Redo: Have you ever played a Sega Saturn game?

  • No

    Votes: 99 12.8%
  • Yes, I own / owned real hardware

    Votes: 420 54.1%
  • Yes, I tried / borrowed real hardware

    Votes: 142 18.3%
  • Yes, but only ports / emulation / clones

    Votes: 115 14.8%

  • Total voters


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
I started the "Have you ever played" series with the Saturn. But the poll options were changed for the next thread. That is why I asked in a seperate thread what to do. And the answer was to redo Sega Saturn.

So here it is again.

Old version

Have you ever played a Sega Saturn game? Sega - Retro

Seeing the recent Nintendo vs Sega consoles thread, I was wondering how era would reply to this. So, have you ever played a Sega Saturn game? Edit: The Sega Master System thread

And one of the previous threads:

Have you ever played a Bandai Playdia game? Retro

If so, please tell me when, how, what game and all the details. This is among my mythical unicorn gaming hardware. The kind of hardware I read about in magazines, but never even saw in real life. I know some of the fmv games were ripped into videos that you could watch, but I don't think any of...


Oct 26, 2017
One of my best friends at primary school had the Sega Saturn with a copy of Sonic R and I was intensely jealous (we were both huge Sonic fans at that age). I was stuck with my Mega Drive, pretending Sonic 3D was actual 3D.

Always loved playing Sonic R at his house, but never owned a Saturn myself. Bought a PlayStation eventually, discovered Final Fantasy 7 and video games beyond platformers in general, and my life was forever changed =P


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
sir_crocodile enjoy 2x Saturn love šŸ˜

As for my answer:
I'm ashamed to admit that despite owning a mega drive before it, I asked for a Playstation when choosing between Saturn, N61 and Playstation. I still regret ut to this day. My brother choose the Saturn, and he had a better library of games than me.

But I bought a Sega Saturn later. And in 2013, I was in Tokyo, and a most of the games I bought was for Sega Saturn.

cambria sword

May 4, 2020
Some truly excellent Saturn games have gotten new ports recently (Radiant Silvergun, Elevator Action Returns...) I'm hoping one of these new small porting companies gets around to Shinrei Jusatsushi Taroumaru.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
My Saturn is permanently plugged in next to my PC, Switch, Series X and PS5 šŸ¤—

Love it.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Yes I bought one for Nights and Sonic 3D Blast in the 90s. Came bundled with Sega Rally and Worldwide Soccer.

Was actually just playing on it yesterday.


Oct 26, 2017
My Saturn days have been my most enjoyable videogame era between 95 and 97-98. Mostly 2d fighting games but also some of my fav game ever, puyo puyo sun, sega rally, dragon force...


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Yep. My family owned a Saturn for 3 weeks when I was a teenager. Aside from the packed-in NiGHTS/Christmas NiGHTS, the only game we owned for it was Sonic 3D Blast. My friends made fun of me constantly and we eventually sold it and got an N64 instead.

I also played the Saturn version of Battle Arena Toshinden 2 on my friend's Saturn extensively.


Oct 25, 2017

Yeah, I bought one after browsing Official Sega Saturn Magazine in 1998. There was a massive article on Shining Force 3 Scenario 1 in it and I knew I had to have this game. When SF3S1 came out, I went and bought a second hand saturn and SF3S1 immediately. The game didn't disappoint and I believe SF3 S1/2/3 to still be the greatest SRPG ever made. The console itself didn't disappoint either, the MK2 joypad (avoid the western mk1 at all costs) is one of the most comfortable to use ever and I still use various versions of it to play not just Saturn games but various others to this day. I have way over 150 saturn games and it is probably my fave console ever made (up there with SNES & PSX imo).


Oct 27, 2017
Yes I got my Saturn in 96 and it remains my favourite console of its generation and Sega console full stop.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The Saturn is such a cool system, but only if you dive into Japanese releases.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
People are sharing their stories so I'll do mine too:
Yes I bought one for Nights and Sonic 3D Blast in the 90s. Came bundled with Sega Rally and Worldwide Soccer.

Was actually just playing on it yesterday.
I had it close to when SS was on its last legs, so I managed to get some games for cheap - Viruta Cop, Virtua Fighter 2, Sonic R, Tomb Raider, Rayman, MK Trilogy and WrestleMania the Arcade Game.

Around the mid 2010s is when I got back into the library and played the more cult classics like Burning Rangers and Sakura Wars.


Powered by Friendshipā„¢
Oct 26, 2017
I'll summarize my previous thread's post.

Uncle had a Saturn but was having troubles finding games since it was dying. I was desperate to go next gen but broke, so I traded him my Sega Genesis and large, rare game collection for the Saturn, despite not having a lot of games in my even smaller city to buy/rent.

Felt ripped off, but I had Virtua Cop, Virtual Fighter 2 with the deal and later purchased SFA2 and had a lot of fun for a brief time.

Friend of mine offered me $150 for it one day a few months later and I eagerly took it to cut my losses and once money exchanged hands, he lifted up a copy of EGM and was like '"HA HA YOU FUCKING IDIOT, THEY'RE BRINGING SHINING FORCE 3 TO AMERICA, YOU LOSE BITCH".

Felt ripped off again and my only comfort is that he's never played the second or third scenarios.


Nov 30, 2017
I bought a Saturn in 2012 from a local retro shop. I had literally always wanted a Saturn since I learned about it and never, ever saw one until that day. I bought it on sight and when I was at the counter the guy behind the desk yelled to his boss and said "hey, someone's actually buying the Saturn." T_T

The only game they had was Daytona and a loose copy of Tomb Raider. Since this was Northeast Pennsylvania, finding other Saturn games in the wild was near impossible. My sister went to Japan and brought back a ton of import fighters though so we played those when she got back. I wish I had more experience with the system. It's such an imaginative system and even with emulation, you don't get to putz around in its awesome, futuristic UI.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Still have my Saturn. And what a machine it was. Highlights (that I own) include Panzer Dragoon Saga, Dragon Force, Guardian Heroes, Lunar Magic School, Dracula X, and Wachenroder.

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing it right now on my other screen, playing Shinobi Legions. Didn't get mine at launch I picked up my Saturn in 04 when I started collecting. Only played a friends Saturn before that when they were new he was the only friend in the group that had a Saturn everyone else had PC, PS1 and 64's.

It turned out to have some of my favorite games of all time like Dragon Force 1&2, Gun Griffon, Shining Force 3, Shining the Holy Ark, Guardian Heroes, Bulk Slash.
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Oct 31, 2017
We had I want to say either five or six games. I think some we got in a bundle. If I remember correctly:

Daytona USA
Nights into Dreams
Virtua Cop
Virtua Fighter
WWF Royal Rumble

Not the biggest assortment but that's what we had.


Oct 25, 2017
Here are the eight pages in a row that made me buy a Saturn:



Oct 27, 2017
Yup bought one at launch in 1995. I was (and remain) a Sega fanboy so it was pretty much a forgone conclusion, but panzer dragoon and virtua fighter absolutely sealed the deal. I still don't understand how Team Andromeda pulled off PD at Saturns launch given how rushed it was - incredible accomplishment.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm happy I picked the PSX instead back then, because I would have missed out on some of my favourite games otherwise. Looking back, the Saturn has many more games that hold up (mostly because of more arcade type games and more 2D). But I wouldn't say this is the best time to own a Saturn. That time was probably around 2000-2005 when games were dirt cheap (oh, and TV technology hadn't advanced to make most old games look like crap). Nowadays you can play many of the exclusives elsewhere and having the best arcade ports doesn't count for much now that you can mostly play the arcade originals, and actual good Saturn games are stupidly expensive. It doesn't make any kind of sense to pay $200 for something like Radiant Silvergun or Elevator Action Returns or Batsugun or Dungeons & Dragons Collection when they're readily available to download.

Still love mine though and as long as it runs I'll probably pick up the odd rarity here and there just because it's fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
I'm happy I picked the PSX instead back then, because I would have missed out on some of my favourite games otherwise. Looking back, the Saturn has many more games that hold up (mostly because of more arcade type games and more 2D). But I wouldn't say this is the best time to own a Saturn. That time was probably around 2000-2005 when games were dirt cheap (oh, and TV technology hadn't advanced to make most old games look like crap). Nowadays you can play many of the exclusives elsewhere and having the best arcade ports doesn't count for much now that you can mostly play the arcade originals, and actual good Saturn games are stupidly expensive. It doesn't make any kind of sense to pay $200 for something like Radiant Silvergun or Elevator Action Returns or Batsugun or Dungeons & Dragons Collection when they're readily available to download.

Still love mine though and as long as it runs I'll probably pick up the odd rarity here and there just because it's fun.

Is the hardware itself pretty cheap though? There are lots of great ways to play Saturn games alternatively lol

The MiSTER core has come along so far that it'll probably replace ever using the hardware for me. I've been playing the 3D Control Pad with an adapter and it's been very pleasant.


Feb 11, 2019
Yes, it was my first console, I got it for Christmas I had the following games from what I remember:

Virtua Fighter 2
Sega Rally
Alien trilogy
Sega worldwide soccer
SIM city 2000
Command & conquer
Virtua Cop 2
Burning Rangers
Resident evil
Duke nukem 3D
96 Olympic Soccer
World league Soccer
Christmas Nights
Nights into dreams
Sonic Jam
NHL/NBA games.

Remember it fondly and always regret not picking up a Dreamcast.


Oct 25, 2017
My brother bought one around launch (I think). I attempted to play Clockwork Knight 2 on it a bunch. Herc's Adventures and Xmen:Children of the Atom are other games engrained in my memory from that time.

I actually still have that Saturn. Last year I played Nights and Burning Rangers on it. Both for the first time.


Jul 14, 2019
Yes I own one. Bought the Saturn model 2 at $199 or so back in the day and Darius Gaiden.

I now have an okay, but perhaps somewhat small library with most of the Saturn's heavy hitters.
Yes, but I didn't own one until the Saturn started it's current rise to fame, starting about 10 years ago now.

Prior to that, I had only seen one in action at the local Sega family's house.

All I remember is that I took one look at the (North American) controller and thought it had so many buttons - surely the games would be far too complex for me.

Technically, I was correct, as I was pretty young at the timeā€¦.


Oct 25, 2017
Huge Saturn fan here. I even have a shelf for just my Capcom games (not pictured are the PAL/US versions of MM8, X3, X4 and Puzzle Fighter)

Its pretty much up there as my favourite Capcom 2D console ever - mainly for the 4MB RAM ports we got in the later years - X-Men and Marvel Super Heroes Vs SF are among my favourite games ever, absolutely shit all over the crappy PS1 ports. Even stuff like Vampire Savior and Alpha/Zero 3 are vastly superior over the PS1 versions and are my favourite versions to play. I even have hilarious stuff like Final Fight Revenge (still missing the 4MB RAM boxset pack for that one, should I ever go mad enough to collect the boxsets, its on my list).

Outside of Capcom's amazing ports, there's also Sega's releases - I got lucky enough to get Burning Rangers and Panzer Dragoon Saga before retro prices become stupid, and I gotta recommend both. PDS is basically the best RPG ever, its criminal it never got ported - its funny how perfect the combat works as a turn based game without losing anything.
Plus there's great Sega ports of Sega Rally, Die Hard Arcade, Virtua Fighter 2 (this one is super amazing to this day), plus Treasures releases like Radiant Silvergun or Guardian Heroes, even Silouette Mirage is amazing (though mind bending in the beginning).

And then there's "the rest". Lots of arcade ports from other devs, Ive got a nice number but still add a few more to my collection, I only focus on Japanese releases these days - cheaper, easy enough for me to understand and takes up way less space.


Oct 25, 2017
Bought one at EB Games when it surprise launched. Had such a bad Virtua Fighter addiction at the time, paying $400 for the console probably saved me money in the long run from going to the arcade.


Oct 26, 2017
I was really obsessed with Sega when I was a kid and my dad wouldn't buy me a Saturn because he thought it was a failed system. I ended up buying one a few years after the Dreamcast petered out and I built up a decent sized collection (albeit at a frankly ridiculous cost). There are a lot of gems on there.

This is the definition of a non-controversial answer but I think NiGHTs is simply the best game on the platform (and one of the best games ever made).


Oct 27, 2017
My copy of Resident Evil on Saturn had me fighting for my life on the school playground.

Battle mode? Wesker zombie? Golden tyrant? They thought I was on some "my uncle works at Nintendo" type stuff.

I loved Fighters Megamix for a long time, oddball favorite was Clockwork Knight, and I also really liked playing Guardian Heroes.


Oct 28, 2017
We rented a Saturn from Blockbuster Video a couple of times in late 95 or early 96, and played Panzer Dragoon, Virtua Fighter, Bug!, and Astal. I enjoyed them, but not enough that I ever wanted to buy a Saturn. (Dreamcast ended up being the only Sega console we ever owned, and it didn't last long but I loved the Dreamcast.)


Nov 25, 2017
my next door neighbor got a launch? saturn and i played a few games including Virtua Fighter.

Only owning a Genesis and b/w gameboy it was a totally rad experience.


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017
I remember renting a Saturn around launch from my local Microplay. I think I rented it with Daytona USA, Virtua Fighter and Bug.
Oct 26, 2017
First time in one of these threads. :P

Never the OG hardware, but I played and LOVED Sonic R in Gems Collection on GC. However I totally get folks who bought it for I assume full-price on Saturn being massively let down. It's very bare bones and short. But it's so charming and feels like a blueprint of a "Sonic 64" that never was. True that literally was Sonic World in Sonic Jam... but obviously I never played that. :P

More recently I bought the Bust-A-Move 2 and 3 2-pack on Switch and it's pretty fun!


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
The Saturn is actually the only Sega system I never touched. I played some games in the arcade but never on the home console.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
First time in one of these threads. :P

Never the OG hardware, but I played and LOVED Sonic R in Gems Collection on GC. However I totally get folks who bought it for I assume full-price on Saturn being massively let down. It's very bare bones and short. But it's so charming and feels like a blueprint of a "Sonic 64" that never was. True that literally was Sonic World in Sonic Jam... but obviously I never played that. :P

More recently I bought the Bust-A-Move 2 and 3 2-pack on Switch and it's pretty fun!
Sonic World in Jam is literally the remains of Adventure Saturn until it got moved to Dreamcast. Interesting curiosity to play.


Oct 25, 2017
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Dec 22, 2017
I was about to say no, then I remembered Sonic R is on the sonic gems collection so yes I have.
That collection has the PC port of Sonic R.

I have two Saturns. A black near-launch console that I have had since I was a teenager. Was literally the only person I knew that got one, and it had an air of luxury the first year or so it was out since the launch price was so high. Felt like I had a Neo Geo or something. Once it was apparent that the system was a commercial failure I definitely got a reality check lol.

My second is a white Japanese saturn that I bought a decade ago to begin the expensive hobby of import game collecting.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
Huge Saturn fan here. I even have a shelf for just my Capcom games (not pictured are the PAL/US versions of MM8, X3, X4 and Puzzle Fighter)

Its pretty much up there as my favourite Capcom 2D console ever - mainly for the 4MB RAM ports we got in the later years - X-Men and Marvel Super Heroes Vs SF are among my favourite games ever, absolutely shit all over the crappy PS1 ports. Even stuff like Vampire Savior and Alpha/Zero 3 are vastly superior over the PS1 versions and are my favourite versions to play. I even have hilarious stuff like Final Fight Revenge (still missing the 4MB RAM boxset pack for that one, should I ever go mad enough to collect the boxsets, its on my list).

Outside of Capcom's amazing ports, there's also Sega's releases - I got lucky enough to get Burning Rangers and Panzer Dragoon Saga before retro prices become stupid, and I gotta recommend both. PDS is basically the best RPG ever, its criminal it never got ported - its funny how perfect the combat works as a turn based game without losing anything.
Plus there's great Sega ports of Sega Rally, Die Hard Arcade, Virtua Fighter 2 (this one is super amazing to this day), plus Treasures releases like Radiant Silvergun or Guardian Heroes, even Silouette Mirage is amazing (though mind bending in the beginning).

And then there's "the rest". Lots of arcade ports from other devs, Ive got a nice number but still add a few more to my collection, I only focus on Japanese releases these days - cheaper, easy enough for me to understand and takes up way less space.
That's amazing šŸ˜€

So many great games you got.