
Oct 10, 2020
My local gamestop doesn't know whats happening either, they said it would be online. I was getting food so I dropped by physically too since I was only a few minutes away.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh shoot I should tell GameStop my ps5 is lost in the mail and maybe they'll give me one of these coming up...probably too late though


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
I just called GameStop - all sold out of PS and about to sell of Xbox, lol

Mana Latte

Jul 6, 2019
If anyone can put me on the list for a Series X I'd appreciate it. But make sure others theirs first. Im not really in a huge rush but it would be nice

Big Boss

Oct 27, 2017
If im not mistaken, you can return stuff in a gamestop bundle.

Might wanna confirm but I'd buy the bundle and just return or sell what I didnt want.
Jul 14, 2018
Snagged a digital bundle. They never gave a number, but it seemed like they had more than enough tickets for everyone who had arrived before 3CST. They probably still have a few. There were also XBX tickets too, so kinda hard to tell.

The employees were extremely flustered... they were just instructed to look for an email around 2pm and had no idea what was about to happen to them. Called my nephew to tell him to get to a Gamestop and his straight up told him they had no idea what he was talking about.

Poor Taylor, the girl who rang me up, was supposed to clock out at 3, but they convinced her to stay and assist. Her mom who was picking her up from work was pissed.
Oct 25, 2017
I went to GameStop. Decided not to stay. I'm in Arizona with too many idiots running around getting people sick. Wasn't worth the risk. Good luck to everyone going! Be safe!
Oct 25, 2017
You just get a ticket and then you can get back in your car no? At least that's the way they did it at my buddies store here.
No. The GameStop employees had people sort of socially distancing in the store. They were unsure of the console allotment so more people were coming in. They weren't prepared at all. Not sure if it's their fault or corporate. I'm thinking it's on them since other GameStop's seem to be handling it way better.


Oct 28, 2017
I really wish Sony or a major retailer would come out and have a huge drop or announce they will be getting consoles regularly per week.

Im tired of all these resellers asking 900-1000 and then bragging about no stock until Feb/March when you call them out for being scummy


Oct 10, 2020
Looks like my local Gamestop didn't know what they were doing. They thought it would be online, and I left there a while ago. Although I don't blame them much since apparently instructions were vague. Sucks that my best chance is still the PS queue.
Jul 14, 2018
I didn't think twice about the bundle. A 2nd controller seems like a given, as does $100 in psn funds. As many others have expressed, it is also worth it to stop thinking abiut this process.

The only thing that I'm worried about is the shipping. It's hard to say whether "may not arrive by Christmas" is a true estimate or Gamestop doing some ass-covering.

There is also this irrational feeling that I will see PS5s available on shelves all over now that my $700 is locked in.


Nov 28, 2020
Damn called all three gamestops near me and they were literally selling the last one while we were on the phone.

Solid Shake

Oct 28, 2017
I'm at my Gamestop right now. A few people in line ahead of me, fingers crossed...

Could...could it finally be over?
Oct 28, 2017
Got it! I was second in line, waited around 20 minutes for the poor guy to even find out that this was happening. Then the system crashed. Then he had to wait for permission from Sony to allow the orders. He made a phone call for another employee to come in and help out. Poor folks probably figured they'd have a peaceful Saturday only to have corporate drop this on their laps.

Fortunately there weren't too many people around, and we were all spaced out pretty well outside. They didn't even manage to sell all their XBoxes. A think they still had a couple Series S systems available.

The agony of finding one is over. Now the dread of waiting for the shipment begins.
Oct 25, 2017
Dundee, Scotland
Went to my local Tesco earlier for a few things, just in time to see some folks collecting their reserved consoles. Was like a military operation, they had extra staff escorting the consoles from the storeroom to the till, then walking the customer out of the store. Got chatting to one of the assistants, who looked a little worried. Someone had posted on Facebook that the store had some consoles and so a crowd was now gathering. Offers had been made to staff and to the folks leaving with consoles, along with a few cross words. I don't remember it being this bad, even in the early days of the Wii.
Oct 25, 2017
Yea seeing this crazy demand is insane. And I fear it's not going to end anytime soon. I might slow up a tiny bit after Christmas, but not by much. I can see this lasting past February and I'm sure Sony is already producing these at full capacity.

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
Wow I walked up to GS none the wiser today and ALMOST got one. They had 8, I was 10th. Totally random chance and almost got super lucky.


Jan 23, 2018
I don't like Game Stop, but I sure miss their old days when I could walk in and place a pre-order 5 months in advance, be maybe the third person at that location to do so, and guarantee myself a launch-day unit.



Oct 25, 2017
Damn, that GameStop Xbox bundle is still there. I almost pulled the trigger, but I can't justify that cost, especially for two games I won't play, and would otherwise have to deal with getting rid of.


Oct 27, 2017


Resetera needing PS5 or Series X/S

Sheet1 Resetera members who needs PS5,Notes,Needing Series X Draper Trigonometrize,gogojira Zetta,Tripwire-Stone MrRob,opus bitcloudrzr Kinggroin King of Dreamland The Real Jeremy netguy503 Rag Kasai Sagroth Baru FTF badcrumble Mookie1515 Castor Epcott Mingguaya milkyway Pilville Jukeboxhero2396...


Oct 27, 2017
Congrats and enjoy!!!!

Thanks! I was pretty much only going for Sony Direct drops at that point but got super lucky.

Congrats, we happy for you. It's been a long journey for you as well. Will you still stick around in this thread? :)

Yes I am going to be trying to snag some systems for users on here.
I know we are supposed to be happy for others but...

I missed out on so many that I felt the same everytime.

I am finally done for the holidays. Got my 3080, 5900x, and now PS5. Time to enjoy my time off.
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Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully Gamestop does this again but without the bundle. I told my supervisor about it right when I got the email, and fortunately for her, she was shopping next to a Gamestop. She secured one.