Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Quoting myself from PoliERA because this shit makes my blood boil.

Dude, this "backlash" is fucking unreal. I couldn't stomach watching more than five seconds of that smirking bitch; how anybody outside the alt-right bubble could both-sides this speaks volumes about one's empathy and priorities. "Out of context" my ass.


Oct 25, 2017
I love how these MAGA trash have people tripping all over themselves to find an excuse for them. Yet when minority children are killed unlawfully, same dipshits are looking for any way to justify what happened to them.

"They were no angel!"
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly find GG's career arc baffling. Like, I don't understand what perspective/position/politics would explain all of his behavior.


May 27, 2018
On Reddit there are a lot of users that are posting a one hour (or longer) video and saying that if you watch it you will see that the Native American protestor approached the MAGA teens and began beating his drum. These Reddit users are also claiming that the people in the video shouting slurs are Black Israelites.

So there appears to be three groups:

1) The Pro-Life rally people, which includes the MAGA teens.

2) The Native American man, who was part of a coinciding Native American event.

3) Black Israelites.

I haven't watched the video.

Am I correct so far in identifying the three main parties that were there?

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
He is a disruptive west hating asshole.

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
Quoting myself from PoliERA because this shit makes my blood boil.

Agree completely. And not to mention the MAGA tools all around him laughing it up, encouraging him, and having a good time. But don't worry, they were so afraid and trying to diffuse the situation. Such disgusting gas lighting and both sides-ism on this issue.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
The View today lead in with Whoopi and Joy and the rest of the liberal women saying how wrong the media got it, and to not always jump to conclusions.

Though Joy did say she wanted to jump to conclusions because she hates Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
2006 was a long time ago.

And I don't understand how this is even a both sides thing at all, even knowing the full context. The presence of some black Israelites doesn't erase the boys' acts or their choice of head gear. Shallow punditry is the worst.


Oct 26, 2017
On Reddit there are a lot of users that are posting a one hour (or longer) video and saying that if you watch it you will see that the Native American protestor approached the MAGA teens and began beating his drum. These Reddit users are also claiming that the people in the video shouting slurs are Black Israelites.

So there appears to be three groups:

1) The Pro-Life rally people, which includes the MAGA teens.

2) The Native American man, who was part of a coinciding Native American event.

3) Black Israelites.

I haven't watched the video.

Am I correct so far in identifying the three main parties that were there?

You should watch at least some of the longer video. Yes, you are correct.

The initial framing of the event via twitter was "Native American protesters approached and surrounded by MAGA teens who mocked, intimidated, and hurled slurs at them" the long video shows "Black Israelites hurling insults at MAGA teens, MAGA teens chanting, Nathan Philips approaches MAGA teens playing the drum and the teens mockingly dance and holler"

In the end, the MAGA teens are still MAGA teens, so for many on the left they're automatically complicit in crimes beyond imagine. They did end up mocking the Native protesters, but the racial nature of that mocking is suspect and the "intimidation" by that one smirking teen is not a really viable interpretation. You can surmise that a bunch of white teenagers wearing MAGA hats at a March for Life rally are probably racist though, so there was likely racial insults being hurled at some point, but you cannot hear anything specifically racist.
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2017
Another white boy trying to find excuses for white boys being shitty, like clockwork.

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Because anything to punch left
This is interesting coming from someone who likes to cast anyone not in line with your exact politics as some sort of ***CENTRIST***



Oct 29, 2017
I love how these MAGA trash have people tripping all over themselves to find an excuse for them. Yet when minority children are killed unlawfully, same dipshits are looking for any way to justify what happened to them.

"They were no angel!"
Yep. It's times like these where you really find out how much more valued straight white men are in comparison to minorities by society


Oct 25, 2017
The View today lead in with Whoopi and Joy and the rest of the liberal women saying how wrong the media got it, and to not always jump to conclusions.

Though Joy did say she wanted to jump to conclusions because she hates Trump.
You would never, ever, ever see right wing talking heads trip over themselves to appease the left, the way the left does to appease the very people who hate their guts. What was there to jump to conclusions to? Those fuckers were mocking the indigenous elder. I saw that with my own eyes. Also, considering that these assholes were assembled there to protest women's right to their own bodies, bigotry was their agenda from the moment they descended on the place.


Oct 25, 2017
On Reddit there are a lot of users that are posting a one hour (or longer) video and saying that if you watch it you will see that the Native American protestor approached the MAGA teens and began beating his drum. These Reddit users are also claiming that the people in the video shouting slurs are Black Israelites.

So there appears to be three groups:

1) The Pro-Life rally people, which includes the MAGA teens.

2) The Native American man, who was part of a coinciding Native American event.

3) Black Israelites.

I haven't watched the video.

Am I correct so far in identifying the three main parties that were there?

Racist Homophobic Black Israelite
Anti-Women's Choice MAGA hat teens
Native American guy, who may or may not be a vietnam vet, that says he was walking towards to the landmark to finish his prayer was surrounded even though later video shows he purposefully walked up to the kids face and started beating his drum.
Early news reports that weren't 100% accurate.
Twitter account that spread short of the incident that went viral was removed by Twitter, assumably because it was a Russian troll account.
Internet posters that say they want to break a kid's jaw for a face he was making

It's a controversy stew.
Oct 27, 2017
CNN reporting that Twitter has suspended the account that helped amplify/magnify the video.

New York (CNN Business)Twitter suspended an account on Monday afternoon that helped spread a controversial encounter between a Native American elder and a group of high school students wearing Make America Great Again hats.
The account claimed to belong to a California schoolteacher. Its profile photo was not of a schoolteacher, but of a blogger based in Brazil, CNN Business found. Twitter suspended the account soon after CNN Business asked about it.
The account, with the username @2020fight, was set up in December 2016 and appeared to be the tweets of a woman named Talia living in California. "Teacher & Advocate. Fighting for 2020," its Twitter bio read. Since the beginning of this year, the account had tweeted on average 130 times a day and had more than 40,000 followers.


Oct 26, 2017
I think ignoring that the context is indeed a different one from what was originally published doesn't do anyone any good. The situation did change from

-> A Group of teenage Trump Protesters approached and circled around a Native American protestor, with one teen provocatively standing in front of him, smirking. - The teen instigates
-> A Group of teenage Trump Protesters were approached by a Native American protestor, with the protestor stopping in front of one of the Teens, who kept standing there, smirking. - The teen reacts

This change of context doesn't change the fact that these teenagers are racist scumbags who protested against women's rights. It does, however, change the context of that specific encounter. While the MAGA-teen was previously painted as the instigator of that specific enocunter (again, not talking about their inherentely agressive and offensive political stance and convictions, but about their specific behaviour in that very moment), he then turned out to be the one who actually was the one reacting to a situation. Who approached whom here is important context for judging the encounter. As were all the other details coming out later, like how there was actually a previous conflict between the MAGA group and the Black Hewbrew Israelites.

So, yeah. Ignoring that context gives racists more than enough fodder for their never-ending "FAKE NEWS!" screams and news organisations (not twitter users, we can't really ask every single private person to vet and analyse every piece of media they share) should know better than reporting news without first analysing what happened and what the context was for that specific encounter.


Oct 26, 2017
Racist Homophobic Black Israelite
Anti-women's choice MAGA hat teens
Native American guy, who may or may not be a vietnam vet, that says he was walking towards to the landmark to finish his prayer but was surrounded even though later video shows he purposefully walked up to the kids face and started beating his drum.
Internet posters that say they want to break a kid's jaw for smirk face.

It's a controversy stew.

What actually happened between Nathan Philips and that group of MAGA teens is really rather unremarkable. He walked up to them drumming, they did some contemporary dancing in order to mock the man.

However, the image initially presented is so powerful that many don't want to accept the fact that it's not at all what we initially thought.


Oct 25, 2017
Greenwald is to journalism as Tulsi Gabbard is to politics. But he's also got a little bit of alt-right Menschy quality too. But you know, liberal...

He wasted his award the same way Giuliani squandered his 9/11 legacy.


Nov 15, 2017
Racist Homophobic Black Israelite
Anti-women's choice MAGA hat teens
Native American guy, who may or may not be a vietnam vet, that says he was walking towards to the landmark to finish his prayer but was surrounded even though later video shows he purposefully walked up to the kids face and started beating his drum.
Early news reports that weren't 100% accurate.
Twitter account that spread short viral video of the incident was removed by Twitter, assumably because it was a Russian troll account.
Internet posters that say they want to break a kid's jaw for smirk face.

It's a controversy stew.
Having only seen the initial photo and outrage when the story first broke and seeing all the new information now, I honestly don't know if anyone is free of blame since it seems like all parties had a role in the situation. It does seem like the original framing of the story was wrong though even if the MAGA teens are still racists... I don't know what to believe.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
The whole "who started it" debate glosses over the fact that white Americans offer zero deference to indigenous peoples, and we only acknowledge them when they're "getting in our way."
Oct 29, 2017
They did end up mocking the Native protesters, but the racial nature of that mocking is suspect and the "intimidation" by that one smirking teen is not a really viable interpretation. You can surmise that a bunch of white teenagers wearing MAGA hats at a March for Life rally are probably racist though, so there was likely racial insults being hurled at some point, but you cannot hear anything specifically racist.

So once again everyone is knee jerking their asses off to "win" without actually knowing anything.