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Oct 27, 2017
Wow, what a complete shit show this place really was. I remember when the GAF exodus happened and this place was supposed to be basically by the community for the community. Many people have contributed to this place over the years, some a lot more than others so to see the reality that one guy owned it all for profit is pretty fucking sickening.

We've allowed collectively this place to become an ever so slightly better place than GAF all whilst happily wearing the mask of a progressive community that is welcome to all. Collectively we've chased away communities from here, collectively we've chased away some amazing members and collectively we've once again allowed certain mods to treat themselves like minor celebrities.

To think this place was started to be better, to raise's all a bit Emperors new fucking clothes. $4.5m off the back off everyone else's work, yikes. Pay your mods.


Oct 14, 2018
I don't want to join the pile on with a race I have no horse in but surely if you're getting a lot of reports with the same person, and the reports are not giving enough information for you to take action, then you pm one of the people who sent in a report and ask them to provide some more. Like i really hope that it wasn't a case of well we've got 20 reports about this guy but they all just say troll so we can't do anything about it.

Whether intentional on the mod's part, knowingly or not, in practice that is a pretty apt description of the system. I've had posts of mine that were immediately mass reported due to misinterpretation or unreasonable sensitivities that clearly made it past several mod's review, but then caught a ban 24 or 48 hours later as the thread was randomly bumped and more reports piled on.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, but what is the vetting process to be a moderator in this community if the mods are not even aware that the OP of that thread has been making them on a weekly basis since 2010?

And what is even more sad is that we keep hearing stuff like "we were not familiar with that community!" but the mod that caused all that disaster was an old member of the MC community and was actually the one that made the older MC threads before Chris and yet there was a critical failure to read the situation (and also not only from him but the other people since, apparently, bans are discuses between people) and then Sales and Nintendo Era were basically gone in less than a week.

Also the constant blaming of the members of said communites... ugh.

There are hundreds of communities on era, requiring people to be knowledgeable about each and every one of them, even if it's a simply basic level of knowing about them is a completely unreasonable requirement and expectation to have. Few people when offered accept the position of being mod due to many reasons both on and off site. Limiting the pool of potential mod candiditates further will only harm and not help the site.

This also doesn't take away from fact that just because a user is the OP or prominent member of given community, they are subject to the same rules and TOS as every other user. I'm not referring to Chris specifically but each and every member and user, OP or otherwise.

Being a part of said community also doesn't mean a user is inherently right or wrong. Two different major users of a given community can have drastically different viewpoints on the health of said thread or any issues that may or may not be happening.

As has been said by multiple other mods and admins in this thread. The vast majority of reports are little more than single word reports that provide no extra context or insight on what may be the issue. Do mods often try and check out a given post that's reported and check the thread for more context to see if they can get some? Of course, I did it all the time. But even then that has it's limitations. If the expectation is that mods should PM every user that reports a post and search out in detail, why the post was reported and do a complete investigation then as much as I'm sure many on staff would want that, it's completely unreasonable and impossible with just how many reports there are. More clear and descriptive reports do help immensely. I also echo what Serpens said. The vast majority of the reports that are made are for mild posts that do not break any rule. In any gaming thread if someone says they don't like a game or that X game is bad, 9/10 times that user is reported often by multiple people. These types of reports hurt more than they help because when you see the same type of post reported across so many different threads and users for months/years as "trolling" or "warring", when it comes to actual, legitimate cases of trolling or warring. It makes things far more harder to distinguish from a legitimate problem vs someone getting reported because another person didn't like their post. These types of reports also make the report queue are larger and backed up leading to delays in actioning legitimate problem users.

Is that to say that users should write essays or be responsible for every single report they make? Of course not, part of being a moderator is that you have more tools available to you to help bridge the gap. That definitely can and should more often involve contacting specific community user mainstays to try and get more info if problems continue to arise but mods can't do everything nor should they be expected to. The mutual working of both staff and users in regards to reports is what helps the most.

It seems there are plans being made to the report system that'll make it easier for users to make better reports which will put less burden on users and hopefully make it easier to see problem users in threads an expedite the time it takes to action those problem users.I truly hope it helps and makes things easier for staff and users alike.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
how do we insure that the site stays progressive when each user is now a dollar sign to the owners


Oct 29, 2017
I hope, the now very wealthy Cerium does some good with the money they have received from this huge payout. It's an obscene amount in most peoples eyes, so I hope those who put the real work in are rewarded... And some nice charitable contributions are made.
Oct 27, 2017
So effectively:
  • Guy takes advantage of exodus from other site, ropes people into coming here with the help of others
  • Those others get no stake in ownership
  • Gets people to work for him for free (for years)
  • Charges people to help "keep the lights on" for a "community" forum
  • Makes up to $500k/yr after costs
  • Sells for $4.5 million to ownership group that allows transphobia on their other sites
Sounds like the ultimate grift, I have to congratulate him for pulling it off. Especially convincing everyone that it was a community forum that constantly needed help staying afloat.

I can say for certain that I won't be as active here anymore after this. I have other sites I frequent that scratch the same itch ( for current events and gaming. And reddit will help with other general topics.


Dec 9, 2017
Tyrone, GA


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, what a complete shit show this place really was. I remember when the GAF exodus happened and this place was supposed to be basically by the community for the community. Many people have contributed to this place over the years, some a lot more than others so to see the reality that one guy owned it all for profit is pretty fucking sickening.

We've allowed collectively this place to become an ever so slightly better place than GAF all whilst happily wearing the mask of a progressive community that is welcome to all. Collectively we've chased away communities from here, collectively we've chased away some amazing members and collectively we've once again allowed certain mods to treat themselves like minor celebrities.

To think this place was started to be better, to raise's all a bit Emperors new fucking clothes. $4.5m off the back off everyone else's work, yikes. Pay your mods.

So effectively:
  • Guy takes advantage of exodus from other site, ropes people into coming here with the help of others
  • Those others get no stake in ownership
  • Gets people to work for him for free (for years)
  • Charges people to help "keep the lights on" for a "community" forum
  • Makes up to $500k/yr after costs
  • Sells for $4.5 million to ownership group that allows transphobia on their other sites
Sounds like the ultimate grift, I have to congratulate him for pulling it off. Especially convincing everyone that it was a community forum that constantly needed help staying afloat.

I can say for certain that I won't be as active here anymore after this. I have other sites I frequent that scratch the same itch ( for current events and gaming. And reddit will help with other general topics.

A grift that would make Evilore proud, except his ego was too big to sell when he got the chance.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017


Apr 1, 2018
No way that $4.5 mill number is real.

How big the gaming side? I never go there but the off topic sections doesn't seem that popular.


Oct 25, 2017
I know we're getting off-topic, but it is beyond unprofessional for a mod to be shittalking users in space that's open to non-mods. Whether it's a "private discord" or twitter doesn't matter one bit, unless the "private discord" is exclusively a staff channel (which by my understanding of the situation, it most definitely was not). I ran forums for years and I know what it's like to have to vent about some of the nonsense you have to deal with, but you absolutely do not do that shit in front of other members.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
So effectively:
  • Guy takes advantage of exodus from other site, ropes people into coming here with the help of others
  • Those others get no stake in ownership
  • Gets people to work for him for free (for years)
  • Charges people to help "keep the lights on" for a "community" forum
  • Makes up to $500k/yr after costs
  • Sells for $4.5 million to ownership group that allows transphobia on their other sites
Sounds like the ultimate grift, I have to congratulate him for pulling it off. Especially convincing everyone that it was a community forum that constantly needed help staying afloat.

Congrats to Era ownership. Definitely impressive pulling this shit off while failing the various communities that were here in many ways.


Oct 25, 2017
My interest in this forum has waned over the years. The site has become more hostile, aggressive, and unwelcoming. Long-time members have been leaving steadily for a while now or are hiding in OTs that slowly get dismantled. New members are harder and harder to come by as forums fall from popularity. I was going to post my thoughts and suggestions. I've been part of this thing for well over a decade. I have an emotional attachment to it and desire to try and help. Bring in a level-headed point of view. I wanted to try and start a discussion here about ways to improve.

But after seeing this thread evolve and circle back around to SalesERA, I was reminded this isn't a place worth fighting for anymore. Reminded why I stopped contributing in the general forums years ago. Not because of some owner. Not because of some mod/member relationship issues that are completely fixable. But because the soul of this place isn't what it once was. That joy when we first came here, where everyone was legitimately happy, is gone and the community has grown into some spiteful hate-filled group. There are good people here, but they get drowned out so quickly. There is good discussion to be had, but it's gate-kept and immediately polarized. Positive topics get 100 views and 10 replies while negative topics get thousands. It is no surprise this thread is full of negative hypothetical situations and finger pointing instead of the community banding together.

It isn't hard for OT communities to splinter off and leave when the general idea of ResetEra is no longer worth fighting for. If their community feels attacked they pick up and leave because the general ResetEra isn't what it once was and it isn't worth the effort/fight to stay here and make it a better place. If it was there would be more earnest discussions with mods to rectify problems. The community system worked here because everyone used to still tie back to the general forums. That tie got severed somewhere along the way. People say the OTs are the back-bone of this community, but they really aren't, there needs to be something that holds it all together, a larger sense of community. That was the ideal when we came here.

I think the community needs to look itself in the mirror and seriously consider they may be the ones to snuff out what good is left before MOBA even has a chance to because they've been doing it for years now. Worry about that first.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
I know we're getting off-topic, but it is beyond unprofessional for a mod to be shittalking users in space that's open to non-mods. Whether it's a "private discord" or twitter doesn't matter one bit, unless the "private discord" is exclusively a staff channel (which by my understanding of the situation, it most definitely was not). I ran forums for years and I know what it's like to have to vent about some of the nonsense you have to deal with, but you absolutely do not do that shit in front of other members.
It's something I've even written a guide about for the staff. I get that people need to vent, and mods are a part of some communities where they have closer relationships and may relax and join in the banter, but there is a matter of situational awareness. I don't think anyone is going to be perfect on that end - I like to think I do a decent job of it myself, but who knows if I said something dumb at some point. Thing is we can bring them in and tell them what happened and why it's important to not do it (again).


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
So effectively:
  • Guy takes advantage of exodus from other site, ropes people into coming here with the help of others
  • Those others get no stake in ownership
  • Gets people to work for him for free (for years)
  • Charges people to help "keep the lights on" for a "community" forum
  • Makes up to $500k/yr after costs
  • Sells for $4.5 million to ownership group that allows transphobia on their other sites
Sounds like the ultimate grift, I have to congratulate him for pulling it off. Especially convincing everyone that it was a community forum that constantly needed help staying afloat.
It's really hard for me to feel like it wasn't a grift. I was in the original discord channel when the site was being built and I remember feeling so hopeful that the community, at least a fraction of it, was banding together to make this place happen. Knowing that all that effort by so many people ultimately went into just one person's pocket is low-key sickening.
Oct 27, 2017
…post progressive topics? Have progressive discussions? No one's asking you to suddenly make Mitch McConnell redemption threads.

Tell r/KotakuInAction I said hi.

I don't know what that sub is, but I assume you're trying to insult me by suggesting I will be going to a scummy or non-progressive place. Try again, but thanks for going to that level.


Oct 27, 2017
Just coincidence or what, getting intrusive ad for an energy drink.

I didn't want to post it but same here. Im always logged in on my phone and only see adds on the very top, now im getting a damn energy drink on every forum thread i click lol.

Anyway, yeah one guy cashing out does seem shady but it is what it is. This is the only social media I have and I don't see myself signing up anywhere else. If shit starts changing for the worse, I'm out. All we can do is wait and see. Not going to flip out over it at this point


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
I don't know what that sub is, but I assume you're trying to insult me by suggesting I will be going to a scummy or non-progressive place. Try again, but thanks for going to that level.
I just wanted to make sure you knew what the rest of Reddit had. I don't assume you post in that subreddit, but I'm just giving you a heads up that there are some pretty gross subreddits out there and I wanted to make sure you were aware so you could adhere to your stated concerns.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
…post progressive topics? Have progressive discussions? No one's asking you to suddenly make Mitch McConnell redemption threads.

Tell r/KotakuInAction I said hi.

There are subreddits that are way more leftist than this place where the majority leans neoliberal (see any thread about defund the police lmao), just like there are alt right subreddits. Shitty assumption to make.
Oct 27, 2017
I just wanted to make sure you knew what the rest of Reddit had. I don't assume you post in that subreddit, but I'm just giving you a heads up that there are some pretty gross subreddits out there and I wanted to make sure you were aware so you could adhere to your stated concerns.

Reddit is basically 500x resetera, with some subs that are larger than resetera as a whole. Of course there will be bad crap on it. But each sub is run by its own group, so there are fantastic ones out there. And my concern isn't just about transphobia, it's about everyone here being taken advantage of without their knowledge so a single person could run off with millions of dollars. Cerium should go down in internet history as a POS for what he did.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
There are subreddits that are way more leftist than this place where the majority leans neoliberal (see any thread about defund the police lmao), just like there are alt right subreddits. Shitty assumption to make.
Sure, I agree. My point is that it's a bit hypocritical to assume that Era is suddenly the devil because we apparently have some shitheads on the "sister" boards, then claim you're going to Reddit, as if they don't have a similar issue (and that's all just one site).


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
Reddit is basically 500x resetera, with some subs that are larger than resetera as a whole. Of course there will be bad crap on it. But each sub is run by its own group, so there are fantastic ones out there. And my concern isn't just about transphobia, it's about everyone here being taken advantage of without their knowledge so a single person could run off with millions of dollars. Cerium should go down in internet history as a POS for what he did.
Alright. You are free to choose where your user-generated content goes.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I never said a profit wasn't in the horizon.

I also don't think the only reason this forum exists is due to that profit.

As for latter, that's what I thought, too, but clearly the premise of this forum was to ultimately make money, looking at the current events. Clearly the migration from GAF was, while perhaps from a good place initially, progressively taken advantage of and we, the ad revenue bringing sheeps, were sold to a company.

The more I think about it, the more I think this is all fucking bullshit. If this forum dies from this blow, so be it, it's all a damn shame though.


Oct 25, 2017
Norn Iron
Was there ever even any disclosure of where the money from the era clear subs goes to?

Profit for the guy who sold the forum:
Sales in the last twelve months (up to and including 31 August) amounted to approximately USD 700,000 with an EBITDA margin of approximately 80%.

M.O.B.A. Network acquires - one of the world's largest gaming forums

M.O.B.A. Network has today acquired, one of the world's largest gaming forum and


Oct 25, 2017
Was there ever any disclosure of where the money from the era clear subs goes to?
I mean...there's a sole owner and a small tech staff. That's the extent of all revenue payouts.

But I don't know if there was disclosure back when it started.

Honestly I kind of thought the forum was sort of not-for-profitish. I thought era clear and ads were basically paying for server costs and tech support.


Oct 25, 2017
Not US
The way everything was set up from the get go, it's really weird how everyone is so surprised that this happened. It was obvious that this site would generate that kind of money and become valuable. Not on the peak GAF level, but it was always going to be big. If you didn't want one person, or a small group of people to do this (or even to prevent the repeat of Evilore level scandal), it should have been set up different.

Anyway, I was never that active here, so I don't really care about all of this. If I can still get my gaming news and leaks here, I'm fine.


Oct 27, 2017
What do you think happens when you pay somebody money for something? It isn't a government or non-profit.
I feel like there should be some expectation when the it was advertised with "Directly support the community you love"

Though interestingly it seems like the wording on the era clear site has now changed to "Your support is appreciated"


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Look out moba lest ye incur the wrath of random forum user!!!!!!!! THE PLANET SMASHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAHHHHHHHHH

So...we shouldn't speak up if the new owners fuck up? Or are we only supposed to freak out and run around like chickens with our heads cut off screaming about something that MIGHT happen?


Oct 27, 2017
So effectively:
  • Guy takes advantage of exodus from other site, ropes people into coming here with the help of others
  • Those others get no stake in ownership
  • Gets people to work for him for free (for years)
  • Charges people to help "keep the lights on" for a "community" forum
  • Makes up to $500k/yr after costs
  • Sells for $4.5 million to ownership group that allows transphobia on their other sites
Sounds like the ultimate grift, I have to congratulate him for pulling it off. Especially convincing everyone that it was a community forum that constantly needed help staying afloat.

I can say for certain that I won't be as active here anymore after this. I have other sites I frequent that scratch the same itch ( for current events and gaming. And reddit will help with other general topics.

It's a fucking huge grift. Somebody has just made $4.5m from posting just over 1 message a day whilst sitting back and having free labour run the place. Take it to the next level by selling a service (clear) under the guise of funding the forum when in reality the forum generates life changing money through ads.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
My interest in this forum has waned over the years. The site has become more hostile, aggressive, and unwelcoming. Long-time members have been leaving steadily for a while now or are hiding in OTs that slowly get dismantled. New members are harder and harder to come by as forums fall from popularity. I was going to post my thoughts and suggestions. I've been part of this thing for well over a decade. I have an emotional attachment to it and desire to try and help. Bring in a level-headed point of view. I wanted to try and start a discussion here about ways to improve.

But after seeing this thread evolve and circle back around to SalesERA, I was reminded this isn't a place worth fighting for anymore. Reminded why I stopped contributing in the general forums years ago. Not because of some owner. Not because of some mod/member relationship issues that are completely fixable. But because the soul of this place isn't what it once was. That joy when we first came here, where everyone was legitimately happy, is gone and the community has grown into some spiteful hate-filled group. There are good people here, but they get drowned out so quickly. There is good discussion to be had, but it's gate-kept and immediately polarized. Positive topics get 100 views and 10 replies while negative topics get thousands. It is no surprise this thread is full of negative hypothetical situations and finger pointing instead of the community banding together.

It isn't hard for OT communities to splinter off and leave when the general idea of ResetEra is no longer worth fighting for. If their community feels attacked they pick up and leave because the general ResetEra isn't what it once was and it isn't worth the effort/fight to stay here and make it a better place. If it was there would be more earnest discussions with mods to rectify problems. The community system worked here because everyone used to still tie back to the general forums. That tie got severed somewhere along the way. People say the OTs are the back-bone of this community, but they really aren't, there needs to be something that holds it all together, a larger sense of community. That was the ideal when we came here.

I think the community needs to look itself in the mirror and seriously consider they may be the ones to snuff out what good is left before MOBA even has a chance to because they've been doing it for years now. Worry about that first.

Good post. I also very much miss the Era of the first three weeks. I barely post anymore because people are too angry and it's exhausting.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I am attacking noone and being lumped in with those that do
If you wish to call out individual hypocrites then please do but don't lump any of us here
This you?
Also this explains the sites reticence to make any kind of stand against ACTI BLIZZ. you can't get your fat check from corporate if you're making some kind of stand. ActiBlizz sponsored OT's next?
One would wonder if this is the reason the staff seemed so reticent to take a hard stance with all the Blizzard issues in the last year.

I am sure its not to put off prospective buyers.

Like, how are you so utterly lacking in self-awareness? Some of your first posts in this very thread were peddling insane conspiracy theories about staff and their policy decisions, implying the reason they chose to not ban ActiBlizz threads was because of the upcoming buyout (completely false, obviously). You also said the site didn't take "any kind of stance" which is also flat out untrue. All of those things are incredibly insulting to staff members, particularly the mods who worked hard on handling those topics. But you are so lacking in self-awareness that you cannot even see how your own toxic shitposts are routinely part of the problem yourself. Not the first time this happens either.

It would have been nice if the mod who resigned practiced some of that empathy as well instead of calling users of a site they moderate "c*nts," "manbabies" and expressing a desire to ban at least one of them. And you also forgot to mention the only reason why the Discord servers were brought up was because one very popular user was perma banned for an off-site comment that was much more tame than what was being posted in these Discords by the staff showcasing a clear double-standard compared to staff members who were not reprimanded.

A lot of people who made MC what it was here were lovely and it's doing them a diservice to act like it was all a targetted harasment campaign from the begining. They just wanted to discuss Japanese games sales which they had been doing for years before the moderation involvement.
Oh boy here we go again huh. The people I called people cunts and manbabies were specifically the assholes who were constantly harassing and insulting cvxfreak and demanding that he resign etc. (this was made clear in the comment I was replying to, by the way). This means I "don't have empathy" now? LOL, spare me the pearl-clutching. No, I have empathy towards people like cvxfreak who didn't deserve any of this insane amount of vitriol, but yeah I guess I don't have much empathy towards toxic manchildren who harass my friends over petty nonsense like a 1-day ban. Funny that.

CVX freak and Morrigan looked down on the community with absolute contempt. Nobody else drove away that community than the shitty moderation.

Looking at the screenshots, you're telling me they were great mods when they were specifically targeting people in the thread (namely Chris) and then rallying people in their discord to defend them? It's simply laughable.
See this is more false narratives. I never was involved with that community. I never stepped foot in those threads. I was literally Idontthinkaboutyouatall.gif about them. All I did was, in a semi-private Discord, say not-so-nice-things about people who were harassing and insulting cvxfreak over and over when that stuff going down. I also didn't "rally" anyone, I just reassured people who wanted to go in there to support cvxfreak that doing so wasn't bannable (because, well, it wasn't), as they were afraid of doing that and getting dogpiled.

As for mods "driving them away", that's also laughable, as they had already decided to leave by then (over the 1-day ban), long before things escalated with the screenshots.

In other words: you don't know what you're talking about, you're just parroting the same tired persecution complex nonsense that constantly circulates unchallenged in these Discord echo chambers where people whip each other into a frenzy over any slight, whether real or imaginary. Don't worry though, you're far from the first (nor the last) to do that. It is what it is.

I know we're getting off-topic, but it is beyond unprofessional for a mod to be shittalking users in space that's open to non-mods. Whether it's a "private discord" or twitter doesn't matter one bit, unless the "private discord" is exclusively a staff channel (which by my understanding of the situation, it most definitely was not). I ran forums for years and I know what it's like to have to vent about some of the nonsense you have to deal with, but you absolutely do not do that shit in front of other members.
Moderators have been shit-talking troublesome users to their buddies since the beginning of time. It comes with the territory because the job is basically to be hall monitor where they're mostly dealing with the annoying unruly children and bullies,. If you believe that a mod shit-talking bullies to their friends is beyond the pale, that's on you for imputing far more meaning and baggage onto the behaviour that what the speaker probably intends.

Deleted member 8166

Account closed at user request
Oct 26, 2017
Don't they just need to wipe your email address and userame from their database to comply (unless your name in real life is totofogo)? It seems like it would be crippling if they had to wipe entire post histories, but I'm not a lawyer and I don't know jack shit about Euro laws.
In my last company I was told from the lawyers you've to delete anything that could lead someone to identify a user.
Since a user could post his real name or other identifying information in an old post, it might be mandatory.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
The way everything was set up from the get go, it's really weird how everyone is so surprised that this happened. It was obvious that this site would generate that kind of money and become valuable. Not on the peak GAF level, but it was always going to be big. If you didn't want one person, or a small group of people to do this (or even to prevent the repeat of Evilore level scandal), it should have been set up different.

Anyway, I was never that active here, so I don't really care about all of this. If I can still get my gaming news and leaks here, I'm fine.
I was there at the beginning and the primary thought at the time was more "there's no way this is going to fucking work" - migrating people, having a stable site, actually having things work properly.

EDIT: my favorite conspiracy theory is that this site was planned long in advance. No, it literally came together over those three days.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Chris didn't, you are correct. However the entire situation started because he got a ONE day ban. The hundreds of posts and increasing hostilities that followed was completely inappropriate and disproportionate. Are MC thread regulars allowed to be upset over the ban? Of course, it's not my place as a non member of said community to say how regular users of said thread should feel in regards to bans for any member of their community. However the fact remains that literally everything happened and was started because of an extreme reaction to the shortest ban length possible. So many users are banned from prominent gaming community threads, often for far longer duration's too and said gaming communities may complain of course, it's their right, but never is it ever anywhere to the extremes that happened last month.

Not to disregard your broader point - especially since we've had several posts further from both you and other staff going over the situation with trolls and how that can be hard to track, which is valuable info - but I do want to note that it wasn't just the one day ban in isolation that caused things to blow up. From what I could see, it was that in addition to the dropping of the new thread rules that people felt like were out of touch and benefitted the trolls more than the regular posters. That may feel like semantics but I think it would not have blown up nearly as much without that bit making it feel like they really weren't being listened to/weren't consulted for what actually needed to be cut down on.

I know we're getting off-topic, but it is beyond unprofessional for a mod to be shittalking users in space that's open to non-mods. Whether it's a "private discord" or twitter doesn't matter one bit, unless the "private discord" is exclusively a staff channel (which by my understanding of the situation, it most definitely was not). I ran forums for years and I know what it's like to have to vent about some of the nonsense you have to deal with, but you absolutely do not do that shit in front of other members.

Yeah, that's really the key thing about that situation for me. There was a comparison made earlier about co-workers shit-talking about customers, and while I guess there can still be lines crossed there, that's at least just actually private venting. But that stuff happened in a discord channel where there were other normal users just hanging out which crosses the line even before the fact that it really wasn't "private" to begin with anyway.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
In my last company I was told from the lawyers you've to delete anything that could lead someone to identify a user.
Since a user could post his real name or other identifying information in an old post, it might be mandatory.
IANAL but my understanding is that it applies to PII, but Article 9(2)(e) states that it doesn't apply to "personal data made manifestly public by the data subject."

That said, if someone ever identifies a post where they posted their name or something, I don't see why we wouldn't edit it out or something.

Again, I am not a lawyer, so don't take this as gospel, this is just a layperson reading through it.


Oct 27, 2017
As if we can always know who the promonent members in all of these communities are...

Well excuuuuuuse me! And excuse me if I spelled "Promonent" incorrectly, I have dyslexia and can barely write for shit, but thanks.

After the cyberpunk omnishambles and it was a fucking omnishambles, I was under the impression that lessons would be learned and that people would become closer to communities to ensure that PROMONENT members would be heard over and above bad actors, but clearly not.

Deleted member 8166

Account closed at user request
Oct 26, 2017
IANAL but my understanding is that it applies to PII, but Article 9(2)(e) states that it doesn't apply to "personal data made manifestly public by the data subject."

That said, if someone ever identifies a post where they posted their name or something, I don't see why we wouldn't edit it out or something.

Again, I am not a lawyer, so don't take this as gospel, this is just a layperson reading through it.
AFAIK there has not been anyone suing an entity like this place yet about something like that.
Until than… 🤷 I am no lawyer either. Just a former data analyst and now in general IT. So all my knowledge is based on short lectures from company lawyers or mandatory classes 😬

mind in the end a function to delete one's whole posting history would be good and very user oriented thing either way.
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