
Oct 25, 2017
Czech republic
RE7 teams is currently split between RE8 and helping with RE2 remake.
RE2 remake obviously needs all it's time for RE2.
DMC5 team again needs all it's time for DMC5

Division 1 doesn't have more teams. If (when) RE3make becomes a thing, it'll be done by RE2make team. Also 2020 seems like year of RE8 + that game will have another 6-8 months long season pass.
Don't expect RE3make till 2022.

Sumio Mondo

Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
People can judge for themselves. I don't see how these remixes come close to capturing the spirit of the original; they're so bland compared to the originals:

New save room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiNaGA0RXDU
Old save room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMz6bhXyNZc

New hall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV2nSm02gxU
Old hall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGQd4P6oTnE

I kinda like the ambient version of the Save Room theme (the new one). Much prefer the old Police Station Hall theme though. It's a classic.
I do like the new music heard in the two trailers too. Wonder when they'll pop up. Think I'll go with the new OST for the first time through both Leon and Claire and then swap it out on a replay with the classic soundtrack.


Oct 28, 2017
I hope so, I never really liked RE1 and 2 as much as I did 3, not because of the action, but mostly because of the level variety. RE2 Remake looks awesome, bust most of that graphical goodness is gonna be wasted on that moody police station. Now when I imagine RE3, running around the actual Raccoon City for more than 10 minutes in the prologue [re2] I'm getting really giddy, and when you add NEMESIS to that mix... oh boy.

It's not interesting to me to play a game like RE2Make and having to run away all the time because some monster comes up with his musical theme playing all the time like he is a circus clown. There's nothing scary about a monster with randomized appearance whose sole purpose is making you waste your time, especially as you can't hide.

To have a game that seems to look great like RE2Make only to know that the next remake is going to be an action game is just sad.


Jan 8, 2018
RE3 before RE8.

Only way is if RE8 is just a basic sequel to RE7 with the same first person perspective and not much changes.


Oct 31, 2017
You really need to stop expecting the exact same thing as the original game. The design has change, like a lot, it's no longer a door to door loading cut. You can now seemlessly walking through each room , so blasting the BG music as soon as you get into new room with a very loud a clear BGM no longer works. That's why they have to tone down the music and blend it more into the atmosphere.

Even if they had done a faithful fixed camera remake, I wouldn't have expected the same thing as the original. Like I mentioned before, REmake totally redid the soundtrack to suit the new game but didn't lose the identity of any tracks in the process. I assumed the soundtrack would be redone once again, but I wasn't expecting them to reduce it to the point where it's just a few recognizable notes blurring into ambience. If we're being honest, don't both those new tracks sound about the same? Even if you really like the new versions, the character has been lost.

The problem I have isn't that they're doing something different, it's that the different thing they're doing isn't as compelling. It's not the same game, it's a total reimagining, sure, but in this case they've reimagined one of the best soundtracks in gaming as something unremarkable. And if they couldn't get that powerful original mood to work in OTS, maybe OTS was the wrong choice. I get why people who think the original game is dated and terrible to play are happy with this remake, but if you actually like the fixed/tank style then this remake comes with a lot of compromises.

I think Samus Returns is in some small way an example of how you can take an "obsolete" type of gameplay that "only existed due to technical limitations" and evolve it and continue finding new ways to push it. 2D games only existed in such numbers because early systems weren't powerful enough to do 3D polygons, but there's still a charm to that kind of game that you can't get anywhere else. Samus Returns embraced that but still found surprising ways to move forward, like 360 degree aiming and countering. I'd have loved to see what Capcom could have done with a fixed camera game now, and how much more they could have evolved it compared to the old games. I think they easily could have done a remake that kept the original play style while feeling like something fresh and new, but it wouldn't have had as much mainstream appeal.


Oct 26, 2017
I barely remember much of the time I played RE2 back in the day. That said, it's giving me pause about whether to go for the original music or not. If the music in this going to be neutered and minimal or worse in some way, or if the original music really good, I wouldn't know which way to play this. Putting that behind a paywall seems like it would really piss off some lifelong fans. I didn't hear if it can be unlocked ingame or even if it is purchasable separate DLC. What do all the super fans in here think of the new music Vs the original ? Should I stay in blissful ignorance or not ?


Alt Account
Jun 17, 2018
RE3 before RE8.

Only way is if RE8 is just a basic sequel to RE7 with the same first person perspective and not much changes.
This, I really want them to shotgun RE2/3 REmakes out the door, then Revelations 3 starring Rebecca Chambers and Bruce McGivern....designed specifically for Nintendo Switch.

Azure Wanderer

Jun 27, 2018
I hope so, I never really liked RE1 and 2 as much as I did 3, not because of the action, but mostly because of the level variety. RE2 Remake looks awesome, bust most of that graphical goodness is gonna be wasted on that moody police station. Now when I imagine RE3, running around the actual Raccoon City for more than 10 minutes in the prologue [re2] I'm getting really giddy, and when you add NEMESIS to that mix... oh boy.
Good post. Racoon was really underutilized. It's a great background for a reimagining.

Azure Wanderer

Jun 27, 2018
I hope RE3 comes in early 2020. Now that they have the engine down they can remake RE3 in about a year.
Have you even played RE3? The common area between the two is like 10 rooms of the RCPD and that is 10% of the game.

For RE3make they must pretty much do their version of Dying Light, meaning a city wide apocalypse, maybe with a few metroidvania elements and lots of human tragedy going around.

If they play it right, RE3make can be their definitive RE


Jan 8, 2018
I don't want RE3 to be open world, it should be as much a 1:1 remake as possible with the same exact areas and rooms. God forbid RE go open world.

I mean they're always open enough to explore, but it's still a set number of areas to visit and then you move on as the game progresses.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
For real. People seem to have this misremembered idea of RE3 like the entire game was recycled from RE2. You spend literally 5-10 minutes in the police station before you move on.

THREEMAKE would probably take just as much work as 2 to recreate.

This, I can't believe it is still happening. 3 has more different environments to two in the streets alone, let alone the fact they would likely add more new ones and branching paths.


Oct 27, 2017
This, I can't believe it is still happening. 3 has more different environments to two in the streets alone, let alone the fact they would likely add more new ones and branching paths.

In my case, it's not the misconception about it being recycled. It's that RE3 looks and plays like an expansion to RE2 with slight combat enhancements than a dedicated full game. Even outside of RPD, it's still set in the same 'space' that RE2 occupies and roughly around exactly the same time frame too.

Hence I won't mind if they see to it's full realization and just make it an expansion to RE2make.


Nov 13, 2017
I don't want RE3 to be open world, it should be as much a 1:1 remake as possible with the same exact areas and rooms. God forbid RE go open world.

I mean they're always open enough to explore, but it's still a set number of areas to visit and then you move on as the game progresses.
I would love a survival horror resident evil game in open work with the same mechanics of resident evil 2 remake
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
They can probably pump out RE3 pretty quick. Hit the ground running after RE2. Same engine, same gamepaly template, same art assets that can be shared will be shared, same overall visual aesthetic, same controls etc.

If RE2 took 3 years RE3 can maybe be done in 2. Hm, who knows.


Oct 28, 2017
In my case, it's not the misconception about it being recycled. It's that RE3 looks and plays like an expansion to RE2 with slight combat enhancements than a dedicated full game. Even outside of RPD, it's still set in the same 'space' that RE2 occupies and roughly around exactly the same time frame too.

Hence I won't mind if they see to it's full realization and just make it an expansion to RE2make.

Especially since RE2 is far more effective at establishing the oppressive environment of Raccoon City than RE3 did with its gated streets as if the city was a bigger-sized spencer mansion.


Jan 8, 2018
I think a RE3 remake can be done in one year, they will probably immediately start production on it as soon as RE2 is finished.

RE3 wasn't even a very long game, especially when you realize you only play as Jill and there's no two scenarios like Leon and Claire. They have the engine and assets, just make the new areas, new voice work and music, etc.

We need to get RE3 before this gen ends. 2020 is the deadline.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
In my case, it's not the misconception about it being recycled. It's that RE3 looks and plays like an expansion to RE2 with slight combat enhancements than a dedicated full game. Even outside of RPD, it's still set in the same 'space' that RE2 occupies and roughly around exactly the same time frame too.

Hence I won't mind if they see to it's full realization and just make it an expansion to RE2make.

I think we spoke about this before at some point.
I always say RE3 using the RPD is no different than Dead Space 2 using the Ishimura again in a similar manner.
3's remake can be much bigger in scope, not just size. I'm not talking open world here.


Oct 27, 2017
I think we spoke about this before at some point.
I always say RE3 using the RPD is no different than Dead Space 2 using the Ishimura again in a similar manner.
3's remake can be much bigger in scope, not just size. I'm not talking open world here.
What i meant by the same 'space' was that it feels too similar to RE2 (this is including all areas besides the RPD). Similarly ,even if you expand it, the RE3make will end up feeling a lot like the RE2make and considering all the shit the AC games get for annual releases with the same tech/type of content, it won't be received that well if released as a separate full priced game.

Dead Space 2 was a huge improvement in a lot of things over the first one so I don't think that's a valid example and it certainly doesn't relate proportionally to RE2 to RE3. Dead Space 2 was more like Code Veronica (if Code Veronica wasn't a bad game :p) than RE3 as a follow up to RE2.


Oct 28, 2017
I think we spoke about this before at some point.
I always say RE3 using the RPD is no different than Dead Space 2 using the Ishimura again in a similar manner.
3's remake can be much bigger in scope, not just size. I'm not talking open world here.
Dead Space 2 built up to it though, it had a build up and pay off. RE3 just plops you back at the RPD in almost the same amount of time it takes you to get there in RE2.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
What i meant by the same 'space' was that it feels too similar to RE2 (this is including all areas besides the RPD). Similarly ,even if you expand it, the RE3make will end up feeling a lot like the RE2make and considering all the shit the AC games get for annual releases with the same tech/type of content, it won't be received that well if released as a separate full priced game.

Dead Space 2 was a huge improvement in a lot of things over the first one so I don't think that's a valid example and it certainly doesn't relate proportionally to RE2 to RE3. Dead Space 2 was more like Code Veronica (if Code Veronica wasn't a bad game :p) than RE3 as a follow up to RE2.

Haha yeah I agree with this. More especially the Code Veronica bit.

Dead Space 2 built up to it though, it had a build up and pay off. RE3 just plops you back at the RPD in almost the same amount of time it takes you to get there in RE2.

That's a very good point.


Oct 28, 2017
I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom greenlighted the project after RE2's reception at E3.
Yea and it won game of the show awards and stuff I think

They probably at the very least have it in pre production or something early where not much is spent but planning and beginning of layouts and writing is happening and then when RE2 is completely finished and is shown to sell pretty well, they can set the go for the full product

Azure Wanderer

Jun 27, 2018
It's that RE3 looks and plays like an expansion to RE2 with slight combat enhancements than a dedicated full game. Even outside of RPD, it's still set in the same 'space' that RE2 occupies and roughly around exactly the same time frame too.
But assets don't get made out of "feeling" you know what I mean? If they're different locations (they are) then they'll require more work. A tremendous amount of work.

And of course the city will open up, because tree square cities blocked by debris would look ridiculous on a normal video game these days.


Nov 5, 2017
There are three important things to consider:

1. RE2Make was announced basically after being immediately greenlit and the actual work on the game was not started until the whole 'WE DO IT' video.
2. Most importantly, the project itself went through some heavy revisions during development, such as recreating the game with fixed camera angles only at first.
3. The development apparently required some major changes to the RE Engine compared to the version used for RE7.

With these things in mind, 3 years in development is not that much. If Capcom decides to remake 3 as well, they'll have the engine fully ready and the new gameplay framework already laid down, which is arguably more important than a small amount of graphical assets for reusing. Seeing it after 2 years, or even a year and a half doesn't seem that much of a stretch for me. The only significant delay I can see occurring if the team starts another RE-based project that is an all-new game and leaves RE3make for later.


Oct 26, 2017
Resident Evil 3 has its own assets, its own locations. I don't understand the "but it feels like RE2" comments. RE2 is in a unique position in that it released with such incredible graphical fidelity in 1998 that there wasn't room for improvement in 1999 in the same way there was for many other series. They had roughly the same visual style, because they were still from the same series, which had established a strong visual identity in 2.

When they approach RE2, they will have to implement new systems, and think about how to improve the original.

And for the record, RE3 is more puzzle heavy than RE2 is.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
*You're in the police station in RE3 for like 15-20 minutes in a 3 hour game*

"But-But-It's basically the same game as RE2!"

"But-But-It doesn't deserve its own remake!"

RE3 is getting remade, the only question is when.


Oct 25, 2017
Oof, will be playing with the classic soundtrack on it looks like.

Also, do not see RE3 (if that even happens) coming out before RE8 at all.


Mar 16, 2018
whenever they make RE3make it deserves to get enough dev time and care to be great, i don't want RE3make to just get rushed out of the door
Jun 18, 2018
Again I feel like you are vastly underestimating how long it would take to finish a project of this scope.

Agreed, you may have alot of the mechanics foundations in place, but that's really the quick(er) part of development. Building high quality characters, locations and items is what's going to soak up your time & budget.