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Oct 28, 2017
Very good example of how capitalism functions by labor exploitation btw - much of the staff who spend "countless hours" keeping the site in order get $0 despite quite literally being staff, the userbase which creates the content that provides value naturally gets nothing in terms of either money or power, but all the posting-labor creates value that the owner gets to benefit from, not only by ad revenue but by cashing out.
Mods should probably get paid but I don't think volunteering for a mod position on an enthusiast forum is labour exploitation.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Also hope this forum never allows posts to have Likes.
That is the stupidest thing and only made for popular people and echo chamber posts.


Oct 26, 2017
I always new this place was fucked from the offset. It was just a matter of time. People saw what NeoCunt was making and wanted to jump on it themselves.

$4.5m while most of the workers are volunteers is a joke.


Oct 25, 2017
While I do feel like mods should be paid for their work, I also wonder how much messier such an arrangement would make changing the moderation team around when necessary.
Ideally it should be a paid role where the moderators are trained and supported as community managers. This is what moderators on large forums essentially do anyway. The "job scope" is much wider than just locking threads or banning people. For good moderation to take place, you have to build trust and engage with the community so people feel listened to. You need to have a good handle on the various subcommunities and their individual needs and quirks. There is constant discussion among moderators on how to build positive culture and discourage toxic behaviour without just waving a banstick around.

This is all stuff that moderators do which community managers also do, except on a forum like this it tends to be informal, not that well supported by peers, and done out of the "goodness of the heart" because moderators are long time members of the community as it is.

By making it a paid position, it means there is incentive to introduce proper support and training, selecting a team that has stability, and it would be helpful for those who might want something more legitimate they can put on a resume as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Mods should probably get paid but I don't think volunteering for a mod position on an enthusiast forum is labour exploitation.
The volunteering part isn't. It's the day to day "job" and the expectations of the role without the best support system in place that is exploitative. It doesn't even have to be intentionally exploitative, it just naturally is.


Oct 28, 2017
Also hope this forum never allows posts to have Likes.
That is the stupidest thing and only made for popular people and echo chamber posts.
This forum already has 'likes' in the form of visible quoted posts. That's why certain people rush to post """""""funny""""""" first replies to every new thread.


Oct 25, 2017
Mods should probably get paid but I don't think volunteering for a mod position on an enthusiast forum is labour exploitation.
Well, you have to think though, the site would very likely not even be up and running today if mods didn't exist. Essentially, the owner of Resetera needs mods WAY more than mods needs Resetera.


Oct 26, 2017
A simple like system would help increase engagement and potentially increase ad revenue.

A taste of my email to M.O.B.A.


Oct 25, 2017
Well someone is getting short shifted. It's one thing as an independently run thing to have volunteer moderators, but with a company backing...
I don't think it's that different, tbh. If a hypothetical site is pulling in a million dollars a year in ad revenue, what does it matter if that money flows to a single "independent" owner vs an established corporation, if in both cases the moderators are doing the work for free, particularly if the owner is not involved in the community in either situation.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's that different, tbh. If a hypothetical site is pulling in a million dollars a year in ad revenue, what does it matter if that money flows to a single "independent" owner vs an established corporation, if in both cases the moderators are doing the work for free, particularly if the owner is not involved in the community in either situation.

There was always an assumption that the site was home spun, running ads just to stay online and keep the lights on.

This news completely shatters that. There is no question that businesses should pay their employees.


Oct 25, 2017


Mar 16, 2018
lmao announcing your multi-million dollar deal in the same post you say mods are volunteers is just ice cold. goddamn dude if you're a mod you got so fucked over so bad you dont owe this guy or these new owners your labour like this.

anyway very cool to sell a huge database of verified personal emails to some evil private equity vultures, going by this company's investor list. gonna be a hilarious couple days on this forum.


Oct 25, 2017
Whoa, it's really been a couple years. Hell of a community, always grateful to be part of it, hope nothing changes dramatically with new ownership. What happens to the mod teams?


Oct 31, 2017
Gotta respect the hustle. Happening to have the starting capital to make the website then passively sitting on it while unpaid labor builds the site to a value of 700k a year and a 4.5 mil sale is a hell of a cushy gig. An appropriate term for that is being a LANlord.


Oct 25, 2017
England m8.
Company buys another company, nothing will change nudge nudge wink wink. We've heard that tale before.

Anyway, we'll see innit.


Oct 25, 2017
At the same time... Considering how most threads go on here, I feel that for a lot of ERA members "Being owned by a giant corporation" sounds like a dream come true.


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
Pretty cool that one person can walk away with all of the fruits of the labor and content creation of its user base while barely engaging with the website themselves.
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