Didn't look like that but I mean I wanted side scrolling or top down, old school Housemarque awesomenessThis'll probably be PS5's Resogun at launch.
It's really going to show of the SSD with how fast you can restart after death with like a blip loading screen.
This.. is pure action tho
Not going to get that, unfortunately. People weren't supporting that stuff enough.Didn't look like that but I mean I wanted side scrolling or top down, old school Housemarque awesomeness
No, it's published by them.
It s weird herman hulst said lets look at a new ip by wws and then they showed this
Didn't look like that but I mean I wanted side scrolling or top down, old school Housemarque awesomeness
Is that name supposed to be a play on the word eternal?
And it looked really cool until the shooting started. But I'll be following this as the environments looked great.
Yeah that was weird as WWS is simply the studios Sony owns, but if they had acquired them I'm sure they would have made that very clear. My only guess is that they said WWS because XDev is involved.It s weird herman hulst said lets look at a new ip by wws and then they showed this
Eternal returnal :O
It s weird herman hulst said lets look at a new ip by wws and then they showed this
Is it? That's the first thing that came to mind when the protag came on screen.
same especially when i saw "video game strafing"
What? Did you watch it? It's not a sidescroller.Oh, it's a roguelike sidescroller? Boo. Less interested now. I thought it would be a third-person shooter from the gameplay shots it seemed to show. I'll still wait to see more of course because Housemarque are always reliable, but I thought this was going to be a full 'AAA' game from them.