just sitting out there completely un-utilized is so crazy.


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Atleast who I follow on Twitter. It seems like everybody is kind of like "wtf."

Same. I mean, Bethesda was big, but Beth was selling due to lack of sales with their titles. They wanted to be owned by a platform holder, and they had a long history with MS.

This is what people feared; MS just deciding to buy the entire industry.


Apr 2, 2021
Im not denying that. There are also people that primarily play Fortnite and various other games as well. Many are acting like Sony has nothing to offer which isn't true at all.
I think the point I'm making is that Xbox also has Fortnite. So the problem becomes do I(the general public) buy the platform that has Fortnite and Call of Duty or just Fortnite. One immediately becomes the weaker offer.


Mar 2, 2021
Why d Sony spent money on Jap publishers when MS cant buy them even if they want (Japanese gov.wont allow it)?. Only answer s T2 to this monopolization. But considering how Jimbo s incompetent i doubt it. While other re offering great value hes raising price to 80 euros. While ms s making industry changing moves hes spending billions on stupid timed exclusive deals. At least he bought era favourite Bluepoint. Such a earth shatering move.

Maybe he ll get fired when revenue decreases 50%. And hes not alone in management. They re threating biggest revenue driver like stepchild while spending billions on cruncy, emi.
I don't care for Jim but he can't compete when it comes to these purchases straight up. But he needs to convince Sony about buying other publishers now. Straight up


Apr 2, 2021
Same. I mean, Bethesda was big, but Beth was selling due to lack of sales with their titles. They wanted to be owned by a platform holder, and they had a long history with MS.

This is what people feared; MS just deciding to buy the entire industry.
Yeah....I no like this.... :( . I guess I get COD "free" with Game Pass, but still....not really liking this.


Nov 19, 2017
Why do people say Sony can't afford it to make large acquisitions. Sony could easily make a deal with stocks/cash/debt to make a few acquisitions. Disney couldn't even buy Fox outright. The 70+ billion was raised in cash/stock. Disney is operating on a debt of about 40 billion. If it's deemed financially viable, a company will take on necessary debt.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
Why d Sony spent money on Jap publishers when MS cant buy them even if they want (Japanese gov.wont allow it)?. Only answer s T2 to this monopolization. But considering how Jimbo s incompetent i doubt it. While other re offering great value hes raising price to 80 euros. While ms s making industry changing moves hes spending billions on stupid timed exclusive deals. At least he bought era favourite Bluepoint. Such a earth shatering move.

Maybe he ll get fired when revenue decreases 50%. And hes not alone in management. They re threating biggest revenue driver like stepchild while spending billions on cruncy, emi.
This was probably not your intention but "Jap" is a slur for Japanese people so you might want to edit your post lol


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
There's literally people in this thread saying people won't be buying Sony first party. When that's been their bread and butter since the PS3.

Yes they've had big third party support which helped them remain dominant.

A lot of y'all calling people delusional are just as delusional if you think people aren't about to turn out for God of War, Horizon, GT7 and next year that we know of Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine.

People absolutely look for Sony first party news. And again despite what this thread would have you believe Sony has strong 3rd party content.

All this means is the gaming space is heavily competitive.

Anyone thinking Sony is doomed or bowing out of consoles because of this is either straight up trolling or overreacting.

It's a big loss that will see a shift in their user base and revenue but anyone saying otherwise is just talking just to talk.

I hope this isn't seen as platform warring or trolling because I'm invested in the Playstation ecosystem and I value their first party games but the only hardware manufacturer whose 1st party games qualify as their "bread and butter" are Nintendo. Sony's first party studios are healthy, diverse and productive but despite similar hardware sales they can't touch the sales of Nintendo games. That's not to say that Sony can't get or shouldn't get there at some point, but as ridiculous as it sounds they need a full row of 25-30 million unit selling franchises like Nintendo. As I said, I believe they can get there and they are currently on the path to get there with games like Spider-Man, The Last of Us and God of War but they need more of those kind of franchises and the ones they have need to sell even better.

I'm also not subscribing to the "Sony is doomed" takes out there by the way but this aquisition has the potential to damage Sony's position in the marketplace because Playstation has become the home of Call of Duty during the PS4 generation and that played a huge role in extending Playstation's lead in Europe and outselling Xbox in English speaking countries. On the other hand, Playstation becoming the home of Call of Duty was a reaction to strong Playstation sales (and money hats of course) so who knows what unlikely partnerships PS5's early sales lead brings to the table.


Nov 16, 2017
I woke up this morning intending to post about hype for 30 days until HFW.


I know the feeling since we had some hyping yesterday and that´s not what anyone expected. Literally violent Tuesday lol
But in the end there is no point to not be excited about it.
For me, today, it´s best to be excited for a game coming in 30 days than to be excited for a multibillionaire deal company that won´t change shit for months : )


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think there's really a whole lot of reevaluation in terms of *strategy* (not talking money, but strategy), even after Activision. The strategy is clear - PS needs to be more than just console, and they're expanding their avenues of business to reach a larger base of players through mobile and stuff. And part of that requires acquisitions/strategic investment.

Like I said - the first phase of developers are more backlog more than anything imo. It doesn't fit with what they said strategically, because existing acquisition is more about reinforcing existing playerbase instead of growing them.

I mean PS being more than a console was always the plan IMO , just Sony not willing to lose money to get it there faster in certain aspects .
We know it's the same for MS and there buying companies \IP and taking the lost for there gaming section to become service faster .


Apr 2, 2021
I hope this isn't seen as platform warring or trolling because I'm invested in the Playstation ecosystem and I value their first party games but the only hardware manufacturer whose 1st party games qualify as their "bread and butter" are Nintendo. Sony's first party studios are healthy, diverse and productive but despite similar hardware sales they can't touch the sales of Nintendo games. That's not to say that Sony can't get or shouldn't get there at some point, but as ridiculous as it sounds they need a full row of 25-30 million unit selling franchises like Nintendo. As I said, I believe they can get there and they are currently on the path to get there with games like Spider-Man, The Last of Us and God of War but they need more of those kind of franchises and the ones they have need to sell even better.

I'm also not subscribing to the "Sony is doomed" takes out there by the way but this aquisition has the potential to damage Sony's position in the marketplace because Playstation has become the home of Call of Duty during the PS4 generation and that played a huge role in extending Playstation's lead in Europe and outselling Xbox in English speaking countries. On the other hand, Playstation becoming the home of Call of Duty was a reaction to strong Playstation sales (and money hats of course) so who knows what unlikely partnerships PS5's early sales lead brings to the table.
Beautifully put.


Apr 21, 2021
Well the "bright" side is that no one will be able to compete with MS should subscription become the norm. All the publishers left out there will still need to rely on MS if subscriptions become the dominant model. Nearly the whole industry will be relying on MS lol
Oct 31, 2017
Welp, look on the bright side...

- we'll be getting to the next OT at record pace!
- the next time I bring up Sony buying Capcom or Square no one will ever be able to say "gross" to me with a straight face
- some of these doom and gloom hot takes have me laughing my ass off, thanks for that.

I have been saying for years that Sony should divest SPE and double down on Gaming and NS. I have suggested everything from SE to Activision as sales target. MS is not playing around and I feel very confident ATVI is not their last big purchase. IMO SE and Capcom is thinking small. Sony should be targeting EA or TTWO.


Oct 27, 2017
Rio de Janeiro
I don't know how it would work out with Konami's other less useful divisions but god Metal Gear and Castlevania just sitting out there completely un-utilized is so crazy.

Undoubtedly, there are implications and variables that can be proposed for days. I was just thinking out loud about a Sony counterattack, which will probably happen, but something tells me it won't please me much as a gamer hehe


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
At least people finally admit that small studios aren't enough.
I didn't underestimate nor complain when they bought support studios.

But seriously, just like what I post earlier, seeing this in PR point of view was like



Nixxes & Valkyrie

too much of a difference.
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