Does Resetera do enough to protect insiders? (please answer in detail why)

  • Yes, I think Resetera's doing enough for the insiders.

    Votes: 154 47.1%
  • No, I'm in favor of the topic starter's suggestion.

    Votes: 146 44.6%
  • No, I have another suggestion (explain).

    Votes: 27 8.3%

  • Total voters


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017

If they aren't press, then as far as I'm concerned, anyone actively in the industry "leaking" things is a fucking asshole. No offense to y'all, you having fun discussing leaks is not worth the unbelievable personal and financial damage this bullshit can actually do.

Fuck leakers. No anonymity. If anything I would lobby in the other direction, for them to verify their actual name and position in the industry.

(Exception obviously made for anyone leaking poor treatment of workers, sexual abuse, and other problematic behavior)
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Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
Like publicly? I thought insiders were privately vetted by the admin team.

(agree with you on the personal and financial damage part btw)
I don't *want* them privately vetted. I don't think insiders should be leaking things that can damage people's jobs for no tangible benefit but our own entertainment; the admin staff shouldn't be encouraging this, as far as I'm concerned.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
We would be better off without these "insiders". Let devs share the work they slaved over for years how and when they want. Leaking stuff is such a shitty practice and should not be praised.
Oct 26, 2017
I don't *want* them privately vetted. I don't think insiders should be leaking things that can damage people's jobs for no tangible benefit but our own entertainment; the admin staff shouldn't be encouraging this, as far as I'm concerned.
I understand you feel that way and I don't even really disagree, but you just said that you wanted insiders to verify their actual information and I was asking for elaboration on that


Oct 27, 2017
Insider slamming is an amusing new past time for this place, considering if not for insiders and the news aggregation this place would probably lose about half it's users. Who tf actually likes being here?

Anyway, no, this is just CBOAT again and that was a mess.


Oct 26, 2017
The insider crap on this forum is a detriment to the discourse.
What's the point?
Literally they get their ego stroked by people on this site, but also random gaming blogs post stuff like "Resetera verified insider says blah blah blah"

If a person is posting information about a game they're working on, then perhaps they're a disgruntled employee?

Like why does this forum need to be the source of it?
Why can't they go post on reddit? Or wherever else to get their clout.

Maybe banning insider bullshit will be good for the forum?


Nov 4, 2017
Won't somebody please think of the insiders?

But seriously though, why should insiders be a protected class? Who gives a shit?

Salty Rice

Oct 25, 2017
Pancake City
So called "insiders" should be able to be called out on their bs like everybody else.

They are just people who know stuff not official press.

Also stop worshiping them.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Why don't we just broaden it to verified people and stop treating them like shit. That would be a great start. That digital foundry thread about Halo was a bad look.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
I understand you feel that way and I don't even really disagree, but you just said that you wanted insiders to verify their actual information and I was asking for elaboration on that
They are privately vetted but that still lets them leak stuff online with no personal consequence. If their real name was on it, they wouldn't do it for fear of getting fired or blacklisted.

I'm not saying I want it to happen for verification purposes, I'm saying I want it to happen for consequential purposes.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
While you aren't technically wrong from our current position, I always take issue with this stance because it places the responsibility entirely on one side of the dynamic. Why do we not more strongly encourage or expect users to keep their emotions and expectations in check?

Reminds me of the Diablo Mobile fiasco. Pages of people debating what Blizzard "should have done differently" to avoid the Gamer Rage™. Sounds like bully or abuser talk to me. One side is not only allowed to but is often expected to overreact, usually viciously, to disappointment - and the other side is given all the moral imperative to navigate that environment as cautiously as possible to avoid retaliation for any perceived slight.

Of course folks with this mindset would flip out when some insider notices how seriously y'all take this absolutely-not-serious stuff and decides to mess with you.

It's kind of disgusting
For sure, it absolutely is gross seeing the mob mentality gang up on someone, and I definitely don't mean to excuse that kind of behavior and it should 100% be discouraged as much as possible.

Separately from that, I don't think "insiders" (especially those who are just parroting information they don't have firsthand knowledge of themselves) should be encouraged to get the same level of attention as a thread on a verified news source.

Maybe it's just me, but like how they say "new news, new thread", I think rumors should stay in other threads (related topics, OT's, or in Hangouts), they shouldn't get the same level of attention as a thread about a verified news story.

That way it can still be talked about and discussed, but then when it's proven false it doesn't cause as much of a shit storm as if it had been a rumor first posted about in its own thread.
And with a less gigantic shitstorm, it probably makes it much easier for mods to make the necessary bans.

For example, a thread title with "RUMOR: 3D Mario games coming to Switch" is OK since that story had multiple people, and confirmations were coming from different sources.
But a thread title of "RUMOR user sexygamerchat says that Goku is coming to Smash" is bad since even if sexygamerchat has gotten a few rumors correct in the past, it in no way backs up their claim with anything and no other sources have heard the same thing.
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Oct 26, 2017
They are privately vetted but that still lets them leak stuff online with no personal consequence. If their real name was on it, they wouldn't do it for fear of getting fired or blacklisted.

I'm not saying I want it to happen for verification purposes, I'm saying I want it to happen for consequential purposes.
Gotcha. Thanks. That along with
For sure, it absolutely is gross seeing the mob mentality gang up on someone, and I definitely don't mean to excuse that kind of behavior and it should 100% be discouraged as much as possible.

Separately from that, I don't think "insiders" (especially those who are just parroting information they don't have firsthand knowledge of themselves) should be encouraged to get the same level of attention as a thread on a verified news source.

Maybe it's just me, but like how they say "new news, new thread", I think rumors should stay in other threads (related topics, OT's, or in Hangouts), they shouldn't get the same level of attention as a thread about a verified news story.

That way it can still be talked about and discussed, but then when it's proven false it doesn't cause as much of a shit storm as if it had been a rumor first posted about in its own thread.
And with a less gigantic shitstorm, it probably makes it much easier for mods to make the necessary bans.

For example, a thread title with "RUMOR: 3D Mario games coming to Switch" is OK since that story had multiple people, and confirmations were coming from different sources.
But a thread title of "RUMOR user sexygamerchat says that Goku is coming to Smash" is bad since even if sexygamerchat has gotten a few rumors correct in the past, it in no way backs up their claim with anything and no other sources have heard the same thing.
this I can agree with. The cults of personality, the mob reactions when things don't turn out as expected, the repercussions on people in the industry... it all does just kind of make the case against freewheelin' insider culture on its own.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Not sure if give access to a joint account that all insiders share is the best idea.
I have a feeling most do it for attention, and they will probably use those leaks to post on their personal twitter.

Also not sure where this idea that ERA has no insiders come from. I feel everyday I log in I see a couple more.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
People here can be really rude, disrespectful, and just assholes.

I still remember Grubb hearing the PS5 event got delayed, and people getting upset and insulting him. I wouldn't call him an "insider", just a reporter, but I don't think there was much difference in this case. The thread was a joke lol

Jeff Grubb: PS5 Reveal Event in June To Feature “Some games, not as many as I said before” (Update in Threadmarks)

We had people calling out Jeff as a liar, attention seeker, and other shit because Sony apparently moved away some games and third-party decided to market some stuff on their own - which is now widely accepted (August event, Call of Duty marketing, etc.).

None of this is ban-worthy, but when people are jerks why would others want to interact with them?


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Aug 28, 2019
Insiders are basically bad. Either write a news piece or don't. The gamey coy dangling of hints of info is exploitative for internet clout and just milking message board dynamics.

That said, anyone who harasses them for any reason should be treated harshly, as should anyone who harasses any user or group.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
This shouldn't be necessary if people who don't abide by the forum's posting guidelines actually got banned. But moderation is frustratingly inconsistent and all over the place, and too many toxic individuals get a pass here.


Jun 29, 2020
An anonymous account handling all the gaming insiders might not be a bad idea to help protect the more direct harassment that some leakers get, but it will do nothing to the anger that people will have towards whoever originally started it.

Instead of having "User here got this information false, he is someone that trolled us and is chasing clout", we would get "The insider account got this information false, whoever made that is someone that trolled us and is chasing clout". Essentially, the result would be the same, except that instead of direct harassment of the individual, they will have to deal with being anonymous. And that's not even considering the speculation of which insider posted which information ("What if this user posted this fake information? Let's harass this user until they tell us if they posted it or not")

It's a solution that brings many problems. The goal should be to teach people to handle insiders and rumors as false until proven true, no matter how likely the rumor may be. It's a hard solution that will not only require the change of culture in this forum but also twitter and other rumor sites. It will take ages to achieve it, but if it's something that will allow people to share information without their sanity being drained, then it's something we should take steps to achieve. (and I know that I, a junior account, shouldn't have much of a say in how ERA handles insiders, but I think they should look into that problem as well, provided there aren't any other more urgent problems that should be handled with first.)


Oct 27, 2017
Just do it like the Giveaway bot, where they can drop whatever they want to drop under an anonymous tag that only admins can see rather than some shared account everyone is supposed to use and remember a password for.

That's just multiple points for failure for all sorts of hijinks.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
doesn't the current "system" work well enough. there's general knowledge a source is credible, it's not like the forum is brimming with Uncle at Nintendo flim flam

and leaking is a moral gray area anyhow one thing to be an outlet for leaks another to fight tooth and nail to propagate them


Oct 27, 2017
Do people even leak shit anymore really? Usually it's just vague stuff until somebody figures it out.

And nah, I don't think we need to give them extra protection. It's not like the devs on here get any extra protection from the same type of stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
No, that's dumb. Does your proposal include people like Transistor who drops fake "leaks"? Don't need more shit like what happened with Halo Infinite recently.

Also they're just making lives a living hell for devs, so fuck leakers.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
It cracks me up that the same userbase that threw a fit about moderation using the term "prominent member" has such a desperate need and want for "insiders" to legitimize the forum. The level of unearned self importance users have here is sometimes humiliating to be even indirectly affiliated with. Stop being toxic, cultivate legitimate discussion by supporting earnest and thought provoking threads. Most importantly, make the website a welcome space to all. Do that, and insiders will be fine and you'll maintain your precious leaks.


Nov 4, 2017
To me this is only suitable if someone is leaking about toxicity in the industry and they want to protect themselves. Like bad working conditions, racism (any ism), stuff like that.

Not because they are leaking that one console has higher TF than another or something like that.

That's what I figured this was about.

Someone leaking something about the newest sequels I don't really care for.