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subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017


Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)
I've got my issues with some mod choices but, like, c'mon, this is silly. What do you think is more likely, that he was involved behind the scenes and talked with the staff even if he wasn't active on the forums, or that he somehow coerced multiple former and current staffers into lying about his involvement?
Like, come on, the mods aren't this monolith, they're a bunch of people that make mistakes or decisions I might not agree with.
yeah… I get it…


Oct 28, 2017
Just hope the new owners know what they bought, and don't make me log in to something else or install anything to continue to use the site, and I'll keep coming back.

Change will feel weird, but it is what it is.

Deleted member 4461

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
I do think is extremely hilarious that they managed to sell a graveyard at such a premium price


Know what entertains me? Every one of those communities left for a totally different reason, and ultimately split into their own forums for their own people.

People make it like it's some "ERA is polarizing" thing or "the mods suck" or even "ERA isn't progressive enough," but I'm pretty sure that those groups left because of each other just as much as anything else.

It's easy to dunk on ERA (perhaps too easy), but it's funny how people are framing this.
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, this news sucks.

Given the history of this site and the reason for its creation, it feels wrong that any profit accrued from ads was not being invested to support its continued existence (hosting, staff) but hoarded by a single individual who has now sold it to a corporation with a vested interest in acquiring revenue from its investment.


Oct 25, 2017
I literally cannot think of a single instance where we sat down and said "ok, and how does this make us more profitable?" Like, maybe at the beginning where we talked about ads for keeping the lights on, but nothing since then.
I sure are hell am not planning on including that bit of concern in any decision going forward.

Exactly, that's what I meant. Previously I assume the agreement with Cerium was more or less "keep the community in check, according to the values we all set out to uphold". But now It's "keep doing what you are doing, as long as it makes us money". There's a big for-profit case in there, that wasn't previously there.

With the previous post I didn't mean that the Admin/Mod staff would get included in talks about how to make it more profitable with the M.O.B.A people. For which they probably have a well paid marketing department in charge. I just meant that now the whole staff is ultimately in charge of making money for the company from their POV with fostering the community being secondary to that. The work you put in from this moment forth is now about making a profit, and no longer keeping the lights on. That's basically what I was trying to convey with the previous post.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Staff are replaceable, typical of any thing owned by an organization. If new owners want to enforce a new set of rules/policies they will get their way.

And if the new owners do that, everyone will leave and they'll be left holding a $4.5 million dollar waste of money. It's in the company's best interest to rock the boat as little as possible or risk burning their entire investment to the ground.

And yes, some corporations do stupid stuff like that, but most of them typically try not to after a buyout like this.


Oct 27, 2017
Alexandria, VA
There's another gaming forum I'm a part of (dayonepatch) that split off from IGN around 2010 (first called badcartridge, then dayonepatch), causing them to lose much of their forum base. The owner is someone who also posts here (in this thread, even), and owns the site 100%. However, he also sinks his own money into it, and I wouldn't begrudge him for ever selling, since he does the work and pays for it (and I'm sure he's losing money for a community he loves).

He's talking about me, by the way! :oP

And OF COURSE I'm losing money - we have absolutely no revenue stream on (the #1 site on the internet) whatsoever! It's the only purely Marxist-Leninist-Maoist gaming site on the internet!


Oct 25, 2017
But I thought the user base hate the mods. Surely they'd throw a party instead?

The exodus from GAF happened because staff decided to bounce, not because of EvilLore's increasingly difficult to ignore status as a massive fucking creep. No matter how antagonistic the relationship between the userbase and the mods has become, the former would not stick around without the latter.


Oct 25, 2017
in the end it does seem inevitable, so I do think there is a lot of work that goes on as a single owner of a web site like this. Thanks for being involved and allowing the web site to operate basically seamlessly as possible. Of course credit goes to everyone part of the team, but the owner is of course important as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I've always been of the mind that if a company is profit-generating (for a private purpose, such as this) then all positions that put in any work should be paid (according to the local laws where the site is hosted). We wouldn't expect people to distribute Pepsi to stores for free simply because they love the company, nor should we expect people to moderate things online for free, simply because they like the community. If someone is making money off something, then anyone contributing labour to that profit needs to be paid.
There's quite literally no feasible way to pay all of the moderators of this site. The "Active Staff Roster" thread says there are 32 moderators. If you were to pay all the moderators something like a minimum wage of $10 an hour at 20 hours a week that'd be over 300k. That also ignores the fact that there is surely a lot of legal work that would be required in administrating these services and also depending on where people are located they'd need to be paid more.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe, but also absolutely true.

The question is, what does hammering this point so many times get you? The satisfaction of being right? Obviously any single one of us, poster or mod alike, is replaceable. None of us are linchpins holding the entire forum together.

Realistically, though, if the entire mod staff were swept away overnight and replaced by strangers, the damage that would be done to the community would be incalculable.

Deleted member 10416

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yes. And also there was no need to essentially con people with Era Clear passes to "keep the site going".

This is cracking me up. Didn't even know it existed.

"As an Era Clear subscriber you can retain the cleanest possible browsing experience while taking pride in giving something back."

This site was clearly making plenty of money from ad revenue alone to cover server costs and then some. So why did Era Clear need to exist other than to line the owner's pockets? Why not just say so instead of floating across some platitude laden bullshit? I'm fine with being a member of a site that's owned by some dude, I've been an SomethingAwful member forever, but at least they are fairly transparent about it. This vague community-centric wording is shady as fuck and exploitative considering the circumstances in which this forum was created.


Oct 25, 2017
This is cracking me up. Didn't even know it existed.

"As an Era Clear subscriber you can retain the cleanest possible browsing experience while taking pride in giving something back."

This site was clearly making plenty of money from ad revenue alone to cover server costs and then some. So why did Era Clear need to exist other than to line the owner's pockets? Why not just say so instead of floating across some platitude laden bullshit? I'm fine with being a member of a site that's owned by some dude, I've been an SomethingAwful member forever, but at least they are fairly transparent about it. This vague community-centric wording is shady as fuck and exploitative considering the circumstances in which this forum was created.
You have 45 posts. You are acting like you've been a big cornerstone of the community unless you are using an alt to talk smack behind?


Oct 27, 2017
There's quite literally no feasible way to pay all of the moderators of this site. The "Active Staff Roster" thread says there are 32 moderators. If you were to pay all the moderators something like a minimum wage of $10 an hour at 20 hours a week that'd be over 300k. That also ignores the fact that there is surely a lot of legal work that would be required in administrating these services and also depending on where people are located they'd need to be paid more.
And the site was generating 700k/year, it seems. So, if you payed the mods, you still got 400k to spend, by your calculations
Oct 27, 2017
There's quite literally no feasible way to pay all of the moderators of this site. The "Active Staff Roster" thread says there are 32 moderators. If you were to pay all the moderators something like a minimum wage of $10 an hour at 20 hours a week that'd be over 300k. That also ignores the fact that there is surely a lot of legal work that would be required in administrating these services and also depending on where people are located they'd need to be paid more.

If there is no way to adequately pay for the labour required to run a for-profit site...then it shouldn't be a for-profit site. There's no money in soup kitchens, so it makes sense that people volunteer their time. But there is money in selling chicken, so KFC pays people to make it. There is clearly money in internet forums (if large enough), so people need to be paid. If there isn't enough to pay them for the work done, then no one else should be making money off their labour. It's pretty clear-cut, morally.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I also read a lot of the GDPR as I had to deal with implementation for a number of clients across their services and, from memory, I'm pretty sure that anonymising data grants exemption for the most part. Deleted users have their usernames scrubbed so I'm sure that would provide them a lot of scope too.
Oct 27, 2017
He's talking about me, by the way! :oP

And OF COURSE I'm losing money - we have absolutely no revenue stream on (the #1 site on the internet) whatsoever! It's the only purely Marxist-Leninist-Maoist gaming site on the internet!

Indeed! I do remember a bunch of people pitching in when dayonepatch first started (I think I gave a few hundred), but that money would have ran out nearly instantly, I would think. I appreciate you keeping it afloat, and ad-free. I am always willing to put in more money to help out!


Oct 25, 2017
You have 45 posts. You are acting like you've been a big cornerstone of the community unless you are using an alt to talk smack behind?

What part of what they're saying is incorrect, though?

Era Clear -- and the prevailing outward notion that these things were "keeping the lights on" -- is, in retrospect, incredibly deceptive.

Not least which because we've had some staff in here saying they were fully aware of the site's financial situation, despite others claiming otherwise.

I'd genuinely be interested in one of them expounding on Era Clear in particular. It is abundantly evident that it was and is unnecessary for its stated purpose, and instead simply functioned to lull people into monetarily supporting an entity that was already making profit hand-over-fist, taking advantage of their good will.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean… personally I wouldn't be doing any work on behalf of a for-profit corporation for free unless there was CV/resume value out of it, but let them live their lives I guess

edit: lmfao we really out here comparing post counts now

quick, someone post their GFaqs Karma amount
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Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
And the site was generating 700k/year, it seems. So, if you payed the mods, you still got 400k to spend, by your calculations

Napkin math like this is kind of silly as there are a lot of unknown variables. Expenses beyond just potentially paying volunteer mods. One of which is noted in the OP is paying the tech team.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is cracking me up. Didn't even know it existed.

"As an Era Clear subscriber you can retain the cleanest possible browsing experience while taking pride in giving something back."

This site was clearly making plenty of money from ad revenue alone to cover server costs and then some. So why did Era Clear need to exist other than to line the owner's pockets? Why not just say so instead of floating across some platitude laden bullshit? I'm fine with being a member of a site that's owned by some dude, I've been an SomethingAwful member forever, but at least they are fairly transparent about it. This vague community-centric wording is shady as fuck and exploitative considering the circumstances in which this forum was created.
This whole thing keeps getting grosser by the minute as more stuff gets pointed out.


Oct 25, 2017
Again, a lot of dancing around without saying a lot. You seem to agree that people should be paid for labor and that it would be a benefit the site as a well for modship to be paid and trained. So, what is your argument? Is it solely about calling out fraud? Or is it that you can't be critical and believe that at the same time. Like what is your counterpoint here? If it's just that you feel you're better than people who were critical to mods in the past, you know, good for you, I guess. But like I said before, and like you sidestepped, it's irrelevant to the overall point. You can be better than "ya'll." I honestly don't think anyone cares

And I don't know what this weird attempt is at trying to throw my work back at me is. The fact that I am work in retail makes me understand why work should be rewarded and people should be paid more (or, in this case, at all). What that has to do with anything is beyond me. I believe you can still be critical of retail workers and still believe, in general, retail workers should be paid more. So what difference does this make to anything being said.
For the accusations of sidestepping you sure do a lot of it yourself lmao. Are you really so dense you don't understand that ringing the bell of mods being paid rings hollow based on the communities past actions? Because you sure are sidestepping that behavior and are trying to frame it as some kind of valid and constructive criticism. Then trying to put on a holier than thou mantle of "all labor should be paid"

So when you're getting yelled at for not having a ps5 in stock that $10-15 an hour pay makes it all better? Makes you love coming in and doing that job everyday? That money just washes away the main problem you have with the job? Because that's basically what you're saying lol. I don't understand why you can't see the reason most mods don't wanna be paid is because then they're basically "forced" to interact even when their mental health isn't in the best spot. And once again, if the majority of mods agreed to not get paid why are we giving a shit in the first place? It's so goofy to try and force people to care on their behalf

Giant Panda

Oct 25, 2017
I will delete if its against TOS.

installbaseforum for Japan Sales/Sales

Xboxera for Xbox

famiboards for Nintendo

Not sure about others but i will only join a few and lurks in the others lol.

Sony is still on ERA lol
That's kind of sad that each community is splintering off like this. They're going to be weaker being separate, fewer new users coming in, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Today has to be a really tough, busy day to be a moderator. Like one of those exhausting never ending days. And it's also the same day you learned that the boss walked out with 4.5 milli while you volunteered your time.

As we know from our right wing friends, the human mind is incredible and can rationalize away anything we want. But man oh man that's a heck of a cognitive dissonance moment right here.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
You have 45 posts. You are acting like you've been a big cornerstone of the community unless you are using an alt to talk smack behind?

You have 1,137 and yet they added more thought to their post. You'd think you'd learn after a while and not be elitist about post counts.

This is cracking me up. Didn't even know it existed.

"As an Era Clear subscriber you can retain the cleanest possible browsing experience while taking pride in giving something back."

This site was clearly making plenty of money from ad revenue alone to cover server costs and then some. So why did Era Clear need to exist other than to line the owner's pockets? Why not just say so instead of floating across some platitude laden bullshit? I'm fine with being a member of a site that's owned by some dude, I've been an SomethingAwful member forever, but at least they are fairly transparent about it. This vague community-centric wording is shady as fuck and exploitative considering the circumstances in which this forum was created.

Not only that, but when selling the site off they can show it off as another revenue stream, which will increase the value.

Deleted member 20892

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
This is cracking me up. Didn't even know it existed.

"As an Era Clear subscriber you can retain the cleanest possible browsing experience while taking pride in giving something back."

This site was clearly making plenty of money from ad revenue alone to cover server costs and then some. So why did Era Clear need to exist other than to line the owner's pockets? Why not just say so instead of floating across some platitude laden bullshit? I'm fine with being a member of a site that's owned by some dude, I've been an SomethingAwful member forever, but at least they are fairly transparent about it. This vague community-centric wording is shady as fuck and exploitative considering the circumstances in which this forum was created.
yep it's pretty gross


Oct 25, 2017
And the site was generating 700k/year, it seems. So, if you payed the mods, you still got 400k to spend, by your calculations
Well that is assuming that the site always makes 700k/year and not that it is the top end for all we know. Additionally, it ignores any operating costs and also the fact that admins would have to be paid if mods were and then again you'd have to pay lawyers and accountants to handle payroll.

Doesn't he have a point though? Why did era clear even have to be a thing.
I mean, he's right but plenty of other forums have the exact same "Pay to remove ads" structure. It was a fools errand for anyone to believe this site was some small website struggling to pull in cash, especially when this topic has come up in the past.

What part of what they're saying is incorrect, though?

Era Clear -- and the prevailing outward notion that these things were "keeping the lights on" -- is, in retrospect, incredibly deceptive.

Not least which because we've had some staff in here saying they were fully aware of the site's financial situation, despite others claiming otherwise.

I'd genuinely be interested in one of them expounding on Era Clear in particular. It is abundantly evident that it was and is unnecessary for its stated purpose, and instead simply functioned to lull people into monetarily supporting an entity that was already making profit hand-over-fist, taking advantage of their good will.
Again, people were fooling themselves if they didn't think the site was making money. I haven't read anything to ever suggest Era was struggling and there was good precedent from GAF to support the idea that forums make good money with an active userbase (Of which Era has a significant userbase).
Oct 25, 2017
There's quite literally no feasible way to pay all of the moderators of this site. The "Active Staff Roster" thread says there are 32 moderators. If you were to pay all the moderators something like a minimum wage of $10 an hour at 20 hours a week that'd be over 300k. That also ignores the fact that there is surely a lot of legal work that would be required in administrating these services and also depending on where people are located they'd need to be paid more.

If that's the case, then this site isn't profitable. Nothing wrong with that, and it can still exist as a non profit where the mods are doing the work for the community, and any extra ad revenue can go to charity, or even a staff event. Take a $100k each year and do a cruise for mods or something. IDK.


Oct 25, 2017
You have 1,137 and yet they added more thought to their post. You'd think you'd learn after a while and not be elitist about post counts.
It is literally less than 50 posts. If they're a main account then they barely ever used this site and are coming in here to join the angry crowd and stirr shit. If they are an alt account same purpose but they couldn't be assed to speak their thoughts on their main account.
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