
Nov 1, 2017
Just finished NOH. I liked it for what it was, and for closing the shitty RE 7 story. Hated Evie and Mia with a passion. I hope we never have to deal with molded enemies ever again.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally, I was very happy with both DLC's overall, but especially End of Zoe. Jaw is right in that it is an incredible tribute to Action RE and also the cheesy, wacky, and outright insane sensibilities of past games, which RE7 toned in favor of Horror and a somewhat more grounded tone and story. As a longtime fan of every style of RE, I found it both very enjoyable and heartwarming. I also like that Capcom knows RE's fanbase is as diverse as it's history, and has kept us all in mind. Oh, and Joe baker is just amazing, lol.

Not a Hero is great too, but not quite as consistently entertaining or as much of a breath of fresh air as End of Zoe. I'm also not a big fan of the rather drab mine setting, or the new Chris. I really hope Roger Craig Smith comes back soon. My fave RE character/avatar has changed for the worse. :(

Overall tho, I think these two DLC's are easily the best of the bunch. I only wish they were longer overall. Also, here's quick reviews for both of them.

Not a Hero: 8/10 Very Solid, fun, and polished feeling overall.
Without going into specifics, it also addresses some of the criticisms I had with RE7's endgame, and feels like the way the main game should've ended. Being a freebie also helps.

End of Zoe: 9/10 This was so great, and I really loved it in the end. Easily my favorite piece of RE7 DLC. The only issue is that it's fairly short, and I honestly don't know if it's worth $15 (there is some replay value here, tho), but I'm really glad I got to experience it. It's certainly not what I expected, but that's not always a bad thing really, and this was certainly a very pleasant surprise.


Oct 26, 2017
i didnt care for either dlc, but I didnt think they were terrible. As Re7 is still my goty, these were a huge disappointment though. Especially after the ridiculously long wait.


Oct 27, 2017
Not a Hero was actually alright. I can see this action route working for future games at least for a single character campaign or something. I wouldn't want a whole game like this. The combat was functional but what really held it back was the encounter and enemy designs. The molded suck as they always have and the encounters are nothing special except for an ok mini boss and final boss. I warmed up a bit to new Chris too. His model is still fucking atrocious but he acts like Chris, sounds like Chris, and has that Chris strength. Pushing those mine carts got me pumped. With all that said though, I probably won't play it ever again. I'll try EoZ tomorrow.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed Not a Hero, even through at this point, and especially with the more action nature, I was getting kind of tired of fighting the molded (the final boss was alright through). RE8 really needs a much more interesting bunch of enemies. Still, there were some nice stuff in the DLC, including cool traps, and a bit of backtracking to do.

I'll see about checking out End of Zoe later during a sale.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
I would have played Not a Hero again if it had some decent trophies, but the only other one is for doing it on Professional, so that can wait for another time when I'm really bored and got nothing else to do or something.

End of Zoe will have to wait until it's cheaper, because no way I'm paying that much for it.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, Not A Hero isn't revving my engines. Doesn't help that I miss Roger Craig Smith something fierce. #NotMyChris.
Iirc, the power fist was originally in Not a Hero before Capcom took it over again.

EoZ was always in-house to my knowledge.
Really curious to see what they fixed now having played most of it. I think I'm right at the end but...it's not super great.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember when I started playing RE4 UHD after a long time spent with RE5. No weapon shortcuts, no stomping on enemies, no strafing, no quick knife slash. First hour or so was really tough.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a Hero and End of Zoe should have been one thing, featuring Chris. The variation would aid both, and it would have formed a pretty varied and compelling second campaign. And the finale of End of Zoe as Chris would have been amazing.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Not a Hero and End of Zoe should have been one thing, featuring Chris. The variation would aid both, and it would have formed a pretty varied and compelling second campaign. And the finale of End of Zoe as Chris would have been amazing.

Yeah with how that campaign is structured gameplay wise. It's really odd it doesn't star chris.

Deleted member 1162

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Return of Wesker man, that was so hot. he was hidden and face never on the cover until after the orginal game reveal.


Oct 27, 2017
I've just finished "Not A Hero". It wasn't bad - it closed some story points, added some background to the whole Umbrella stuff and Eve experiments and improved combat. The mere ability to punch and stomp on enemies made the combat much more satisfying to me; I wish Ethan was able to at least push away enemies that stagger. The DLC has some horrible combat scenarios though - if throwing a couple of enemies at you or enemies spawning right behind you can be even called a "scenario".
And the exploding crab-like things were the worst. The worst.

My main issue with the DLC is that it really, really doesn't want you to see shit. In a scenario that already takes place in a greyish-brownish location with overall dimmed lighting, we have: a green-tinted HUD covering the whole screen; a "frosty" effect in "contaminated" areas; a night vision in dark areas; a video covering the middle of the screen.

All in all, Not A Hero definitely wasn't anything worth of waiting almost a year for (thankfully I've just completed RE7 yesterday, so I didn't have to wait that long :P). As someone already mentioned, it should be an on-disc epilogue mini-game, like the 4th Survivor and Assignment: Ada / Separate Ways.

Also, I miss Roger Craig Smith. The new Chris almost sound like him in few dialogues, but it wasn't him and it felt wrong. And Chris' lines in NAH were perfect for classic Chris.
Hey, Chris once again failed to save any of his soldiers. Good job Chris, you're the best! Some thing never change. :D


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
IMO CVX still stands as probably the "roughest" entry in the classic style. Probably the easiest game to get yourself stuck in a corner with (unless you git gud with the knife). Definitely wouldn't be a title I recommend as someone's first RE.
Oct 25, 2017
So I encountered something playing co-op last night on RE5 that I hadn't heard about or seen before.
(I haven't gotten far at all on the PS4 version despite platinuming it on PS3)
Someone joined my game with infinite eggs and grenades and lagged out a few chapters later, I took them from Sheva later after running low on ammo,
now I have infinite eggs and grenades without buying or unlocking the ability

Deleted member 9746

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
IMO CVX still stands as probably the "roughest" entry in the classic style. Probably the easiest game to get yourself stuck in a corner with (unless you git gud with the knife). Definitely wouldn't be a title I recommend as someone's first RE.
Nice avatar! I didn't know Regina had friends.

So I encountered something playing co-op last night on RE5 that I hadn't heard about or seen before.
(I haven't gotten far at all on the PS4 version despite platinuming it on PS3)
Someone joined my game with infinite eggs and grenades and lagged out a few chapters later, I took them from Sheva later after running low on ammo,
now I have infinite eggs and grenades without buying or unlocking the ability
Infinite eggs are unlockable? I thought they were a glitch.
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ, I didn't expect THAT with what End of Zoe was going to be


This is the most far out thing I've seen done ever in any game. Capcom you are so fucking crazy and I love/hate you for it, haha.

No wonder Jaw loved it.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm still collecting my thoughts, but honestly, i enjoyed both pieces of DLC a lot.

End of Zoe was surprising and not in the way i was expecting, at all. I'm very pleased with how the combat was handled and worked in this chapter, it's fun and responsive even with the limitations of both Resi 7 and the first person view. Joe is awesome and i loved how they finished the events of the Baker accident, it was a powerful journey and it deserved a better ending.

Also, that final sequence is amazing.

Not a Hero, on the other hand, was just about what i was expecting, but it didn't fell apart because of that. They finally made the mines interesting and added a level of diversity that the main game needed, with interesting combat scenarios and a good final boss fight. I was very flattered by seeing a decent sense of pacing even with a modern, action oriented version of RE, even by keeping it simple, it was short and sweet.

I'm just not sold on Chris's portrayal (not his actual appearence, i was never bothered by that anyway), it felt like they tried too hard to appeal for his "badass" and "military" persona, sometimes making his lines feel out of place and way too cold for his personality. I can see them changing that in the near future, with this voice actor being more in tune with the character, but it will take time.

Overall i'm pleased and i enjoyed my time with both expansions. I'm just a little bit sad because i was expecting a more "horror" focused experience with End of Zoe. But in the end (no pun intended), i'm glad to see the RE team experimenting more with the mainline series and surprising me with stuff which i normally wouldn't be interested, it makes me very happy.

If they continue with that vision with RE8, but just a little bit more focused and planned like 7, i'm sure it will be great.


Oct 25, 2017
Czech republic
Not a Hero is a great DLC. I hope RE8 will have two scenarios. One just like the base RE7 and one like Not a Hero.

End of Zoe is good, not great, but good. I'm not really fun of a pure melee combat campaign. RE was always about gun play so that was definitely a disappointment. Thank god for an unlockable shotgun.

All in all:
Not a Hero - 10//10
End of Zoe - 7/10
RE7 Gold (complete) Edition - 9,5/10

RE7 now sits at a second place in my top 10 RE games.
Oct 25, 2017
Not a Hero is a great DLC. I hope RE8 will have two scenarios. One just like the base RE7 and one like Not a Hero.

End of Zoe is good, not great, but good. I'm not really fun of a pure melee combat campaign. RE was always about gun play so that was definitely a disappointment. Thank god for an unlockable shotgun.

All in all:
Not a Hero - 10//10
End of Zoe - 7/10
RE7 Gold (complete) Edition - 9,5/10

RE7 now sits at a second place in my top 10 RE games.

I take it you really enjoyed Chris' character and attitude with the situation? I thought it was well done myself considering the situation and the organization he is supervising with.

The weapons and gameplay felt great as well.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Czech republic
I take it you really enjoyed Chris' character and attitude with the situation? I thought it was well done myself considering the situation and the organization he is supervising with.

Dealing and gameplay felt great as well.
Exactly. I think many people who criticise his behavior in RE7 forgets the surrounding situation he's in this time around. I'm pretty sure he just wants to be out of there, out of Umbrella gear, etc, but at the same time his sense for duty gets better of him.
Oct 25, 2017
Man my replay of 5 is making me realize how much 6 lacked that could have made it more enjoyable(still love Chris's campaign though)
weapon variety
extensively upgradable weapons
unlockable special weapons
variety of costumes
legitimate treasure instead of skill point pick ups

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017
Man despite being my 2nd favorite RE, 5 is so hard to get back adjusted to after a time away.
Despite me playing mostly 6 for the past few months I can go back to 5 very easily, there's certain parts of 6 I'll just never get used to. I know you can change the aiming for either the center of the screen or from the gun, but I felt neither ever really worked right. But I can snipe people without even a laser sight in 5 with Tribal Sheva easily just by eyeing it.

Deleted member 26293

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Oct 30, 2017
Yeah,Sheva's AI is terrible and really made me hate the game in single player in more than one instance.

With a human partner RE5 is one of the best co-op experiences out there,but i feel Rev2 nailed the "single player co-op" concept way better-even if it's not as good in real co-op since one of the players is stuck with Moira/Natalia-


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Thankfully on my original PS3 serious plays I had a buddy, but the trophy stuff ended up being annoying.

Im legit playing on amateur right now just to get the STARS costume back and Sheva ran into Weskers spinning ground attack 4 times in a row.

While playing I always thought "man I wonder how this section would be with the AI" you're confirming my fears hahahahaha

Deleted member 1162

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
this is silly but when i play with A.I. Sheva, i take away her handgun and give her a machine gun.
i want my red ammo but she can waste all the blue ammo she wants.