Just Great

Oct 25, 2017
Probably, yeah. My main issue with it just revolves around how so very slow the speed feels and survivability when getting double / triple teamed. I basically want to be able to move faster and for dodge to have a shorter cooldown.

Yes, I know, there's an item for that, but still.

I'm also trying to ignore the fact that there are items which increase your damage, etc., which can only be gained by leveling up.....but one of my first games I was against a level 50.

That was frustrating enough before I knew that he was probably doing more damage and moving faster based on level alone.

I dislike that the game has triple/quadruple jumps and yet still feels like there's really poor mobility. The low skill ceiling mixed with the poor mobility just doesn't keep my interest. What makes Rocket Arena (as in, the Quake mod) interesting is the satisfaction from the high mobility and also landing mid-air rockets which is challenging and relatively rare.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean the core mechanism of interaction is the same as Rocket Arena, in that it's a shooter wherein you move your crosshair across the screen and fire to interact with the opposing players. So it's inherently closer to Rocket Arena, than it is to Smash, just on that principle of its interaction design alone.

I think your comparison obviously just paints the game very negatively. Because folks that really like Smash, often prefer items off because of various gameplay implications that items have. So describing it as Smash with items on, is not only reductionist, it misportrays the game as something that has those negative traits of Smash with items. Specifically, slow paced Smash brothers with items on would receive a lot of criticism because of the way that items work in Smash, they're randomly distributed.

So when you say it's 'slow paced Smash with items on' it conveys Rocket Arena as a RNG fest, wherein players don't have a meaningful influence over what happens in the game. But that's not Rocket Arena at all, Rocket Arena is a very skill-based, accuracy intensive shooter.

You do mention Smash on OP tho.

Anyways for people that have tried it with the discount recently.. any good?


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
No don't use their quote against them, they'll say you're twisting their words.

In the OP I wrote that the game took inspiration from Smash, alongside plenty of other shooters. I did not say, that the game was anything like 'Smash with items on'.

I took issue with you misinterpreting post after post, yes. You didn't 'twist my words' when you quoted me, on multiple occasions you fabricated things that both I, and other people said.

I'm perfectly happy having a cordial discussion about the game. I don't know why you came back for that petty remark.


Jan 3, 2018
This is $5 on PSN right now, $10 for Mythic Edition with Season 1 Pass.

I've been playing it for about a week now and it's well worth that price. It's a fun, high-paced shooter with a high skill ceiling due to everyone using projectiles to shoot instead of hitscan.

It has different modes that are a blast. My favorite is Rocket Ball where the two teams have to score on the other's goals while protecting their own. The genius of this mode is that you can either run the ball in or throw it in, and throwing it makes it a projectile which means all the other character abilities and items that affect projectiles come into play, IE one character's dome that slows projectiles works on the ball, another's that reflects projectiles out, etc. I'd recommend this game based on this mode ALONE.

Also it's 3v3, so easy to convince a few friends to dip and have a full team.


Oct 26, 2017
Bumping to say it's on sale, 83% off, on steam:

Rocket Arena on Steam

Rockets rule everything in Rocket Arena, an explosive 3v3 shooter where you’re never out of the action. Master your hero’s unique rockets and abilities to rule the arena and become a champion. Let’s Rocket!

At that price I decided to jump in and it's pretty fun to play casually. Getting unranked games doesn't take long but ranked seems dead. I've only found 1 ranked game so far and after waiting 10 minutes decided to stop and play unranked instead. Being able to queue multiple gametypes would probably help things. I assume they're gearing up to go F2P at some point.

The monetization route they've decided to go is bizarre. A pay to play game with a battle pass and cosmetics that you can only pay to buy and are also on a rotating shop.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, its too bad its not f2p, it was hard enough to get my cheapo friends to get among us which was something they already knew they wanted lol. I dont want to play this without friends.