
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
if we got a new game and legacy character creation items was holding it back, I kinda feel like the best case scenario would be a PSOffline 2 update that you could load up all your stuff into or something. That way you still get to "keep" it, and even play PSO2 in some form, long into the future while the new game starts fresh.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I used to often think about this idea of there being a lower rated version of the client where the risque stuff would be replaced by default cosmetics but then that would eventually become obvious to users that they weren't getting the full experience so-to-speak. Like players interacting in town or their Arks ID or Lookbook referencing their character's look would be confusing to players in the lower rated client.

They could try that with a new game - "download this DLC option to use old cosmetics" - but anything that creates a different experience would surely be a headache for them to maintain. So yeah that is an impossible problem for them to solve if they desired to.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the only way cosmetics carry over to the next game is if they try and frankenstein it into the same launcher like NGS.
If it's a separate game I think they will want to go with a fresh start and at best you'll get "PSO3" spec versions of old items rolled out over time (that you will have to acquire again like how you don't automatically get NGS spec versions of PSO2 items you already have).


Oct 25, 2017
I think the only way cosmetics carry over to the next game is if they try and frankenstein it into the same launcher like NGS.
If it's a separate game I think they will want to go with a fresh start and at best you'll get "PSO3" spec versions of old items rolled out over time (that you will have to acquire again like how you don't automatically get NGS spec versions of PSO2 items you already have).
That's what they did in both PSU and PSO2 (PSU had remade PSO outfits you had to reacquire, PSO2 had remade PSU outfits you had to reacquire)


Oct 25, 2017
I think the only way cosmetics carry over to the next game is if they try and frankenstein it into the same launcher like NGS.
If it's a separate game I think they will want to go with a fresh start and at best you'll get "PSO3" spec versions of old items rolled out over time (that you will have to acquire again like how you don't automatically get NGS spec versions of PSO2 items you already have).
It's a tricky problem to solve, since there's the business appeal of reselling those cosmetics vs. the clean break giving players an opportunity to walk away from the game (and even as something as huge as CoD Warzone couldn't completely dodge the negative effects from this), never mind all of the indignation it would cause from currently active players.

I don't think there's one simple answer to this -- Path of Exile is letting all applicable cosmetics carry over to the sequel (which is a completely separate game, but in the same core genre and with a similar art style), whereas Smite is resetting all unlocks on players accounts for the sequel but they are allowing some cosmetics to carry over and are restoring players lifetime spend in the game as a legacy currency in the new game, which effectively acts as a 50-100% discount (depending on the item) on new purchases up to what they spent in the original game (which is an... interesting approach. Can't imagine Sega giving a discount for tens of thousands of dollars on rolls to their whales, though). Depends a lot on the level of fidelity they're targeting, art style changes, system changes, how much technical debt might be involved with keeping or changing certain things, the short and long term business ramifications of resetting some things (or everything), etc.. It doesn't seem like an easy problem to solve... and that's alongside all of the other current problems in PSO2 that would make this whole thing moot if they can't get that right.
Jun 1, 2021
If they do a sequel to PSO2 / NGS they absolutely need to have a clean break. Don't be tied down by the old engine. Build a functional UI for one thing.

But I don't have much faith in any PSO project after NGS to be honest.


Nov 4, 2017
idk if this is a bug or extremely bad luck but ever since last maintainence I haven't gotten a single alpha reactor from Dreisens invisible boxes. Everyday after finishing going around Halpha collecting its shinys I pull 'em outta storage to sell and its only been the 14 Aelio AR's per day. I don't think I've ever gotten 0 from Dreisen before, like at worst just 1 so this really feels off.

I would be fine with that too honestly. I like the cosmetics a lot for my own character but I'll be honest and admit that I am blocking the ballooned monsters (and other freaky characters) regularly now that the blocking feature also makes their character disappear.

But I don't see Sega/PS Team limiting themselves to only cosmetics that make sense in-universe after so many years of making money off ballooned bosoms, skin colored spheres, and emotes like 331: Pole Dance. There would have to be a Jet Set Radio-like scenario where someone has successfully lobbied to make a super serious reboot/sequel that they expect to draw a large enough new audience making them feel safe to leave the T&A behind. They also really risk pissing off a large Japanese playerbase too.
Yeah this is the player(?)base they courted an I do like my bunnysuit and swimsuits (during the summer!) and and theres lotsa good casual dresses and stuff which I like to cause like even in-universe theres gotta be regular clothes not all battlewear but bleh. Peoples really do take it to far. Way to many people at that to the point it all becomes samey ~_~


Oct 25, 2017
BTW while the Reward Box task is gone as usual for Maintenance Day, the ones that give Anniversary scratch tickets and 3ndrd Thankful scratch tickets are in today.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
idk if this is a bug or extremely bad luck but ever since last maintainence I haven't gotten a single alpha reactor from Dreisens invisible boxes. Everyday after finishing going around Halpha collecting its shinys I pull 'em outta storage to sell and its only been the 14 Aelio AR's per day. I don't think I've ever gotten 0 from Dreisen before, like at worst just 1 so this really feels off.

It could be a bug no one has noticed. Something I keep encountering but forget to post about is that the material items such as fruit, seafood, etc. that spawn only during certain times of day in Kvaris and Stia have been spawning during the wrong time of day and sometimes don't even spawn at all (like the Notable Kvaris Persimmon which I did see spawn in North Kvaris at all today). This has been happening since April.

Yeah this is the player(?)base they courted an I do like my bunnysuit and swimsuits (during the summer!) and and theres lotsa good casual dresses and stuff which I like to cause like even in-universe theres gotta be regular clothes not all battlewear but bleh. Peoples really do take it to far. Way to many people at that to the point it all becomes samey ~_~

I agree; they can keep the layering wear as the biggest offenders are the accessory items. Maybe a decent 'solution' of sorts would be to bring back certain accessories and upgrade them to PSO3-spec automatically for free while leaving out the bosoms, spheres, etc. They can try banking on good will from the free upgrades for inoffensive accessories and then quietly never bring back the problem accessories (like how they never brought back trading and boosters not ticking down when you're offline in NGS).


Nov 4, 2017
"We will be ending the provision of Argenti-series weapons, which are currently available via Limited-time Tasks, and replacing them with new weapons during the update on 6/4/2024 (Tue) (EDT)."
omg I knew it. This happens every time I cave and gear up. Just a couple weeks after spending a buncha nmesata to graduate from Argenti we're getting new freebie gear which I'm sure will have better potency & stats than the ones I dumped resources into. I may forgo an X'over rifle now regardless of the super cheap gear upgrade boosts returning ~_~

"Adjusted the volume of the background music for Crimson Realm."
On a positive note they musta heard my whining lol...unless they're making it even LOUDER x.x

It could be a bug no one has noticed. Something I keep encountering but forget to post about is that the material items such as fruit, seafood, etc. that spawn only during certain times of day in Kvaris and Stia have been spawning during the wrong time of day and sometimes don't even spawn at all (like the Notable Kvaris Persimmon which I did see spawn in North Kvaris at all today). This has been happening since April.
Oh ya I noticed that on the known issues page they got. No wonder I was having trouble grabbing those rare materials.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Here's tonight's web site posts:
Web Comic: CENTRAL! Episode 131 available now!
5/22 Update details
5/21 Events and campaigns
End of availability of Argenti-series weapons
5/22 Great deals in the AC Shop!

Premium User PSO2 Day!

From my 3rd Anniversary/Halpha's Super Origin Festival Event schedule post:

Week 5 (5/22/2024 - 5/28/2024) Premium PSO2 Day This Week:

NewSuper Item Enhancement Support CampaignUntil maintenance on 6/4/2024
NewCrimson Realm in KvarisUntil maintenance on 6/4/2024
NewUrgent Quest: Planetcrusher Assault Super N-Meseta Increase CampaignUntil maintenance on 6/4/2024
New & ExpiringLimited-time Quest: Drill: Cascading Punishment Suppression Op (Course Change)Until maintenance on 5/28/2024
NewUrgent Quest: Planetcrusher Assault DebutsNo end date

Handy Links:
May 2024 Updates Page
NGS 3rd Anniversary Campaign: Halpha's Super Origin Festival Part 2

Bumped's link and excerpt:

What We Getting Tonight?

Crimson Realm
ARKS Record – Field Race: Aelio Board (Stage 1)
Urgent Quest: Planetcrusher Assault
SG Scratch: Refined Form May '24
Mission Pass: NGS Season 32
AC Scratch: AC Support Item Select May '24

  • Drop items available in World Trial: Stellar Grace Recovery Operation have been improved.

These drops were improved. I went back and checked what they dropped for me in late January: It was stuff like 1 of each mineral, 1, 1 Domina, some Gigas III capsules (often II not III), an Arms Refiner, a Growthment (lol), and that's it.


This time they added Photon Chunk IIA and IIB, 1 of every LC capsule, Gigas IV capsules, 1 of each Domina, Icicle Cube, Icicle Orbs, 1 Dread Scale, and three TA Customization Discs (sometime Bs instead of As).


BTW, there was a brief window tonight where premium PSO2 Day's RDR boost was active alongside the 250% from the campaign that ended tonight. With a Triboost 20% and RDR 100% boost an easy to reach 500+% RDR was possible. Not that anything decent dropped for me mind you.

Ignore that my food buffs had just run out...


So this week we have the new UQ with guaranteed 100,000 N-Meseta each run (meh that's like 1 or 1 1/2 of a PSE Burst in Dext Base). The Crimson Realm returns but the boost campaign for it won't be until next week so Zzzzzzzz

Oh man, the Treasure Scratch sucked for me. 390 tickets and most of it was LC augment capsules. They really cluttered the loot pool this time. -_-

Oh ya I noticed that on the known issues page they got. No wonder I was having trouble grabbing those rare materials.

I barely ever take a look at that page which is why I missed it. I hope they fix it because its annoying.


Nov 4, 2017
Wow I got 2 alpha reactors from Dreisen today! The bug/extremely bad luck streaks gone! idk what they did to Crimson Realm sound volume but its still super loud to me and I still can't play Mag music over it so thats a bust. So is the "new" LQ. Its last weeks LQ except you start where that ended and go in a straight line to where it started. Only thing different is you go to a boss arena proper for the end. zzZz
Feb 21, 2022
I have hard time believing those rumors. NGS hasn't even hit the 3 year mark yet. Does Sega really have the resources to just hit the reset button so soon after launching NGS?

If we're talking about a PSO remaster or maybe even a low budget reboot like what's happening with Crazy Taxi, Golden Axe, etc then sure, I can believe that.

But an entirely new PSO entry, whether it be PSO3 or another game at least matching NGS in scale? That sounds extremely unbelievable lol. Given how long game development takes nowadays they would have had to have started development basically as soon as NGS launched, right? or maybe even while it was still in development lol.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Maybe when it launched and they saw it immediately crater everywhere outside of Japan. Or slightly after the first two surveys.

Edit: "Crater" is too generous. It launched stillborn content wise and the player population response reflected that.


Nov 4, 2017
NGS is just annoying sometimes. That they pretty much did away with difficulty levels for quests of all types just stinks. I wanted to simply get the weekly UQ tasks outta the way and had to solo Doldoris which wasn't the worst but still took more time than it would've in PSO2 since those pretty much all have super low level Normal difficulty ones. The games just plain punishing all around.


Oct 25, 2017
Headline got bumped back a few days for some reason, it's now going to be on Friday, 5/31, instead of Tuesday.


Oct 25, 2017
I have hard time believing those rumors. NGS hasn't even hit the 3 year mark yet. Does Sega really have the resources to just hit the reset button so soon after launching NGS?

If we're talking about a PSO remaster or maybe even a low budget reboot like what's happening with Crazy Taxi, Golden Axe, etc then sure, I can believe that.

But an entirely new PSO entry, whether it be PSO3 or another game at least matching NGS in scale? That sounds extremely unbelievable lol. Given how long game development takes nowadays they would have had to have started development basically as soon as NGS launched, right? or maybe even while it was still in development lol.
i mean, the game failed bad on every level pretty much right out the gate. they continued because they were effectively locked into it, but they knew the gameplay structure and style for this one wasn't gonna work aelio era, month 1.

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Feb 21, 2022
Maybe when it launched and they saw it immediately crater everywhere outside of Japan. Or slightly after the first two surveys.

Edit: "Crater" is too generous. It launched stillborn content wise and the player population response reflected that.
i mean, the game failed bad on every level pretty much right out the gate. they continued because they were effectively locked into it, but they knew the gameplay structure and style for this one wasn't gonna work aelio era, month 1.

[Hidden content]

Those are good points, yeah. It's definitely possible that they decided to go for a new project entirely instead of a full fledged Episode 2 like it was first planned.

I can see them reusing a lot of the open world assets to create instanced content, but for other assets like monsters... I don't think people would be very excited to be fighting DOLLs again.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm morbidly curious about what they end up doing with the NGS story if this other game in development rumour is true.
NGS still feels like it's only just left the prologue (doesn't help that after their big story reveal which I thought was actually cool and got me interested in the story again they had absolutely nothing happen in their next story chapters and have had several months without any more).
Do they rush towards a conclusion or just call it quits without an ending? Do we actually get an antagonist that can speak before the game goes EoS?


Oct 25, 2017
What Is Expiring At Maintenance Tomorrow, 5/28 -





Yup, one of those rare weeks where absolutely nothing is changing! Well, nothing leaving anyways. There will be pre-announced UQs and a boost for Crimson Whatevers coming for the week.


Nov 4, 2017
Another boring looking scratch is incoming and another Quiz LQ to... at least I won't have to play through it with my tv volume muted. otoh based on the previous quiz LQ's there's gonna be alot of downtime, loading, an no guaranteed S ranking.

On the website they say the site itselfs gonna be down for a few hours tomorrow night for maintainence. What does maintainence for a website entail? I've never taken my sites offline to maintain 'em so I'm clueless here o.o?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Here's tonight's web site posts:
Web Comic: CENTRAL! Episode 132 available now!
5/29 Update details
5/28 Events and campaigns
The 1st of every month is PSO2 Day!
New AC Scratch Ticket: Elegant Harmony

Now posted:
Super Pre-announced Urgent Quests

Still ongoing:
5/22 Great deals in the AC Shop!

From my 3rd Anniversary/Halpha's Super Origin Festival Event schedule post:

Week 6 **Final Week** (5/29/2024 - 6/4/2024) PSO2 Day This Week:

ExpiringUp to 150 free draws! Super 10-a-day! Free SG ScratchUntil maintenance on 6/4/2024
Expiring2-a-day! Super Special AC Scratch TicketUntil maintenance on 6/4/2024
ExpiringSuper Item Enhancement Support CampaignUntil maintenance on 6/4/2024
ExpiringCrimson Realm in KvarisUntil maintenance on 6/4/2024
ExpiringLimited-time Quest: Nazun's Big Quiz! Part 3Until maintenance on 6/4/2024
ExpiringSuper Pre-announced UQUntil maintenance on 6/4/2024
ExpiringCrimson Realm & Urgent Quest Super Boost (RDR & Preset Skill DR +250%)Until maintenance on 6/4/2024

Handy Links:
May 2024 Updates Page
NGS 3rd Anniversary Campaign: Halpha's Super Origin Festival Part 2

Bumped's link and excerpt:

What We Getting Tonight?

Limited Quest: Nazun's Big Quest
Arks Records – Trania: Face The Darkness (Rank 2): Solo & All Classes
AC Scratch: Elegant Harmony

This is the event's last week. Things to do:

  • Take advantage of the enhancement support campaign to limit break, unlock potentials, affix augments, make multi-weapons, enhance Preset Skills, and of course enhance gear to +80 (use the shortcut method, see keroppi's video further down below).
    • (And yes, as always there's likely new weapons and armor coming in July but if you get your 9-star units and 10 or 11 star weapons ready now you'll be set for a good long while.)
  • Scratch for or directly buy Anaddi augments from the player shop before prices begin to soar.
  • With the boosts this week grind Crimson Realm combat sectors and Dalion UQ the for Wingard drops.
  • Run the LTQ for vouchers and materials if you are in need of LC augments, and other material items that will help get closer to higher potency (for limit breaking, unlocking potentials, etc).

Speaking of Wingard, one dropped for me today from the Dalion UQ when I was just running 70% RDR. I imagine they'll be dropping for a lot of folks on PSO2 Day.

And if you've got the items for it make sure to enhance Preset Skills this week. I just got my Sechetyl Rod/Harmonizer multiweapon to Fixa Unwix Lv 5 this week. I prepared the whole thing from scratch myself with the Preset Skill items from the SG Support Scratch a couple weeks ago + this boost.

Reposting the weapon enhancement shortcut method:


Also, you can do it with units as well but you'll be spending more N-Meseta and will need way more Endymio capsuiles. Link here:

[PSO2:NGS] Super Item Enhancement Support Campaign!

Animations Created by Miguel Baptista: & Outro: Tsundere Labs, Inc - Tsundere Jazz BGM: Somebody by
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Oct 27, 2017
Having now tried it, I can't say I like the Dalion UQ.
The first phase is boring when you're just attacking a stationary target on the corner of the map while having to dodge attacks coming at you from off screen and I hate the second phase because it forces you to use the cannon but unlike Dark Falz Aegis you actually have to dodge attacks or you'll die and dodging with the cannon feels so slow and clunky, so for a large portion of the fight it essentially just makes your character's movement worse.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Here are answers to the LTQ's questions.

Video by the creator:


Doc link:

Nazun's Big Quiz! Part 3 Cheat Sheet

If there are any issues, please contact me on discord (@kean2) or to me in-game (ID: Kean) Question Difficulty Cue: ████ Trivial, if you’re playing this game, you should know ████ Simple, the player should know if they pay attention ████ Somewhat Difficult, only knowledgeable players would k...


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Headline link:


Link to Bumped's in-progress recap:

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #36

New Story, Field, Special Abilities, and more coming this June!

Some quick thoughts:
  • Good: The actual new stuff wasn't held back for July as I was expecting.
  • Seems solid: New area is just an exploration field as I expected but it does have new bosses (hopefully more than 2!) and new weapons that drop with new types of augments - EX augments - which is a good move IMO (like back in Base PSO2).
  • Promising: Augment transfer , +90 enhancement with another augment slot totaling 7 is alright but means more power creep and larger disparity between hardcore players and everyone else.
  • Interesting: New Major Suppression Quest dropping so soon and with no mention of a new weapon. What will the incentive to play it be and can we expect this cadence to continue? That is a faster content rollout than what we've head during Year 1 of Ver2.
  • A little surprising: *ANOTHER* Festival event so soon; I didn't think they'd make the 12th anniversary event another Festival. I wonder if this will be a 4-week event like last year or if they're stretch it in an attempt to :(a) continue to try enticing lapsed players to return and (b) leaving a smaller window of nothing going on between it and the Autumn event (started early September last year).
Not a bad Headline.


Nov 4, 2017
An Exploration quest where you're punished for exploring. Is this gonna be the anti-Leciel? I dun get the purpose of this. You're supposed to explore to get exploration points but the more ya get the more your DEF is nerfed which means the more likely it is you're gonna die and have your points slashed. I'm getting this right, right? And what's in the chests you're collecting points to open 'em up with? If its just the mats to make the new weapon then count me out lol. I ain't upgrading my weapon less than a month after getting and upgrading it to the max!

I take it Chapter 7 is gonna be a quick one like Ch5 since its sole purpose seems to be introducing New Field™. Starless? Threat to universe? Never heard of 'em!

Aug transfers are exactly as predicted. Grind for loads of nmesata and loads of passes / vouchers (ughhh again???) for 'em. New wedding dress scratch! Hope I get to buy one! PSO2 anni event means another 4-6 weeks of me avoiding Central City x.x and more free goodies which I'm cool with! Changes to the treasure shop that don't include a new slate of music discs is pretty bleh.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm easily pleased: I see that my main class is getting the fancy balance update next week = I think it's a good headline.

  • A little surprising: *ANOTHER* Festival event so soon; I didn't think they'd make the 12th anniversary event another Festival. I wonder if this will be a 4-week event like last year or if they're stretch it in an attempt to :(a) continue to try enticing lapsed players to return and (b) leaving a smaller window of nothing going on between it and the Autumn event (started early September last year).
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Oct 25, 2017
Welp, here goes the rumor train again.


Midori now calling the new PSO game in-dev a "series spin-off", which puts it into Phantasy Star Universe and PSO2es territory. A later tweet does confirm GaaS for the game, so probably not in the Idola vein.

Again, rumors, ymmv, caveat emptor, natch.


Oct 25, 2017
I put so many hours into PSO2. I loved the instanced dungeon diving gameplay. Put like 500 hours into it.

I reinstalled this last night, I didn't play much when NGS released. Is it even worth playing some now?


Mar 1, 2021
lv 90 cap

still only using most of our starter PAs sega pls we've speedrun the levels so fast they hardly mean anything gameplay wise i feel like i'm only level 30 or 40 i can't think of any "mmo" where a new player will come in and think of all the cool stuff they'll get by level 90 only to realize the have all of there skills right from the start and get nothing from level progression outside of getting SP for the tree which has at least gotten some stuff added

were long past the point of not adding new PAs too quickly

headline was decent i do like the new zone/ CG collab but more and more the rumors of this spin off sound true and the likelihood of NGS just going on lifesupport


Oct 25, 2017
Welp, here goes the rumor train again.


Midori now calling the new PSO game in-dev a "series spin-off", which puts it into Phantasy Star Universe and PSO2es territory. A later tweet does confirm GaaS for the game, so probably not in the Idola vein.

Again, rumors, ymmv, caveat emptor, natch.
universe wasn't a spinoff, this would be more like es or nova

i also don't think it'd exist in place of the successor game but who knows


Oct 25, 2017
It's...well...Midori is leaking so much stuff these days it's hard for me to take them seriously anymore. Today it's a bunch of Sega stuff, yesterday it was Nintendo, the day before Sony, it's mind-boggling that one person would have all this inside info.
Feb 21, 2022
Welp, here goes the rumor train again.


Midori now calling the new PSO game in-dev a "series spin-off", which puts it into Phantasy Star Universe and PSO2es territory. A later tweet does confirm GaaS for the game, so probably not in the Idola vein.

Again, rumors, ymmv, caveat emptor, natch.
Hmm. Did Midori ever say if this was a mobile title? Because if it's a spin-off and "GaaS" and NGS still exists... = my gacha senses are tingling

but yeah this midori person has leaked so much stuff recently. let's see if any of it pans out.