Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

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Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
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Oct 25, 2017
So hai ! We never went through even 1 thread on that other forum over 2 years.
Wonder how much of the Siege community will be here and how active it will be on Era.

Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
We back! Any members on Xbox looking for teammates, shoot me your gamertag and I'll invite you to the club.

Hopefully, maybe later we can assemble a document for everyone looking to exchange / looking for a squad that covers all platforms.
So hai ! We never went through even 1 thread on that other forum over 2 years.
We were gettin' close though!


Oct 25, 2017
We back! Any members on Xbox looking for teammates, shoot me your gamertag and I'll invite you to the club.

Hopefully, maybe later we can assemble a document for everyone looking to exchange / looking for a squad that covers all platforms.We were gettin' close though!
We were getting close lol.

Looking forward to playin with y'all next season.

Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Here's a link to the Mid-Season Reinforcements stream archive and the patch notes for those who missed them. (Quoting some significant bits.)

Kapkan now carries 5 entry denial devices: they are harder to see and deal 60 damage each.

The trip laser will fade to the extent of disappearing after deployment. This comes at a cost, as the traps will no longer be instant kills, dealing a 60 HP damage. Thanks to his improved traps, Kapkan will also gain in speed. He will now be a 2-speed Operator, instead of 1-speed. This will allow Kapkan to have a bit more versatility as a Defender.

We feel as though this change is an adaptation of Kapkan to the skill level of players who have adapted to spotting the trip laser, instead of rushing through doorways. We hope to see new strategies develop for him, alongside our other trapper defenders.



Blitz can now sprint with his shield extended.

One of Blitz' biggest drawbacks is that he is extremely vulnerable without his shield protecting him. This is especially the case when sprinting. We found it difficult to close the gap between some Defenders and Blitz, who needs proximity to use his shield flash. To remedy this downside, he will now be able to sprint with his shield still protecting him. We're putting the blitz into Blitz.



Ela's SMG is getting a recoil balance, & she is losing a Grizmot mine.

After analyzing in-game stats, we found that Ela's win rate and pick rate were too high when compared to other Operators.

With 4 Grzmot Mines Ela was able to secure two bomb sites, and still save a mine for her roaming. We want our players to make careful decisions as to where to use her gadget, so she will only have 3 Grzmot Mines from now on.

We also feel that her Scorpion EVO 3 A1 SMG is too powerful overall. To address this, we have raised the speed at which you reach maximum recoil, while also increasing the impact of the maximum recoil. The result of this change will result in a SMG that will be more challenging to control.

As noted in the Dev Blog that focused on high ping, we will be taking the following steps to improve the online experience for our players.

Latency Alignment
Latency alignment is a change that allows the server to mirror the reaction time of a shooter with an unstable connection more accurately.

Pawn-to-Pawn Physics
We are reducing the upper limit on the latency required to initiate extra hit validation steps.

Hit Validation Improvements
We are also optimizing the replication of actions. The result is a more responsive experience for all players and a reduction of latency.

Processing Delay + Ping
Currently, the ping value displayed in the menus includes the processing delay. This is misleading, since running at a faster frame rate results in lower ping values being shown. We are removing this processing delay from the ping value.

Connectivity Icons
We are implementing a series of adjustments that will help you monitor the status of your client, of the server, and of your network connection.

With this change, the game will display up to four icons in the upper right corner of your screen. These four icons denote the quality of your gameplay experience concerning your ping, connection stability, update rate and host stability, respectively from left to right.


You can find a more detailed explanation for the aforementioned changes in this Dev Blog. It will also provide you with some insight into how Peeker's Advantage works, and what we are doing to combat it.

Lone Wolf Terrorist Hunt Renown

We have discussed the removal of Renown from Lone Wolf Terrorist Hunt in the past as part of an effort to deter players from hacking their Renown gained from Situations and Lone Wolf Terrorist Hunt. Fortunately, we were able to find a way around this while still allowing Renown gain in these game modes!

Renown in Situations and Lone Wolf Terrorist Hunt will be earned based on the amount of time you spend playing, as opposed to your total score at the end of the game. An unfortunate side effect of this change is that the Renown gain will not scale based on difficulty level, or wins/losses.
Patch is tomorrow. Maintenance schedule:
PS4 — 9:00 - 9:30 AM EDT
XB1 — 10:00 - 10:30 AM EDT
PC — 11:00 - 11:30 AM EDT
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Oct 25, 2017
Wow at sprinting Blitz - should make for some scary rushes. I'm not so sure about making Kapkan's laser invisible though...

OG Kush

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah boiiiis we back! Can I suggest we add a note not to buy the starter edition please?
Lol at the Kapkan change.
You mean this in a bad way? All I feel is Ela and Lesion's traps are unbalanced. Lesion's you can hardly see and Ela's, well theres many spots where you can't even shoot the damn thing before you set it off.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah boiiiis we back! Can I suggest we add a note not to buy the starter edition please?

You mean this in a bad way? All I feel is Ela and Lesion's traps are unbalanced. Lesion's you can hardly see and Ela's, well theres many spots where you can't even shoot the damn thing before you set it off.

As spammy as Ela and Lesions traps are, we're talking about 5 near invisible traps that do 60dmg to you - not confident about this change.


Oct 25, 2017
It's good to see this back.

Is Lesion not worthy of being nerfed for mid-season? I guess he wasn't getting used as much due to not having the same teen waifu appeal haha.

OG Kush

Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit they still haven't fixed the low fps/lag glitch? Just had my first match experiencing it a long with the monty glitch.. You would think they would release a hot fix for such a game breaking bug.


Oct 25, 2017
Been holding off playing with the castle nonsense going around, glad it's finally being fixed with the patch.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
I'm interested to see how the whole Kapkan change plays out. I'm thinking I may need to switch back to Thermite for a little bit just to avoid as many door/windows as possible.

Ela nerf lines up right where I thought it would go. Looking forward to trying the adjustments in the patch and picking up Blitz more.

OG Kush

Oct 25, 2017
Had a couple matches on new update. The new Kapkan laser is not just reduced in visbility, its completely invisible on my screen.


Oct 25, 2017
How's the game now on PS4? Haven't played since shortly after the Hong Kong operators because of all of the issues.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been able to counter Kapkan pretty easily - but haven't had to deal with his shit in ranked yet.

Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If there's one thing the Kapkan buff does for sure: it's making IQ even better—even more reasonable and practical a pick.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I like how the OP highlights the best feature of the game.

Also best game ever!


Oct 25, 2017
Lol at the Kapkan change.

Yeah boiiiis we back! Can I suggest we add a note not to buy the starter edition please?

You mean this in a bad way? All I feel is Ela and Lesion's traps are unbalanced. Lesion's you can hardly see and Ela's, well theres many spots where you can't even shoot the damn thing before you set it off.

The Kapkan change should be... interesting.

Yoooo...looks like the band's here !
Now where are Cauli and Auctopus?

Deleted member 2585

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
These last few weeks I've been playing a lot after not touching this game for half a year (I never played enough to really get good at the game). Got placed in low silver, dropped to copper, now almost out of silver. I think I *get* this game a lot more. Prefiring, pushing when they don't expect, peeking outdoors. It's like a totally different game when I first started playing.

That feeling when you get a 14-kill game and still lose


Oct 26, 2017
Feels good to have a new home. Looking forward to trying out this patch, is kapkan worth something now?

OG Kush

Oct 25, 2017
Feels good to have a new home. Looking forward to trying out this patch, is kapkan worth something now?
I would say hes in a nice place now. Can't say for sure as takes time to see the long term effects
His traps have got me a lot but only because I'm not use to looking for the grey trap box and more the red line it use to be. Not hard to counter at all... Unlike a certain new 2. I even experienced a triple trap with a kapkan laser, ela mine and a lesion trap. I got absolutely wrecked.


Prominent Member
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Recently just started playing this game after following the subreddit and having it sit in my library for a long time now.

Tried getting into it by playing the tutorial off and on. I won't lie, it was kind of intimidating trying to get used to the controls and the rules of mechanics. I'm off this week and today, just sat down and started playing and man, what addiction did I just started.

My question is what good tips I can use playing Tachanka (lord & savior) and Hibana. These 2 characters I like playing with.
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Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My question is what good tips I can use playing Tachanka (lord & savior) and Hibana. These 2 characters I like playing with.
The best advice advice I have to give about playing the Lord is blasphemy—don't play him... save for a couple (maybe a few) sites where he's surprisingly effective, such as Laundry Room on Oregon or Armory on Border. Partner him with a Mira and/or Mute to conceal your position.

Best tip I have for Hibana is to look for longer angles to deploy your X-KAIROS pellets from and on, like from a window outside onto a hatch, or from a hatch above onto a wall below. Her key advantage over Thermite is that her breaches are deployable at range, so maximize that range to increase your safety, therefore your value.


Oct 25, 2017
Recently just started playing this game after following the subreddit and having it sit in my library for a long time now.

Tried getting into it by playing the tutorial off and on. I won't lie, it was kind of intimidating trying to get used to the controls and the rules of mechanics. I'm off this week and today, just sat down and started playing and man, what addiction did I just started.

My question is what good tips I can use playing Tachanka (lord & savior) and Hibana. These 2 characters I like playing with.

Tachanka is unfortunately a meme tier operator. There really is no solid way to use him because there are so many counters in the game. Even with perfect map knowledge, it's hard to make him work.

Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What would you guys recommend for a noob to git gud at?
Like, an alternative defender or in general? If it's the former, anyone besides Chanka, really. Maybe try Rook, Doc, Echo, or Smoke if you like anchoring (defending the objective on the objective). You could even try Mira if you feel like gettin' cerebral, but be warned: she has a very high learning curve and using her gadget the wrong way (or even the right way) can be detrimental to your team should the attackers find a way to utilize it. That she shares with Castle.


Prominent Member
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Like, an alternative defender or in general? If it's the former, anyone besides Chanka, really. Maybe try Rook, Doc, or Smoke if you like anchoring. You could even try Mira if you feel like gettin' cerebral, but be warned: she has a very high learning curve and using her gadget the wrong way (or even the right way) can be detrimental to your team should the attackers find a way to utilize it. That she shares with Castle.
I meant more of an defender. But, yea I'm still experimenting here.

I'm still wrapping my head around the maps and to learn the in and outs, I can already tell it's going to be a while. How do you guys find a a way to have time to look at cameras and such during the matches. I feel like I never had the time I feel to use a drone or camera in rounds.