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Oct 27, 2017
Arrowhead gonna replace Bungie as the in-house GaaS experts.

I would be okay with this. The monetisation in HD2 doesn't seem too bad and the free Battle Pass is pretty generous too. I'm actually thinking of paying an extra £15 and upgrading to the deluxe edition because I'm enjoying it so much!

Helldivers 2 is very impressive. I'm blown away.

Hey Sony… you know another game that could be a great GaaS in the current landscape? WARHAWK! 🫡

This is actually a great shout! As I recall it had a rock-paper-scissors dynamic in infantry beats plane > tank beats infantry > plane beats tank, and I think that would make a really fun dynamic in a Live Service shooter nowadays.

Doesn't Starship Troopers IP owned by Sony Pictures?

PS Productions could have their own Helldivers movie with/without Sony Pictures involvement.

Helldivers could make a really cool animated film or show.

|OT41| GAAS is now democratically approved

Lol, I like this one!

I actually think that the MP game that will do better than most expect is a new Twisted Metal

There aren't many combat car games

Agreed. I think Sony's Live Service games which will make an impact are those which have something unique and distinct about them.

Random question: Where're you at in terms of your satisfaction level with PlayStation right now? Taking everything into account with hardware, services, first party, third party, PS Productions, events, expansion, engagement... everything. Let's go with a number out of 10

Me, I'm putting it at 9/10. The hardware has been sublime and I'm loving the Portal and Edge along with the Pulse Explores. I'm extremely pleased with the games and PS+ does what I need it to by helping to fill in gaps with content. PS Production has also yielded amazing results. The only thing I'm docking a point for is the current uncertainty over the SIE published output for PSVR2. I have no doubt plenty more will come with upcoming events, but I can only judge them on where we're at right now. I don't have much in the way of concerns over content for the PS5 beyond the first half of this year as there's a ton being worked on and I'm OK with Sony choosing to announce/market content closer to release rather than well in advance. Even still, we've got several future games to look forward to already.

If you'd have asked me this 8 months ago I would have given a very low score (like 3-4 out of 10), but I am feeling more positive about SIE's output lately following a good SoP outlining some solid releases over the next few months and an excellent new game in HD2. I'd probably say a 7/10 based on their current performance, although that could raise notably if they have a solid Showcase in a few months with some good new reveals.

We went to Games in Concert in the Netherlands last night and were seated next to Killzone and Horizon composer Joris de Man. We also met Horizon vocalist Julie Elven. They played a lot of Horizon music of course, as well as music from Killzone, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last of Us, Raganarok's Blood Upon the Snow and my personal highlight a Bloodborne suite. Cool night.

Oh, that's so cool! I love Joris de Man's work on Killzone, Horizon and Velocity 2X! I have some Killzone 2 tracks on my regular playlist and I listen to them perodically.

This OT is really good about being all welcoming, you will be fine posting from that perspective. They put up with my bullshit well.

Only to your face... 👀

I'm asking myself also it helped that didn't really start up the marketing cycle of helldivers until a couple of months before the release. And then started putting everything in it.

While you have other examples like Foamstars, who got a couple of trailers, but what to me felt didn't really get a push beyond the free ps plus launch.

And the suicide squad game the opposite. Which was announced way too soon, had too many delays causing the marketing to repeat a lot. Causing it show up way too much so that people got tired of it at the end.

Yeah, I definitely prefer short marketing cycles nowadays. I don't particularly care about games like PHSYINT or Wolverine until they have something to actually show. That being said, the marketing for Helldivers 2 didn't really feel like it existed until a couple of weeks before release when we started getting a lot of previews!



I know it's funny to see PSUK retweeting this (who seem to be the trolling/piss-taking part of PlayStation Social Media) but to be honest I really don't like the guy and I'd rather not see his content or opinions at all.

Helldivers 2 has 10k reviews on Steam -- which is pretty massive (as an indicator of purchases).

Obviously there's perhaps a higher % of owners reviewing the game *because* of the issues, but it still bodes well.

I was wondering whether there's any way to work out sales from Steam CCUs, but with only very limited data it's probably not possible to work out any sort of correlation.

I think they will just do a separate SoP for Concord. It is a game that needs to show a wealth of information.

I hope so. I wouldn't mind if they hold it back for a showcase in May but I would also be happy to see it get an extensive SoP soon to give us a good look at the game. I'm also very curious to see what sort of price it will have.

The sound design in HD2 is really fantastic. Full credit to the team that worked on it!

Joris de Man is a hell of a composer. Love KZs theme!


This is an awesome main theme. High Drop is still my favourite:


I can't get over just how much fun HD2 is.

Everything from the movement to the shooting to the gameplay loop to the sound to the accidental friendly fire is sublime.

THIS is what games are all about.

Yeah, the more I play the more impressed I am. They have transitioned the gameplay from essentially 2D to 3D so well, and everything is so much more immersive and interesting with this viewpoint. I can't believe how well they've done with their first AAA game.

Helldivers coming to liberate the GOTY race

It's going to democratically insert itself in as the main GotY contender! All other contenders will be democratically liberated of their votes by the Helldivers Peacekeeping Corps!

A lot of potential to make a fun movie/series.

Also Helldivers 2 has vast potential for skins. Like Star Wars or Sony IP of Killzone, Destiny, or basically whatever.

Yeah, it would be really cool to have a Season Pass with Stormtroopers, Mandalorians, Destiny armour, Helghast, maybe even fantasy stuff like armour from Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, etc.

But what does Helldivers 2 mean for Killzone? Many are asking!

Aside from both being first-party franchises what should one mean for the other? Killzone is probably dead now.

Media Molecule is looking for a narrative lead for their new project and it seems that Firewalk have started the preparations for the Concord marketing push.

Also did we had any rumored collaborations for Santa Monica Studio? This is new to me:

I would like to see SMS become like the NA XDEV like they were about a decade ago. I like it when first-party studios support and incubate indie devs in this way.

I heard this is like cocaine


I don't even care about Castlevania but this was rad! It helps that the core gameplay of Dead Cells is stupidly moreish.

This was probably shared already but lol. Great ad.

Lol, this was great! Reminds me of some of the marketing they did in the PS4 generation, like the Last Guardian ad or the Dog of War ad!

EDIT - I can't find the TLG one to link. It's a silly advert where a couple have Trico as a pet but Trico is always just off-screen.

Still Uncharted 2 for me.

Helldivers 3 would make a hell of a PS6 launch window title.

To be honest I would prefer they just work on HD2 for a long time before thinking about HD2. There's so much stuff they could still add like more weapons, vehicles (I am hoping for the APC, tank & motorbike from the first game) and at least one more enemy faction (the Illuminates from the first game), although if they do something like that it's likely they'll save it for an event, or some big end-of-season reveal or something like that.

Folklore I think was the name of the game? Idk why that popped into my head lol

I loved the feel of that game even though I don't think the gameplay was the best. It felt very odd and magical, and the theme tune was amazing.

What will be the first MJ song to feature in a PS Studios game?

Smooth Criminal would make a good music level in Sackboy: A Big Adventure 2! 👀

I wish I could get a refund on helldivers 2, I'm not liking it at all. The game is too hard for me, and I was playing on easy. I couldn't find a match at all, and the shooting didn't feel good for. What a waste of 50 quid.

Sorry to hear that. This is why I hate that there's no refunds on PSN, and there really needs to be a similar system to Steam IMO. I wish the EU courts would step in and force their hand.

Ironically the topic has been named after a game no-one is really talking about! I haven't even played it yet as I deleted it to make space for other games, and my son who likes Splatoon didn't seem to care either.

It's so cool to see that Helldivers 2 reception.

Yeah, it's great. I feel like this positive reception has lifted up the whole reception to Sony's output at the moment as well as making some people re-evaluate their opinions on Live Service games.

If anyone is looking to blast bugs and wreck robots in Helldivers 2 tonight and throughout the weekend my PSN is HStallion

I have added you my dude! I'm usually online after about 22:00 UK time (10 hours from now) but if you see me online earlier than that it might well be my 10 year old, who has also decided it's his favourite game now and has played about 3x as much as me so far! 😩

I think Concord maybe be able to fill a Destiny 2 hole as it winds down and Fairgame$ could get that Payday audience that were disappointed with 3. Interesting times ahead

I think an underrated aspect about Sony's Live Service games is they should try to have something interesting and creative about them. I would like Concord to integrate vehicles for example, and I think it would be cool if for Fairgame$ they designed a city centre or a city block (say an island in the middle of a city that's 1000m x 1000m, with say seven locations where the heist could take place, six ways off the island [boat, subway, roads, helipad, etc], and then you have 6 teams of 3 in the level, vehicles you can use and traps you can lay in the level like spike traps, proximity detonators, tethers, EMPs, etc). I think if Fairgame$ is designed like a cross between a big Hitman level with lots of freedom to approach the target, and Watch Dogs 2 where you can use vehicles and interact with the environment to disrupt other players, it could make for an incredibly fun combination. It should be about many more ways to interact with other players than just shooting them.

I wouldn't be so sure of an Arrowhead acquisition. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like because of what happened with Housemarque people are assuming the same thing will happen with Arrowhead. To be fair it's not an assumption without reason behind it but I also think there are factors in an acquisition like this that we can't take into account because we don't have the information. Like how well they work with other studios (specifically XDEV) and if Sony can even take on another studio right now since we know from the leaks that they're considering shutting one down.

Personally I'd like for it to happen, haven't played Helldivers 2 yet but it looks amazing from what I've seen.

Unrelated but I wonder if they'd like to try to make a PVP game because from the gameplay I've seen it feels like it would be so fun. But they got the PVE nailed so I'm not going to complain.

Yeah, of course I think we're only assuming an Arrowhead acquisition if Arrowhead themselves are happy with it too. But they made HD1 in 2015 and HD2 has supposedly been in the works for 7+ years, so you'd assume they're pretty happy with how their relationship with Sony has gone.

While Helldivers obviously wont be part of Sony's financial next week, I still wonder if they'll comment on it.

They might if sales have been particularly good. While it's obviously never going to trouble launch sales of GoWR or TLoU2 I would not be shocked if it's already sold like a few million by then.

Don't know about Concord but Fairgame$ will have some kind of early access. Remember that weird website they have asking which millionaire deserve a spanking or something?

Is it too late to go back and vote for Jim Ryan as an option?!

The ultimate irony would be that most of the PS Gaas games approved by Jim Ryan end up being good and successful lol

And everyone decides they actually liked him after he's moved on!

WTF; this is really impressive. Especially the way the camera pans around at the beginning to show the whole environment before going in to focus on the protagonist!

This is exactly where I stand. For Fairgame$ we atleast got the look and feel of it along with the type of game but Concord is supposed to be released this year and no one knows anything. That was one of the worst reveals for any game. According to billbil new info about Concord is coming. Looking forward to it

Yep, Fairgame$' trailer wasn't especially good but at least it gave an impression of what sort of game it will be and how it will play. Unlike Space Burger.

I need someone in my life that looks at me the way Kojima looks at Hulst


Friendship ended with Jeff
Now Hermen is my best friend


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
After owning and selling every PS5 model,I got a chance to try the Slim digital on the weekend. It's really much smaller and cute!
But holy moly is it noisy when starting a game! Almost PS4-like!
Every mainboard and cooling revision got worse with noise :(
I miss my launch PS5. Huge heavy brick, but almost no noise.
Hopefully the first Pro model will have a stronger cooling solution and bigger fan again ...
Mine's really noisy and I've been tempted on the slim, because frankly I hate the launch design, but probably just going to hold on for the Pro at this point.


Sep 27, 2021
While y'all enjoying democracy I got sucked into PS Plus game Steelrising which has a really good setting and is a very good souls like. Couldn't put it down this weekend as it has a unique setting. I love my giant clock weapon which has a fire counter and demolishes enemies.
Same it feels like Lies Of P to me before Lies Of P lol I am loving it so far.


Oct 25, 2017
I would be okay with this. The monetisation in HD2 doesn't seem too bad and the free Battle Pass is pretty generous too. I'm actually thinking of paying an extra £15 and upgrading to the deluxe edition because I'm enjoying it so much!

This is actually a great shout! As I recall it had a rock-paper-scissors dynamic in infantry beats plane > tank beats infantry > plane beats tank, and I think that would make a really fun dynamic in a Live Service shooter nowadays.

Helldivers could make a really cool animated film or show.

Lol, I like this one!

Agreed. I think Sony's Live Service games which will make an impact are those which have something unique and distinct about them.

If you'd have asked me this 8 months ago I would have given a very low score (like 3-4 out of 10), but I am feeling more positive about SIE's output lately following a good SoP outlining some solid releases over the next few months and an excellent new game in HD2. I'd probably say a 7/10 based on their current performance, although that could raise notably if they have a solid Showcase in a few months with some good new reveals.

Oh, that's so cool! I love Joris de Man's work on Killzone, Horizon and Velocity 2X! I have some Killzone 2 tracks on my regular playlist and I listen to them perodically.

Only to your face... 👀

Yeah, I definitely prefer short marketing cycles nowadays. I don't particularly care about games like PHSYINT or Wolverine until they have something to actually show. That being said, the marketing for Helldivers 2 didn't really feel like it existed until a couple of weeks before release when we started getting a lot of previews!

I know it's funny to see PSUK retweeting this (who seem to be the trolling/piss-taking part of PlayStation Social Media) but to be honest I really don't like the guy and I'd rather not see his content or opinions at all.

I was wondering whether there's any way to work out sales from Steam CCUs, but with only very limited data it's probably not possible to work out any sort of correlation.

I hope so. I wouldn't mind if they hold it back for a showcase in May but I would also be happy to see it get an extensive SoP soon to give us a good look at the game. I'm also very curious to see what sort of price it will have.

The sound design in HD2 is really fantastic. Full credit to the team that worked on it!

This is an awesome main theme. High Drop is still my favourite:


Yeah, the more I play the more impressed I am. They have transitioned the gameplay from essentially 2D to 3D so well, and everything is so much more immersive and interesting with this viewpoint. I can't believe how well they've done with their first AAA game.

It's going to democratically insert itself in as the main GotY contender! All other contenders will be democratically liberated of their votes by the Helldivers Peacekeeping Corps!

Yeah, it would be really cool to have a Season Pass with Stormtroopers, Mandalorians, Destiny armour, Helghast, maybe even fantasy stuff like armour from Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, etc.

Aside from both being first-party franchises what should one mean for the other? Killzone is probably dead now.

I would like to see SMS become like the NA XDEV like they were about a decade ago. I like it when first-party studios support and incubate indie devs in this way.

I don't even care about Castlevania but this was rad! It helps that the core gameplay of Dead Cells is stupidly moreish.

Lol, this was great! Reminds me of some of the marketing they did in the PS4 generation, like the Last Guardian ad or the Dog of War ad!

EDIT - I can't find the TLG one to link. It's a silly advert where a couple have Trico as a pet but Trico is always just off-screen.

Still Uncharted 2 for me.

To be honest I would prefer they just work on HD2 for a long time before thinking about HD2. There's so much stuff they could still add like more weapons, vehicles (I am hoping for the APC, tank & motorbike from the first game) and at least one more enemy faction (the Illuminates from the first game), although if they do something like that it's likely they'll save it for an event, or some big end-of-season reveal or something like that.

I loved the feel of that game even though I don't think the gameplay was the best. It felt very odd and magical, and the theme tune was amazing.

Smooth Criminal would make a good music level in Sackboy: A Big Adventure 2! 👀

Sorry to hear that. This is why I hate that there's no refunds on PSN, and there really needs to be a similar system to Steam IMO. I wish the EU courts would step in and force their hand.

Ironically the topic has been named after a game no-one is really talking about! I haven't even played it yet as I deleted it to make space for other games, and my son who likes Splatoon didn't seem to care either.

Yeah, it's great. I feel like this positive reception has lifted up the whole reception to Sony's output at the moment as well as making some people re-evaluate their opinions on Live Service games.

I have added you my dude! I'm usually online after about 22:00 UK time (10 hours from now) but if you see me online earlier than that it might well be my 10 year old, who has also decided it's his favourite game now and has played about 3x as much as me so far! 😩

I think an underrated aspect about Sony's Live Service games is they should try to have something interesting and creative about them. I would like Concord to integrate vehicles for example, and I think it would be cool if for Fairgame$ they designed a city centre or a city block (say an island in the middle of a city that's 1000m x 1000m, with say seven locations where the heist could take place, six ways off the island [boat, subway, roads, helipad, etc], and then you have 6 teams of 3 in the level, vehicles you can use and traps you can lay in the level like spike traps, proximity detonators, tethers, EMPs, etc). I think if Fairgame$ is designed like a cross between a big Hitman level with lots of freedom to approach the target, and Watch Dogs 2 where you can use vehicles and interact with the environment to disrupt other players, it could make for an incredibly fun combination. It should be about many more ways to interact with other players than just shooting them.

Yeah, of course I think we're only assuming an Arrowhead acquisition if Arrowhead themselves are happy with it too. But they made HD1 in 2015 and HD2 has supposedly been in the works for 7+ years, so you'd assume they're pretty happy with how their relationship with Sony has gone.

They might if sales have been particularly good. While it's obviously never going to trouble launch sales of GoWR or TLoU2 I would not be shocked if it's already sold like a few million by then.

Is it too late to go back and vote for Jim Ryan as an option?!

And everyone decides they actually liked him after he's moved on!

WTF; this is really impressive. Especially the way the camera pans around at the beginning to show the whole environment before going in to focus on the protagonist!

Yep, Fairgame$' trailer wasn't especially good but at least it gave an impression of what sort of game it will be and how it will play. Unlike Space Burger.

Friendship ended with Jeff
Now Hermen is my best friend

This post is 37 posts in disguise.


Apr 22, 2020
With the Concord thread popping up on the first page, I feel Sony should not communicate on it right now if this was the plan. HD2 deserves the spotlight at the moment and it would be weird to talk about another 4 player GaaS.
Dec 6, 2023
With the Concord thread popping up on the first page, I feel Sony should not communicate on it right now if this was the plan. HD2 deserves the spotlight at the moment and it would be weird to talk about another 4 player GaaS.

I actually suspect it was planned to be featured on the SOP, but they realised it could clash with marketing of HD2 and pulled it last minute.
Which was probably the right decision considering it might be another game that's lighter in tone, given the rumored comparison to Guardians of the Galaxy.


Oct 10, 2022
I think right now we don't need info about Concord , Playstation already has many games were Player's atention is needed Rise of the ronin, Stellarblade, MLB 24 and even Helldivers, and all the coming third party exclusivesfor february and march.

I can see a State of play around April for Concord, Until Dawn and Destiny's 2 last expansion so they don't take any space from a May/june showcase.


Oct 28, 2017
I would be okay with this. The monetisation in HD2 doesn't seem too bad and the free Battle Pass is pretty generous too. I'm actually thinking of paying an extra £15 and upgrading to the deluxe edition because I'm enjoying it so much!

This is actually a great shout! As I recall it had a rock-paper-scissors dynamic in infantry beats plane > tank beats infantry > plane beats tank, and I think that would make a really fun dynamic in a Live Service shooter nowadays.

Helldivers could make a really cool animated film or show.

Lol, I like this one!

Agreed. I think Sony's Live Service games which will make an impact are those which have something unique and distinct about them.

If you'd have asked me this 8 months ago I would have given a very low score (like 3-4 out of 10), but I am feeling more positive about SIE's output lately following a good SoP outlining some solid releases over the next few months and an excellent new game in HD2. I'd probably say a 7/10 based on their current performance, although that could raise notably if they have a solid Showcase in a few months with some good new reveals.

Oh, that's so cool! I love Joris de Man's work on Killzone, Horizon and Velocity 2X! I have some Killzone 2 tracks on my regular playlist and I listen to them perodically.

Only to your face... 👀

Yeah, I definitely prefer short marketing cycles nowadays. I don't particularly care about games like PHSYINT or Wolverine until they have something to actually show. That being said, the marketing for Helldivers 2 didn't really feel like it existed until a couple of weeks before release when we started getting a lot of previews!

I know it's funny to see PSUK retweeting this (who seem to be the trolling/piss-taking part of PlayStation Social Media) but to be honest I really don't like the guy and I'd rather not see his content or opinions at all.

I was wondering whether there's any way to work out sales from Steam CCUs, but with only very limited data it's probably not possible to work out any sort of correlation.

I hope so. I wouldn't mind if they hold it back for a showcase in May but I would also be happy to see it get an extensive SoP soon to give us a good look at the game. I'm also very curious to see what sort of price it will have.

The sound design in HD2 is really fantastic. Full credit to the team that worked on it!

This is an awesome main theme. High Drop is still my favourite:


Yeah, the more I play the more impressed I am. They have transitioned the gameplay from essentially 2D to 3D so well, and everything is so much more immersive and interesting with this viewpoint. I can't believe how well they've done with their first AAA game.

It's going to democratically insert itself in as the main GotY contender! All other contenders will be democratically liberated of their votes by the Helldivers Peacekeeping Corps!

Yeah, it would be really cool to have a Season Pass with Stormtroopers, Mandalorians, Destiny armour, Helghast, maybe even fantasy stuff like armour from Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, etc.

Aside from both being first-party franchises what should one mean for the other? Killzone is probably dead now.

I would like to see SMS become like the NA XDEV like they were about a decade ago. I like it when first-party studios support and incubate indie devs in this way.

I don't even care about Castlevania but this was rad! It helps that the core gameplay of Dead Cells is stupidly moreish.

Lol, this was great! Reminds me of some of the marketing they did in the PS4 generation, like the Last Guardian ad or the Dog of War ad!

EDIT - I can't find the TLG one to link. It's a silly advert where a couple have Trico as a pet but Trico is always just off-screen.

Still Uncharted 2 for me.

To be honest I would prefer they just work on HD2 for a long time before thinking about HD2. There's so much stuff they could still add like more weapons, vehicles (I am hoping for the APC, tank & motorbike from the first game) and at least one more enemy faction (the Illuminates from the first game), although if they do something like that it's likely they'll save it for an event, or some big end-of-season reveal or something like that.

I loved the feel of that game even though I don't think the gameplay was the best. It felt very odd and magical, and the theme tune was amazing.

Smooth Criminal would make a good music level in Sackboy: A Big Adventure 2! 👀

Sorry to hear that. This is why I hate that there's no refunds on PSN, and there really needs to be a similar system to Steam IMO. I wish the EU courts would step in and force their hand.

Ironically the topic has been named after a game no-one is really talking about! I haven't even played it yet as I deleted it to make space for other games, and my son who likes Splatoon didn't seem to care either.

Yeah, it's great. I feel like this positive reception has lifted up the whole reception to Sony's output at the moment as well as making some people re-evaluate their opinions on Live Service games.

I have added you my dude! I'm usually online after about 22:00 UK time (10 hours from now) but if you see me online earlier than that it might well be my 10 year old, who has also decided it's his favourite game now and has played about 3x as much as me so far! 😩

I think an underrated aspect about Sony's Live Service games is they should try to have something interesting and creative about them. I would like Concord to integrate vehicles for example, and I think it would be cool if for Fairgame$ they designed a city centre or a city block (say an island in the middle of a city that's 1000m x 1000m, with say seven locations where the heist could take place, six ways off the island [boat, subway, roads, helipad, etc], and then you have 6 teams of 3 in the level, vehicles you can use and traps you can lay in the level like spike traps, proximity detonators, tethers, EMPs, etc). I think if Fairgame$ is designed like a cross between a big Hitman level with lots of freedom to approach the target, and Watch Dogs 2 where you can use vehicles and interact with the environment to disrupt other players, it could make for an incredibly fun combination. It should be about many more ways to interact with other players than just shooting them.

Yeah, of course I think we're only assuming an Arrowhead acquisition if Arrowhead themselves are happy with it too. But they made HD1 in 2015 and HD2 has supposedly been in the works for 7+ years, so you'd assume they're pretty happy with how their relationship with Sony has gone.

They might if sales have been particularly good. While it's obviously never going to trouble launch sales of GoWR or TLoU2 I would not be shocked if it's already sold like a few million by then.

Is it too late to go back and vote for Jim Ryan as an option?!

And everyone decides they actually liked him after he's moved on!

WTF; this is really impressive. Especially the way the camera pans around at the beginning to show the whole environment before going in to focus on the protagonist!

Yep, Fairgame$' trailer wasn't especially good but at least it gave an impression of what sort of game it will be and how it will play. Unlike Space Burger.

Friendship ended with Jeff
Now Hermen is my best friend

This is the longerst post i've ever seen

J 0 E

Oct 27, 2017
If Concord, Marathon and Fairgames are as immaculately done as Helldivers 2 then count me in.


Oct 27, 2017
Flatscreeners really love Helldivers 2, and I think about jumping in as well, but BOY people are missing out when they don't play Legendary Tales! A good description really is King's Field VR. It's awesome.
Oct 26, 2017
While y'all enjoying democracy I got sucked into PS Plus game Steelrising which has a really good setting and is a very good souls like. Couldn't put it down this weekend as it has a unique setting. I love my giant clock weapon which has a fire counter and demolishes enemies.

Really wanted to get into Steelrising but the camera makes me super dizzy for sole reason. Keeps happening with these AA action games, last time was Evil West.
1 gift from Rowsdower


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 1 gift from Rowsdower Rowsdower!

This is a raffle that will expire in 12 hours. The winner will be drawn at random! Any prizes leftover after the deadline will become available on a first-come first-serve basis.

Rowsdower said:

These are our awesome prizes:



Jan 9, 2021
I have too much to play currently and too many big games that I've committed to, like TOTK and The Witcher 3, but the Helldivers videos are giving me serious FOMO.
I totally forgot about Helldivers II. I am also playing Cyberpunk and I still have 30-40 hours I believe. Meanwhile I need to play FF7 Remake before Rebirth and I am gonna buy Persona 3 and Tekken 8. Now Helldivers… It's impossible to catch latest releases.


Corrupted by Vengeance
May 29, 2020
Motherwell, Scotland
Remembered I had a fair amount of points with the retailer I use for games, The Game Collection, so managed to pick up Helldivers 2 for nothing. Looking forward to diving in when it arrives tomorrow.
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