But wait, there’s more (used MLK quote to justify the coup)
  • OP


    Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
    Oct 25, 2017
    Houston, TX
    The audacity of this asshole to use an MLK quote to defend the riots.

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    Good rebuttals against Reuben’s rhetoric
  • Ra

    Rap Genius
    Oct 27, 2017
    Dark Space
    Btw, what's the best rebuttal to those trying to equate BLM unrest to what Trump supporters did a few days ago? I'm terrible at making points about this sort of thing.

    Takes like these below are good starts.

    In the end, minorities and the marginalized protest for the right to exist. White people protest over their right to maintain rule.

    People rallying and being upset over the cops killing an unarmed black man in the cruelest fucking way after successfully detaining him vs destroying a nation's security and trying to disrupt its democratic processes based on conspiracies that have zero supporting evidence, which in itself is based on years worth of lie and hate-fueled bullshit over their comfortable lives being marginally altered in an effort not to make the whole system implode on itself in the first place.

    They just do not get it.

    In case it hasn't been made abundantly clear yet, MAGA types are the type of people that think back on the history of the US and go "yeah I'm proud we killed nearly all the natives and created our wealth and comfortable lives on slave labor by inheriting the cruel imperial attitudes of our ancient monarchies."

    Cruelty, greed, deception. They are no good.
    BLM protests were in response to generations of police profiling and brutality toward minorities. The BLM protests were largely peaceful and for a good cause. They could get messy at times, but anything on that scale would be. They were massive because they were addressing a massive injustice.

    Jan. 6, on the other hand, was insurrection, sedition, treason, terrorism. Trump incited a mob to try and overturn the will of the people. It was a fascist coup.

    Trump's people killed a police officer. Four others died as well. The Capitol was desecrated. A Confederate flag was in the halls of Congress. All in a town where Trump works. So much for him being the "law and order" president. Fucker didn't even activate the National Guard.

    Deplatform Trump. Impeach him. Remove him. Convict him. Imprison him.

    Well said both.
    VGC covers news, Reuben attempts backpedal
  • OP


    Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
    Oct 25, 2017
    Houston, TX
    VGC is now covering the news.

    And to the surprise of nobody, Reuben is trying to backpedal.

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    Reuben has a history of posting anti-semitic & racist conspiracy theories on Facebook
  • OP


    Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
    Oct 25, 2017
    Houston, TX
    Apparently buying into & signal-boosting bigoted conspiracy theories has been a common thing for Reuben, even before it started to become common knowledge in 2019.
    Reuben Langdon Responds
  • OP


    Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
    Oct 25, 2017
    Houston, TX
    Reuben Langdon has provided a response to VGC...
    Reuben Langdon said:
    "I have never supported the violence in the capital or Trump or his supporters. I shared no such content. Please point out where I did and I'd be happy to apologize and take it down."

    "I am making reference to the double standards of the media, the hypocrisy of it all, and the blatant attack on the US Constitution. The storming of the capital was a disgrace to the USA. In no way do I or have I ever supported their behavior or any which incites violence or damage to property."

    "Those responsible will be held accountable by law. This is about freedom of speech. And the hypocrisy of the media."


    He still undermines the BLM movement by creating a false equivalency, which was the original point of this thread. So even if he doesn't support the MAGA terrorist attack, he's still spewing anti-BLM rhetoric. And that still doesn't account for the reports of his racism, islamophobia, & homophobia.
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