Oct 25, 2017
Ann Arbor, Mi
Other than this being bad policy for the country, this feels like terrible policy for the Republicans. What better way to enthuse young people to participate in government than to threaten their favorite institution? Especially given the wide spread, bi-partisan support for Net Neutrality.

Maybe if they can't vent on the internet because their data and speeds are being throttled, they'll have more time to show up at the voting booth.


Oct 25, 2017
Internet sucks in this country enough without greedy shitheads like him making it even worse.


Oct 27, 2017
I love how none of this makes me angry anymore. Way past that point.

I just laugh at the expected absurdity of it all. Of course, thats what they do. Of course.
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Nov 1, 2017
The courts should help to put the kibosh on this push against NN. It shouldn't have to get to that scary point but here we are.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Maybe have more then 2 sides, would probably increase voter turnout too. Right now it is corporate + corporate light in my opinion. How could anybody get excited outside of fear and racism?

Impossible with the American system. You can't have more than two viable parties, because you need get more than half of the electoral votes. We would find ourselves in situation where nobody wins a majority.
Oct 25, 2017
realistically, after they scrap all the net neutrality rules, how long will it take before the downstream effects hit customers in the wallet?


Oct 27, 2017
Reminder: Trump ran on this platform. It was a known thing that he didn't care for net neutrality. Well, more specifically, advisors told him not to support it because he's never used a computer in his life and has no idea how any of this works. Um, right, point being, this should surprise absolutely no one. Voting does matter, people.


Oct 26, 2017
He was the hatchet man put in for the sole reason to do this.

Same thing with Pruitt at the EPA.


Oct 27, 2017
FCC is seriously setting itself up for a major court loss here.
i'd like to hope, but who the fuck knows what the court will say -- they're going to try to pack the courts so it always leads in their favor, and then we'll literally have to take our country back by force if we don't want to suffer "A Handmaid's Tale" mixed with "A Brave New World" with some "1984" shades.

With the Sinclair merger soon to get the green light, all discourse counter to the administration being threatened by prison, pulling you from the air, threats both physical and economic, this? This is their end game. So we should probably proceed toward ours, too.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it? This seems perfectly legal.

There's a case to be made that Pai is making a "capricious" decision, as well as ignoring millions upon millions of comments that provide perfectly legitimate reasons why NN needs to stay.

This regulation is only two years old. Pai would need to justify in court why the sudden rollback is necessary.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
Reminder: Trump ran on this platform. It was a known thing that he didn't care for net neutrality. Well, more specifically, advisors told him not to support it because he's never used a computer in his life and has no idea how any of this works. Um, right, point being, this should surprise absolutely no one. Voting does matter, people.
To be fair to Trump (lolololol, but seriously), any other Republican most likely would have also dropped Wheeler for Pai, and we'd be in the exact same boat here.

Fuck Ajit Pai. If he were to die, the world would be a better place.


Nov 2, 2017
Is it? This seems perfectly legal.
The FCC has to justify the decision in court with an explanation that it will help consumers. Basically It is technically in there legal authority to ignore the massive lean that shows how popular NN is. But there going to have to argue it in the same court that agreed to and upheld the very Rules there trying to strip. Which is much harder to do without any popular support. Hopefully.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a special place reserved in hell for Ajit Pai. Fuck that asshole.


Oct 27, 2017
No, the FCC is an independent regulatory body.

While it is true that most FCC decisions can be made unilaterally, there are a couple that have to be codified in law through Congress. The cap on local TV station ownership comes to mind.

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure NN isn't one of those things.


Oct 28, 2017
I guess every big site could do a day of "Block all Conservatives and Conservative Opinions" to scare them into not passing this.

Ogami Itto

Oct 25, 2017
I guess his check from the Sinclair group cleared, fucking cunt. I hope he goes down with this whole scummy administration.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish I could believe that just electing a Dem government would mean the return of NN, but I have my doubts. Once rights are striped, it's rare to have them returned without blood spilled. The only hope is the courts, but I lose faith in them by the day. I think once it's gone, it's pretty much gone for good

Reminder: Trump ran on this platform. It was a known thing that he didn't care for net neutrality. Well, more specifically, advisors told him not to support it because he's never used a computer in his life and has no idea how any of this works. Um, right, point being, this should surprise absolutely no one. Voting does matter, people.

I don't know if I would really agree that Trump ran on this. He expressed opposition to NN in the past, but I don't recall him saying anything about it on the campaign trail. I don't think anyone did, really.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish I could believe that just electing a Dem government would mean the return of NN, but I have my doubts. Once rights are striped, it's rare to have them returned without blood spilled. The only hope is the courts, but I lose faith in them by the day. I think once it's gone, it's pretty much gone for good

NN was obtained through organized effort and protest. I doubt this decision being made means it's the end of the argument. This isn't something will just go away.


Oct 25, 2017

Keith Stat

Oct 25, 2017
Through every f'd up thing that goes on in this country these days, I can usually point to a large segment of the population who at least probably supports it, no matter how backward I personally think it might be. But this? If you're not an immediate family member in one of the media conglomerates (that are for this), why in the world would you want this? This seems like one of the VERY few issues that the majority on both sides of the political spectrum would be strongly against.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Why is a scumbag like Ajit Pai doing this? I feel people like this have a great opportunity to be a "positive" force in US politics but instead these self hating pricks will just think for themselves and try to screw everyone off.

Really hope Dems blast this asshole. One would hope some legal consequences went his way.


Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Hey, fuck the entirety of the GOP and their supporters. And fuck the apathetic shitstains that sit out on elections thinking that their choice doesn't matter.


Oct 26, 2017
First step from this is Torrent traffic will for sure be throttled to oblivion, anywhere it isn't already. Next, gaming traffic will also get a lower priority unless the service provider pays. Those costs will for sure be passed on to consumers.


Oct 27, 2017
First step from this is Torrent traffic will for sure be throttled to oblivion, anywhere it isn't already. Next, gaming traffic will also get a lower priority unless the service provider pays. Those costs will for sure be passed on to consumers.
And since so many updates for the larger games are pushed through torrents, many companies will have to double dip.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
First step from this is Torrent traffic will for sure be throttled to oblivion, anywhere it isn't already. Next, gaming traffic will also get a lower priority unless the service provider pays. Those costs will for sure be passed on to consumers.

First to be throttled is video streaming, with YouTube and Netflix being the biggest drivers of traffic on the internet.


Oct 25, 2017
Canada won't implement this, but so much internet traffic from Canada, some even going between two Canadians, goes through the US that I think we're going to get screwed by this anyway.

That's what I was wondering as well. I figure they'd implement their filtering fuckery only for US internet users.
