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Oct 25, 2017
So is it impossible to do the weekly collector's challenge without a metal detector? So all the cool shit is gated behind ranks, awesome.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
I really think they should make fast travel a lot cheaper or free. Was playing with friends who were new to the game and it's a turnoff having to ride literally across the whole map to launch a mission.

I thought the same before the update. But they flooded people's pockets with the payouts, especially collectors so I doubt it will ever change now. Honestly, 5 or 7 dollars of fictional money is worth it for minutes of your time. Money is meant to be spent, and at a certain point you just wont have anything to buy. I did that with gold originally. It felt nice to have a big stash, then I realized wtf am I doing. I'm not getting interest irl on this.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Oh shit this is way easier than buying the maps, thanks!

Avoid the arrowheads until you get the detector. But yeah, they all cycle locations in a 3 day patterns at 8am est I think? It's super broken because it's all static making completing entire collections super easy and you will get rich incredibly quickly. Be careful though, don't let it feel like a job and take it slow and don't burn out.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Avoid the arrowheads until you get the detector. But yeah, they all cycle locations in a 3 day patterns at 8am est I think? It's super broken because it's all static making completing entire collections super easy and you will get rich incredibly quickly. Be careful though, don't let it feel like a job and take it slow and don't burn out.

I did 2 full sets [got me around 12k lol] and I'm still not bored, the world is just too beautiful.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
Avoid the arrowheads until you get the detector. But yeah, they all cycle locations in a 3 day patterns at 8am est I think? It's super broken because it's all static making completing entire collections super easy and you will get rich incredibly quickly. Be careful though, don't let it feel like a job and take it slow and don't burn out.
The 'days' changeover at midnight UTC.
Also while that map shows all of the static spawns, there are also an enormous amount of random spawns, so it pays to ride around with your metal detector out, and to check Eagle Eye regularly.


Oct 27, 2017
Do we have any info on the future updates?
I've seen posts talking about riverboat casino, bank / train heists etc, but nothing official.

Rockstar should make a roadmap.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
A cool turn of events:

I ended up with a pretty high bounty for reasons I am not willing to explain as to why, so while I was waiting at camp for Cripps to finish up making shit for a delivery, bounty hunters attacked the camp, so him and I fought them off together. Pretty damn cool, because he as actually a really good shot. But after I made the delivery, apparently another player was able to hunt me down as a bounty hunter, they shot my horse, lassoed me while I was getting up and shoved me in a wagon. Couldn't even get out and I ended up in jail for a while. I suppose I deserved that, but at the same time, that was probably the coolest 30 minutes I've ever experienced in this game. I gotta build up a bounty more often.

We could use some more outlaw activities that allow players to make money while still retaining a bounty. Stranger missions are blocked off with a high bounty, so we could use a role that rewards folk for actually being an outlaw and building up their bounty. Should also increase just how high your bounty can get (it's maxed at only a measly $10) so players have an incentive to go after other players who have been naughty. Max it out to a $50-100 bounty and make players have to pay their full bounty if they wish to pay it off, it's too easy of a way to get out of causing trouble.

We really need an outlaw role to flesh this aspect of the game out because it's amazing and brings it closer to true role playing.
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Oct 25, 2017
Guy waltzed into my camp last night(I've actually been spending more time there since doing the upgrades), we're having a friendly emote-off when another player casually rides up, gets off his horse, and shotguns the him at point blank range before riding off, just as casually. It was extremely random and brutal.

Also caught a moonlight double rainbow over the San Luis, which was quite cool.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)


Oct 27, 2017
This is probably how the GTA people feel when they find out what the Red Dead Online community is like.


Oct 27, 2017

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I thought the same before the update. But they flooded people's pockets with the payouts, especially collectors so I doubt it will ever change now. Honestly, 5 or 7 dollars of fictional money is worth it for minutes of your time. Money is meant to be spent, and at a certain point you just wont have anything to buy. I did that with gold originally. It felt nice to have a big stash, then I realized wtf am I doing. I'm not getting interest irl on this.

Yeah that's true. I horde money in these games and I'm always so cautious of buying "the wrong thing." In gta online I had like $3m but didn't spend it because I was worried I'd buy "the wrong car" or something

In rdr I'm basically doing the same, altho i bought the rare shotgun and high roller revolver which are both junk apparently haha.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Do we have any info on the future updates?
I've seen posts talking about riverboat casino, bank / train heists etc, but nothing official.

Rockstar should make a roadmap.

A roadmap requires them to put a rough date on content which they will never do. I highly doubt they intended the summer update to be so late.

They need to make a homestead content before they add more roles and repurposes free roam missions again. Some huge money sink they can give players to invest into, and slowly add more furnishings to instead of pimp hats every week.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
This is probably how the GTA people feel when they find out what the Red Dead Online community is like.

Had a moment riding to valentine where I accidentally collided with another guy on his horse. We were both killed. My posse mates and his mates stood around, we both ran back to where it happened and shared 'wave' and 'nod' emotes then all got on our horses and rode off.

Would never happen in gta online in a million years.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Do we have any info on the future updates?
I've seen posts talking about riverboat casino, bank / train heists etc, but nothing official.

Rockstar should make a roadmap.

Trouble with doing a roadmap is that people are more prone to hoard their money. If you know a big update is out in... March you might not buy all of the crap released between now and March.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Trouble with doing a roadmap is that people are more prone to hoard their money. If you know a big update is out in... March you might not buy all of the crap released between now and March.

Hoarding is all their player base can do, because their drop feed of hats isn't compelling anyone to buy anything with gold. I honestly throught 15 gold bars for each profession was almost too generous after the daily streak was introduced in may. Which just adds to the fact I think it was delayed internally to make sure the casino in GTA released on time.

They can't roadmap because the rockstar development schedule runs on valve time. It took them 3 years to do heists in GTAO


Oct 27, 2017
A roadmap requires them to put a rough date on content which they will never do. I highly doubt they intended the summer update to be so late.

They need to make a homestead content before they add more roles and repurposes free roam missions again. Some huge money sink they can give players to invest into, and slowly add more furnishings to instead of pimp hats every week.

Read the article posted by endlessflood... They say that homestead will take time because they don't want the players to leave their camps yet...
It seems they want to go slow with RDO...


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
They can't roadmap because the rockstar development schedule runs on valve time. It took them 3 years to do heists in GTAO
They release GTAO and RDO updates at fairly regular schedules now, it's just within a 3 week window or so. Obviously that's going to be affected by development hurdles though: as you say, I don't think they intended for the Frontier Pursuits DLC to release quite as late as it did, and given the bugs that came with it it still probably could've used another couple of weeks of dev.

GTAO at launch was never intended to become what it is now. Once they scrapped SP DLC development and prioritised the online it came on in leaps and bounds very quickly though (and that started with the Heists update).

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Two trade wagons stolen for a total of over 100 materials. I don't even gotta go hunting, and I can just sit on my ass and wait for another $625 to come my way. And I had completed a large distant delivery just before doing it so I'm about to earn over $1200 just like that. Could have gotten a third one, but it was a posse too heavily guarded and I had to back away. Oh well. Digging this alternative way of gathering materials as opposed to hunting, saves me time. Outlaws and shit.



The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Read the article posted by endlessflood... They say that homestead will take time because they don't want the players to leave their camps yet...
It seems they want to go slow with RDO...

I hope they continue to go slow with RDO and figure things out as they go along. I think GTA Online got ruined by poor planning, horrible in-game economy, bad game design, and I think RD Online is really well balanced at the moment.

But, I'm a slow, glacial player... Like I'm barely a few ranks into each role.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been trying to get into Red Dead Online and it's been pretty solid so far. Definitely a slow burn with the temptation of micro transactions all around. At least it seems totally possible to not pay money if you're willing to invest the time.

My biggest complaint is definitely the lasso though, hah. I expect to get stomped on and griefed as a new player, but every time I'm hanging around town someone ties me up with ease. I admit, it really tilts me. The lasso is a necessary game mechanic, but it could use a nerf in PvP encounters.


Oct 27, 2017
What roles would you guys like Rockstar to add?
I'd like a thief role, like the missions in the single player. One person serving as a distraction while the other sneaks through the house looting as much as they can.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been trying to get into Red Dead Online and it's been pretty solid so far. Definitely a slow burn with the temptation of micro transactions all around. At least it seems totally possible to not pay money if you're willing to invest the time.

My biggest complaint is definitely the lasso though, hah. I expect to get stomped on and griefed as a new player, but every time I'm hanging around town someone ties me up with ease. I admit, it really tilts me. The lasso is a necessary game mechanic, but it could use a nerf in PvP encounters.

Play in defensive mode hit left on the d pad and it should be down the list of player options. The cash shop isn't really that bad here unless you use it to unlock items early in which case it's a huge scam most items can be bought with cash and that can't cost 3-8 gold but if you do early unlocks you're looking at 6-30 gold per item it's a huge scam.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
I'd say just Wrangler in general, that way I can encompass horses and cattle at the same time. A good opportunity to implement breaking horses and herding cattle into online. A role that would more so be appropriate whenever the homestead shit comes along.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
I believe we will get some sort of Pinkerton/body guard role. Protect caravans, or industry places like the oilfield or lumberyards, ranches etc, as well as travelers on the road. It feels like an easy way to repurpose the structure of alot of free roam missions and fits in nicely.

A criminal oriented role makes sense, but I wonder how they will justify the payouts unless the only targets it gives are lowly road travelers. If your robbing a store or bank everyday, walking away with $16.70 won't feel great. Either way, something like this is needed to make player bounties and the cost of crime actually relevant since going to jail and paying them off is a joke. I've been playing hardcore for the last 6 months and on and off before that since launch and only just learned you can go to jail in the online mode!

The benefit of this would be that it can directly counter the previous hired guard job as you choose to go harder and pvp or easy and not, like the trader does. But hopefully with a meaningful difference this time.

A fishing job makes sense but I really hope they do the legwork to flesh that out because throwing ranks onto something we've been doing for a year is weak. Combining it with trapper is a cool idea, but considering they have trained us to one shot all wild life with the right weapon, trapping seems backward unless the slow approach is somehow always reward with 3 star, or maybe even a new 4 star?


Oct 27, 2017
It's recycled ugly item day! Enjoy your fuzzy boots coats that look nice but are too hot to be worn on half the map shirts you can't tell a difference between the old one and the new one but the new one cost 6 gold and the old one is 24 dollars and don't forget to submit those camps wont spawn tickets to Rockstar! Who else is excited for variation number 4 of the poncho no one likes? But really I just want to be able to sit my camp.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
It's recycled ugly item day! Enjoy your fuzzy boots coats that look nice but are too hot to be worn on half the map shirts you can't tell a difference between the old one and the new one but the new one cost 6 gold and the old one is 24 dollars and don't forget to submit those camps wont spawn tickets to Rockstar! Who else is excited for variation number 4 of the poncho no one likes? But really I just want to be able to sit my camp.
It's new legendary bounty day


Oct 27, 2017
Had the funniest moment today while playing with my girlfriend. Some griefer randomly killed me. Then did it again a little further away. This started a little war between him and his posse partner and us. I think they must've had some high level cards equipped because they were taking so many shots to go down. But my girlfriend pulled out the explosive arrows and started blowing them up until finally they parlayed with us and ran off. Feeling victorious, I put one of their bodies on my horse and dragged the other into town, where we see the one that started it all. I drop his own body in front of him, shoot it, throw dynamite at it, then lasso it and ride off on my horse dragging his body behind me. He followed us, making the slitting the throat emote and we were just cracking up the whole time. Logged off shortly after. Good times.
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Oct 27, 2017
Newswire update:

Legendary Bounty:
Law offices across the West have requested the immediate apprehension of Philip Carlier, wanted for embezzlement and the murder of a fellow employee of the Lemoyne Trading Company. Since the killing two years ago, Carlier has lived alone, on the fringes, in the swamps of Lagras. It is said that this isolation, combined with a taste for dissociative chemicals, has twisted the middle-aged murderer's mind. This Legendary Bounty is considered extremely volatile and should only be approached by the most resolute of bounty hunters.

Pick up Philip Carlier's wanted poster at any sheriff's office to begin the pursuit and revisit the Bounty Board again after a brief period to replay the mission at an increased difficulty.

New content:
With All Hallows' Eve fast approaching, Madam Nazar has obtained a smattering of masks that are sure to delight and terrify in equal measure. For a limited time only, she is offering masks for those indulging in the season - ranging from the horrifying Freak Mask to the macabre Swine Mask.

Additionally, players who are in any of the three Specialist Roles will get a free mask. Licensed Bounty Hunters will receive an exclusive variant of the Creature Mask; Traders will receive an exclusive Swine Mask; while Collectors receive an exclusive Masquerade Mask -- all free of charge. Please allow 24 hours from logging into Red Dead Online for the masks to appear in your Wardrobe.

Meanwhile, Outlaw Pass holders who have hit Club Rank 10 will get an exclusive variation of the Freak Mask while Club Rank 20 Outlaw Pass holders get this plus an exclusive variation of The Horror Mask. And Red Dead Online players who jump into GTA Online any time before December 12 can still unlock a unique colorway of the Slaughter Mask, sure to strike fear into even the sturdiest of hearts.

And for the competitive; when the going gets tough, the tough get resourceful. This week's featured Free Aim Series is Make It Count, a true test of skill: using nothing but a Bow and Arrow or Throwing Knives to fight off opponents in a gradually shrinking arena until just one player is left standing. Good luck and godspeed.
Here are the images of the masks (does not include all available masks):


Weekly Bonuses:
Collectors looking to cash in on Madam Nazar's Weekly Collectible List can deliver the Cheaters Suit. Track down the Queen of Wands, King of Cups and Ace of Pentacles, then sell (or mail via the Post Office) as a full set before October 29th for your reward. And be sure to check the Newswire each week to see which items are in the Weekly Collectible List.

All who take to the frontier in Red Dead Online this week will receive an additional 2,000 Club XP as well as a 30% XP Boost towards your progress in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Club and The Outlaw Pass on a swath of activities, including:

  • All A Land of Opportunities Missions
  • All Free Roam Missions
  • Shootout Series
  • Takeover Series
  • Elimination Series
  • Race Series
Bounty Hunter:

  • All Bounty Missions, including Legendary Bounties and Player Bounties
  • Manhunt and Day of Reckoning Free Roam Events
  • Bounty Hunter Daily Challenges

  • Trader Sell Missions
  • Trade Route Free Roam Event
  • Trader Daily Challenges

  • Collector: Collecting Arrowheads
  • Collector: Collecting Tarot Cards
  • Collector: Collecting Lost Jewelry
  • Collector: Weekly Collectible List - Cheaters Suit
  • Collector: All Full Collectors Set Sales
  • Condor Egg & Salvage Free Roam Events
  • Collector Daily Challenges
And PlayStation Plus members who log in and play anytime between now and November 4 will receive an exclusive colorway of the Killiman Vest, while those who connect their Social Club account with Twitch Prime receive the Bounty Hunter license for free (to ensure access to future benefits, make sure to visit Twitch Prime and sign up).


Jul 11, 2019
The Netherlands


Oct 27, 2017
Hell yeah I might log in again tonight! Wanna check out these sweet maskkss. Need a matching Scarecrow Hat which you can buy ingame so yeah tiny cosplay lol. Hopefully there is more than just cosmetics in store for the Halloween event. :D

Unfortunately, you cannot wear hats with masks. I hope they change that some day.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't want to give anything away, but... people should play the legendary bounty this week. It's different from other bounties.


Nov 4, 2017
A couple of questions as I get into RDO...

1) Is it still possible to get the Collector's Bag for free by collecting the 54 cards in GTAO? I got all 54, unlocked the outfit in GTAO, but the bag still costs 15 gold bars.
2) Are there no binoculars?
3) Related to #2, is there really no plant / horse / wildlife checklist like in story mode? I really miss that, I never finished it in story mode but don't really want to go back to that mode when I could be playing online.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
A couple of questions as I get into RDO...

1) Is it still possible to get the Collector's Bag for free by collecting the 54 cards in GTAO? I got all 54, unlocked the outfit in GTAO, but the bag still costs 15 gold bars.
2) Are there no binoculars?
3) Related to #2, is there really no plant / horse / wildlife checklist like in story mode? I really miss that, I never finished it in story mode but don't really want to go back to that mode when I could be playing online.

1) Supposedly you should still get it for free, but it might take 72 hours or something. THat happened with me with the bounty hunter role, I had Twitch prime and everything enabled days in advance, but it took 72+ hours for it to unlock properly for me. Many people who have bought it have said they got a refund.

2) There are binoculars, I think they're rank unlocked but they're very useful for doign collector stuff. I'm too low-ranked

3) IF you go to "Progress" there are things like this, but it's not quite the same as RDR2 story mode collector or RDR's plant collector stuff. It's mostly a volume game. If you mix it with the Collector role, though, it's pretty similar. Collector role has you going around the map collecting things and it's pretty similar to the collect-a-thons in the single player... At first I thought you could only collect things that you had a map for so I thought "Wtf this will take impossibly long," But then I soon realized that there's unique/special collectibles everywhere, especially in a lot of abandoned buildings, tall structures, tree stumps, etc, so now I'm on the look out for those. As you level up collector role you become more perceptive to it so they're easier to spot, too.

Although I haven't done it, I like how collector role can be advantaged by playing with friends too... If you've got a 2, 3, or more people playing collector, you can all leverage each other's maps by pointing out locations for each other. Makes a fun group collection event and makes it so that you can pretty much have as many active maps as you have active people playing with you as long as you're communicating and pointing out things on the map to your posse.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd like a Miner role where they'd add mineral and ore deposits to mine around the map and a smelting tool in your camp. Also maybe the ability to pan for gold in rivers. Could have some cool outfits implementing more metal.
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