Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't help when streamers mock people using default skins. I think it was Ninja that I heard saying once that he had never played against a default player that was actually good. There was a period maybe half a year ago where it seemed to be a common thing for streamers to mention.

I assume that is because streamers are pushed by Epic to highlight certain things and highlighting default skin as a sign of being a bad player will no doubt leave an impression on a lot of players, especially younger ones.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine being a nerd because you don't spunk hundreds of your parents dollars away on digital tat

Imagine bragging about wasting your money on virtual clothes

I dread to think what the industry is going to be like in 10-15 years when the kids of today grow up expecting games to fleece them


Oct 27, 2017
There's so much more wrong with Fortnite than just this stigma among players. FOMO, predatory marketing, etc. FoldableHuman did a great video on it.


Alt account
Jan 10, 2019
Not surprised. Fortnite is huge

We have Fortnite:
-Meal Sets

Etc. Epic making some €€€€€€€€


Oct 25, 2017
It's almost like kids are just inherently asshole pieces of shit regardless of the tools available to them to express their assholeness.

God damn I hope my kids don't turn out to be bullies. I'd be mortified. I'm 95% certain my daughter isn't one, but I suspect my 3 year old son may wind up being one.
Bullying is partially about home life and parenting. You need to be involved and really reinforce stuff like fairness and equality and make them aware that mocking and making fun of others for differences isn't something to do. Lead by example, your kids will be alright

My ex litterally stole her moms credit card for Fortnite 🤭
Geeze how old was your ex that they were doing this?

Deleted member 10551

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine being a nerd because you don't spunk hundreds of your parents dollars away on digital tat

Imagine bragging about wasting your money on virtual clothes

I dread to think what the industry is going to be like in 10-15 years when the kids of today grow up expecting games to fleece them

MOst likely a crash as the kids won't have the money to support the habit, and might end up bored with games entirely.

We'd be better off as a society without game business models like Fortnite.

These kids might end up the future Trump supporters, or the 2040's equivalent, as well.
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2017
Also bullied for parent's anime avatar.

Really? This contributes so much to the conversation. I didn't know attacking other members for something they happen to like or enjoy was something we did here. Guess we're no better than the kids at the schoolyard, huh?

All I said was my kids don't play the game. They chose not to of their own volition because we gave them other options that they happened to enjoy more and get more out of. Somehow that makes me the asshole. Seriously fucked up.


Oct 31, 2017
I thought that would be enough but i overheard a kid mocking my son because he still plays mine craft.

Kids are dicks.

They totally can be. My kids both still play Minecraft and love it. Not my jam personally but I do still have my old world that I let them play around in too just so they could see the stuff I built when I did play.


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
Lol you could get bullied for anything or nothing back when I was in school.


Dec 8, 2017
Yeap I am a private teacher and one kid I teach plays Fortnite religiously. He was telling me before christmas how he had a dilemma, he was going to get 50 bucks as a christmas present from his parents and was thinking of either getting Battlefield 5 or a rare skin for Fortnite. I obviously told him why would you even consider that? A full game is obviously the better choice instead of a skin that isn't really worth anything, why would he buy skins to begin with? He answered that people that don't have skins on Fortnite are being made fun of, called casuals and he didn't want that to happen to him. He ended up getting the skin...


Oct 26, 2017
Completely opposite with the people in my area.

For some reason having a skin mean you have to be really good and when you have a bad game or something they just call you a "skinner". Which basically means you have money to spend but no skill to back it up.

Ultimately it ends up with people not wanting to buy skins unless they're super good.

Thanks peer pressure.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
This is the case with things aimed at children. It's why some countries ban advertisement to children. I don't think ads to kids should be banned because marketing way more sophisticated than conventional ads these days.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I had luck when was a kid. Remember the boom of Tamagotchis when everyone had one less me.
My friends showed me theirs virtual pets and explain to me how they feed them, instead to shit on me when my parents didn't buy one for me.
Dec 4, 2017
This happen since the beginning of the times, every new toy, new movie, cartoon, and now YouTubers merchandise and dlc. I remember a video about a kid sad because he bought Logan paul's brother merch instead Paul's and other kids mocked him.
Feb 24, 2018
It doesn't help when streamers mock people using default skins. I think it was Ninja that I heard saying once that he had never played against a default player that was actually good. There was a period maybe half a year ago where it seemed to be a common thing for streamers to mention.

I assume that is because streamers are pushed by Epic to highlight certain things and highlighting default skin as a sign of being a bad player will no doubt leave an impression on a lot of players, especially younger ones.
This oddly reminds me of that patent Acitivision has that is basically a low toxic version of that.

Speaking of the thread, I can see that, I'd argue many games whether intentional or unintentional do that now when you customization as Microtransactions. I see this with my older brother with Overwatch who is currently worried about missing out on those Atlantic/Pacific skins for Mercy and Lucio.
Feb 24, 2018
And people are right about this being more then video games. As a kid, I remember being bullied as a kid to get Baybaldes by my peers or be mocked for not having the "cool toy" even though I wanted the 10th Anniversary Beast Wars toys I think that were coming out.
Feb 24, 2018
Lastly, I even think Pokemon is slightly guilty of this in the case of peer preasure rather then money issues with their "event" Pokemon, especially in older gens where it was next to impossible for kids in many regions like Europe, the DS's shoddy Wifi or (and what did it for me) missing out important plot DLC that was only avaiable for a limited time for no good reason and then locked in the cartridge forever for again no good reason like The Giovanni/Silver plot DLC and the Pointy eared Pichu.


Oct 27, 2017
As weird as this is, kids will always find superfluous and stupid reasons to bully/make fun of other kids. Sadly it only makes sense that this sort of behavior would transition into the world of digital possessions in addition to physical ones like clothes, phones, etc.

I would imagine it happens on every level. Oh look at him/her, they only have a cheap cellphone or no cellphone at all, what a loser.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
B-but we bought kids real life school uniforms to eliminate bullying. You mean to tell me they just moved on to some other criteria to bully each other over? I'm shocked!


Oct 27, 2017
Really? This contributes so much to the conversation. I didn't know attacking other members for something they happen to like or enjoy was something we did here. Guess we're no better than the kids at the schoolyard, huh?

All I said was my kids don't play the game. They chose not to of their own volition because we gave them other options that they happened to enjoy more and get more out of. Somehow that makes me the asshole. Seriously fucked up.
I thought my comment being a joke was obvious. My bad and no ill-will intended :)


Oct 27, 2017
I remember people were real dicks about owning pokémon-related merch, but I never felt the need to beg my parents to purchase this stuff so I could fit in (also, back then I was way more savvy in terms of gaming than the people who just liked pokémon and couldn't understand the appeal of it). Unfortunately some people cave to this sort of peer pressure, and I hope their parents give them the support they need.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah this is a problem with Fortnite. Or at the very least it's a societal problem not because "kids are shitty" but because the lifting of restrictions on advertising to children have led us to this predatory, shitty place where major corporations are training children to relentlessly pursue new purchases
Oct 30, 2017
Keeping up with the Jones' is very much alive. Fortnite is just the hot property all these dweebs lust over. My wife can't go a day without some kid randomly flossing or doing some other Fortnite dance while waiting in the lunchline. It's a god damn epidemic.


May 10, 2018
Yes, and when I was like 8 or 9, there was a kid who had a holographic Charizard card and rubbed it in the face of everyone who didn't. Little kids can be assholes and that will not change. It isn't new with Fortnite. Won't end with it either.
Oct 26, 2017
I asked my nephew yesterday why he didn't accept an invite to play with his friend, and he responded, "he's a default."

I was like... what the heck does that mean?

"He doesn't have a skin, so he's kind of lame."

This is a real freaking problem.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, and when I was like 8 or 9, there was a kid who had a holographic Charizard card and rubbed it in the face of everyone who didn't. Little kids can be assholes and that will not change. It isn't new with Fortnite. Won't end with it either.

Yeah, this. As it's been pointed out in this thread, God forbid you go to school wearing some knock-off shoes.

I asked my nephew yesterday why he didn't accept an invite to play with his friend, and he responded, "he's a default."

I was like... what the heck does that mean?

"He doesn't have a skin, so he's kind of lame."

This is a real freaking problem.

Wasn't this a plot point from (ug) Ready Player One? How lame it was to be wearing the default gear?