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Oct 27, 2017
Muncie, IN
I had my Special Edition Thouroughbred die and was able to just get a free new one from the stable. It's not exactly the same horse, as in, you got to start your bond anew, but you can get it as often as you want it seems. Just keep in mind that it doesn't show in the list of purchasable horses as long as yours is still alive.

What the hell!? I wonder if there is a bug then because mine has never come back.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
So what do you do with animal carcasses? I killed a legendary wolf, skinned it and then picked up the carcass and brought it back to camp. The butcher guy said he wouldn't accept it. So I put it back on my horse and rode to valentine to see if anyone would there. It decomposed and fell off my horse on the way lol
Take it to the trapper, sell him it then you can use the skin to craft outfits etc


Oct 28, 2017
Very, very unlikely unfortunately. Ever since GTA 4 their games felt like shit to actually play.
RDR2 really puts it on another level though, you are not really controlling Arthur but rather suggesting him to take a certain direction. And then wait for him to do some his own pace.

lol...It does feel like that.

Lots of things could have been better designed but not done just because developers were high on making epic movie first than a game with better user experience.

Few examples:

- Not allowing running as default action. I can live with developers wanting to play games as they envision but don't force it. You have already implemented running/sprint in the game, just let people do what they want. Make this kind of thing optional/configurable.
- Cinematic camera for traveling: Why implement this feature and force people to keep mashing or holding button? You added "cinematic" camera, automatic path finding, and just for shit and giggles, didn't implement one last thing. Assassin's Creed does this best.
- Reading journal: since most people can't read as it, you would end up press button to read in clear text. Now instead of allowing you to flip page in the same view, you are forced to click button to back out, click one more time to flip the page, click one more time to read it and so on..

Oh well...on to chapter 2


The Gif That Keeps on Giffing
Feb 24, 2018


Oct 29, 2017
Sometimes I don't get the game... picking up a gun is on L1, doing specific actions requires you to press R1, picking up objects is on square, pulling someone up is on x, and inspecting a thing is on triangle. Okay, these are controls. But then I was just doing a mission where I killed members of this other gang in their hideout. Shortly afterwards the law was on me because I still stuck around (thanks to controls, I mean, everything takes just a really long time). I killed them all, survived barely. My horse didn't make it. I just saw alfuckingready six other law-men, with fucking dogs, approaching on the mini map (why were the first bunch after me in the first place? I killed bastards as bad as worse as myself), but I didn't want to leave my horse like that. Damn, If had knewn how long does is take to kill the horse with square "kill", I would have shot him straight in the head. Of course the dogs catched me – dead eye, dead empty. No Max Payne 3 precision controls, no chance in hitting them. Without dead eye, I feel almost useless when not in cover. Dog bit my arm, I got loose and kept running, but I only survived some five more meters until the final and lethal bullet me, making me fall and die with one of the most amazing animation.

This is by the way second time I died outside of a mission's "parameter" because something didn't work how I supposed it would. The other time, I wanted to jump from the train on my horse. In the moment I pressed the interaction button, my horse hesitatet, the context-sensitive button vanished, I jumped from the train, landed badly, and felt right into the train on the tracks. Dead.

Boy, the mission-shootouts are easy as fuck; just stay in cover and with the snap-to-aim feature it's easy to shoot them all. But as soon you don't have any cover and no dead eye, controls are giving a really hard time to surive.

Apart from that I really enjoy everything else the game offers.


Oct 29, 2017
I've stuffed multiple pelts on the back of my horse and had no problem. I get the weird message saying I don't have room, but I obviously do lol. When near or on your horse, open the satchel by holding right on dpad. There should be a section that says horse or whatever. You can fill up to as many spaces as there is. I believe the same animal pelt will stack with space, it just has to be of same quality. For example, two good deer pelts would stack, but a good and poor deer pelt wouldn't and would need a space each. I might be wrong on that, but I believe that's right. Always save your stow on the back for super big game like alligators or elks. You have to skin them and their pelts are treated like a deer, where you can only care one at a time. You also get two small game stows, one on each side of the horse.

The game doesn't explain any of it lol

Edit: also, skinning small game or birds will have Arthur put it in his personal satchel, not the horses. When donating or selling, you can tab over to just your satchel, or the horses. You don't have to take off the game from the horse.
Appreciate the long answer. I'll try skinning more.
did you do those beginning missions for leopold strauss? after i did one, the icons turned yellow & white
Not yet, I'm plannning on that one next. I'll see if it changes.
Upgrade the camp vendors via the ledger at Dutch's tent.
Have unlocked the ledger yet but I'll keep it in mind. Thanks.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Has anyone beat the game? Is the main game really 50-60 hours? Im guessing Ill love the story, but often get bored of open world sidequests. Assuming this isnt Witcher level quality of sidequests.

The side quest here are overall better than the Witcher 3's, nothing has surpassed The Bloody Baron yet, but they are consistently entertaining and unpredictable in a way I've never seen in an open world.


Oct 25, 2017
Am I weird for never having him wear a hat? I took it off immediately after the game shows you how to put it on.

I have him wearing a slick outfit and have kept him groomed so he looks like a damn handsome man.

Tophat Jones

Alt Account
Oct 26, 2017
It's crazy how much I look forward to the gunplay after thinking it was pretty weak a few hours in.

They drip feed you the big shootouts but when they come I LOVE them. Not sure what it is, the noises, the feeling, or the fact that I feel like the AI responds to the way I play. Whether it's sitting in the back with a rifle, or running up to dudes with a shotgun. Also, tacking a dude + execute is good shit.

What a game.
Oct 25, 2017
Most bizarre thing happened. Riding along to a waypoint. A bunch of dudes come out to kill me.

I kill them, then the screen fades to black, the sky loading animation pops up, and arthur is back at camp next to the fire.

Nothing was said. No indication wtf just happened.

I'm guessing that was a bug, lol.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone beat the game? Is the main game really 50-60 hours? Im guessing Ill love the story, but often get bored of open world sidequests. Assuming this isnt Witcher level quality of sidequests.

Side quests are the best. I'm 40 hours in and still in chapter 3 lol!

I don't know if they're even called side quests. I found an escaped prisoner and helped him by shooting his shackles. Told me about a house I with a hidden stash I could rob (nothing marked on the map. Just gave me directions). Went there found a man with his son. Killed the man and threatened his son to tell me where the money was. Got the money and ran away. Few hours later, the son found me in a town and wanted to kill me.

Ivory Samoan

Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
I wish this had a similar thing to AC:O where you could set the horse to auto travel to your waypoint
It does, go to cinematic mode (hold the big camera button) whilst you're on a road, viola, auto ride (no hands required) all the way to your checkpoint/waypoint set.

Now, it's worth keeping an eye on though, as strangers and situations pop up normally so you dont wanna totally miss out on stuff whilst making a cup of tea between checkpoints...when I found this out, pure gamechanger.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
So this random white trash couple invited me in for a meal. I don't know about this one guys. I'm currently sitting down watching them talk.. something ain't right with these folks.


Oct 29, 2017
Damn i was in the woods doing a mission killing a rival gang and looting their bodies and i get wanted?? Lol no one was around,saw the law men looking for me.
Happened to me as well, just a few minutes ago:

Sometimes I don't get the game... picking up a gun is on L1, doing specific actions requires you to press R1, picking up objects is on square, pulling someone up is on x, and inspecting a thing is on triangle. Okay, these are controls. But then I was just doing a mission where I killed members of this other gang in their hideout. Shortly afterwards the law was on me because I still stuck around (thanks to controls, I mean, everything takes just a really long time). I killed them all, survived barely. My horse didn't make it. I just saw alfuckingready six other law-men, with fucking dogs, approaching on the mini map (why were the first bunch after me in the first place? I killed bastards as bad as worse as myself), but I didn't want to leave my horse like that. Damn, If had knewn how long does is take to kill the horse with square "kill", I would have shot him straight in the head. Of course the dogs catched me – dead eye, dead empty. No Max Payne 3 precision controls, no chance in hitting them. Without dead eye, I feel almost useless when not in cover. Dog bit my arm, I got loose and kept running, but I only survived some five more meters until the final and lethal bullet me, making me fall and die with one of the most amazing animation.

This is by the way second time I died outside of a mission's "parameter" because something didn't work how I supposed it would. The other time, I wanted to jump from the train on my horse. In the moment I pressed the interaction button, my horse hesitatet, the context-sensitive button vanished, I jumped from the train, landed badly, and felt right into the train on the tracks. Dead.

Boy, the mission-shootouts are easy as fuck; just stay in cover and with the snap-to-aim feature it's easy to shoot them all. But as soon you don't have any cover and no dead eye, controls are giving a really hard time to surive.

Apart from that I really enjoy everything else the game offers.


Oct 22, 2018
I can't tell if this is a joke due to bolded.

But no, there's absolutely nothing realistic about stumbling and slowly spinning in place in front of a table, trying to loot the items on top of it, or walking around a body trying to get that loot command to appear, or moving inside a building and getting stuck on a table.

It's mostly fine when you're running around out in the world, and it usually even works in combat (except maybe when there's a lot of various junk lying around, cause then you might be getting stuck again, same if you're fighting in a building), but when you have to do even somewhat fine-grained movements, Arthur is the most frustrating asshole to control in years. I get what they're going for, and my honest opinion is that I genuinely don't think it's executed well when it comes to most of the minor movements and so on.
I wish this was a joke, but it's not. The same criticism happens of every R* game, and I find it unwarranted every time. And in this case, I just don't know how else people expect a 200 pound man to move. Maybe you're actually right, and this time they have gone way overboard with it, crossing the line, though I remain doubtful.

Regardless, I'm about to start the game, and I'll come back with impressions later.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I dont know whats wrong with me, but im bored, i loved the first one, but this one, i dont know, it did not grab me.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Am I weird for never having him wear a hat? I took it off immediately after the game shows you how to put it on.

I have him wearing a slick outfit and have kept him groomed so he looks like a damn handsome man.
I'm fucking weird about the hat. It makes me upset when some asshole knocks it off and my dumbass looks around on the ground to find the damn thing.
Oct 29, 2017
It's insane how little problems I have with the controls in general for this game. Like I have no problem with any of it, except tapping X to sprint for Roach.

Like I got into a firefight yesterday with free aim and no aim assist against 4 or 5 guys and I had no problem taking them out. The slow pace of the gunfights and slower movement make this game pretty easy to take out enemies.

Remember everyone, TURN DOWN DEADZONE and UP AIM ACCELERATION. I had to fuck with it a little to make it feel better but once I did, mo problems.


Oct 27, 2017
So I killed the legendary grizzly but had no option to skin it and the trapper doesn't have it. Have I lost it now?


Oct 27, 2017
If you are tired of the slow default movement speed try switching to first person. Movement speed is much faster. If you decide to stick with first person be sure to check out all the options in the menu for it to make it how you like it. It's so great!


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Are y'all theme-naming your horse/horses? What did y'all name yours? I named mine Halloween and I'm doing holiday themed names


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
So I just helped this fucking idiot Micah
and we slaughtered a whole damn town...

Even though I wore the damn mask I'm still now wanted dead or alive. The bounty is $300. That's like all my money. Should I just get myself killed to have it cleared? What are my options here?


Oct 26, 2017
Are y'all theme-naming your horse/horses? What did y'all name yours? I named mine Halloween and I'm doing holiday themed names

Someone called dibs on Bojack earlier in the thread so I called mine Horseman. It's not very imaginative, but at least it's better than Roach, pffffff

So I just helped this fucking idiot Micah
and we slaughtered a whole damn town...

Even though I wore the damn mask I'm still now wanted dead or alive. The bounty is $300. That's like all my money. Should I just get myself killed to have it cleared? What are my options here?

Deal with it, pay it off, surrender. Dealing with it isn't that hard actually - I've had a bounty on my head for the majority of the game and I've only seen two groups of bountyhunters, lawmen have yet to attack me due to it (you do have to actually avoid them, though). Surrendering seems like a fine option if you have no money at all.

Paying it off is the easiest course, but you won't have that kinda money very easily in a while. Later chapter 2 and 3 missions throw money at you, though, so sooner or later you'll have more than enough to pay them off.
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