
The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Even if you are sure this will be defeated in court. Public backlash helps. Im going to do my part by telling my friends and family. If you care at all, I suggest you do the same.


Oct 25, 2017
All I'm saying is that this probably isn't going to play out in the most extreme nightmare scenarios that everybody thinks will.

These things end up going differently than you think, which is why I'm keeping a level head about all this and not stooping to worthless "THE END OF THE INTERNET" sensationalism.
Look at the current state of the world exist and tell me the most extreme nightmare scenario isn't what we should be expecting.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the Trump admin seems to be on the warpath this week. Trying to shove as much shit through through while he can. On the upside though, this Net Neutrality thing is likely to go to court about as soon as Pai pushes this through. Hopefully the judges will halt it's implementation and overturn Pai's decision.
Yeah. That's what I'm hoping considering how long it'll be in court.


Oct 26, 2017
Regardless if you are sure this will get blocked in court, fight it, yell and top the SOPA battle.

Dump and Co. will push so much shit this week and likely Christmas because distractions.


Oct 25, 2017
Court here would actually initially very likely side with Net Neutrality as it was *already* upheld in courts, so there is precedent (heavily so) in its favor. The onus is on Pai to demonstrate why it needs to be wholly repealed, and that may actually be its undoing and his stupidity in rushing this that saves everything. If he'd done it piecemeal, it may have actually gone under the radar or been harder to fight in court.

If this does go to court (do your best to prevent that by calling and getting involved now), it will be tied up in courts for at least a year if not more. If the midterms swing wildly blue, you can expect Pai to have a very uncomfortable position.

It was upheld in the courts because it was considered that the FCC had the authority to do this under current law. That means it also has the authority to undo it.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, this is bulkshit. I suspect a huge reason these ISP's want this is because they are also cable tv providers and the internet threatens that business and has already negatively impacted their bottom lines there.

And they get to squeeze more money out of big tech companies to provide preferential treatment, consumers to be able to access their favorite smaller sites, AND incentivize watching/streaming from channels the ISPs already own (NBC will likely get the best bitrate or might only be included for Comcast customers, for example).

Win win win for these fuckers. The only way consumers might get a win is if prices on the things they use (alla carte) falls to below current prices, but literally everyone should know there's no way you can trust ISPs to price things fairly. Expect to get fucked by subscribing to bundles of services, 6 of which you need and the other 44 of which are stupid shit you don't care shoot.

Deleted member 2474

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
No amount of public backlash will stop the FCC from at least trying to pass this. Ajit Pai doesn't give a single flying fuck what the public thinks. Congress could stop it, but absolutely nothing about this congress should give anyone a single reason to believe they want to do anything about it either. The only way this gets stopped is through the courts, period.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 8, 2017
Nah, the whole site can burn down because it willingly fosters awful communities.
That's been my stance since it took them forever to ban the pedo sudreddits.
Are we really in a position to criticize people for fostering pedophiles? Also, I understand 4Chan, but Reddit is fucking huge. It's one of the biggest sites on the planet and it's done a lot to spread awareness pertaining to net neutrality.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine if nerds the world over got as upset over the threat against net neutrality as they did over lootboxes in a star wars game


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
Are we really in a position to criticize people for fostering pedophiles? Also, I understand 4Chan, but Reddit is fucking huge. It's one of the biggest sites on the planet and it's done a lot to spread awareness pertaining to net neutrality.
How are we not?
We never had multiple OTs dedicated to consuming pedophilia media.
Reddit did. And still has many communities dedicated to illegal activities, harrasment, genocide and frankly being as big a piece a shit as possible.
It takes gigantic public outrage for them to slowly act on these issues.
We acted quickly and without hesitation when problems in our community happened.


Oct 25, 2017
Are we really in a position to criticize people for fostering pedophiles? Also, I understand 4Chan, but Reddit is fucking huge. It's one of the biggest sites on the planet and it's done a lot to spread awareness pertaining to net neutrality.

It's also done a lot to spread horrible fucking opinions, bigotry and hatred. These things aren't mutually exclusive.


Oct 25, 2017
It'll bleed into Canada within a few years mark my words. Such a messed up situation. Canada has a monkey see monkey do approach when it comes what America does to capitalize on money.

That's only if this rule is still gone after a few years.

Seriously, why do people think that this is the end? Like after this goes away, it's all over forever? You think advocates are just gonna sit on their laurels powerless? You think this isn't going to be an issue being raised by them during the next administration?

Even then there are the courts. Public backlash against this kind of stuff doesn't just fade away. Stuff like this will be sued to hell and back.

This whole scenario is a snake eating its own tail. It was "all over" once Verizon won the case against the FCC back in 2010. It was "all over" when Obama appointed Tom Wheeler to head the FCC.

And now here we are again. Once again this issue is being brought back into the mainstream.

"Oh but it's so much harder to get something back once you've lost it".

Okay so what? You think rights groups are gonna let that stop them from launching lawsuits left and right?

All in all, people need to not give up so easily.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the one thing the Trump Administration can realistically do that would have people rioting in the streets nationwide. Just look at any time Wifi goes down, the one surefire way to anger people is to take away their high speed internet and online entertainment. Trump would probably deflect blame on Democrats or talk about terrorism and safety but hopefully people will see through it like the Battlefront 2 anti consumer practices.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine if nerds the world over got as upset over the threat against net neutrality as they did over lootboxes in a star wars game

It is really perplexing.

It's not even that complicated of an idea. Most of the members here should recognize the dangers, yet this thread isn't moving nearly fast enough.


Oct 27, 2017
It'll bleed into Canada within a few years mark my words. Such a messed up situation. Canada has a monkey see monkey do approach when it comes what America does to capitalize on money.

The CRTC has said they support net neutrality. unless a future government over turns their decision i doubt this will happen here.

I'm on my cell so i can't provide a link right now but they made it official a few months ago.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Net Neutrality ending won't mean that some sites or services are slower to load - that's 2010 talking. Net Neutrality ending will mean that every single ISP in the United States will move over to a data cap model, and those ISPs will 'partner' with sites that don't work against the data cap. It's already happening with mobile data plans, and it's a matter of time before it happens with landline internet plans once Net Neutrality protections are taken down.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the one thing the Trump Administration can realistically do that would have people rioting in the streets nationwide. Just look at any time Wifi goes down, the one surefire way to anger people is to take away their high speed internet and online entertainment. Trump would probably deflect blame on Democrats or talk about terrorism and safety but hopefully people will see through it like the Battlefront 2 anti consumer practices.

ISPs are definitely going to collude on pricing rollouts so people don't notice how hard they're getting fucked.

Expect it to be a few years before people realize the "premium fee" they're paying for "ultra high Def streaming" is just a tax on Netflix they didn't have to pay before


Self Requested Ban
Nov 8, 2017
How are we not?
We never had multiple OTs dedicated to consuming pedophilia media.
Reddit did. And still has many communities dedicated to illegal activities, harrasment, genocide and frankly being as big a piece a shit as possible.
It takes gigantic public outrage for them to slowly act on these issues.
We acted quickly and without hesitation when problems in our community happened.
It's also done a lot to spread horrible fucking opinions, bigotry and hatred. These things aren't mutually exclusive.
All of these things occur in the real world as well. The bigger your website is, the more difficult it is to crackdown on smaller, niche groups on your platform. ERA is privileged to that effect because it's not entirely too big so it can cull the bullshit, but it still needs moderation.

Further, if we operate on the notion that "x is bad" because it fosters certain unhelpful belief systems, then everything is, because there is a platform for everything. That's how life works.

For net neutrality, it's not helpful to throw stupid "your community is stupid" snidery when you're actually attempting to convert and mobilize people to join your cause.

Swauny Jones

Oct 25, 2017
That's only if this rule is still gone after a few years.

Seriously, why do people think that this is the end? Like after this goes away, it's all over forever? You think advocates are just gonna sit on their laurels powerless? You think this isn't going to be an issue being raised by them during the next administration?

Even then there are the courts. Public backlash against this kind of stuff doesn't just fade away. Stuff like this will be sued to hell and back.

This whole scenario is a snake eating its own tail. It was "all over" once Verizon won the case against the FCC back in 2010. It was "all over" when Obama appointed Tom Wheeler to head the FCC.

And now here we are again. Once again this issue is being brought back into the mainstream.

"Oh but it's so much harder to get something back once you've lost it".

Okay so what? You think rights groups are gonna let that stop them from launching lawsuits left and right?

All in all, people need to not give up so easily.

What you don't get is most of the people in charge can give too shits about public backlash especially when it'll generate money for them and their associates. The next administration will come in and do squat. At best they'll roll back some of the rules in regards to this slightly and brag about all the money/jobs it's provided in that industry and for the community. This administration is trying to do more than just change the rules. They're trying to make it near impossible to repeal once it's put in place. Look I'm not happy about this at all but I'm a realist on the situation and see the writing on the wall on this issue. This is their golden opportunity to get this passed and they're doing everything in their power to get it done while they have an administration in place that sides with them and their beliefs. Before the Trump administration is over and done with this will all be put in place and we'll be looking for ways to adjust.


Oct 25, 2017
What you don't get is most of the people in charge can give too shits about public backlash especially when it'll generate money for them and their associates. The next administration will come in and do squat. At best they'll roll back some of the rules in regards to this slightly and brag about all the money/jobs it's provided in that industry and for the community. This administration is trying to do more than just change the rules. They're trying to make it near impossible to repeal once it's put in place. Look I'm not happy about this at all but I'm a realist on the situation and see the writing on the wall on this issue.

Yes because the previous administration did squat in response to all that public backlash.

Look, I'm a realist as well, but that doesn't mean I can't be an optimist at the same time. People need to seriously keep making their voices heard instead of constantly going with the "woe is me" act.

With me living in Canada, I'll be doing my part to make sure things don't get dicey. I expect all you Americans in here to be doing the same thing.

Because this is an issue that we won before. With the right people elected and enough public backlash, it can be brought back.

Don't forget how powerful public backlash is, even if it doesn't seem apparent at first.


Oct 25, 2017
Getting tired of this fatalist nonsense, It will be incredibly easy to trace any repercussions to Republicans. Whether or not Democrats actually come out to protest andvote is another story.

Well of course we'll all know who's really to blame, but what I meant by "Democrats will take the blame" is "Republicans will win an election on the backs of lies" as always.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Well of course we'll all know who's really to blame, but what I meant by "Democrats will take the blame" is "Republicans will win an election on the backs of lies" as always.
I don't see the point in preemptively complaining about it is all. Sure, the crazies will twist it to suit this narrative but we need to work to keep the record straight and mobilize the general population.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see the point in preemptively complaining about it is all. Sure, the crazies will twist it to suit this narrative but we need to work to keep the record straight and mobilize the general population.

I'm venting on the internet in my downtime where most everyone knows the score. I'm not sending this off in a flyer to undecided voters or those ignorant on the issue. Cut me some slack.


Oct 25, 2017
Republican talking point is already that net neutrality is against small business and inhibits expansion to rural areas. So they will be voting accordingly I'm sure.

See my last post here where my rep sent me that exact message and I just heard Pai say it again on NPR. Fun fact my Reps largest donor is an ISP.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Getting tired of this fatalist nonsense, It will be incredibly easy to trace any repercussions to Republicans. Whether or not Democrats actually come out to protest or vote is another story.

Seriously. It was everywhere on the other site and it's just as prevalent on here.

I'm just gonna ignore this thread and the next one and quit stressing myself over arguing about this.


Oct 27, 2017
ISPs are definitely going to collude on pricing rollouts so people don't notice how hard they're getting fucked.

Expect it to be a few years before people realize the "premium fee" they're paying for "ultra high Def streaming" is just a tax on Netflix they didn't have to pay before
But the companies can't automatically charge them the premium fee can they? People should notice that the quality of their base package streaming has taken a significant dip or just notice what would be drastically increasing prices of services like Netflix. When people I know get emails regarding a $2 per month increase in a Netflix subscription price, there is a bit of outrage. They still pay but they notice the changes. Continuous increases would harm Netflix more than anyone else but maybe that would be enough for people to take notice of what's going on here.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
My Verizon contract ends in December, around the time of the vote. I'm calling them after work today and letting them know that if net neutrality is killed I'll be cancelling my family plan. We'll go and get dumb flip phones on Sprint or something.


Oct 25, 2017
Called my reps.

Matt gaetz doesn't even have his phone connected the fucking coward.

Then others voicemails were full.


Oct 26, 2017
At least we'll be the ones paying for it through our netflix, steam and other high bandwidth accounts. That's the important part.

the only positive thing we have left is the streaming services to fight back against this......I know for one Netflix absolutely hates this shit....and will fight because they want as many consumers to be able to access their service freely with no limitations.

But the companies can't automatically charge them the premium fee can they? People should notice that the quality of their base package streaming has taken a significant dip or just notice what would be drastically increasing prices of services like Netflix. When people I know get emails regarding a $2 per month increase in a Netflix subscription price, there is a bit of outrage. They still pay but they notice the changes. Continuous increases would harm Netflix more than anyone else but maybe that would be enough for people to take notice of what's going on here.

Comcast doesn't inform its customers of monthly increases through email or seperate would literally have to scour your monthly bill after you are already charged to figure the shit out.

I don't think you understand that Comcast has done this since the beginning, they slowly increase could even be something as small as a service fee for 47 cents and it will slowly add more to the overall fees gradually increasing it.....I've seen this shit first hand and its a fucking joke. They can increase your price and not exactly tell you what the fuck it is, by just throwing it under a general label.


Oct 28, 2017
the only positive thing we have left is the streaming services to fight back against this......I know for one Netflix absolutely hates this shit....and will fight because they want as many consumers to be able to access their service freely with no limitations.

They also don't want to have to pay every ISP that wants to double dip them or bs throttle them when their data hits their networks.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Net Neutrality is the number trend 1 on Twitter right now in the United States. People know what is going on right now.