
Oct 30, 2017
Casual players would prefer Destiny 2 to Division if they only want a simple shooter game. And it's the reason why Bungie is still struggling to fix the game.

I'll try forsaken if they fix the TTK and perk pool. Otherwise it's not worth my time.


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry you're mad? You're acting like an expert on these things when you basically haven't played one of these games in ages, and have played a 'couple hours' of the other. You're simply not qualified to speak on any of the stuff you're saying. TTK is not very different between the two games. like, not at all. Bullet sponges in The Division endgame at launch are not the endgame now, and Destiny TTK for comparable activities, is comparable. It's that simple. You haven't tried pvp, you haven't tried any strikes or whatever, so why are you acting pissy when I tell you that you're incorrect in your assumptions about how the game plays?

Division was never worse than Destiny 2 was, it had almost the exact same problems at launch, and they both had one redeeming activity (Dark zone for Div, raids for Destiny) that got stale after about a month. Difference? The Division season pass had release dates pushed BACK so they could fix the issues, and then they fixed them, the season pass content then came out and was actually great and ADDED to the game. Destiny just kept pumping out trash content while saying "Hey we'll fix it" and then wants to charge you 40 dollars with another pass on top of it to fix it.

If you don't like realistic shooters, sure Division might be 'bland' to you, that's just the setting and you can take it or leave it (I'm with you, I prefer sci fi), but the GAME is far better, and always was.
Having opinion and feel for something and discussing it on an open forum does not make one nor did I speak in an elitist manner such as you are. I simply stated and even used the words, in my opinion.

If we want to speak as though we are only talking in absolutes, your opinion of D2 never being better then The Divison is an odd one as it is 85 for D2 and 80 for Divison on MC.

The Divison, a realistic shooter... LMFAO.


Oct 25, 2017
Having opinion and feel for something and discussing it on an open forum does not make one nor did I speak in an elitist manner such as you are. I simply stated and even used the words, in my opinion.

If we want to speak as though we are only talking in absolutes, your opinion of D2 never being better then The Divison is an odd one as it is 85 for D2 and 80 for Divison on MC.

The Divison, a realistic shooter... LMFAO.
Oh boy, Metacritic.
You can go read your post that started this: You did not say "in my opinion" you blatantly laughed and dismissed everyone who has issues with the game, while admitting you'd barely played it, and finished with a hot take "AT LEAST ITS BETTE RTHAN THE DIVISION" - Like, your post is there, you can go read it before you claim you said things differently, I did.

And yes, it's a realistic shooter. It is set in a realistic setting, and it uses real guns. HENCE. It is a realistic shooter. Destiny is a fantasy shooter, it uses fantastical weapons in a fantasy sci fi setting. Hence, it is NOT realistic. Pretending you didn't understand that when you read it doesn't help your stance here, it just makes you seem pedantic.

All metacritic with a game like these games means is that Destiny has a flashier campaign, no shit. Everyone says the campaign is fine. I said the campaign was fine, in this very thread. But it's a loot shooter, the campaign is not really a major component of the game, and everything else has MAJOR problems. I'm glad you think people that assigned an arbitrary number to the game a day after it came out are relevant to the discussion though, of either game. The Division now is not The Division as it was 2 years ago, and Destiny 2 now is not Destiny 2 as it was a year ago. The difference? They were VERY similar at launch, and one of them has gotten better while the other has not significantly changed.


Oct 27, 2017

God damn what a low bar you have.

Seriously. The game is still garbage. I bought the season pass on sale a few weeks ago, the game is still a bore and nothing much has changed in any meaningful way. Same boring classes and lack of customization, boring itemization, boring PvP, same weekly milestone grind. Oh, you can upgrade to master crafted weapons where they'll drop an orb occasionally. That's the only gameplay change that's stood out to me. Other than that, same Destiny 2 with some extra missions.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
Seriously. The game is still garbage. I bought the season pass on sale a few weeks ago, the game is still a bore and nothing much has changed in any meaningful way. Same boring classes and lack of customization, boring itemization, boring PvP, same weekly milestone grind. Oh, you can upgrade to master crafted weapons where they'll drop an orb occasionally. That's the only gameplay change that's stood out to me. Other than that, same Destiny 2 with some extra missions.
The only real difference is they added some grind to it. But a lot of it is just poorly designed, unrewarding nonsense. Like collecting 40 sleeper nodes to unlock an emblem. It's not just a matter of finding all 40 nodes. You have to collect a bunch of shit that allows you to access to a node and then you open it. But Bungie thought it would be fun to make the nodes repeat, so get ready to open well over 200-300 nodes in your quest to get the 40 needed for the emblem. Bungie actively hates their players. Im convinced of it.


Jan 31, 2018
Division was never worse than Destiny 2 was, it had almost the exact same problems at launch, and they both had one redeeming activity (Dark zone for Div, raids for Destiny) that got stale after about a month. Difference? The Division season pass had release dates pushed BACK so they could fix the issues, and then they fixed them, the season pass content then came out and was actually great and ADDED to the game. Destiny just kept pumping out trash content while saying "Hey we'll fix it" and then wants to charge you 40 dollars with another pass on top of it to fix it.

If you don't like realistic shooters, sure Division might be 'bland' to you, that's just the setting and you can take it or leave it (I'm with you, I prefer sci fi), but the GAME is far better, and always was.
The division isn't realistic at all but it is bland. Dark zone was terrible unless you had friends literally progressing at the exact same pace as you. The division was absolutely inferior to D2 at launch. Gameplay, gunplay, builds, content variety, pretty much everything including story is D2.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh boy, Metacritic.
You can go read your post that started this: You did not say "in my opinion" you blatantly laughed and dismissed everyone who has issues with the game, while admitting you'd barely played it, and finished with a hot take "AT LEAST ITS BETTE RTHAN THE DIVISION" - Like, your post is there, you can go read it before you claim you said things differently, I did.

And yes, it's a realistic shooter. It is set in a realistic setting, and it uses real guns. HENCE. It is a realistic shooter. Destiny is a fantasy shooter, it uses fantastical weapons in a fantasy sci fi setting. Hence, it is NOT realistic. Pretending you didn't understand that when you read it doesn't help your stance here, it just makes you seem pedantic.

All metacritic with a game like these games means is that Destiny has a flashier campaign, no shit. Everyone says the campaign is fine. I said the campaign was fine, in this very thread. But it's a loot shooter, the campaign is not really a major component of the game, and everything else has MAJOR problems. I'm glad you think people that assigned an arbitrary number to the game a day after it came out are relevant to the discussion though, of either game. The Division now is not The Division as it was 2 years ago, and Destiny 2 now is not Destiny 2 as it was a year ago. The difference? They were VERY similar at launch, and one of them has gotten better while the other has not significantly changed.
Looks like you are right. I said it later. I only "lol'd" with my Divison is worse than D2 statement. What's wrong with MC? Why is your thoughts on the two more valid then those who do it as a profession? It isn't.

The Divison is as realistic of a shooter as Forza Horizon is a realistic driving game.


Oct 28, 2017
I tried going back to Destiny recently but it didn't really click for me. Once I hit the soft cap, I just didn't want to go through the same milestones and activities week after week. The faction rally is such a grind as reminds me of the type of grind you'd see in F2P games. The long cooldown on abilities and supers don't help either. Overall, it's just not fun.


Dec 21, 2017
OMG this is the same tired-assed game I played three and two years ago. Same mechanics, same public events, same crucible, same story missions, same classes. Unbelievable...


Oct 26, 2017
Considering the game is free of charge starting today, I'm not sure why some people even need a thread to explain to them why they should download a free game. You can just try it yourself.
Because free or not, the consensus of a community I am part of each and every day matters a lot to me and I have a capped data plan. Even a free game will cost me money to download. Therefore, if people I engage with lean more towards discouraging a playthrough, then I will consider their opinion.
That, fellow forum user, is why some people need a thread like this.

Deleted member 5457

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
What did they change about aiming? I can't put my finger on it, but it feels different.

D1 aiming was perfect IMO, this feels kinda clunky, like they changed acceleration curve or something.
Oct 30, 2017
I dont understand the 2 days trail. in many places it takes 1 day to download the damn thing. and imagine you got busy with life stuff the second day, means you downloaded the whole thing for nothing.

increase the days so people can actually give the game a real try. specially if you are confident in your game. if i do not own Destiny and they want me to try it so i see how good the game is, i will not waste my internet for 40 gig download just to play it the next day only.

Destiny is fun game. i own the 100$ version from it with all expansions . However i am really bitter its not a 60 fps game. i would take a hit in the graphics to play it on 60 fps like on PC.

the sad thing is i own a powerful PC with GTX 1080. but i figured PS4 where the community is and i was afraid the PC version will be dead for Raids in very short time. plus the PS4 version came before and i couldnt wait

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
Still a lot of venom for the lads and lasses at Bungle.

Don't worry, everyone, Anthem will save us all!

Grimace McRib

Oct 27, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
I've put hundreds of hours into Warmind and was happy with it. It's far from a fixed game, but anyone who's been paying attention to Forsaken development and still thinks Bungie isn't trying to fix the game isn't coming back. You're basically in one of 3 camps, either you're enjoying Warmind, grinding things out and getting ready for Forsaken, ignoring the mistakes Bungie has made because Destiny is a great universe to game in, or you're salty at Bungie and never coming back and trying to convince others to be like you, or you've never played it and trying to figure out when to jump in.