
Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't sell Green short. He's definitely a pretty sharp comedian. I'm not sure that he didn't want to make a movie but it's certainly self-referential and deconstructive.

He was also a trailblazer with web comedy. Did you guys ever watch his online show? Back in 2006 he started hosting a talk show from his living room that ran for however long as he wanted where he'd have guests over ranging from his famous neighbors like Ed McMahon to Tony Hawk, Steve O, Harlan Williams, Norm Macdonald, Neil Hamburger; he has a lot of friends. And it was pretty great. Completely uncensored and unscripted. Just Tom and his guests talking and joking for as long as they felt like going for. Taking viewer calls and dealing with 4chan trolls and joking with guests. One time Steve O got high on air and whipped out his junk. It was amazing. It got a bit more produced as he got bigger sponsors for it. Haven't watched it in a while but seems it's still going.

He's also a pretty good rapper.



Oct 25, 2017
I think I have said this before but I always like the episodes edited by Jay more than the ones edited by Mike.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
They would have sold me on the film but the kid getting hurt slap stick was too uncomfortable for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Amazing Re:View.

Mike: I'm going to say two words
Me guessing: Secret genius?
Mike: Inclusivity Writer.
*shot of the whitest cast ever*
Mike: I mean, I'm sorry.. secret genius.
Me *dying*


Oct 29, 2017
I remember the so called "gross movie" phase, a lot of attempts at making fun out of animal cruelty, which was followed by the torture porn phase. Probably a vast right wing conspiracy to turn a whole generation into a bunch of self-serving sociopaths who would be desensitized to future reports of war crimes and indiscriminate bombing of civilian populations abroad enough to vote republican.

Also this movie was probably the result of Tom Green just really really hated himself and suffering from massive depression. The kid who suffers throughout the movie is just the kind of thing that made him happy and not feel miserable. The idea to make this movie probably came out of a session with his psychiatrist.

/dead at the "inclusivity writer" part.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
the edge
I'm so glad that they talk about movies they actually like again. The last HITB and review were a joy. I'm sick of them doing superhero movies, Star Wars, and the usual blockbuster bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes... I was one of those who thought Tom Green was hilarious during his peak. I badly wanted to see Freddy Got Fingered when it came out but my mom absolutely refused. Keep in mind she had zero problems with me watching Jackass, but she explicitly forbid me to watch Freddy Got Fingered.

The wisdom only a mother could have.


Oct 25, 2017
Inclusivity Rider, guys. Jeez Louise.
I didn't get this, because I didn't pay any attention to the Oscars, besides hearing through the grapevine that Del Toro won for the fish-romance movie. And that Boss Baby got nominated for Best Animated, because the Oscars are literally trash as far as animation is concerned.
Few people watching Sunday night's Oscar awards knew what Frances McDormand was talking about as she ended her Best Actress acceptance speech with an obscure bit of legalese: "inclusion rider."

Apparently an inclusion rider is a line that a Hollywood star can put into their contract, demanding that the film meets a certain diversity quota.

Frances McDormand (at the Oscars) said "Two words: inclusion rider" which was a call for everyone in Hollywood to put one into their contracts.

Mike was leading towards "Two words: secret genius" but then he zigged when he should've zagged, and said "Two words: inclusivity rider" because Mike watched the Oscars, as I didn't. But the joke still worked because it seemed like Mike was ragging on Tom Green's writing.


Oct 25, 2017
The "inclusivity writer" went over my head, but the fact its a "rider" makes way more sense to me.

Deleted member 5549

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I can see the Last Jedi review with Tom Green wearing Plinkett's carcass, explaining the movie through interpretive dance.

and dick jokes.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
And now I watched the re:view.

Mike is insane.

It's insulting they even said the names Kaufman, Tim and Eric, and Eric Andre in the same breath as Tom Green.
Eric Andre has specifically named Tom Green several times when asked who his influences are. Shit he's been on TEAS for that matter


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Agreed, the Eric Andre show is miles better. Though I wonder with how many people who I see saying shit like "haha he's so random" really appreciate how clever the show is most of the time. That's certainly part of it but it's not the ONLY thing, which was the case with Tom Green as far as i can recall


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's kind of amazing that Mike actually read the book. This review is actually pretty informative if you want a book/movie comparison.