
Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
His ignorance is worrisome by itself, but that he's supposed to be medically knowledgeable on top of that... YIKES

Deleted member 1287

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Gross. Reminds me of this PSA we watched in gender class that heavily implied that the more partners a girl has, the more worn out she gets like a gym sock.

A fucking gym sock.


Oct 25, 2017
I had to sit through a conversation with a girlfriend (virgin) and two guy friends (one is a virgin) where the virgin guy was "explaining" to the rest of us that women's outer labia become "stretched out" like "Arby burgers" the more they have sex, and that's how you can tell.
I think incels started this bullshit (or at least popularized it) and it really is dangerous to spread this idea around since so many women, especially younger ones, can be self-conscious about their labia being "imperfect". I know for most of high school was I self-conscious of my own before I realized that everyone is different and it doesn't really matter in the end. I could never associate myself with someone who honestly believes in this garbage.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
I have no idea. Probably because he's an idiot.

He was ALSO complaining about the women his parents try to set him up with (single, surpriseee). He doesn't want one of those "good girl Christian types."

So, he wants a hot sexy fashionable chick who keeps herself pure and virginal just for him.

He thinks he's single because he thinks he's ugly and poor.

I mean yeah ionno.

This is why I decided to never date boys from my church back when I was dating and also went to church. Nothing against religion but I'd rather not take the risk.

(Seriously through that whole dinner I just smiled and nodded and laughed politely, all the while thinking "I miss you husband.")

He sounds like the kind of guy where it's always someone else' fault, never his own responsibility for any problems in his life. I hope someone calls him out on his bullshit soon.

I'm fortunate enough to have friends who take criticism well, so if they're saying something I know to be untrue then I can correct them on it and explain adequately why they're wrong. The world would be a better place if more people handled being corrected without taking it personally.
Oct 27, 2017
I had to sit through a conversation with a girlfriend (virgin) and two guy friends (one is a virgin) where the virgin guy was "explaining" to the rest of us that women's outer labia become "stretched out" like "Arby burgers" the more they have sex, and that's how you can tell.

We're all in our 30s.

He's in PA (physician assistant) school, so a med degree that makes 100k starting out.

Hahahahaha I thought that was only something that happened on the internet. And honestly... it's troubling that someone in a medical field of study thinks this? Have you asked him what he thinks about the contraceptive effects of a coke douche, for instance? Just wanting to verify the education he received from his 14 year old neighbour, Cody.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
If anyone is interested in writing for a Film site that does spotlights, articles, and reviews on Film/Tv let me know. We just started this week. It is a non profit site, but it was designed in mind for anyone to get something published on it as long as they met the criteria.

Our writers are hail from all over the globe literally, but for some reason we don't have any women input. Wouldn't mind having that perspective on the site. So if you are interested in writing or editing let me know. ty
There's a thread for writers where this might be more appropriate.


Oct 25, 2017
I am amazed by the view of some women sometimes. I just got an annoying long winded BS video from someone I know, and now I'm triggered. We have often come to disagreements with the position of women in the world and homosexuality, she is originally from India, and I get it is a different culture and there is a learning curve, but she has moved to Scandinavia, lived here for 9+ years, she has equal rights/opportunities, she has a little girl born who was born here and we have had soooooo many talks on how everyone should have the same respect and freedom as each other without judgement. But nearly every meet up we have we argue on "Traditional values/womans place" crap.
And now out of the blue she has sent me this, waste of 5 minutes video thinking it is a good message. (baffled how, as a female, you think this is good)

I mean the video has nothing to do with the main message which is "real men dont rape" (I guess was the main message), but focuses more on victim blaming. W...........T...........F



Oct 28, 2017
I am amazed by the view of some women sometimes. I just got an annoying long winded BS video from someone I know, and now I'm triggered. We have often come to disagreements with the position of women in the world and homosexuality, she is originally from India, and I get it is a different culture and there is a learning curve, but she has moved to Scandinavia, lived here for 9+ years, she has equal rights/opportunities, she has a little girl born who was born here and we have had soooooo many talks on how everyone should have the same respect and freedom as each other without judgement. But nearly every meet up we have we argue on "Traditional values/womans place" crap.
And now out of the blue she has sent me this, waste of 5 minutes video thinking it is a good message. (baffled how, as a female, you think this is good)

I mean the video has nothing to do with the main message which is "real men dont rape" (I guess was the main message), but focuses more on victim blaming. W...........T...........F


"Real" Women WTF? Last time I heard that from someone I got reeeeally, really mad. Like, what does that even mean? I think that making this kind of distinction among women (and even men, honestly) is so...I don't know, you just don't stand for equality at all. Without even mentioning the "don't expose themselves" part, which, as you said, is pure BS.


Oct 25, 2017


Sorry, couldn't resist.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Rant about women's health stuff, skip if you don't like TMI.

I mentioned in this thread a couple of months back that I'd had more or less continuous bleeding for a year due to PCOS. It started off as really just spotting but by the end of the year it was more or less continuous heavy bleeding. It turns out that I don't have PCOS (or at least don't just have it), I have some form of uterine tumour that was found on a scan two weeks ago. It's unusually large for a fibroid, but is still most likely benign. However, it very much needs to come out.

I was booked into a private hospital for a resection, which they cancelled with 24 hours notice because I'm 'too high risk'. It's been nearly a week and I still have yet to be able to actually get hold of my consultant; I can barely get hold of her secretary. Supposedly she is trying to rebook me into the other private hospital where she works, but I'm not holding my breath, since it seems to me she would have actually bothered to call me by now if that had been successful. The GP who referred me is also trying to get hold of her so that if the rebooking was unsuccessful, I can be cross-referred back to the gynaecological consultant at the hospital where the GP works, assuming he'll take my case. Of course, he only works there on Fridays and Saturdays, and since I've now been told I won't hear from my existing consultant until Monday, it'll be until the end of next week before I get any confirmation on the possibility of cross-referral.

If that fails, I have to be treated at the NHS hospital. Which isn't taking elective surgeries due to the flu epidemic and general NHS apocalypse currently going on, and as an asthmatic (part of the reason I'm supposedly so high risk) it's too dangerous to expose me to the flu epidemic anyway. I would be looking at months worth of waiting, during which time there is nothing that can be done about my symptoms, so the pain and now very heavy bleeding will continue, the tumour/fibroid/whatever will continue to grow in size... and while it's highly unlikely to be malignant, endometrial cancer is still a possibility, so, you know, it would be a good idea if they actually got to analyse it without waiting months.

I'm tired and angry and really really depressed; I've had depression/anxiety treatment since my early twenties, and the depression was under good control, but at this point I've pretty much stopped eating and sleeping.

And I just needed to let that out somewhere because this is a difficult topic to let out in real life, particularly given the symptoms have rendered my social life more or less non-existant.


Oct 28, 2017
Snumpus that's so awful. I'm really sorry you're going through that. I'm at least glad they've identified the problem, and I hope your consultant gets back to you soon.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
So sorry to hear about the delay! But glad you got a diagnosis.

Have they got you on iron supplements or something, to make sure your blood count doesn't crap out while waiting?


Oct 26, 2017
I am amazed by the view of some women sometimes. I just got an annoying long winded BS video from someone I know, and now I'm triggered. We have often come to disagreements with the position of women in the world and homosexuality, she is originally from India, and I get it is a different culture and there is a learning curve, but she has moved to Scandinavia, lived here for 9+ years, she has equal rights/opportunities, she has a little girl born who was born here and we have had soooooo many talks on how everyone should have the same respect and freedom as each other without judgement. But nearly every meet up we have we argue on "Traditional values/womans place" crap.
And now out of the blue she has sent me this, waste of 5 minutes video thinking it is a good message. (baffled how, as a female, you think this is good)

I mean the video has nothing to do with the main message which is "real men dont rape" (I guess was the main message), but focuses more on victim blaming. W...........T...........F


Nah the main message is that real men can't help themselves around exposed shoulders, so you can live in your fantasy world with your feminism, but this is the real world and this is how it is with real men.

It's pretty sad you know. Indian art (paintings and statues) is chock-full of topless and erotic depictions of women and men, yet the society has become so ultra-conservative about sexuality that even a kiss on screen is shocking, and women and children are blamed for bringing sexual abuse on themselves. Indian culture wasn't always like this. It changed dramatically because of foreign invasions and the consequent imposition of foreign values.

Maybe things can be different for her child, who's grown up where you live. My housemate was Sri Lankan and her mother was from a poor village where she wasn't even allowed an education because she was female. Her mother is illiterate, but she's just graduated from university.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Thanks for letting me get things off my chest, folks. :)

Have they got you on iron supplements or something, to make sure your blood count doesn't crap out while waiting?

They have, and my CBC came back with a hemoglobin of 15, so at least I'm not currently anaemic. I'm actually somewhat surprised since I've been severely anaemic in the past, but I've kept taking the iron since then, so I guess it's been working its magic.


Oct 25, 2017
"Real" Women WTF? Last time I heard that from someone I got reeeeally, really mad. Like, what does that even mean? I think that making this kind of distinction among women (and even men, honestly) is so...I don't know, you just don't stand for equality at all. Without even mentioning the "don't expose themselves" part, which, as you said, is pure BS.

I know, I was supper angry aswell. I just don't get how other women believe, "of course men can't control themselves, you really brought this on yourself" And as you said this unrealistic idea of what a "real" woman is, which to them is if a woman is not true to herself at all, what if she is noticed?!


Sorry, couldn't resist.

Lol brilliant. I derseverd that

Nah the main message is that real men can't help themselves around exposed shoulders, so you can live in your fantasy world with your feminism, but this is the real world and this is how it is with real men.

It's pretty sad you know. Indian art (paintings and statues) is chock-full of topless and erotic depictions of women and men, yet the society has become so ultra-conservative about sexuality that even a kiss on screen is shocking, and women and children are blamed for bringing sexual abuse on themselves. Indian culture wasn't always like this. It changed dramatically because of foreign invasions and the consequent imposition of foreign values.

Maybe things can be different for her child, who's grown up where you live. My housemate was Sri Lankan and her mother was from a poor village where she wasn't even allowed an education because she was female. Her mother is illiterate, but she's just graduated from university.

I hope so to. New generation, new opportunities. I hope her little girl gets the freedom to express herself without judgement from her family.

And like I said, of course men can't control themselves, those poor helpless creatures


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Snumpus I know it's long overdue but I hope you're doing better and eating again. Please don't lose hope even though the situation you're in is very dire. Please keep us updated.

I've always found that they usually back down immediately because they are ill-prepared for in-your-face women. They expect us to be docile and take our verbal abuse like the good little girls we are.

Fuck that.

That was really good what you did. I hardly play online and didn't experience that kind of bullshit. If it happened to me, then I would honestly not know how to react. I probably wouldn't dare talking like that in order to prevent escalation.

Holy shit.... :\

The very definition of mansplaining. This is somehow even worse than the guy in that other thread explaining how boobs work which he knows from porn...

Ugh...those type of guys just piss me off. Talking about boob physics and not knowing the difference between with and without bra.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
Am I wrong to feel discouraged that there are twenty times as many people on this site willing to talk about the many ways people messed up at the women's march instead of all the ways things are moving in the right direction? I guess controversy is just too fun to talk about.

Deleted member 1287

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Am I wrong to feel discouraged that there are twenty times as many people on this site willing to talk about the many ways people messed up at the women's march instead of all the ways things are moving in the right direction? I guess controversy is just too fun to talk about.
People like to bite at anything that discredits it.


Oct 31, 2017
While the march was not perfect, I thought it was interesting how the thread for it got to just three pages while the critique thread got 12.


Oct 26, 2017
sabrina - nope. But I'm not allowed to talk about it.

Snumpus - just read what you wrote. The frustration and helplessness that these scheduling problems with doctors create are just overwhelming. But you are moving forward despite the setbacks. I think if it were a fast-growing growth, they wouldn't have cancelled on you because it would've been considered the larger danger, far more so than your asthma. I hope you can find something for the pain, and please sleep and eat?


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
I got a warning so I deleted what I was going to say here.
Oh. Wow. Okay. Is it something you can talk about in private?

I guess I'm trying to extricate my bias from the situation. Saturday was a banner day for me! We went to the Los Angeles march in the morning, and then I proposed to my girlfriend that afternoon. So clearly I'm more than a little emotionally invested :P



Oct 25, 2017
Oh. Wow. Okay. Is it something you can talk about in private?

I guess I'm trying to extricate my bias from the situation. Saturday was a banner day for me! We went to the Los Angeles march in the morning, and then I proposed to my girlfriend that afternoon. So clearly I'm more than a little emotionally invested :P



Oct 27, 2017
Oh. Wow. Okay. Is it something you can talk about in private?

I guess I'm trying to extricate my bias from the situation. Saturday was a banner day for me! We went to the Los Angeles march in the morning, and then I proposed to my girlfriend that afternoon. So clearly I'm more than a little emotionally invested :P


This is so sweet, congratulations!


Oct 25, 2017
Oh. Wow. Okay. Is it something you can talk about in private?

I guess I'm trying to extricate my bias from the situation. Saturday was a banner day for me! We went to the Los Angeles march in the morning, and then I proposed to my girlfriend that afternoon. So clearly I'm more than a little emotionally invested :P

Congratulations! Beautiful couple. I love the flowers in the background, it's a nice touch. <3


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Oh. Wow. Okay. Is it something you can talk about in private?

I guess I'm trying to extricate my bias from the situation. Saturday was a banner day for me! We went to the Los Angeles march in the morning, and then I proposed to my girlfriend that afternoon. So clearly I'm more than a little emotionally invested :P


Congrats! Gorgeous picture.

This is so sweet, congratulations!
Love your avatar <3


Oct 26, 2017
Oh. Wow. Okay. Is it something you can talk about in private?

I guess I'm trying to extricate my bias from the situation. Saturday was a banner day for me! We went to the Los Angeles march in the morning, and then I proposed to my girlfriend that afternoon. So clearly I'm more than a little emotionally invested :P


Wow, beautiful pic. Congrats, that's really exciting! Also, what gorgeous weather for the march and the proposal. Ahh, I'm uplifted by proximity! (I'll send a PM later).


Oct 25, 2017
Cybertronic Purgatory
Oh. Wow. Okay. Is it something you can talk about in private?

I guess I'm trying to extricate my bias from the situation. Saturday was a banner day for me! We went to the Los Angeles march in the morning, and then I proposed to my girlfriend that afternoon. So clearly I'm more than a little emotionally invested :P

Congratulations! Nice picture too; I want those boots


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
Wow, beautiful pic. Congrats, that's really exciting! Also, what gorgeous weather for the march and the proposal. Ahh, I'm uplifted by proximity! (I'll send a PM later).
Congratulations! Nice picture too; I want those boots
Contratulations to you two, sabrina ! That's a great picture; you both look so happy.
Aww. Thank you all! I got really lucky with her :)

Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Congrats sabrina ! You guys make a cute couple, and you both look so happy. :')

So I created another thread, inspired by an earlier discussion in this thread about recommending female gaming youtubers
please check it out and suggest stuff
Lady Content Creators |OT| Algorithms eats Man, Woman inherits the Internet

Thanks for this. I've been meaning to follow more female content creators. Just watched the thread and will contribute when I can. Off the top of my head I can think of What's Good Games and the Polygon show.
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
I have a question, ran into an odd situation where someone I met through an online multiplayer game, who started referring to me as B.B. and Babe. I do have a significant other in real life.

I asked him to stop, made me feel uncomfortable and I dislike pet names.

He seems put off by it, feels he has the moral high ground because of "where I was raised allows it". Still apologized for making me feel uncomfortable.

Anyone else here really put off by pet name terminology? I do not feel I was in the wrong to tell him to stop. But still guy, put your aggression on the shelf and have some social filters if you're going to engage in conversation with me. I will not tolerate pet names.


Oct 25, 2017
Pet names are the worst, I can't stand them either. The only guy who got away with calling me one was a coworker who always referred to me as "Dude" but that one I actually liked heh. Mostly because I called him Dude back and it was a equal level of dude-ness.

... not sure if dude really counts as a pet name though since everything can be dude. :P


Oct 26, 2017
I understand that relationship perfectly. I have a guy friend who calls me BB(Best Buddy), but he's said it for more then 8 years since I have known him. That is totally cool between just us.

But if it's someone I just met and they call me a pet name? Hell no! Makes me suupppper uncomfortable. Just hearing those terms makes me feel like I'm property. I am not property!


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Pet names are usually used condescendingly. At least, when I talk to a dude it's definitely that.

However, when I talk to chicks it's usually because I'm showing my affection for them. But I don't use it unless I think we're close.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I nickname people, but I ask them if it's okay. If they don't like it, then I stop. This is a standard boundary issue, and he was crossing it. Sounds like he may have problems understanding anything where he gets told he's wrong.