
Oct 27, 2017

I look forward to seeing this in the finished game.

THIS better be in the game


Banned for trolling with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
at this point, they should just license the tech from Red Faction and slap it to Crackdown and call it, Crackdown 3: Crimson Team and call it a day...if the Cloud thing is so hard to implement.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope they start showing more gameplay around Gamescom - including multiplayer - to finally end these disussions. They talked too much about it. The doubts can only be silenced by showing it. The E3 trailer was awesome and shows that they are getting there.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I really hope the game will be great, but imo the fact that they don't show the Multiplayer speaks volumes. They know that everybody wants to see it.

Black Mantis

Oct 30, 2017
Oh wow, for some reason I was under the impression it was mid 60's.

Haha! Not surprising you got that impression, I think it's because a lot of posts in CD threads tend to talk the franchise down. Usually posts stating the original containing the Halo 3 beta being the only reason why it has fans, the rushed out sequel (which was poor in comparison), and CD3 only lives on because Scalebound got cancelled.


Oct 27, 2017

The user ratings for the video are pretty damn positive. Quite a shift from previous showings.

Also I just noticed today the trailer is 60fps. Doesn't have to mean anything, but hmm.


Oct 27, 2017
Never cared about the multiplayer destruction , wouldn't even care if they took it out . So long as it keeps the single/ coop world and the chasing of orbs I would be happy .


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I'll be honest, I was mostly uninterested in this game based on past trailers and being fairly lukewarm on the franchise, but this last trailer definitely sparked a bit of interest in me. I'm not saying the improvements are to do with any of the information in the OP, but the trailer did make the game appear more diverse and fun. Hope there's a lot of places you can drive up walls and stuff of that nature, and that they go even more crazy with inventive weapons.


Oct 31, 2017
Xbox 360 biggest games were Gears and Halo and both were from 3rd party developers Epic and bungie.
Microsoft owned Bungie from 2000 to 2007, so Halo 1 and 2 on the OG Xbox, and 3 on the 360 (arguably the biggest Halo of last gen?) were all from Bungie as a 1st party developer. And whilst Halo 3: ODST and Halo Reach were both developed after Bungie had gone independent, because Microsoft still held the Halo IP I believe they would still be classed as first-party games? And Halo 4 was developed by 343i, which is a Microsoft first-party studio.


Nov 25, 2017
The fact that they didn't have a playable demo at e3 2018 really says all we need to know. Still hoping for a decent fun game.

Xaero Gravity

Oct 25, 2017
Haha! Not surprising you got that impression, I think it's because a lot of posts in CD threads tend to talk the franchise down. Usually posts stating the original containing the Halo 3 beta being the only reason why it has fans, the rushed out sequel (which was poor in comparison), and CD3 only lives on because Scalebound got cancelled.
I would have sworn it reviewed poorly lol. I always used the game as an example as to why reviews don't mean much to me, as it was one of my favorite games from last gen. The second one I found to be pretty disappointment as well, so hopefully Crackdown 3 gets the series back on track.


Feb 5, 2018
At this point I think the solo campaign has been completely re-made by Sumo Digital from the zero.


Oct 27, 2017
At this point I think the solo campaign has been completely re-made by Sumo Digital from the zero.
There wasn't ever a campaign done by any other studio than Sumo Digital. This is today still the case like it was 2 years ago.

Cloudgine and Reagent Games always were just on the multiplayer / general project overview. Reagent was a small team of a few people, starting the whole project to get some actual gameplay into the whole multiplayer destruction tech. Their work was pretty much done anyway. When they got bought by Epic, they moved on.

The tech is still part of the Crackdown 3 package. The multiplayer means 5vs5. Tower versus tower. The team that destroys the opponents tower first wins the game. The destruction of these towers is still calculated by the cloud. It always was. There are a lot of tools and weapons for the player to trigger the destruction. Should be really fun and an unique experience.

Microsoft focused on the campaign for the last two E3's now. I think they want to take the shift away a bit from the whole talk about reducing the game to its cloud multiplayer tech. Because the game is much more than that. In fact, it will be the biggest Crackdown game yet. By a large margin. The sandbox is varied. The world map is huge. There are real cutscenes and a story. The game is much more than the first two games were - and these turned out to be pretty fun regardless.
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2017
I hope they start showing more gameplay around Gamescom - including multiplayer - to finally end these disussions. They talked too much about it. The doubts can only be silenced by showing it. The E3 trailer was awesome and shows that they are getting there.

I wish the E3 trailer had shown some MP gameplay too. Have we actually seen any real MP gameplay yet? I mean that destruction demo was just that. I don't recall any MP footage. They however have now shown the SP at least twice. Gamescom at this point is a must if February really is a locked date.


Feb 5, 2018
There wasn't ever a campaign done by any other studio than Sumo Digital. This is today still the case like it was 2 years ago.

Cloudgine and Reagent Games always were just on the multiplayer / general project overview. Reagent was a small team of a few people, starting the whole project to get some actual gameplay into the whole multiplayer destruction tech. Their work was pretty much done anyway. When they got bought by Epic, they moved on.
I got the impression that Reagent was involved with the solo campaing in some sort. I'm glad Sumo is completely in charge of the campaign.


Oct 27, 2017
I was never expecting GTA or AC qualities as that's not what a Crackdown game is. I don't care for what the chances are of it being good...just as long as it is.
Only on Era would people expect Crackdown to be as good as the joint highest rated games in the last decade lmao. Dunno how they enjoy games if they expect everyone to match the qualities of a 97 metacritic game, have they only played BOTW, GTA V and Mario Odyssey since GTA 4 came out? Lol
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know why they've dumped so much time and money into this, were they afraid to cancel it because of the scalebound backlash/optics ?
Crackdown is a much better addition to game pass than Scalebound if you want to attract users. It's an open world sandbox with campaign co-op and multiplayer. I wouldn't be suprised if it doesn't sell great but still has 2 million players within a week or 2


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
I got the impression that Reagent was involved with the solo campaing in some sort. I'm glad Sumo is completely in charge of the campaign.

They will have been a little crossover no doubt as both games were sharing the same assets. If reagents LinkedIn pages are anything to go by , they only had a handful of staff with lots of specialisations missing so there is very little chance they were ever making a AAA game from scratch themselves, without outsourcing almost everything anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Sumo is a fantastic developer, so I'm not too worried about the SP. I don't expect it to be fantastic or anything, but as a Crackdown-ass Crackdown game, this should be fun. Thought the last trailer looked fun.
Oct 31, 2017
Paris, France
I think CD could be a huge hit thanks to GamePass and its co-op.

Prior to this new E3 trailer a lot of people either forgot about this game or didn't even know what it was.

Navidson REC

Oct 31, 2017
I would have sworn it reviewed poorly lol. I always used the game as an example as to why reviews don't mean much to me, as it was one of my favorite games from last gen. The second one I found to be pretty disappointment as well, so hopefully Crackdown 3 gets the series back on track.
Agreed overall with Crackdown 2, but I did like some of the new mobility options, esp. the wingsuit. Hope that makes a comeback!


Jan 5, 2018
England, U.K.
I don't think the delays are necessarily a death sentence for the game, and I think departures like this are just to be expected given the long development time. If you think The Last Guardian was a bit of a joke for its ridiculously long development - I think almost 9 years? Yet I played it for the first time two weeks ago and it absolutely blew me away. The game is a masterpiece. Far from perfect in execution, but the story, the bond you feel with this AI creature that feels so real, it's an genuinely amazing game. I really hope it's a similar case here and it releases to rave reviews. I've been a very harsh critic of Microsoft for their recent spate of game cancellations and studio closures, so I'm not going to criticise them for supporting this.


Nov 26, 2017
This seems like a complete disaster the franchise has been completely bungled since the first release.
Oct 27, 2017

I look forward to seeing this in the finished game.

Is it me, or is this not aging well?

I think it is mainly the hollow and lifeless look of the buildings in general, and lack of more final particle debris.

Definitely interested to see the final product however, and see how well they nailed it. And like anything with cloud computer/physics related, the 'glitch gifs' should be hilariously fun.
Oct 30, 2017
This seems like a complete disaster the franchise has been completely bungled since the first release.
Weird post.

Crackdown 1 was an amazing game
Crackdown 2 was short-sighted and pretty much the same with some other modes thrown in.
Crackdown 3 was unveiled as a hybrid cloud compute crossover, for destruction during the Mattrick era of Xbox. Since, its development seems to have been a mess and Spencer said they started restructuring the game months ago to correct that. This article is likely a reflection of what Spencer is saying.

To say the "entire franchise" has been completely bungled is a rather large jump from the truth.


Oct 26, 2017
I sadly feel that this game is going to go the way of Scalebound and get cancelled soon.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
It might be tricky as I suspect it is will be a little be too political and critiscisms could perhaps be levelled directly at certain individuls key to involved businesses
Yeah. Plus the fact that it's one thing to talk critically about your own studio and its missteps, but it's a whole other thing when you (even rightfully) would need to throw other studios under the bus.

Creepy Woody

Nov 11, 2017
I guess they are double downing on it so the fans can't say they cancel every game and people worry MS don't know what they are doing with first party.


Oct 27, 2017
You can tell something's not right, because they showed nothing substantial at E3. This far along in development we should've been watching someone playing the game.

I'm keeping my expectations low. I'm not expecting Crackdown 3 to be great.


Nov 26, 2017
Weird post.

Crackdown 1 was an amazing game
Crackdown 2 was short-sighted and pretty much the same with some other modes thrown in.
Crackdown 3 was unveiled as a hybrid cloud compute crossover, for destruction during the Mattrick era of Xbox. Since, its development seems to have been a mess and Spencer said they started restructuring the game months ago to correct that. This article is likely a reflection of what Spencer is saying.

To say the "entire franchise" has been completely bungled is a rather large jump from the truth.
They didn't green light the sequel causing real-time worlds to disband then rushed c2 which was mediocre at the very least . Then seemingly shoehorned cloud smoke and mirrors bs into 3 and took 4 years to not release it and now they lost the series creator I hope it turns out well but you could hardly call this well managed could you?


Oct 28, 2017
Only on Era would people expect Crackdown to be as good as the joint highest rated games in the last decade lmao. Dunno how they enjoy games if they expect everyone to match the qualities of a 97 metacritic game, have they only played BOTW, GTA V and Mario Odyssey since GTA 4 came out? Lol
Gotta make sure it fails critically as a talking point...even if it sells well...hmm...osounds like other MS IPs this year. ;)

Dot Matrix

Apr 18, 2018
This should have been a B-tier relatively cheaply made sequel to the original game that just expanded on what people liked and with the fun amped up.

I wonder how much money MS have sank into it in total.
Although CD2 didn't receive critical acclaim it was a damn fun game and had a remarkably short development time. Massively improved net code eliminating the tethering found in CD1, doubling the co-op player count to 4, more agent customization, awesome evolution of the orb system, and i will throw a rubber duck bomb at anyone that doesn't agree with CD2's wing suit being the best movement mechanic around a 3d space. 4k CD2 already micro!


Oct 26, 2017
You can tell something's not right, because they showed nothing substantial at E3. This far along in development we should've been watching someone playing the game.

I'm keeping my expectations low. I'm not expecting Crackdown 3 to be great.
It's pretty clear that Crackdown 3 is going to be mediocre at best. The E3 trailer was built entirely around Terry Crews, and Old Spice "I CAN'T STOP SCREAMING" Terry Crews rather than, say, Brooklyn 9-9 Terry Crews at that.