
Oct 25, 2017
I had over 10 UTIs in 7 months once... we eventually figured out the source. It's really gross, so I'm going to put it in a spoiler tag.

So obviously I kept going back again and again to the doctor, and the results always came back the same. UTI from the same bacteria.

We went through all of the usual stuff where the doctor assumes you are a completely disgusting moron until finally the doctor realized that I know not to wipe poop into my vagina (obvs).

After the 5th month, the doctor said, "Do you have shared laundry?"

Well, this was in San Francisco so yeah, we did.

Doctor: "I think they aren't getting the water hot enough or sterilizing the machines and that's what's causing you to get these frequent UTIs."

Of course my husband didn't believe it, thought that was absurd and impossible, the doctor's an idiot, and so on.


a month later I got a terrible rash on my boobs that wouldn't go away with over the counter creams, so back to the doctor I went. This whole time I was have non-stop UTIs. I would get it, take the week of antibiotics, have one or two days of relief and then get another UTI.

Anyway, the doctor revealed to me that


From the fucking shared laundry.

I had been repeatedly and endlessly exposed to god-knows-what from washing my bras and underwear in these shared laundry machines (which we had to PAY TO USE, FOR FUCK'S SAKE), which is what was giving me the UTIs.

After getting FUCKING ATHLETE'S FOOT ON MY BOOBS my husband finally believed it was the laundry facilities that were causing the UTI problem.

The only solution was to move to a different place and by that time my endless rounds of UTIs had traveled upwards and upgraded to a kidney infection. Which in retrospect was a good thing because they used much stronger drugs to get rid of the kidney infection, it finally went away and my UTIs never returned.

The end.
Holy shit, that is awful. I am glad that never happened to me using shared machines in college.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, and I thought my 2 in a month was bad.

Being a woman is fucking terrible sometimes. Though my husband got a bad uti once somehow. That was interesting.

It hasn't been a very pleasant for fun 10 weeks to say the least, I just hope when I see my doctor tomorrow and most likely get diagnosed with yet another that a long term fix can be found as ugh... >_<

I had over 10 UTIs in 7 months once... we eventually figured out the source. It's really gross, so I'm going to put it in a spoiler tag.

So obviously I kept going back again and again to the doctor, and the results always came back the same. UTI from the same bacteria.

We went through all of the usual stuff where the doctor assumes you are a completely disgusting moron until finally the doctor realized that I know not to wipe poop into my vagina (obvs).

After the 5th month, the doctor said, "Do you have shared laundry?"

Well, this was in San Francisco so yeah, we did.

Doctor: "I think they aren't getting the water hot enough or sterilizing the machines and that's what's causing you to get these frequent UTIs."

Of course my husband didn't believe it, thought that was absurd and impossible, the doctor's an idiot, and so on.


a month later I got a terrible rash on my boobs that wouldn't go away with over the counter creams, so back to the doctor I went. This whole time I was have non-stop UTIs. I would get it, take the week of antibiotics, have one or two days of relief and then get another UTI.

Anyway, the doctor revealed to me that


From the fucking shared laundry.

I had been repeatedly and endlessly exposed to god-knows-what from washing my bras and underwear in these shared laundry machines (which we had to PAY TO USE, FOR FUCK'S SAKE), which is what was giving me the UTIs.

After getting FUCKING ATHLETE'S FOOT ON MY BOOBS my husband finally believed it was the laundry facilities that were causing the UTI problem.

The only solution was to move to a different place and by that time my endless rounds of UTIs had traveled upwards and upgraded to a kidney infection. Which in retrospect was a good thing because they used much stronger drugs to get rid of the kidney infection, it finally went away and my UTIs never returned.

The end.

Oh gosh I'm sorry you had to go through that, glad it was eventually resolved in the end though. Didn't know about the shared laundry stuff so I will keep that noted. I live on my own but my mother still helps with my laundry as it helps to save me a little bit as I live in a high rise and dont have my own washer/drier so it saves me from having to go to the laundromat. I do believe she throws al my clothes and such in the washer with her/my younger sisters clothes when she does loads though so not sure if that could be a contributor.


Oct 25, 2017
It hasn't been a very pleasant for fun 10 weeks to say the least, I just hope when I see my doctor tomorrow and most likely get diagnosed with yet another that a long term fix can be found as ugh... >_<

Oh gosh I'm sorry you had to go through that, glad it was eventually resolved in the end though. Didn't know about the shared laundry stuff so I will keep that noted. I live on my own but my mother still helps with my laundry as it helps to save me a little bit as I live in a high rise and dont have my own washer/drier so it saves me from having to go to the laundromat. I do believe she throws al my clothes and such in the washer with her/my younger sisters clothes when she does loads though so not sure if that could be a contributor.

Unless your mom or sisters have some kind of infectious thing, like those Pixel comments, I don't think that could be the issue. I shared the laundry with my mom and brother for years and nothing happened.
Now, those public things.... I never though infections could survive there.

Other place I've heard is common to get UTIs is through common bathrooms, like, in your office or at university.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 26, 2017
Can we please not post shock horror fiction in this thread plz

Excuse me, this is nonfiction shock horror, thank you very much. :P

Oh gosh I'm sorry you had to go through that, glad it was eventually resolved in the end though. Didn't know about the shared laundry stuff so I will keep that noted. I live on my own but my mother still helps with my laundry as it helps to save me a little bit as I live in a high rise and dont have my own washer/drier so it saves me from having to go to the laundromat. I do believe she throws al my clothes and such in the washer with her/my younger sisters clothes when she does loads though so not sure if that could be a contributor.

I wouldn't worry too much, it's more that these were public facilities (like a laundromat) that apparently weren't being maintained in the proper manner. I never thought such a thing was even possible. I have shared washers and dryers with roommates in the past with no issues.

Well, I'm honestly glad my tale of suffering and woe could be used for entertainment. :)

I find that to be true more often than not, the things that happen to you that are really gross end up amusing anecdotes in the future once the horror/embarrassment has passed.

I have an autoimmune disease and, thanks to the Republican rollbacks of protections that existed before the ACA, I have been having difficulty getting my insurance to pay for my medication. This has resulted in my disease running unchecked in my body and causing me all kinds of issues. I had to have a procedure done 2 weeks ago that... did not go as expected for anybody. But I came out of it no worse than when I went in, so it will make for yet another amusing gross story, so at least I'm racking up plenty of those.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks both! Yeah I know my youngest sister had a UTI sometime last year but I don't think anything like that should be present now though so that's good.

Yesterday was a nightmare in Boston but got to see my doctor, on a 5th round of short term antiboitics but got refered to a uroligist that I'll be seeing next week so fingers crossed for a permanent solution come then as bleh


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
Looking for a bit of advice, regarding friendship stuff.

To preface this I do have anxiety, so that's probably the only reason I'm even caring. I have a group of old friends, we've all moved apart but stay active on messenger programs. However I always feel like my posts on group chats are always ignored. They know I'm having issues, and they've all called me weird on many occasions in person and online. My idiot brain wants to just ragequit the chats, but my logical mind knows that everyone is probably just busy.

But I can't help but think I just really don't fit in, that they really do think I'm the weirdo of the group. I've confronted them about feeling left out, but I don't really think they have the time to care. Should I just focus on more friendships in person? The last year since I've gotten married have not been good for me socially, so I'm worried about losing more friends.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 26, 2017
Looking for a bit of advice, regarding friendship stuff.

To preface this I do have anxiety, so that's probably the only reason I'm even caring. I have a group of old friends, we've all moved apart but stay active on messenger programs. However I always feel like my posts on group chats are always ignored. They know I'm having issues, and they've all called me weird on many occasions in person and online. My idiot brain wants to just ragequit the chats, but my logical mind knows that everyone is probably just busy.

But I can't help but think I just really don't fit in, that they really do think I'm the weirdo of the group. I've confronted them about feeling left out, but I don't really think they have the time to care. Should I just focus on more friendships in person? The last year since I've gotten married have not been good for me socially, so I'm worried about losing more friends.

If you think they aren't treating you right, then the actual "reality" of the situation doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you have anxiety, the fact that you even think it could factor in is just another symptom of your anxiety. The simple fact is that you feel you aren't getting what you need from these friends. It doesn't make anybody a bad person (not you or any of them), it's just how you feel.

I believe that for all relationships you either grow together or you grow apart. Obviously this group is growing apart due to each individual's life circumstances, and that's just a natural part of life.

I've moved all over the place in the last 20 years. Every few years was a new city (for work reasons). I've only kept in touch with 1-2 people from each city, and even then it's more we chat every few months, just to show we care about each other. Everyone else I was friends with were all good people, but the reality is if you don't have near constant contact the bond fades. It's life. But even the people I do keep in contact with are no longer my main "support group" because it would be unreasonable of me to expect that of them, due to geography if nothing else.

I have cultivated an "easy come, easy go" attitude towards friendships. I am more than willing to do activities, hang out, have dinner together with most people but I've accepted that the only constant is change. The people who are in my life now I appreciate but I accept that they probably won't be in my life forever.

I think the core issue is you know you are drifting apart but you're trying to hold on, resisting change.

TL,DR: Focus on finding new friends in your current location. I know it's much harder as an adult. And the truth is, you can find friends online now from shared hobbies. Social media has made this much easier, and in a way these friendships are easier to maintain because they are portable friendships, not based on proximity (by proximity I mean you making a friend by having worked together or went to the same gym or went to college together, etc).

Finally, if any of my friends called me a weirdo in a way that was not obviously in a loving, joking manner I would look them in the eye and say in a neutral tone, "Why do you feel justified in treating me this way?" and then bounce. But I freely admit that the amount of people I'm willing to take crap from is a very, very small list. I enjoy a spirited debate among friends and family but if someone's trying to demean or degrade me I shut that down right away.

Love yourself. Respect yourself. You deserve better.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
If you think they aren't treating you right, then the actual "reality" of the situation doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you have anxiety, the fact that you even think it could factor in is just another symptom of your anxiety. The simple fact is that you feel you aren't getting what you need from these friends. It doesn't make anybody a bad person (not you or any of them), it's just how you feel.

I believe that for all relationships you either grow together or you grow apart. Obviously this group is growing apart due to each individual's life circumstances, and that's just a natural part of life.

I've moved all over the place in the last 20 years. Every few years was a new city (for work reasons). I've only kept in touch with 1-2 people from each city, and even then it's more we chat every few months, just to show we care about each other. Everyone else I was friends with were all good people, but the reality is if you don't have near constant contact the bond fades. It's life. But even the people I do keep in contact with are no longer my main "support group" because it would be unreasonable of me to expect that of them, due to geography if nothing else.

I have cultivated an "easy come, easy go" attitude towards friendships. I am more than willing to do activities, hang out, have dinner together with most people but I've accepted that the only constant is change. The people who are in my life now I appreciate but I accept that they probably won't be in my life forever.

I think the core issue is you know you are drifting apart but you're trying to hold on, resisting change.

TL,DR: Focus on finding new friends in your current location. I know it's much harder as an adult. And the truth is, you can find friends online now from shared hobbies. Social media has made this much easier, and in a way these friendships are easier to maintain because they are portable friendships, not based on proximity (by proximity I mean you making a friend by having worked together or went to the same gym or went to college together, etc).

Finally, if any of my friends called me a weirdo in a way that was not obviously in a loving, joking manner I would look them in the eye and say in a neutral tone, "Why do you feel justified in treating me this way?" and then bounce. But I freely admit that the amount of people I'm willing to take crap from is a very, very small list. I enjoy a spirited debate among friends and family but if someone's trying to demean or degrade me I shut that down right away.

Love yourself. Respect yourself. You deserve better.

Thank you so much for giving such a thorough response. I'm absolutely going to do my best to follow this advice. You are amazing. :D


Jun 7, 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Looking for a bit of advice, regarding friendship stuff.

To preface this I do have anxiety, so that's probably the only reason I'm even caring. I have a group of old friends, we've all moved apart but stay active on messenger programs. However I always feel like my posts on group chats are always ignored. They know I'm having issues, and they've all called me weird on many occasions in person and online. My idiot brain wants to just ragequit the chats, but my logical mind knows that everyone is probably just busy.

But I can't help but think I just really don't fit in, that they really do think I'm the weirdo of the group. I've confronted them about feeling left out, but I don't really think they have the time to care. Should I just focus on more friendships in person? The last year since I've gotten married have not been good for me socially, so I'm worried about losing more friends.

yeah, i agree with pixelparty — it doesn't matter if your feelings are 'distorted' or not, your feelings are still valid. one of the terrible things anxiety does is put you in a death spiral. you worry that you're doing something wrong, then you worry that you're worrying too much about something stupid, and that's weird, stop being weird, no one will like you if you're like that, and it just goes on, and on, and on. one of the kindest things you can do for yourself is say: it's ok to worry. it's ok to feel that way! everyone feels that way sometimes.

anyway, the fact that your friends brushed you off for confronting them speaks volumes about where your friendship is going. that doesn't make them bad people, mind, but it doesn't paint them as very good friends. it might be time to move on. it hurts, i know, to accept that your friends are drifting away from you, but even our best friends are rarely our friends forever. i learned that the hard way when, at my darkest hour, my 'best' friend went away to thailand for a year, then hurried her way to cornell the moment she came back, leaving me in the dust. that cut me deep, but it also taught me an important lesson about the fragility of friendship.

you don't have to cut them out of your life, just rely on them a little less. i think it'd be a great idea to get involved in your new community. what do you like to do? whatever it is, there's bound to be a club for it on facebook, haha. maybe there's some fun couple stuff you could do with your partner, meet some other married folks? marriage can be tough on friendships. your whole outlook on life changes and your single friends might not really 'get it'. meeting other married couples might help you find more like-minded friends.

either way, i wish you lots of luck! anxiety is a real demon. i feel like i fight it everyday. just remember not to be too hard on yourself. your anxiety does enough of that for you, haha.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
yeah, i agree with pixelparty — it doesn't matter if your feelings are 'distorted' or not, your feelings are still valid. one of the terrible things anxiety does is put you in a death spiral. you worry that you're doing something wrong, then you worry that you're worrying too much about something stupid, and that's weird, stop being weird, no one will like you if you're like that, and it just goes on, and on, and on. one of the kindest things you can do for yourself is say: it's ok to worry. it's ok to feel that way! everyone feels that way sometimes.

anyway, the fact that your friends brushed you off for confronting them speaks volumes about where your friendship is going. that doesn't make them bad people, mind, but it doesn't paint them as very good friends. it might be time to move on. it hurts, i know, to accept that your friends are drifting away from you, but even our best friends are rarely our friends forever. i learned that the hard way when, at my darkest hour, my 'best' friend went away to thailand for a year, then hurried her way to cornell the moment she came back, leaving me in the dust. that cut me deep, but it also taught me an important lesson about the fragility of friendship.

you don't have to cut them out of your life, just rely on them a little less. i think it'd be a great idea to get involved in your new community. what do you like to do? whatever it is, there's bound to be a club for it on facebook, haha. maybe there's some fun couple stuff you could do with your partner, meet some other married folks? marriage can be tough on friendships. your whole outlook on life changes and your single friends might not really 'get it'. meeting other married couples might help you find more like-minded friends.

either way, i wish you lots of luck! anxiety is a real demon. i feel like i fight it everyday. just remember not to be too hard on yourself. your anxiety does enough of that for you, haha.

More great advice! It makes me think of one of the Steven Universe lessons that it's okay to not be okay.

But I like that concept, I'm admittedly too use to the concept of cutting people off. Should just rely on them less, and that's okay too.

We like board games, tabletop rpgs, and video games. All of which we can find new social circles, especially married ones. It just takes guts and a little bit of determination.


Oct 25, 2017
Been having some feminism discussions on twitter.
Second wave is weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird and radicals are anything but radicals

but I did understood that "abolishing gender" is basically just gender equality (more bifobic and transphobic) so it helps my rethoric next time =P

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Hey all, I have a bra question for my wife? It's a little personal due to health reasons, and I'm just dropping this before I head off to the night. I'd really appreciate some PMs to keep personal info to a minimum. Multiple opinions/options are super welcome.

The NON personal version is basically, we're looking for bras that don't have such rough/stiff wiring, but still provide support, that aren't push-ups? She's had a few pairs, but they've gotten old, and we've had a hell of a time finding proper replacements. Affordable would be nice to (I know). Thanks, all


User requested permanent ban
Oct 26, 2017
Hey all, I have a bra question for my wife? It's a little personal due to health reasons, and I'm just dropping this before I head off to the night. I'd really appreciate some PMs to keep personal info to a minimum. Multiple opinions/options are super welcome.

The NON personal version is basically, we're looking for bras that don't have such rough/stiff wiring, but still provide support, that aren't push-ups? She's had a few pairs, but they've gotten old, and we've had a hell of a time finding proper replacements. Affordable would be nice to (I know). Thanks, all

The best bras are going to be online-only unless you live in a major city. Third Love makes a really good bra that's under $100. The wires are pretty flexible.

Deleted member 3534

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's so hot right now that it is impossible to be comfortable. 94 degrees out here!

Plz ladies advice on how to stay cool.

I went to an early movie to escape it but that was a bad idea. I'm wearing shorts and my legs were sticking to the leather seats. Ughhh
Oct 25, 2017
It's so hot right now that it is impossible to be comfortable. 94 degrees out here!

Plz ladies advice on how to stay cool.

I went to an early movie to escape it but that was a bad idea. I'm wearing shorts and my legs were sticking to the leather seats. Ughhh

My hot tip is to not go outside. :p

That's why I don't wear shorts in the summer unless I'm going swimming. Legs sticking to everything.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Staying cool in hot climates is supported by quality building techniques, like using concrete/stone, and leaving breeze openings.

Hanging a semi permeable water skin/container in doorways/windows/openings to take advantage of wind.

Drinking water, looking after electrolytes, cooling the whole body with lukewarm showers if overheated [not cold], eating fruit, etc are all good too.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
...Also, air conditioning

It's so hot in here that it's 28C in my living room despite the air conditioning unit working full blast (it's on the window of my dining room) ;_;

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
Congratulations, ladies! You're the next Community Spotlight! As a man, let me explain what that means. You see, every week we highlight a new thread, and--hey why are you walking away come back

Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I have had the fan on full blast the last week or so. Summer is the worst season of the year. Would happily take the cold over the heat, but then again, I don't live in a climate that gets too bad during winter.

Congratulations, ladies! You're the next Community Spotlight! As a man, let me explain what that means. You see, every week we highlight a new thread, and--hey why are you walking away come back

*Throws rotten tomatoes at you*


User requested ban
May 18, 2018
Somewhere deep in space
It's so hot right now that it is impossible to be comfortable. 94 degrees out here!

Plz ladies advice on how to stay cool.

I went to an early movie to escape it but that was a bad idea. I'm wearing shorts and my legs were sticking to the leather seats. Ughhh
Well, I used to live in SoCal with 115 F heat waves so...

A/C if you have it.
Drink tons of water to keep hydrated, carry around a sports bottle.
Sunscreen if you go outside at all. I use SPF 110 because I'm type 1 skin (super light). Nothing worse than a sunburn to make you feel hotter.
Open up all the windows at night to let in cool air. Shut them tight in the morning to trap said cool air in the house.
Wear shorts and a loose tank. If your living situation is such that you're comfortable enough, go braless. Fuck bras in hot weather.
Avoid caffeine it makes your skin more sensitive and it dehydrates you.
Ice, lots of it. In drinks, in packs on your forehead.
Eat fruit, especially strawberries and watermelon and grapes.
Don't use the oven. Make salads samdwhiches or other cold dishes for food during the day.

Lady Murasaki

Scary Shiny Glasses
Oct 25, 2017
On the topic of harsh climates, does anyone knows if humidifiers are any good?

This year we are experiencing very low humidity levels already (under 35%), and the dry season didn't even begin. I read some things it's great for the skin and for the respiratory tract, but I'm still wondering if its worth it.


Oct 30, 2017
pip pip cheerio fish & chips
Congratulations, ladies! You're the next Community Spotlight! As a man, let me explain what that means. You see, every week we highlight a new thread, and--hey why are you walking away come back

Now we officially have Too Much Equality™

Gonna have to make a few cuts: A tax on kirby grips, opaque tights with the high top, and from now on you're no longer allowed to hold your boobs while you go down stairs.


User requested ban
May 18, 2018
Somewhere deep in space
On the topic of harsh climates, does anyone knows if humidifiers are any good?

This year we are experiencing very low humidity levels already (under 35%), and the dry season didn't even begin. I read some things it's great for the skin and for the respiratory tract, but I'm still wondering if its worth it.
Very worth it, though I used it mostly in the winter and spring.


Oct 25, 2017
Meanwhile, in the southern hemisphere...
I went to my sister's for dinner and was struck by the chill when walking out to the car. It was refreshing.

I'm weird, I'll have the heater on all afternoon and then open my window when I go to bed. I sit my face by the window and relish the cool air.


Oct 31, 2017
On the topic of harsh climates, does anyone knows if humidifiers are any good?

This year we are experiencing very low humidity levels already (under 35%), and the dry season didn't even begin. I read some things it's great for the skin and for the respiratory tract, but I'm still wondering if its worth it.
I had one when I was younger and it was helpful with my allergy/asthma issues.


Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
Can't say enough about a lukewarm shower before bed, and then I use my hairdryer on the cold setting just to get excess water out and let the rest air dry. I'm sleeping like a baby now even though it's disgustingly humid


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
This doesn't work in every situation, but I've been turning down the air conditioning at night to help me fall asleep. Because I can NOT stand being hot at night.


Oct 25, 2017
I live right next to a highway/on ramp so opening my window at night would just invite tons and tons of loud sounds and obnoxiously loud motorcycles that always seem to be driving late at night. Though on the plus side I never sweat and am rarely ever warm plus it's been high 80's/low 90's the past 7 days or so here and I've been sleeping with my heavy comforter as usual as I've been cold often.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
Congratulations, ladies! You're the next Community Spotlight! As a man, let me explain what that means. You see, every week we highlight a new thread, and--hey why are you walking away come back


Now we officially have Too Much Equality™

Gonna have to make a few cuts: A tax on kirby grips, opaque tights with the high top, and from now on you're no longer allowed to hold your boobs while you go down stairs.

In one fell swoop you've eliminated my only look >:0

Deleted member 3534

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Well, I used to live in SoCal with 115 F heat waves so...

A/C if you have it.
Drink tons of water to keep hydrated, carry around a sports bottle.
Sunscreen if you go outside at all. I use SPF 110 because I'm type 1 skin (super light). Nothing worse than a sunburn to make you feel hotter.
Open up all the windows at night to let in cool air. Shut them tight in the morning to trap said cool air in the house.
Wear shorts and a loose tank. If your living situation is such that you're comfortable enough, go braless. Fuck bras in hot weather.
Avoid caffeine it makes your skin more sensitive and it dehydrates you.
Ice, lots of it. In drinks, in packs on your forehead.
Eat fruit, especially strawberries and watermelon and grapes.
Don't use the oven. Make salads samdwhiches or other cold dishes for food during the day.

Screw the oven and cooking in general in extreme heat! I'm always drinking water so I got that covered. In days like this I wear the lightest dresses possible if I'm working or shorts or skirts and tanks or sundresses and maxi dresses.

Bras are evil in the summer but nessisary because if I walk into a store or somewhere that blasts the A/C I'll be attracting all sorts of unwanted attention.


Oct 27, 2017
If it isn't too much trouble, could the REgals and also Professor Beef (for some reason; it's a sticky so I'm new) summon H.Pro? Things just always seem better when H.Pro is around telling people stuff. Her head is like a square and I think she has guns. Don't know what's going on there, but it's better when she's around.


User requested ban
May 18, 2018
Somewhere deep in space
Screw the oven and cooking in general in extreme heat! I'm always drinking water so I got that covered. In days like this I wear the lightest dresses possible if I'm working or shorts or skirts and tanks or sundresses and maxi dresses.

Bras are evil in the summer but nessisary because if I walk into a store or somewhere that blasts the A/C I'll be attracting all sorts of unwanted attention.
Same sundresses or like beach type skirts are great.

lol i totally meant to only go braless in your own home, outdoors would be... yeah kinda embaraasing at times. Fucking boob sweat tho -_-;

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Thankfully the lab I work at is kept cool for obvious reasons so I don't need to worry about the heat so much. Really don't like the sun, though, it's eviiiiiiiiiiil.

I just want the weather to go back to being rainy. :(


Oct 25, 2017
Screw the oven and cooking in general in extreme heat! I'm always drinking water so I got that covered. In days like this I wear the lightest dresses possible if I'm working or shorts or skirts and tanks or sundresses and maxi dresses.

Bras are evil in the summer but nessisary because if I walk into a store or somewhere that blasts the A/C I'll be attracting all sorts of unwanted attention.

The winter is the worst for me. I'm cold all the time and it obviously "shows". Even with all the layers as soon as I take off my coat/sweater it's like "nope"! AC's do more or less the same thing too. Been having good success with strapless sticky bras recently though. Been great for me so far this spring/summer and no annoying straps to worry about with my dresses or more intricate tops so eliminates one of the hassles for me anyway.