
Dec 23, 2020
Not saying this about anyone specifically, but what I think a lot of people don't get when talking about replacing Reuben is, he's also contributed a lot past and present to DMC and Capcom beyond his vocal performances and mocap. He helped build and modernize Capcom's mocap and performance knowhow, and contributed a lot to the script and localization of DMC3 and to a varying degree on their later collaborations. He helped define the character of Dante as much as Itsuno, Shimomura and writer Morihashi. He's also close personal friends with the two former and many others at Capcom. And he and his team aren't just typical actors and performers. They're involved from very early on in their Capcom productions, particularly DMC. And he's active in the promotion of DMC games in a way that most performers, even Dan and Johnny, aren't. He is essentially one of the two faces of DMC, and is very respected both in Japan and internationally for his oeuvre.

Excising Reuben from Capcom and DMC isn't impossible like Sugiyama, but it's incredibly unlikely. It's not just about picking a new voice and performer.

Neat. John Schnatter literally founded Papa John's. Yet that didn't stop him from getting the axe when his racist BS came to light.

Everything you're saying about how much he "contributed" isn't what's saving Rueben. Capcom/Japan just not caring that much is the main thing keeping him around. Which sadly is not too surprising, as much of Rueben's garbage is squared at us black people. And women. 2 groups which Capcom themselves have treated poorly on numerous occasions. I'm pretty sure if Rueben said something directly offensive to Itsuno/Capcom, how much he did in the past suddenly wouldn't matter.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm honestly not surprised the more people hear about him, the more bad stories appear.

The guy seems to be surrounded by some nasty, horrible stuff.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Neat. John Schnatter literally founded Papa John's. Yet that didn't stop him from getting the axe when his racist BS came to light.

Capcom is not primarily an American company, and a public-facing CEO has a much bigger spotlight on them at all times than someone like Reuben. Reuben being a smaller fish helps him in this case. Japan also has different standards for transgressions, social faux pas and controversies.

Capcom/Japan just not caring that much is the main thing keeping him around.

Right, Capcom doesn't care enough about American goings-on to excise a close partner.

Which sadly is not too surprising, as much of Rueben's garbage is squared at us black people. And women. 2 groups which Capcom themselves have treated poorly on numerous occasions.

They "care" enough to do a diversity initiative, because that's what's good for business. If Reuben was a significant liability to their business, they'd get rid of him.

I'm pretty sure if Rueben said something directly offensive to Itsuno/Capcom, how much he did in the past suddenly wouldn't matter.

Right. And I never said Reuben was completely immune, and indeed I've said the exact opposite before in a topic I've previously made about Reuben.
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Dec 23, 2020
Capcom is not primarily an American company, and a public-facing CEO has a much bigger spotlight on them at all times than someone like Reuben. Different cases.

Right, Capcom doesn't care enough to excise a close partner.

They "care" enough to do a diversity initiative, because that's what's good for business. If Reuben was a significant liability to their business, they'd get rid of him.

Right. And I never said Reuben was completely immune, and indeed I've said the exact opposite before in a topic I've previously made about Reuben.

Fair enough.

As much as I can't stand the guy, I will acknowledge that Rueben is still largely flying under the radar with his horseshit. Maybe if he to the point of becoming radioactive like Vic Mignogna did, he'll be dealt with. Until then, I guess he'll just be like...James Arnold Taylor.



▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough.

As much as I can't stand the guy, I will acknowledge that Rueben is still largely flying under the radar with his horseshit. Maybe if he to the point of becoming radioactive like Vic Mignogna did, he'll be dealt with. Until then, I guess he'll just be like...James Arnold Taylor.


Sadly, social media stuff is easily handwaved as harmless and "just opinions", especially when it concerns matters in a different part of the world. If Reuben made similar comments about a far right attack in Japan, I could see things maybe moving. But I also think Reuben would be savvy enough to not say something outrageously stupid in a case like that too. I also don't see him doing anything stupid that's a major taboo like being arrested for drug possession in Japan, that would get a lot of people booted.


Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough.

As much as I can't stand the guy, I will acknowledge that Rueben is still largely flying under the radar with his horseshit. Maybe if he to the point of becoming radioactive like Vic Mignogna did, he'll be dealt with. Until then, I guess he'll just be like...James Arnold Taylor.


Or Todd Haberkorn.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I guess we can add islamophobic & homophobic to the list.


(What the fuck)

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Or recast Dante & not throw the baby out with the bathwater. They shouldn't let a problematic actor drag an iconic character down with them. Dante existed before Reuben & he'll exist after him.

Im sure people are joking, because recasting was always the call instead of punishing Itsuno and whoever the Japanese VA is.


Apr 1, 2019
That POS has no room to talk. BLM protests aren't exactly the same thing as a fascist coup.
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Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Fucking kill Dante or recast him and use a new mo-cap studio.

Like Sesha said earlier I understand that people at Capcom are close friends with him but this is past the point of "he is just crazy/clueless" and it's obvious that he is just a shitty person.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I don't want to derail the thread because this is much more important than DMC's lore/story, so I'll just edit my og post.
No worries. It would be really strange for me to hear a new VA for Dante, because i'm so used to Langdon voicing him. But in that specific situation, i'll be more than happy if Capcom replace him.


Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea TLOU2 even had a "Mike".

He was
the guy who captured Ellie by blowing up her horse. They took her to like a school or something

He was also the right hand man of ..David? I think his name was in TLOU1; the creepy cannibal dude.
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Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
We know that wont happen. If history told us anything, the numbers will go up even. Gamergate is a curse.
Those assholes tend to be a very loud minority.

Fucking kill Dante or recast him and use a new mo-cap studio.

Like Sesha said earlier I understand that people at Capcom are close friends with him but this is past the point of "he is just crazy/clueless" and it's obvious that he is just a shitty person.
Like I said, recasting should be the only option. No use in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Itsuno & the Japanese VA shouldn't have to suffer for Reuben's fuckery.


Oct 25, 2017
The amount of people who don't understand what freedom of speech means, that it doesn't mean freedom from consequence, that you can be removed from somewhere for breaking a rule and your freedom of speech has not been infringed, is ridiculously high.

People like Langdon who have a platform and audience will have had this explained to them numerous times, though, and I can only think it's the same delusion that allows them to justify the rampant hypocrisy inherent to their beliefs that is the reason they cannot grasp it.

Also, the idea that people protesting with righteous anger against disproportionate police violence and systemic racism are in any way equal to treasonous terrorists trying to sabotage democracy because they can't handle their loss is absurd.

I should be desenthesized to it now, but the level of delusion these people drown themselves in still continuously shocks me.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if it'll do anything but I tweeted the article to Jim Sterling, maybe he can put Reuben/Capcom on blast, though that might be a long shot.
Reuben Langdon Responds


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Reuben Langdon has provided a response to VGC...
Reuben Langdon said:
"I have never supported the violence in the capital or Trump or his supporters. I shared no such content. Please point out where I did and I'd be happy to apologize and take it down."

"I am making reference to the double standards of the media, the hypocrisy of it all, and the blatant attack on the US Constitution. The storming of the capital was a disgrace to the USA. In no way do I or have I ever supported their behavior or any which incites violence or damage to property."

"Those responsible will be held accountable by law. This is about freedom of speech. And the hypocrisy of the media."


He still undermines the BLM movement by creating a false equivalency, which was the original point of this thread. So even if he doesn't support the MAGA terrorist attack, he's still spewing anti-BLM rhetoric. And that still doesn't account for the reports of his racism, islamophobia, & homophobia.
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Feb 7, 2018
Reuben Langdon has provided a response to VGC...


He still undermines the BLM movement by creating a false equivalency, which was the original point of this thread. So even if he doesn't support the MAGA terrorist attack, he's still spewing anti-BLM rhetoric. And that still doesn't account for the reports of his racism, islamophobia, & homophobia.
Guy can suck a dongle with this shit right here. It amazes me how these people can both sides this shit. Hopefully Capcom and others take this opportunity to distance themselves and their work from this shit heel.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Guy can suck a dongle with this shit right here. It amazes me how these people can both sides this shit. Hopefully Capcom and others take this opportunity to distance themselves and their work from this shit heel.
It's basically the equivalent of trying to dig himself out of one hole, only to find himself digging deeper into another (which was the original hole he dug).

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
White people who bury their head in the sand with this "God and prayer will fix the problem of police murdering black people!" make me sick.

What irritates me personally is when these well known people do not keep up with the chain of events that precipitates into an outbreak of violence and just want to jump in to chime in with their 2 cents by invoking some BS higher power (which is such a cop out way of saying, "it is what it is and beyond my ability to help") with a boilerplate message about peace, understanding and being against violence.

If you are in the know, you can tell from a mile away what a status-quo imbibing, context-less self congratulatory messages they come off as.

Also, as a sidenote- It enrages me when people invoke god for solving institutional problems people created and a subset of them enrich themselves off of it at the cost of many.


Feb 7, 2018
It's basically the equivalent of trying to dig himself out of one hole, only to find himself digging deeper into another (which was the original hole he dug).
This was such an easy one to get right though. Like this was an open and shut case, and STILL people came with the bull shit of trying to draw comparisons with a movement based on injustice and inequality.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
This was such an easy one to get right though. Like this was an open and shut case, and STILL people came with the bull shit of trying to draw comparisons with a movement based on injustice and inequality.
He tried to backpedal by saying "But I don't support the MAGA riots or Trump". But his very false equivalency of the MAGA riots compared to the BLM protests is in & of itself a defense for the former (in addition to being inherently flawed logic). It's honestly beyond just being unaware, as the others who have cited Reuben's history of spreading bigoted conspiracy theories go a long way in painting the complete picture that is Reuben Langdon's beliefs.


Feb 7, 2018
He tried to backpedal by saying "But I don't support the MAGA riots or Trump". But his very false equivalency of the MAGA riots compared to the BLM protests is in & of itself a defense for the former (in addition to being inherently flawed logic). It's honestly beyond just being unaware, as the others who have cited Reuben's history of spreading bigoted conspiracy theories go a long way in painting the complete picture that is Reuben Langdon's beliefs.
You'd think this would be the wake up call, but I guess that was expecting too much from certain people. A matter of perspective is just forever going to be lost on some people.


Nov 23, 2017
Stupid people will always attempt to draw the attention to the shape of transgression, instead of its contents, which is what should be discussed. Transgressions that claim the insterests of the people, in their subjective and material spectrum, will never be comparable to this pro-elite pitiful event. People rioting in a cult like manner against their own interests, it really is an embarassment to see so much depoliticization and uneducated people acting like that.


One Winged Slayer
After the US capitol insurrection it takes a special kind of bigot to equate BLM with MAGA.

Capcom needs to address this much more forcefully than the usual toothless "well his views aren't all necessarily ours" handwaving. There's no excuse for holding on to Langdon; the list of VAs who could do an incredible Dante is longer than a CVS receipt.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah... no. "Censorship" lmao. Twitter kicking your ass to the curb because you violate their TOS is not censorship you dumbfuck. Trump could have easily not incited violence and insurrection and he would still have Twitter privileges.

Time for Capcom to dump this clown.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
It's amazing how even with his backpedal tweet he's still comparing BLM protests to terrorism, like somehow it makes his previous tweets better.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I hope to god DMC6 is just about Nero and Vergil.
DMC6 should be the adventures of a Father and Son while the crazy uncle fucks off somewhere else. Hell, Vergil is a Vegeta now so give him more time in the spotlight.
Also, really glad to see this is getting more coverage, maybe he'll finally face some consequences.


Oct 30, 2017
Reuben Langdon has provided a response to VGC...


He still undermines the BLM movement by creating a false equivalency, which was the original point of this thread. So even if he doesn't support the MAGA terrorist attack, he's still spewing anti-BLM rhetoric. And that still doesn't account for the reports of his racism, islamophobia, & homophobia.
I'm afraid this response will be more than enough for some to keep on working with him, unfortunately.