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Oct 27, 2017
I've been playing the single player since the game came out and it's really dragging for me. Upon booting the game I am met with convoluted layers of menus that lack mission details such as the Burdock mission. When you go to the progression screen It literally says "Find Burdock root without any direction; and that's just one of many examples.

Cut-scenes are antiquated with black bars "sliding in" when one is triggered. And there's only a handful of characters which held my interest. Basically, this is the hyper exaggerated personalities of the GTA series in western times.

Gun-play is a complete wreck with copious amounts of input latency and drawn out animations. The game does a good job tricking you into thinking there's variety when in actuality, you get the same type of emergent game-play of NPC's either trying to steal you horse, ambush, making you suck poison out of them. Over and over with the recycled shit. And let's not talk about the forced walking in the camps. It's like the developers were so self-absorbed the believe their animations and stupid camp stories should override game play enjoyment.

I don't know, between horrific controls/camera, poor mission structure, and glaring plot issues, I just can't...


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
I just finished Chapter 3. I'm finding it really boring to play, even if they did nail the atmosphere of the wild west. Plus it just feels like a chore more than it feels fun most of the time.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a game with stellar highs and an amazing world, but a lot of gameplay related stuff and choices made by rockstar drag the game down a lot imo.


Oct 25, 2017
'Burdock mission'. Do you mean an optional challenge?

I don't see how the black bars would make the cutscenes 'antiquated', and I think this game has the best characters of any game I've played in years.

I'll agree with control issues though.

Deleted member 17403

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 27, 2017
I agree with your points but I will say that I enjoyed camp and interacting with the occupants of it, that coupled with the mundane activities made that portion of the game enjoyable but I found everything else, including the mandated walking to be sorely lacking to terrible. I'm not sure why the game got a pass with its archaic gameplay regardless of how well acted its story was. I'm still hoping to complete it but playing it at times is a chore and some of the systems don't make sense.


Oct 28, 2017
I totally get people feeling this way, but I feel like I'm one of the lucky ones that is absolutely over the moon with this game. Sure, the mechanics at times are strange feeling, but this game is the most immersive thing I've touched since The Last of Us. I'm just soooo into every little thing in this world. The amount of detail and polish in everything still blows my mind and I've probably sunk a good 50 hours in it

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Don't tell Rockstar you don't like the black bars on the cutscenes, else the dozens of extra hours the team had to put was for nothing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Probably my biggest disappointment of the year. The gameplay put me to sleep.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah from Kieran. I tried to finish it before the story got to the point of no return.

I treated those kinds of requests casually. If you hunt, or spend some time in areas where you would hunt, you'll come across relevant flora eventually. I don't even recall that particular one, so it couldn't have been important.


Nov 7, 2017
Yep really drags, good game but no where near as good as reviewers made it out. Would give it 7/10 personally. Funnily enough i played astrobot right after it and it made me remember what it was like to enjoy playing a game


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly felt mostly the same for about the first 2.5 chapters, their was moments of brilliance but it was dragged down by all the things you had mentioned.

I will say it all kind of clicked for me after that, I don't know if I really beleive that the story picks up, I think I just started to care about the characters at a certain point. You also start to feel like a total bad ass when you learn to master the dead eye.

Then you get to St. Denis and thats when the game truly felt like it opened up and became that magnificent thing that everyone was talking about.


Nov 8, 2018
You should probably post your thoughts in the official thread here: Not much point in starting an additional thread for this. And the OP in that thread includes a guide for changing the default controls which are hot garbage. That might help you a little, although it's possible the game just doesn't click with you, which is fine.

Don't you know? RDR2 gets a thread a day for discontent lol


Oct 27, 2017
Forced walking in camps is a crime, gunplay isn't fun or shall I say have fun to miss, unless you are using deadeye.
The atmosphere and world are the reasons i'm still playing the game.


Oct 27, 2017
yes, the gameplay's such a drag, when i arrived to chapter 4 i just rushed myself to the end, but the last part of the game was the best imo.
I like it and i don't at the same time. For the story i liked it, i just wish it didnt had to take me 60-70 hours to finish it.

Also, a lot of "Main missions" are just side missions in disguise. They filled the main part of the story just for the sake of making the game appear longer


Nov 10, 2017
I just finished Chapter 3. I'm finding it really boring to play, even if they did nail the atmosphere of the wild west. Plus it just feels like a chore more than it feels fun most of the time.

got as far as you did, decided i needed a break. am now hunting down moons in super mario odyssey, & actually enjoying myself again :) ...

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
I really like how they implemented a cinematic camera. I always turn it on so I don't have to play large swathes of the game. It's a shame you have to keep A pressed all that time, but I guess we all have to play our part in the comical farce where the Housers pretend they want to work in games and not television.


Nov 7, 2017
Yeah I'm glad I powered through it, but it definitely got more grating the longer time went on.


Oct 27, 2017
Now I don't hate the game. There's just soooo many obstacles in between it and my enjoyment.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
got as far as you did, decided i needed a break. am now hunting down moons in super mario odyssey, & actually enjoying myself again :) ...
I took a break for like a month to play Pokemon and Smash and came back to it last night to finish Chapter 3. People say it gets better after Chapter 3 but I just feel like a lot of the main story quests that they want you to do in order to move forward with the story are nothing special. Most of them feel like sidequest filler.

Deleted member 15447

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I felt it a chore a couple chapters in but by the end loved it and want more.

Would pay for more single player content.


Oct 25, 2017
Its a game that plays terribly but looks really good. Game is antiquated and belongs in 2013 or 2008, do not force yourself through it, it is not worth it.


Feb 13, 2018
So this might be a good thread to ask my question: I'm really unsure about this game. On one hand, It has amazing reviews, on the other, I don't feel like diving into a super long game and now reading though this post and replies... I haven't finished RDR1, despite trying to multiple times on two platforms.

Sorry if this derails the thread, but I don't feel like making my just for this.

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
Just might be the game of the generation for me. Different strokes!

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
So this might be a good thread to ask my question: I'm really unsure about this game. On one hand, It has amazing reviews, on the other, I don't feel like diving into a super long game and now reading though this post and replies... I haven't finished RDR1, despite trying to multiple times on two platforms.

Sorry if this derails the thread, but I don't feel like making my just for this.

If you didn't like the previous game, you probably won't like this one. Depends on why exactly you didn't finish it, though.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The game tries its best to be as little fun as possible at all times, despite all the cools things that are in the game. Mind-boggling really. It's not very good at the game part of a video game at all.
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
So this might be a good thread to ask my question: I'm really unsure about this game. On one hand, It has amazing reviews, on the other, I don't feel like diving into a super long game and now reading though this post and replies... I haven't finished RDR1, despite trying to multiple times on two platforms.

Sorry if this derails the thread, but I don't feel like making my just for this.
It is most definitely a super long game, even if you're just trying to mainline the story, so probably best to avoid it for now and mull it over some more.


Feb 13, 2018
If you didn't like the previous game, you probably won't like this one. Depends on why exactly you didn't finish it, though.
I first played it on PS3, which is the inferior version. Apart from the technical issues, It felt really slow. I felt like I wasn't going anywhere, despite putting in hours. The ranch part was really tiresome for me. That's also where I gave up when I tried it a second time, on Xbox One this time.
I also really suck at aiming with controllers, and if RDR2 has as bad of a gameplay as people say then I suppose I really won't like it?
Oct 27, 2017
Don't tell Rockstar you don't like the black bars on the cutscenes, else the dozens of extra hours the team had to put was for nothing.
It honestly made me mad. Developers had to put much more crunch time into doing this because the higher ups just wanted it like that. If it added anything to the game I might have understood but it is just ugly and adds nothing of value.


Nov 10, 2017
I took a break for like a month to play Pokemon and Smash and came back to it last night to finish Chapter 3. People say it gets better after Chapter 3 but I just feel like a lot of the main story quests that they want you to do in order to move forward with the story are nothing special. Most of them feel like sidequest filler.

sorry to hear that, as i'm definitely planning on going back, too. i think, as someone who loved the first rdr, the biggest issue for me might be the whole outlaw gang/camp thing. i far preferred playing as marston, a traditional lone wolf western type, over the whole 'immersively' tiresome hanging out stuff. i mean, the wild bunch this ain't! - more like the cure for insomnia bunch, imo :) ...
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