
Oct 29, 2017
go play titanfall then you quitters

The lackluster pass is part of the problem, but everyone expects them get right out of the gate with all this awesome content, it took Fortnite months to do that.

Still the best gunplay in any MP shooter, which is why I still play it.

People keep saying that but they are not competing against launch fortnite, they are competing against fortnite of 2019. They are not reinventing the wheel, they know exactly what the competition offers and they failed big time to even meet it halfway.

I played the game shitloads on launch and I regret spending money on it. That battlepass was so underwhelming and no updates/new game modes whatsoever since release other than octane that killed the game for me. I haven't launched it in two weeks.
Nov 10, 2017
For my friends and I it came down to a lack of matchmaking in a user base that played a fuckton.

I have a job and kids. At first I could compete, but then everybody else got better with no matchmaking to put me against similar player levels. And Apex's skill ceiling just means I have even less of a chance of getting lucky.

Back to Overwatch, COD, Rocket League and other games with matchmaking for me


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
Respawn is treating it like a multiplayer game from 2007.

They need to be putting out updates constantly. It doesn't matter if they break something or if the new weapon isn't balanced. It's still something NEW to talk about. Even when Fortnite was just getting started they were putting out updates rapidly. It's a problem that is amplified by the hero shooter element of Apex Legends. Hero's are an easy target for balance complaints and when they take a month to even begin to nerf/buff characters... it's just disheartening and it makes you want to play something else.

The battle pass being a complete dud didn't help at all.

Deleted member 19767

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Oct 27, 2017
go play titanfall then you quitters

The lackluster pass is part of the problem, but everyone expects them get right out of the gate with all this awesome content, it took Fortnite months to do that.

Still the best gunplay in any MP shooter, which is why I still play it.

Close. But Destiny is the real king in that space. Fight me.


Oct 25, 2017
The battle-pass being boring and grindy did not do them any favors. I think the lack of solo/duo options probably hurt the game a lot, I still play it with friends, but after the first week or two of playing with randoms I ended up going back to Fortnite so I could play alone. It really limits your audience when you make a game that specifically has to be played on teams when some people would prefer to play alone every now and then.


Nov 3, 2017
The lack of duos killed it for my friend and I, randoms were a nightmare.


Oct 25, 2017
I dropped the game not too long after the battle pass. It was terrible. Main reason was the gameplay though. It didn't really hold me. I stayed with pubg and tolerated the shit performance bc the gameplay was great. I just don't get the same feeling when playing apex.


Actual Brazilian
Oct 24, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
The garbage season pass completely stopped the game on its tracks for my brother and I. We were playing multiple rounds daily... and now we're playing once, maybe twice a week.

The game's fun, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I need a carrot on a stick to keep going when there's so much else I can be doing with my time.


Oct 25, 2017
It's strange that these types of games thrive in what you can grind and get for your time. Old man rant here, back in my day I played unreal tournament on the PC for HOURS each day and never needed a skin to keep me playing. I played for fun. Weird....
i mean, there are a shit ton of good games out there, no matter how much bellyaching this forum does about how bad AAA games are or how bad it is that "everything is multiplayer and its killing singleplayer" (a lie) or whatever. most of the big multiplayer games right now are fucking incredible, straight up. its an embarrassment of riches or whatever you wanna call it.

if you like all of these games equally, if theyre all good quality, then the next step for a developer is to do something extra to keep you coming back, and thats where stuff like the battlepasses and cosmetics and unique and exclusive tiers of items come in. if youre going to choose between all of the games you really really like because theyre all fucking AMAZING, then the game that has a leg-up over all the others will be the one that provides you with a reward for playing. and thats what a lot of players will choose, because its nice getting something extra in return for your time.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If they truly wanted the fortnite cake they have to commit to weekly updates. This terrible battle pass and lack of content do zero favors.


Nov 3, 2017
The garbage season pass completely stopped the game on its tracks for my brother and I. We were playing multiple rounds daily... and now we're playing once, maybe twice a week.

The game's fun, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I need a carrot on a stick to keep going when there's so much else I can be doing with my time.

Come to think of it that's when we stopped too, bought the pass then realised we didn't give a fuck about the rewards, not the best money I've ever spent.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the game, and I don't play Fortnite anymore since it came out but I do miss the excitement of seeing new stuff every week. Apex has pretty much stayed the same since launch, adding a new champion and a new weapon.

Respawn has a great core game, but their GAAS implementation is severely lacking. MTX isn't a fair implementation at all, and the content drop is way too slow. Even Blackout does it better.


Oct 27, 2017
The first season took way too long to come out. I feel that if it was released 1-2 weeks after launch then the momentum would have been maintained.

Young Liar

Nov 30, 2017
Can't argue against this. Until Respawn can match Epic's update pace, at least in terms of content if not balance changes, there's no way Apex can really "dethrone" Fortnite and sustain the lead.

Thankfully, the game is still a blast to play, and I don't require a carrot-on-a-stick to keep playing. I've definitely not played as much since the first month (Sekiro consumed my life for 2 weeks), but I'm back to playing at least 5+ games a day.

There will be new heroes, new weapons, and new maps, which are enough for me to stick around for the long run. I don't need Apex to be the industry leader!


May 23, 2018
Yeah one of the many reasons why Fortnite retains its audience is Epic's rapid cadence of updates. It's kinda crazy that huge companies like Activision and EA can't seem to get that right.

Call of Duty has two other game modes with huge audiences they have to cater to along with Blackout. And Activision does understand, which is why Blackout gets all the best updates/focus from Treyarch instead of Multiplayer.

Not sure about EA & Respawn
Oct 25, 2017
The Battle Pass and cosmetics are extremely underwhelming. The game is still pretty fun and polished but I feel there is not enough depth to carry it without frequent updates and something worthwhile to grind for. There is too much competition in the market for them to move at such a slow pace.

I stopped playing a few weeks ago but willing to jump back in at some point if they somehow address these issues.
Oct 27, 2017
The best players are so far beyond what I can achieve, the battle pass rewards are lame and there's no challenges to give me any other kind of progression. I still play it but mostly because my friends are on often but that battle pass really killed it's momentum.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I'll just put this here



Oct 29, 2017
Still play it with a coworker multiple times a week, but that terrible Battle Pass really killed my excitement.


Oct 27, 2017
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Well, it seems that EA doesn't know what they have on their hands.

I still play here and there, but when it launched, I was playing for like eight hours a day.

But I'm pretty sure that there's some pressure from EA over Respawn for them to fix that. Or they just want them to make more content for the Lootboxes or something like that.

Because I know that there's people that payed a high sum on the money because they wanted the Legacy items from Wraith.


Oct 25, 2017
personally i started running into cheaters a bit too often, always with Chinese names

they need to implement some sort of pinglock i guess


Oct 27, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Definitely lost it's momentum. I was playing so much when it came out. Adding new areas to the map would help a lot as well as adding a duos mode. Sometimes it's hard for me to get 2 friends on and it's just not a game I enjoy playing with randoms

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm still playing and loving it. Dunno if it's fair to count it out yet. Battle Pass was underwhelming to some but it's enough to keep me going, and I definitely don't mind tossing Respawn some money.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
I'm still playing it daily, I find it infinitely more appealing than any other BR game purely on mechanics and I'm happy to stick around with it while the kinks are being worked out. Also the game is literally only two months old, they had surprise success and are scrambling to run with it, that's a good outcome if you ask me.


Oct 30, 2017
When they couldn't even bother to add a private Colosseum mode to Titanfall 2 I pretty much lost all hope in their ability to support a game let alone a GaaS. They're stuck in the old ways of doing things (long drawn out big updates) just like Bungie and Apex will suffer because of it. Epic is eating everyones lunch and yet no one is smart enough to copy their playbook and put their own spin on it.


Nov 1, 2017
Would love more consistent updates. While I still play almost everyday (Lv51 Battle pass) I would love to use the currency for a new character or newer skins. Hell , I'm legit looking at Twitter/Reddit for leaks lol


Jan 2, 2018
inspired by apex legends, i got titanfall 2 and played that instead. its hard to go back to apex legends after that.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
bums me out. great great game. feels more 'video gamey' than the other BR and I like that..
also just spent a ton of weeks getting this apex video done and now i'm bummed


Oct 25, 2017
I only played a little. I said on day one that they needed to compete with Fortnite with the updates and they haven't done that at all. Same goes for a Solo mode. It has to be there. That killed it almost immediately for me. A trash Battle Pass and still no solo mode just ensures that I won't be bothering despite the core game being very good.

Nothing in the BR space will remain competitive with Fortnite until another dev can keep up with the insane amount of updates. I don't see how it's even possible.


Dec 27, 2017
The game is amazing, but with the decision to do infrequent updates, release that comically mediocre battle pass, and design the economy/monetization/reward systems in such a cynical, shitty way, makes it hard to feel any sympathy for Respawn here.

At least they managed to not release Apex during COD's launch. So hooray for baby steps.
Nov 2, 2017
Honestly, they'll find their groove over time. Regardless of the perception of their support, I have no doubt that their playerbase is still huge with hundreds (or thousands) of new users being added every day. Whenever EA and Respawn feel the time is right for the next big push, it'll easily be number one on Twitch again for a while (a metric that I guess matters to a lot of people despite the fact that it was pretty much sponsorship money that got it to number 1 at launch).


Oct 27, 2017
The fact that there is a finite number of crates you can unlock through just playing the game and not buying Apex Coins is maybe the worst thing about it structurally; there's just a point where you're not incentivized to actually play the game anymore. It's a mechanically solid, fun game, but come on.


Oct 25, 2017
well, i still like it.
but if they want a horse race, I'm glad the game isn't the "IT" whatever, 'all things popular'. I think that means less cheaters and more people playing to play.
I haven't been cursed at in weeks and that could be the difference.

The season pass prices are pretty lame though. Aztec print themed gun skins? text stats as prizes? They could have done better, but I'm looking forward to what they have coming. It better be good, and I think it will be.


Nov 25, 2017
Getting Titanfall flashbacks - core gameplay solid but no incentive to play beyond the inital honeymoon period because of lack of interesting cosmetics.

I personally couldn't care less. I played titanfall 1 to death and will do the same with apex. Respawn knows best.