
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty happy about this. Never played Bioshock 2's and Infininte's DLC but heard they were great. An excuse to replay the series too. Will also give Firewall a shot but I don't play much online so I don't expect to stick around for long.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
This is the second time PS Plus has given out Bioshock infinite, and maybe the second time with bioshock 2.

But that doesn't mean I won't enjoy playing the heck out of them all again.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019
I played through the BioShock Collection last year on PS4 and encountered no glitches aside from 1 where it can crashed a few times and ran perfectly on boost mode

For anyone playing the BioShock 1, there's an glitch where you can get all the difficulty trophies including on Survivor if you're playing on Easy just before the cutscene but after the last hit on the final boss where you can pause and change the difficulty to Survivor and get the trophies during the FMV ending. This was in the unpatched version of the last gen version but wasn't fixed here.

Also, as a heads up to those downloading the Bioshock Collection - there's a save glitch that could waste a bit of time. Basically, if you create too many saves in Bioshock 1, you won't be able to save in Bioshock 2.

So before you finish Bioshock 1, delete most of your save states (I think I ended with maybe 2 save states) in order to prevent it.

Definitely this as well


Oct 27, 2017
I have firewall and it is super fun. I'll just be hyped to not have to put in the disc. I like to be able to quickly switch to my VR games from the menu and not have to take out discs.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 9, 2018
I hate bioshock so this is horrible month for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Do the GwG threads get this many "shit month" takes? Genuinely curious.
Worse. Every month it's post after post about Gold being given no attention because of Game Pass and how they might as well scrap the Gold games. A difference is also that PS+ users care about the "free" games while the GwG threads usually end 2 pages long.


Oct 29, 2017
Solid month, only currently have firewall. Firewall has plenty of microtransactions so it's understandable why they'd give it free. Last month I already owned everything.


Oct 28, 2017
ooooh yes been meaning to get Zero Hour! Will still find a way to support their devs, be it DLC or their next game day one.

Never owned the Bioshock series.. but loved watching videos of gameplay.

Ah the Sims series...with their weird language. My ex loved these, might have to give her a heads up to check if she got it part 4.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Happy about a VR game being included and hope we'll get more.


Oct 27, 2017
Do the GwG threads get this many "shit month" takes? Genuinely curious.
i'd like to know this as well. Can't understand this. All the Big 3 have us pay to play online.(which honestly sucks, but it's now the norm), but it's not like Sony is cheaping out on their games (most months they dont), it's peculiar how many times I hear people say "crap month, as usual, not renewing PS Plus" ... but PS+ keeps growing exponentially for Sony.

Anyways, I dont agree with everything Sony does with PS Plus (It's unfair only the literal account that buys it gets cloud storage and not all the accounts on the console), but if you're complaining it's a shit month when they're giving us 4 AAA games... I dont know what to say. ONLY people who already own the games should be slightly disappointed.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey, that's awesome. They threw in a great PSVR game along with the other two PS4 games.

I'm guessing this will boost the player count in Firewall Zero Hour.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Nice! I've been wanting to replay the Bioshock games for a while and I never actually played the Infinite DLC. Been on a PS4 kick for whatever reason so this'll do nicely.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
Great month.....well for me anyway.

Haven't played Bioshock since the PS3 days. Sims 4 is always fun and it's something I can also play with my wife. Also, I understand the console versions have KB and mouse support, which is even better.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really have any interest in going back and playing Bioshock (I played half of the first one and it just didn't click for me) or Sims but I've been wanting to get firewall since it came out and only refrained because I have a huge backlog. I'll be downloading it day one. Very excited


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't played any of these and was actually just thinking how I should remedy that for BioShock the other day. Good far as I'm concerned.


Dec 19, 2017
Just realised when I get Sims 4, it will be the first game I download from PS Plus since Absolver, which was all the way back in 2018, yeesh. I really am only paying for online gaming.


Nov 6, 2017
I will give Bioshock another chance. I used to all of them on the PS3 but none of them really grabbed me at the time.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Wow that's like actually horrible. (Besides Firewall Zero)
Firewall Zero Hour is an absolute shitshow. I really want to like the game but even with the AIM it has way too many technical issues.

You spend way more time in menus, loading screens and just generally waiting around than actually playing it and even then the gameplay is just a poor man's Siege elevated by VR. Plus the absolutely insane amount of grind required to unlock new weapons and whatnot.

It's not worth your time.
Oct 25, 2017
didnt they just give away a ps3 collection last month? Sony really helping the ps4 gamers catch up to 10 year old games lately ahaha